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An Integrated Concept-to-Prototype Capstone Design Experience

Amanie N. Abdelmessih, Ph.D.,

Anthony de Sam Lazaro, Ph.D., Isaac H. Jung, Ph.D., PE

Mechanical Engineering Department

Saint Martin’s School of Engineering
Lacey, WA 98503-1297


The objective of the two-semester Capstone/senior design program, at Saint Martin’s

Mechanical Engineering Department, is to prepare student- engineers for the workforce by
having them participate fully on a design team to solve an open-ended real-world design problem.
Students design, then build/assemble their project. For the senior design project students use
their knowledge from all previous courses and creative improvisation. Additionally, socio-
economic and ethical issues are addressed as part of the design paradigm. Team work is
emphasized. Problem recognition and statements, definition of the problem, constraints,
alternative solutions and their evaluation, considerations of economics and manufacturing,
scheduling, and meeting deadlines of the project are stressed. The distinctiveness of this program
is the integration of students from the School of Business and the 'end-user' into the design team.
The design project further hones oral and written communication skills of the team. This paper
discusses the learning objectives and outcomes, structure of the class, organization of the senior
design team and essential leadership positions, budget constraints, and other constraints on the
project. Numerous projects were accomplished such as a recreational hovercraft, a water
desalination system to be used in an orphanage in Tanzania, and an innovative instrumented
heating, air conditioning bench top instructional experiment.


Over the course of several years, engineering educators have proposed various models for
conducting a capstone design course, which would encompass most if not, all aspects of
engineering design. These models range from one-semester paper design projects to full-team
two-semester capstone projects. Some programs focus on individual and small group design
teams, whereas others emphasize teamwork and leadership. Each of these models has its
advantages and shortcomings and contributes at varying degrees to individual program outcomes.
One of the perceived weaknesses that is common to most programs is the inability to provide a
holistic environment for a student-engineer to hone her/his design skills. In other words, while
design is the key ingredient of the course, it is not fostered in the context of a real-world scenario.
Salient elements that are missing are the business and economics backdrop, the ‘customer’, and
the process of taking a product from concept to prototype in a limited time and within a limited
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Copyright © 2005. American Society for Engineering Education
At Saint Martin’s School of Engineering, the mechanical engineering capstone design course has
been developed and refined over a period of six years. Initially, the two-semester course
sequence focused on design and prototyping. It then incorporated an industrial ‘customer’ or
entrepreneur with a product idea. Finally, a pseudo concurrent engineering environment was
generated by incorporating finance and marketing students from the School of Business. In this
paper, some of the capstone design proposals will be examined with emphasis on accreditation
criteria. Our capstone design course will be discussed next, along with a few examples. Finally,
we will discuss ways of improving the capstone design course in order to provide students with a
better design experience.


Goldberg (1) discusses a series of lectures aimed at achieving the primary and secondary
objectives of the capstone courses. These objectives, while appropriate for the interdisciplinary
program which is being run, does not dovetail into the outcomes of as per Criteria 3 of
ABET/EAC (2). In addition, it does not specify that a specific deliverable is necessary. Catalano
has developed a course which focuses primarily on issues of professional ethics. It
emphasizes the engineers professional and ethical responsibilities and thus addresses issues that
are sometimes ignored in a desire to produce a ‘good design’. Jenkins et al (4) propose a different
model – one which integrates previously completed technical designs with management- related
issues. In this model, it is apparent that most of the earlier design experience was of a very high
standard and the integration of this design experience in the final capstone project was
effectively done by introducing project management and aspects of constructability (or DFM in
other applications). In an electrical engineering program, Hines and Christie (5) have proposed a
more focused model, flexible enough to cater to the changing needs of the power industry and, at
the same time, addressing more stable accreditation criteria. The projects reflect market
economics and a volatile socio-political environment in which the power industry has to function.
Probably the closest model to the one proposed in this paper is being run at the University of
Houston (6). The authors proposed a capstone project, which is run as a concurrent engineering
exercise. While this model breaks down the design team into six components, dealing with
issues of design, quality assurance, benchmarking, economic analysis and so on, it nevertheless,
minimally integrates the end user and the business constituent in the product development

Course Descriptions

Saint Martin’s Catalog describes Senior Design ME 498 as: The first of a two-course sequence
providing a culminating experience to seniors. Students will design a significant engineering
project requiring engineering practice and development of alternatives and evaluation based on
technical, financial and social considerations. Course will stress design methods,
conceptualization, synthesis, creativity, open-ended design, economics, safety, team building,
component and system development. In the first course, project normally will be conducted
through preliminary design, with students working independently. Emphasis on written, graphic
and oral communication, as well as technical content. Prerequisites are instrumentation, heat
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transfer, system analysis and design, and machine design.

