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We chose this topic because of its simplicity when it comes to preparing materials, the unit plan
and ease of coordination among the four of us. When it comes to preparing unit and lesson plans,
we looked up the current unit plan MEB suggests, on the National Curriculum site to get
necessary information (especially on ABCD) and to familiarize ourselves with preparing unit and
lesson plans. Then we started working on our unit plan. Whom our audience was pre-determined
by MEB, 2nd graders. We also took help from National Curriculum for the expected behavior
part. As for the condition we wanted to keep it simple: “When asked”. For the degree of
proficiency expected from students we went with “Without making any mistakes.” as it was the
first idea that came to our mind, but it was also simple and strongly worded. We spent a good
amount of time thinking and selecting strategies, materials and technology. “How can we use the
animation in the classroom?”, “How can we use the Prezi slide?” and many more questions we
had to brainstorm on.

A.S.S.U.R.E. Model’s Steps in Our Preparation

Analyzing the Learners:
Our learners were already pre-determined by the unit we chose: 2nd graders. Because our unit
topic was already a beginner level unit, we thought that students did not really need any pre-
requisite skills. Them just being in the classroom and actively participating was enough to learn
and demonstrate the expected behavior. For how much time we needed to teach the topic we
looked up MEB’s site. We saw that the average time they gave a unit was 3 weeks (2 hours each
week), we thought that six hours was enough to teach a beginner level student “Body Parts”, so
we went the same way MEB did.

Stating Standards and Objectives:

For determining our objectives, we took some help from MEB’s site (especially for wording) and
we also looked at couple of YouTube videos to help further understand what is expected from
the learner after the unit is finished. Then we wrote the objective part in our lesson plan
according to the “ABCD Method” we have learned during our class.

Selecting Strategies, Technology, Media and Materials:

We revised the ELT methods we have seen in other courses to see which of them would suit our
learners the best. We used Total Physical Response (because of its high success rate in younger
learner groups), presentation (because of its simplicity for both parties) and direct method (one
of the lesson plan preparers felt that they were more comfortable while using it). For the
technology we have decided that using a computer and a projector would be enough. We then
decided on how we would use the slides/apps we had learned in the class. We separated them as
“the ones that will be used in class” and “the ones for evaluation”. With these in mind it is safe to
say our instructional theory was cognitive with how we are relying on certain rehearsals and

Utilizing Technology, Media and Materials:

We planned on using our Prezi slide in the classroom to show the new lexical items for the first
time, Animoto for making a song so that kids can memorize easier, Pictograph for a pamphlet
that will help kids to revise the new lexical items, a chart to teach new lexical items and
Google Forms to evaluate students’ learning success after last class.

Requiring Learner Participation:

Our ideal classroom would be students actively participating but to do that we need certain
tactics, ways, etc. First one that came to our mind is positive reinforcement meaning that we
would give students prizes like candies, small chocolate bars or extra points in their semester
note. We also thought that negative reinforcement such as not giving extra homework to active
participants could also work.

Evaluating and Revising:

We planned to do our evaluation using a quiz made in Google Forms. Because we thought that
making a traditional kind of evaluation was easier for both students (they don’t have to anything
extra, they don’t have to get familiar with some other kind of exam method) and us (it is easier
for us to evaluate each student’s results and give necessary feedback and reinforcement on the
parts that they need).

Buse Topaloğlu/2568590
Ege Günay/2568160
Esra Nur Tetik/ 2568582
Murat Emre Yağmurca/2621902

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