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VIRTUE ETHICS closest-in orientation of

choosing person)
Notes from the PPT Telos
WHO IS ARISTOTLE? • Aristotle was a teleologist due
to his belief that objects have
• greek philosopher a final cause. The Greek term
• influential in western philosphy telos refers to what we might
• student of plato call a purpose, goal, end or
• teacher of alexander the great true final function of an
• intellectual is vast object.
• Founded lyceum in athens • Aristotle asserts that an
• developed virtue ethics object attains its own good by
achieving its function, goal or
end. All objects have this kind
of true function, which means
Virtue Ethics that all objects have a means
of becoming excellent. For
• Virtue ethics is the general term for instance, a chair's telos can
theories that put emphasis on the be to give a seat; a good chair
role of character and virtue in is one that maintains the
living one’s life rather than in human lower back's curvature
doing one’s duty or in acting to without giving way under
bring about good consequences. pressure.
• For virtue ethicists, the moral code • Aristotle felt that humans had
would be: “Act as a Virtuous a telos, just as a chair had a
Person Would Act in Your real purpose or end.
• Aristotle believed that
• Most virtue ethics theories take
humankind's capacity for both
their inspiration from Aristotle who
reason and reason-based
declared that a virtuous person is
action is what set us apart
someone who has ideal character
traits. These traits derive from from other species. Therefore,
natural internal tendencies, but the function of a human being
need to be nurtured; however, once is tied to our uniquely
established, they will become differentiating characteristic.
stable. Telos is the highest good and
• There is also St. Thomas Aquinas the ultimate goal of human
who asserted that no human act is life. It is not simply happiness
morally good unless it is in line in the sense of pleasure or
with love of self and neighbor not emotional satisfaction but
only: rather a state of living in
accordance with one's true
I. In the motives or intentions nature and fulfilling one's
with which it is chosen, and potential.
II. In the appropriateness of
the circumstances, but also Telos in Ethics
III. In its object (More
• in ethical theory, every human activity
precisely the object, or
is thought to have a telos, or ultimate
goal, and practical discussion entails
defining the concrete measures moral character — what he calls
required to reach that telos (goal). “complete virtue.”
The entire goal of an agent's existence • One can't make a pronouncement
can also be regarded as being to about whether one lived a truly happy
achieve their overall telos, which is life, until it's over.
their ultimate goal or summum • Example: Suppose someone witnesses
bonum, or the "highest good," which a holdup in progress. A reckless
was thought to be eudaimonia, or response might involve rushing
happiness, in antiquity. impulsively to confront the robber
without considering the potential risks
Other instances of telos
or the safety of oneself and others.
• According to Aristotle's natural Conversely, a cowardly reaction might
science, the telos of a member of a involve freezing, fleeing the scene
species, is when it is fully developed without attempting to seek help, or
and capable of self-reproduction. For ignoring the situation entirely out of
example, insects reach their telos fear.
when they reach adulthood. An ➢ IN achieving "complete
organ's or capacity's telos is its virtue" one must consider the
purpose or role within the organism GOLDEN MEAN
as a whole; for instance, the eye's ➢ (Golden mean = Balance
telos is seeing. between extremes and
Virtue as Habit