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The second semester of the senior design ME 499 is a continuation of ME 498. The project is
taken through final design, construction and testing, with students working in design teams.
Culmination of design experience and synthesis of all theoretical and practical knowledge into
the production of an engineering artifact/system.

Course Objectives, Outcomes, and Assessments

A. Course Objectives

As mentioned earlier, the capstone design course in the Mechanical Engineering program at
Saint Martin’s School of Engineering is an academic year-long experience with its objectives of
(related ABET Criteria 3 Outcomes shown):

a. Synthesizing the students’ design knowledge obtained throughout the program into a
major design experience, (ABET a, c, and k).
b. Effective oral and written communication skills (ABET g)
c. Strengthen teamwork considerations in the design process (ABET d).
d. Provide experience in solving major real-life open-ended engineering problems,
during prototyping and testing (ABET b, c, and e).
e. Conduct independent, in-depth research to cover knowledge voids associated with the
design (ABET i)
f. Provide a forum for discussions on socio-economic and socio-political aspects of
engineering design efforts, including environmental issues (ABET h, and j).
g. Examine professional ethical issues especially in product development and
engineering practice (ABET f).

The course objective of the two course design sequence (ME 498 & ME 499) is to present
engineering design by having students fully participate on a design team that is working on a
realistic design problem to meet certain specifications and constraints; to design and
build/assemble that engineering project. Functioning within the team atmosphere is emphasized.

One of the underlying principles involved in defining the objectives is the development of
critical thinking skills. Student-engineers are expected to identify the problem in engineering
terms, apply realistic constraints, arrive at alternative solutions and evaluate them methodically,
consider factors such as economics and manufacturability, professional ethics, and impact on
society. One of the more important aspects of the course is the application of fundamental
mathematics and science principles to problem-solving. This objective is ensured by demanding
that students validate their designs and solutions with appropriate mathematics and science
rationale. In addition, students are required to conduct independent research on topics pertinent
to their design and to incorporate such knowledge in the design project. Design analysis and
testing are integral to the process and this reinforces the student-engineer’s skills in experimental
design, probabilistic modeling, safety and reliability and data analysis.

The course also reinforces the students’ oral and written communication skills. Students are
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required to defend their designs in presentations and documentation that are complete, succinct,

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Copyright © 2005. American Society for Engineering Education
clear, and convincing. At the end of the each semester, students present their work before a
panel and audience of faculty, alumni, and practicing engineers from industry and their peers.
Additionally, students produce a written report of their design and analysis processes and, where
applicable, operating and maintenance documentation.

B. Course Outcomes

At the end of the year, the engineering student should be able to demonstrate proficiency in:

a. Design and prototyping of a complex mechanical artifact, involving both mechanical

and thermal stems.
b. The application of scientific and mathematical concepts to their design.
c. Their knowledge and application of socio-economic and ethical issues relative to their
design task.
d. Functioning as a member and/or a leader of an engineering design team.
e. Communicating with fellow-engineers, peers and ‘customers’ both orally and in

C. Course Assessments

Over the last six years we have and are improving the forms we use for assessing the senior
design experience. At the end of the fall and spring semesters, a panel of engineers from
industry are given forms to asses the project, by assessing the report, submitted at the end of the
semester, the oral presentation, and the final product at the end of the spring semester. The
forms are shown in Tables 1 and 2. Students are asked to assess each other four times during the
project, at the middle and end of each semester. At the end of the project every student is given a
form to assess his/her experience, see Table 3. In addition to these tools, the instructor evaluates
the performance of the students through personal observations, interactions, random collection
and checks the logbooks and project files, presentations and discussions during class meetings,
and by monitoring closely the e-mail communications, which are to be copied to everyone in the
team and the instructor.

Structure of the Class

The senior design class meets three times a week. One class meeting each week is devoted for
lectures, seminars or workshops. The lectures and seminars are given by the senior design faculty
instructor, and also by other invited instructors, or guest speakers. This is to ensure that all relevant
knowledge necessary for accomplishing the project is made available. Students received support
from all engineering faculty members, from faculty members in other disciplines in the college, and
from specialists from industry. Students use one class meeting a week to meet by themselves and
work on their project as a team, without faculty presence. The student project manager, who is
elected by his teammates, organizes meetings for planning, for execution and coordinating of the
design and prototyping process. The third class meeting is a joint meeting of the design team and
the ‘customer’ (the faculty member). During this meeting, student-engineers clarify doubts, report
progress, seek advice and, on occasions, bring in specialists in certain areas of expertise that the
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instructor does not have.

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Table 1: Assessment of Capstone Project by Industrial Engineering Panel:
Saint Martin's College
Mechanical Engineering Senior Design Report

Absorption Cycle
Spring 2003

PANELIST NAME _______________________________________________________

POSITION ______________________________________________________________
COMPANY _____________________________________________________________


Title page: Reasonable [] [] [] [] [] Missing

Project was: Well defined [] [] [] [] [] not clear
Project development Thorough [] [] [] [] [] very poor
Organization was: Exceptional [] [] [] [] [] Poor
Figures, tables Appropriate [] [] [] [] [] Needed
Technical writing quality: Very good [] [] [] [] [] Poor
Conclusion Appropriate [] [] [] [] [] Lacking
Appendices Appropriate [] [] [] [] [] Needed
Math, science & Engineering concepts
Applied [] [] [] [] [] none
Design Good [] [] [] [] [] none
Analysis Appropriate [] [] [] [] [] none


Essential Leadership Student Positions

Project Manager:
Senior Design team members chose by voting a project manager. The project manager is
responsible for the team and the success of the project. The Project Manger has some
contribution to the individual grades, as he/she is responsible for the success of the project.

The treasure keeps track of the budget and submits a monthly report. The treasurer will keep
track of purchase requests, estimate the total purchase price including shipping and taxes, and
keep track of photocopying, phone calls made, and other miscellaneous items. As soon as a team
member gets approval to submit a purchase order, the team member gives a copy to the treasurer.
The success of keeping good budget relies on every member of the team not only the treasurer.
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Table 2: Assessment of Oral Communications and Project by Industrial Engineering Panel:

Saint Martin's College

Mechanical Engineering Senior Design Presentations

Absorption Refrigeration Cycle

Spring 2003

PANELIST NAME _______________________________________________________

POSITION ______________________________________________________________
COMPANY _____________________________________________________________


Presentation was: Compelling [] [] [] [] [] Dragged

Project was: Well defined [] [] [] [] [] not clear
Organization was: Exceptional [] [] [] [] [] Poor
Use of Visual Aids Exceptional [] [] [] [] [] Needed
Conclusion Appropriate [] [] [] [] [] Lacking
Presenters seemed Competent [] [] [] [] [] Incompetent



Table 3 Student Assessment:

(Based on your experience in ME 498 and ME 499, rate each of the following on a scale of 1 to
10, with 10 being the most)
I have applied my knowledge from previous courses
I am able to design and construct to meet specifications
I have identified and solved engineering problems during the design
I have learned new topics on my own
I am a team supporter
Since last August my presentation skills have improved
I am professional in dealing with my teammates, faculty advisor, staff,
and outside company engineers, if you have not been in the past, rate
your progress
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The secretary keeps the project portfolio (several big files) with all details of the progress in the
project, technical data related to the project, and copies of communications. Team members
contribute to the file. The files are checked by the advisor, on none specified times and
submitted at the end of the two semesters.
Web Master:
With the help of the team members, the web master creates and maintains an updated web page.
The team members contribute to the web page information and pictures.

Other leadership positions are created as students see necessary.

Participation of the School of Business

Over the course of the last 4-5 years, the faculties of Engineering and Business have forged a
program where the students of marketing and finance join the engineering design team to form a
quasi-concurrent engineering group. This enables the Schools of Engineering and Business to
provide students with a realistic scenario in which to operate. The students from the School of
Business are seniors. About 5 – 6 students participate per project. The marketing team is
involved in the initial phase when design concepts are discussed. They prepare market
evaluation surveys, assess demands, and evaluate possible markets and marketability of each
design. For example, when the design team was charged with the task of producing a multi-
terrain (land and water) one-person recreational vehicle, the marketing team conducted surveys
on the demand for recreational hovercrafts against amphibians, and ascertained the maximum
cost that the consumer was willing to pay for such a vehicle. They also suggested certain other
markets such as search and rescue, and the military. The suggestions of the business students
lead to a modification in the design to incorporate a higher all-up weight and a better control
system. The business students produce a comprehensive marketing document.