• Character = development of
personality Notes from the book
• Habit = human acts being carried out
What is virtue ethics and who is Aristotle?
• Virtues = good act habitually put into Virtue ethics
• Is the general term for theories that
• Moral virtue = flow from our beings,
put emphasis on the role of character
acquired through constant practice
and virtue in living one's life rather
• Intellectual virtue = virtue of wisdom
than in doing one's duty or in acting
and virtue of understanding
to bring about good consequences.
Happiness as Virtue For virtue ethicists, their moral code
would be: "Act as a virtuous person
• Happiness = eudaimonia (greek would act in your situation”
translation) • Most virtue ethics theories take their
• Happiness is a final end or goal that inspiration from Aristotle who
encompasses the totality of one’s life. declared that a virtuous person is
• Is like the ultimate value of your life as someone who has ideal character
lived up to this moment, measuring traits.
how well you have lived up to your full • There is also St. Thomas Aquinas who
potential as a human being asserted that no human act is morally
• Aristotle tells us that the most good (or "right", in the sense of "not
important factor in the effort to wrong") unless it is in line with love of
achieve happiness is to have a good self and neighbor (and' thus with
respect for the basic aspects of the
wellbeing of each and all human flow of all undertakings (reading
beings) not only: notes or handouts or books in
I. in the motives or intentions advance) to happen inside the
with which it is chosen, and classroom. Under the ethical
II. in the appropriateness of the framework of Aristotle, he means a
circumstances, but also lot that we need be aware of every
III. in its object (more precisely action we make. For him, what we do
the object, or closest-in entails direction. If we decide to eat
intention of the choosing breakfast before we leave the house,
person) it is because we want nourishment,
that is, having enough energy to
prepare our body to actively engaging
• Aristotle was born in a small colony of with the concerns for the day. So, we
Stagira in Greece. That was fifteen eat to gain nourishment. Same thing
years after the death of Socrates, the goes with other human actions that
teacher of Plato. His father was have objectives. This objective will
Nicomachus, who happened to be lead us to our intended direction.
the court physician during the reign
of King A myntas. Because of this • This direction is what we foresee as
affiliation, Aristotle became the tutor the outcome of our act. Conversely,
of Alexander the Great, who was the we act in order to get us to the
grandson of the king. When intended direction. In short, we may
Aristotle's father died, he left Stagira not get to our destination if we do
and went to Athens to Join the not act. This is what telos means for
Academy, a famous school of Plato, Aristotle. All our human actions
and became student of Plato for would lead to our desired end. The
twenty years. He Joined the school at end of human act is either good or
the age of seventeen. His known bad. But for Aristotle, in his
works that are related to moral Nicomachean Ethics, the end is
philosophy are: Nicomachean Ethics something that is good. In real life,
(NE), Eudemian Ethics (EE), and the we always pursue the good because it
Magna Moralia. Most of the ideas makes us feel good. Conversely no
related to the framework he one pursues a bad end.
conceived are taken from his first two
works. • Now there are two things about the
end as good. First, Aristotle insists
Telos that any good end is achievable.
• How often do you ask why you always Nothing in real life that good end is
prepare yourself before going to non-achievable by human action.
school? Perhaps your reason is From the epistemological point-of-
because of hygienic purpose (you view, only human beings are capable
take a bath), or to be presentable of seeing the good in all things. The
(you dress properly) before your rest of the creatures are incapable of
classmates and teacher. Or maybe doing so since they do not have the
asking why you need to study all your rationality, or the faculty of
lessons before entering the class, and reasoning. This is the reason why
your answer is simply to go with the achieving the good is always
considered a rational activity. Second,
every action that aims in achieving the first view. It only means that it is
the good is the telos/end of human inconsiderate to think of the
actions. It only means that the result dominant good alone because it
of our ethical decision-making is cannot be achieved without the
good. In fact, there are so many personal acts. The second feature of
seemingly good good is the self-sufficiency of the
object of human action. This means
• ends in life, and sometimes we that the object of the act must be
understand them subjectively and something that will make life
relatively. Simply our understanding worthwhile. One can say that it is not
of the good may not necessarily good enough to just fulfill what one intends
to others. Therefore, there is a need to do without considering whether it
to define what good means. Corollary is worth of doing and acting on it or
to settling the definition of good is not. Since that object of the act is
how do we know that a particular self-sufficient, it only means that
result is good. there is nothing more to desire. In
other words, the object lacks nothing.
• Aristotle understands the meaning of
Virtue As Habit
good from the perspective of finality
and self-sufficiency. These are the • In the second book of NE, Aristotle
two features that serve as criteria of explicates about the acquisition of
determining the good. First, the character excellence by habituation
finality of the object of human action (ethismos). Character excellence and
has two views - the dominant or habit are the two important terms we
monistic view and the inclusivists' need to consider here. The word
view. The first view claims that the character means the development of
aim of every act is good. But there personality that resulted in the
are some human goals that entail application of virtues, while the word
more actions. If one, who comes from habit means that certain human acts
Valencia City, Bukidnon, wants to go are being carried out frequently. It
to Cagayan de Oro City, one has to only means that when a person
incur several actions like one should carries a certain act only ones, it is
ride a bus, pay the ticket, watch just a plain act and not a habitual act.
movies on the monitor or watch Now the terms habit and virtues are
beautiful sceneries on its way, take a closely connected to each other, for
nap, or talking to someone sitting virtues are good acts (of which its
besides you. All the series of actions equivalent opposite is vice, which
before arriving at Cagayan de Oro, means bad habit) habitually put into
which is the finality of the act, yield action. So, what are these virtues that
good results. Yet these are has to be acted oftentimes that which
subordinate goods since the arrival at in turn develops the character of the
Cagayan de Oro is considered as the person? There are two kinds of virtues
dominant good. The second view ➢ Moral virtue
claims that good, which is the result ➢ Intellectual virtue.
of the series of human acts on your • Moreover, the moral virtues of
way to Cagayan de Oro, is the totality Aristotle, when put into action, should
of all goods achieved, both the observe moderation. This moderation
dominant and subordinate goods in entails that one has to avoid what is
excess or defect in action. In local
parlance, the excess means too much
and the defect means too little.
Aristotle suggests that the moral
virtues are in the middle between too
much and too little. It is also called the
Doctrine of the Mean. Here are the
excess and defects of the following
virtues (Urmson, 33-34).

Excess or Too Virtues Defect or Too

Much Little
Irascibility Even Temper Impassivity
Foolhardiness Bravery Cowardice
Shamelessness Modesty Touchiness
Intemperance Temperance Insensibility
Envy Fair- (nameless)
Gain Justice Disadvantage
Prodigality Liberality Meanness
Boastfulness Truthfulness Mock
Flattery Friendliness Churlishness
Servility Dignity Disdain
Vanity Pride Mean spirit
Ostentation Magnificence Unworldliness

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