During the second semester, when the design is translated into a prototype, assistance is provided
by the School of Business in the form of a finance/administration team. This team keeps track of
the expenditure both in manpower and in resources, evaluates sources of supply, keeps the
project within budgetary limits and on schedule and produces a cost analysis document.

Examples of Senior Design Projects

In this section we present example of three capstone projects.

A. Instrumented Air Conditioning Bench Experiment (September 2000 – May 2001)

Project Description: System specifications were set by the thermal engineering faculty (Dr.
Abdelmessih) The Senior Design Team was asked to design and build a bench-top air
conditioning experiment to be used in a laboratory setting at the School’s thermal engineering
laboratory. ‘Students should have the ability to control the temperature, moisture content, and
velocity of the air conditioned by the apparatus. Students should be capable of performing
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multiple experiments with the apparatus: Observe the operation of the refrigeration cycle,

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measure the effect of air velocity on the wet bulb temperature, monitor the power requirements
for the system, determine the heat input to and output from the refrigeration cycle, and examine
the effect of adding heat above or below the dew point. Due to space limitations the system,
including any computer/monitor, should be designed to fit on a 1.5 m (5 ft) by 0.9 m (3 ft)
desktop.’ Finally, the cost of all the components including instrumentation and data acquisition
was limited to around $5000; this last specification was based on the amount of a grant from the
American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineer’s.(ASHRAE). An
additional amount of $1000 was allocated for other expenses such as photocopying, printing,
phone calls, and labor.

Conduct of first semester: After selecting the essential project leaders (manager, treasurer, and
secretary) the team evaluated the cost of prepackaged heating and ventilating apparatus. Having
ascertained that the cost was prohibitive (over $17,000) they began the design exercise by brain
storming to come up with several other alternatives. Five sub teams were created: Systems
Components, Instrumentation, Market research and web creation, and Documentation team.
Each sub team was composed of two to three members; each chose the areas of particular interest
to them. Most of the students on the team were members of more than one sub team. Students
applied their knowledge from mathematics, science, engineering, and learned new subjects on
their own (ABET a and i). The course was conducted as described under the section ‘structure of
the class.’ Students were responsible for inviting speakers, in order to learn more about a
specific subject. Besides engineers, students invited an engineering manager and a faculty from
the Department of English.

By the end of the first semester, the team finished the preliminary design of the project within
budget (ABET c and h). They submitted a report that included their preliminary design,
schedule to finish the project and estimated budged. The estimated budget was based on actual
market value, as per team members’ communications with companies. A report was produced (7)
and a presentation was made before a panel of three engineering judges in the HVAC field.
(ABET g). The presentation was open to the school community and the public, with an
attendance of approximately 70. This senior design team was highly rated by the engineering
panel (presentation 95% and report 87 %). After the semester presentations, the team submitted
purchase orders for some of the components; to decrease the waiting time; so that when they
return the next semester the components would be there or about to be received.

Conduct of second semester: Before the beginning of the second semester the students elected
an assistant project manager (a new leadership position). At the start of the semester, they
divided themselves into new sub teams: Systems Construction, Calibration/Testing,
Safety/wiring, and Documentation. Again, each team member chose areas that were appealing to
that team member. During the second semester there were fewer seminars, though the students
invited a retired Washington Engineering Board member, who talked about ethics (ABET f), and
they invited one of the engineering faculty who is known for his outstanding technical writing
capabilities to talk about report writing. The advisor possessed the Ethics Challenge Game
produced by Lockheed Martin, and she had the team play it in another class meeting (ABET f).
As to the progress of the project, it was within the economics (less than the $6000 allocated
budget), and manufacturing scheduling, deadlines of the project. Figure 1 shows a picture of the
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instrumented air condition apparatus during construction, with a Lab View data acquisition

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system (ABET k), that was purchased with the grant money. Students demonstrated initiative in
obtaining donations of materials and labor, where required to meet project goals. The team
researched all the refrigerants available, and based on decision matrices picked refrigerant R 134
a taking in consideration that it is the least to affect the environment and will not be phased soon
(ABET f, and j). The instrument is safe to use, the HVAC team put an extra safety feature that
the apparatus would not operate without a key that turns the power on. At the end of the second
semester, the students submitted a final report (8), which was forwarded to ASHRAE, and the
engineering evaluating panel. The team presented their work to more than 100 attendees
consisting of the Saint Martin’s Community and the public (an invitation was advertised in the
local newspaper). The judging engineering panel, were very impressed by the students’
performance, professionalism, and the operation of the instrumented air conditioning apparatus,
and rated them higher than the first semester. For more details about the technical aspects of the
project please read the published article (9), and visit the students’ project web site at;

Since May 2001, the instrumented air conditioning apparatus was located in the Thermal
Engineering Laboratory, and it has and is being used in instruction for several courses:
Thermodynamics 1, Thermodynamics 2, Heat Transfer, Thermal Design of Heat Exchangers,
and Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning. The apparatus is functioning well. It is
interesting to mention that performing a market survey, an apparatus that can perform similar
functions with analog instruments, was over $60,000 (10) compared to the one produced by the
2001 HVAC team for less than $5700, the later has also a data acquisition system and digital

Figure 1: Instrumented air conditioning apparatus, with LabView data acquisition system during
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Figure 2: Completed instrumented air conditioning apparatus build by 2000-2001 HVAC team.

B. Desalination System Design: Reverse osmosis system (September 2001-May 2002)

Students were tasked to design and build a desalination system which would be a good solution
of the worldwide problem of a growing shortage of potable water. It was pointed out that the
process of desalination occurs naturally on the earth. The cycle of water vapor evaporating from
the surface of the sea and then condensing to produce rainwater is a good example of a natural
occurring distillation cycle because of the rainwater being relatively pure and a physical
separation is accomplished. The freezing of seawater at the polar regions of earth is another
naturally occurring desalinating process. Salt is rejected during the freezing process resulting in
ice crystals of pure water.

Students brainstormed for current state-of-the-art systems or innovative concept process systems.
The types of plants that students thought feasible to them include reverse osmosis plants, vapor-
compression distillation, multi-stage flash, multi-effect distillation and electro-dialysis plants.
Students selected decision parameters and their decision weight points. The decision parameters
were initial cost, feasibility as a student project, universality, efficiency, energy consumption,
and maintenance, ease of operation, size, and environmental impact. One of the considerations
was the use of a regenerative energy sources as emphasis was placed on environmental impact
and energy efficiency. After analyzing all options, students selected a reverse osmosis system for
their two-semester project.
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The team coordinated with the marketing team to determine the market target and cost analysis.
The Department of Chemistry and Civil Engineering (environmental stem) participated for the
quality control of the drinking water.

The subsystems of the desalination system consist of a low pressure pump that transfers brackish
water through a sediment filter and an ultraviolet pre-treatment unit. A high pressure pump then
increases the pressure to the osmotic pressure before the water come in contact with the
membrane where reverse osmosis occurs. Students brainstormed, analyzed and selected each
subsystem by decision matrices. For example, to select the best pretreatment subsystem,
students analyzed filtration method, ultraviolet method, acidic method and settlement method.
The decision factors were initial cost, feasibility, continual cost, efficiency, and speed. To select
the best membrane type, students studied spiral wound type, hollow fiber type, tubular type, and
plate-and-frame type with the decision factors such as durability, pretreatment conditions,
plugging, pH range, pressure requirement, temperature, area/volume, recovery rate, and cleaning.
Students selected a spiral wound type membrane. Also, students analyzed and selected various
hoses and lines, pressure gages, valves, flow meters and switches.

Students calculated the net positive suction head (NPSH) of the low and high pressure pumps
and other relevant data, efficiencies, operating costs, osmotic pressure and membrane recovery
rates and rejection rates, and power and energy consumptions. Students produced CAD
drawings and specifications of the system, project management charts (Gant charts), and detailed
maintenance manual. Because of the budget constraint students only could afford a membrane
that can process 0.2 GPM at an operating pressure of 600 psi. The total expenses for the project
were $1464.41, slightly over the intended budget of $1000.

Students received help from various sources; from all engineering faculty of mechanical and
civil engineering; from chemistry, physics, and biology departments; from various vendors, the
college maintenance department. At the end of the project, students tested with a known (1000
ppm) metal solution sample and found no metal were detected after processing the water.
Audiences drank students’ desalinated water in bottles during demonstration at the end of the
second semester. By collaborating with the college ministry and the music department of the
Saint Martin’s college, a charity music concert named as Pure Water Concert to raise money to
send the desalination system to an orphanage operated by Benedictine sisters in Tanzania, Africa.

C. Design and Build an Experiment to Investigate the Absorption Cycle (September 2002 -
May 2003)

Heat pumps and refrigerators can be assembled using an absorption cycle rather than a vapor
compression cycle. Currently, absorption cycles infrequently used for large air-cooling systems
and small refrigeration systems. In absorption cycles, the refrigerant mechanical compressor is
replaced with a thermochemical compressor that consists of an absorber, pump, heat exchanger,
and desorber (generator). The advantage of the absorption cycle is that the amount of
mechanical work is very small. Instead of compressing refrigerant vapor to obtain the high
pressure required for condensation, liquid solution is pumped to the high pressure and thermal
energy (which can be waste heat) is used to drive the refrigerant vapor out of the solution. The
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disadvantage of the absorption cycle is the properties of the commercially available working

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fluids. The Absorption Process team was given the task to design and build an absorption
research apparatus to be used in a laboratory setting at Saint Martin’s Thermal Engineering
Laboratory. The team was asked to account for the limited space in the Thermal Engineering
Laboratory. Assembly and disassembly of the apparatus should be easy for one semester
projects in several thermal engineering courses. In commercial applications aqueous solutions of
lithium bromide and water, or ammonia and water are used as the working fluid. The team was
asked to survey the literature for other possible working fluids that might be safer and practical.
This project was also supported by a $5000 ASHRAE grant to Dr. Abdelmessih for the senior
design project.

This project was run similar to the 2000-2001 HVAC project. However, the preliminary design,
in first progress report to ASHRAE(11) exceeded the budget, by almost double, though the team
was successful in coming up with a new, safe refrigerant working fluid pair (ABET j, and f).
They went back to the drawing board, and were successful in reducing their expenditure to half
. Unfortunately, by the end of the second semester the team assembled the apparatus without
testing. Three enthusiastic team members continued trouble shooting the project, during the
summer. Figure 3 shows a picture of the final Absorption research apparatus, with Lab View, as
well as locks for safety and preventing unauthorized asses to the apparatus. The web page for
this project is

At the end of the academic year, in addition to the Engineering Panel assessment (Tables 1 and
2), each team member was given the survey, shown in Table 3, and asked to evaluate how it
applies to him/her on a scale of 1-10. All team members without an exception rated every
criterion 10.

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Figure 3: The completed absorption refrigeration research experiment, with locks for safety.

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Conducting and assessing a Capstone Design course in a ‘small college’ setting has its
challenges. The project is very limited by the amount of resources available, both in terms of
finance and in expertise. The endeavor of the faculty is to provide students with a complete
design experience, encompassing both stems of mechanical engineering. At the same time, the
students must be exposed to the ‘real world’ with customer-defined constraints, budgetary
controls, time limitations and so on. In addition, students must be made aware of the socio-
economic and ethical aspects of the task on hand.

On the other hand, the small college setting has its advantages. Closer ties can be forged with
the School of Business and it will be found that they share a common goal of allowing their
students to work in a real-world environment. A pseudo engineering company which is
production-oriented (and a somewhat exacting customer!) is ideal for creating the scenario for a
capstone course. Additionally, the Department of English lends support in assessment of
outcomes related to written and oral communications.

It is reiterated that the capstone design course is a work in progress, and each year brings with it
new challenges and rewards. This generates a continuum of improvement both in the conduct
and assessment of the course.


(1) Goldberg J. “What should be the desired outcomes for Senior Design Course”, IEEE Engineering in Medicine
and Biology, July/August 2003, pp 28-29.

(2) ABET “Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs” ABET Engineering Accreditation Commission, 2004-
2005, pp. 1-2.

(3) Catalano G.D., “Senior Capstone Design and Ethics: A Bridge to the Professional World” Science and
Engineering Ethics Vol. 10, No 2, 2004, pp 409-415.

(4) Jenkins SR., Pollock JB., Zuraski PD., Meade RB., Mitchell ZW., Farrington JJ., “Capstone Course in an
Integrated Engineering Curriculum”, Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, Apr
2002, pp 75-82.

(5) Hines PD., and Christie RD., “A Capstone Design Project to Meet the Needs of the Changing Power Systems
Industry and Satisfy New Accreditation Standards”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 17, No 3
August 2003, pp 535-542.

(6) Reddy GB., and Lantner JS., Introduction of Concurrent Engineering Methods in an Undergraduate Capstone
Design Course”, Journal of Engineering Technology, Vol. 12, 1995, pp 32-36.

(7) “Instrumented Air Conditioning Bench Experiment,” Mechanical Engineering Senior Design Progress Report to
Page 10.184.13

ASHRAE, Al-Khamis, M., Al-Rasheedi, M., Doughty, C., Dye, D., Heitzmann, E., Holtcamp, G., Malallah, H.,

Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition
Copyright © 2005. American Society for Engineering Education
Miller, S., Perkins, T., Thabet, J.; Advisor: Dr. A. N. Abdelmessih, Saint Martin’s School of Engineering,
Lacey, WA, December 2000.

(8) “Instrumented Air Conditioning Bench Experiment,” Mechanical Engineering Senior Design Final Report to
ASHRAE, Al-Khamis, M., Al-Rasheedi, M., Doughty, C., Dye, D., Heitzmann, E., Holtcamp, G., Malallah, H.,
Miller, S., Perkins, T., Thabet, J., Advisor Dr. A. N. Abdelmessih, Saint Martin’s School of Engineering, Lacey,
WA, May 2001.

(9) Abdelmessih, A., Dye, D., Doughty, C., Heitzmann, E., Holtcamp, G., Miller, S., Perkins, T., Thabet, J,
“Instrumented Air Conditioning Bench Experimental Apparatus,” Proceedings 2003 Summer Heat Transfer
Conference, Nevada, July 2003, pp

(10) Hampden Engineering Corporation, Hampden Suggested Equipment Proposal, Mechanical Engineering
Program,” P. O. Box 563, Longmeadow, MA, 2001.

(11) “Design and Build an Experiment to Investigate the Absorption Cycle,” Mechanical Engineering Senior
Design Progress Report to ASHRAE, by the following senior design students: Abbas, M., Al-Buloushi, K., Al-
Hamlan, S., Al-Hashem, W., Alnasreallah, Y., Kuneman, M., Munson, J., Wyzik, K., and Wantland, S., Advisor
Dr. A. N. Abdelmessih, Saint Martin’s School of Engineering, Lacey, WA, December 2002.

(12) “Design and Build an Experiment to Investigate the Absorption Cycle,” Mechanical Engineering Senior Design
Final Report to ASHRAE, by the following senior design students: Abbas, M., Al-Buloushi, K., Al-Hamlan, S.,
Al-Hashem, W., Alnasreallah, Y., Kuneman, M., Munson, J., Wyzik, K., and Wantland, S., Advisor Dr. A. N.
Abdelmessih, Saint Martin’s School o f Engineering, Lacey, WA, May 2003.

Author Biography


Ph.D., Oklahoma State University, she has extensive teaching, research in different areas of thermal engineering,
and industrial experience. She performed research at PNNL, Argonne National Laboratory, NASA: Marshall Space,
and Dryden Flight Research Centers. She was awarded: 3 certificates of recognition (NASA/ASEE)for research
contributions, Outstanding Faculty Award (Monks of SMC) for teaching, and 2005 Academic Engineer (PSEC).

Dr. ANTHONY DE SAM LAZARO, Dean of Engineering and Professor

Ph.D., University of Wales, Cardiff, UK.. He chaired the American Society of Mechanical Engineers; robotics and
automation group, has expertise in manufacturing, robotics and automation, with an emphasis on expert systems and
Fuzzy Logic. He is a prolific writer in his field. He received the Outstanding Faculty Award for teaching.

Dr. ISAAC JUNG, Associate Professor

received his B.S. from Seoul National University and his M.S. and Ph.D from University of Florida in Aerospace
engineering. He was previously senior researcher for various military projects including earth penetration bomb,
electronic countermeasure pod system and aircraft-munitions compatibility. His research interests include
mechanics of composite materials and business administration in manufacturing engineering.
Page 10.184.14

Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition
Copyright © 2005. American Society for Engineering Education

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