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First we will define vanity “1. The condition or character of being vain; conceit.
(arrogant self- esteem) 2. Ambitious display; ostentation. 3. The quality or
state of being fruitless, useless, etc. 4. That which is vain or unsubstantial.”
Now we will define vain “1. Filled with or showing undue admiration for
oneself, ones appearance, etc.; conceited. 2. Unproductive; fruitless. 3.
Having no real basis; empty: vain hopes. 4. Ostentatious; showy. In VAIN –to
no purpose; without effect.”

Vanity, then, is the preoccupation with admiring, changing or altering and

displaying one’s physical appearance, image or form because the vain one
feels unworthy or INFERIOR WITHIN and often hides behind an ostentatious
(pretentious excessive exhibition) display of self or of “superior” arrogance.
Narcissism, then, is one who unduly (excessively, unjustly) admires self
inside and outside in self- elevated status and separation from others
because he feels SUPERIOR to others in appearance, in intelligence and in

Evidence of the obsession for “appearing” beautiful physically according to

self- accepted or adopted societal standards is most prominent with both
male and females primarily within your Western “civiliz ation”. Many ones
have become ruled by and preoccupied with their physical “appearance”
which to them most often means being “acceptable” to others. WHY?
Because the ANTI- CHRIST has told YOU and given precise limitations of
what is “beauty”. For example, within your controlled advertising media you
have lovely ones who “model” for products. This, to give you desire for these
products by creating “images” for better acceptance value by appealing to
you innate drive within, which they have corrupted and erroneously redefined
as “SEX” drive, (remember “libido”?) and thus cause you to WANT the
product which give the false “promise” of beauty, “sex” appeal, health, youth,
wealth, status, etc., according TO THEIR LIMITED STANDARDS of what YOU
must desire of what is beauty, sex appeal, health, youth, wealth, status, etc.,
which these “models” (you are taught) represent because they ”LOOK” good.

With all of the attention given from childhood on only to “physical”
appearance, the spirit within shrivels and pines for allowance and
acceptance and freedom. This, because the Anti- GOD, which they have now
allowed within, slowly crushes and all but destroys the beauty and divineness
within which is THE SPIRIT OF LIFE OF GOD/PERFECTION. Very rare it is
indeed, this day in “time”, that ones who have become FIRMLY trapped in the
“VANITY” game of the adversary, are able to recogniz e their folly, and thus
seek to release this “false” unworthiness and limitation brought about by the
superficial preoccupation of physical “image”. You must accept self
regardless of physical form. If you recogniz e that you wear too much weight
upon your frame and it is not “healthy” for you, then you must decide to
change of it and then DO it. Until then, need you love yourself (God within)
less because you look or don’t look a certain way? NO! Commune with your
SPIRIT within and find out WHY you consume more than you are able to use.
Learn to understand why you do something and then you can work for
positive adjustment within. Your physical health represents your “inner” health.
Dis- ease of the body is the physical manifestation of what began as DIS-
ease in the mind. Clean up your thoughts and your body will be healthy and
vibrant as well; it is really so simple, but most of you miss it. You need not
miss it anymore now, RIGHT?

We would also like to speak a bit about what is termed “cosmetic” surgery
(butchery). Your own statistics show that many women feel less feminine or
less attractive if they have “small” breasts. WHY does this happen? Because
the images of BIGGER BREASTS and VOLUPTUOUS women are thrust
before them beginning when they are children in nearly all of the “controlled”
media. These young girls/women feel if they had “bigger” breasts that
somehow they will be more acceptable to MEN and thus also be envied by
WOMEN. You ones often, on the one hand, do not wish to be considered
“sex” objects, yet you desire to fit what you are taught (programmed) is THE
“sexually” physically attractive female figure. Don’t you see, beloved ones,
you allow doctors to cut upon your bodies and cause you pain and suffering,
and often later complications, just to fit an acceptable (to you) physical
“image”? Again mankind (adversary) has corrupted the purity of the woman’s
“breasts” by making them into hideous “sexual” objects of LUSTFUL desire.
The beautiful grace of the feminine body which was created in beautiful
perfection of GOD, has been cut into “pieces”…breasts, vagina, mouth,
neck, legs, buttocks etc. of PHYSICAL LUSTFUL DESIRE. Do you know WHY
the breasts were given unto WOMAN? Not as sexual “objects”, but for the
suckling and nurturing of her BABE, a New Creature of GOD. Remember this,
women, the next time you think to make yourself bigger breasts! You
dishonor GOD within by despising your GIVEN physical form, and wishing to
cut it up to make it into some image of what is “appealing”. TO WHO? WHY
need you allow imposed images of perfection thrust down your throat? THE
answer, precious ones, is YOU MUST NOT ALLOW other’s opinions and
“images” to make you feel self- unworthy. Here is a test for you, women. Upon
awakening in the morning next, go to you “full- length” vanity mirror and look
upon yourself naked. What do you see? Can you look within the vanity mirror
WITHOUT your makeup and hairdo, your girdles and padded brassieres
and fine garments and SEE GOD? If not, then recogniz e and UNDERSTAND
your transgression, commune with God within, forgive self and do not look
again into the mirror until you DO see and know THE LOVE AND BEAUTY OF
GOD reflected back!

And the same goes for you ones who are of “male” form of human. You
experience vanity somewhat differently than women, but most of you still
suffer feelings of inferior unworthiness when you gaz e upon your nude body
and face. We have seen you! God has listened to YOU! The dialogue within
goes something like this: “IF ONLY I was taller, had bigger shoulders, a
larger penis, hair upon my chest and/or face, had a flatter stomach a thinner
frame, more muscles, more hair, blue eyes, brown eyes, whiter teeth, tan
skin, light skin, and, and…I would be accepted.” Then the dialogue goes
something like this, “IF ONLY I had more money, a new car, a better job
position, and, and…I would be accepted”. Do you recogniz e anyone here
…you of the male species? Do you see, precious ones, you set yourselves
up, by believing the lie of “images”, to always fail in some way or another.
ACCEPT your SELF WITHIN, HONOR you physical body which has been
loaned to you. For this is the wondrous, beautiful vehicle, given of THE
FATHER for YOUR SPIRIT WITHIN OF GOD to experience the wonders of
creative spiritual unfoldment upon 3rd dimensional physical illusion!

Now, within your Western civiliz ation, nearly every little girl and boy wants to
“look” like someone else they have seen in a movie, on the “street” or in an
advertisement. They are taught, through the programmed media and
advertising, not to accept themselves as a beautiful individual reflection of
GOD, because their physical features, they are told, do not measure up to
the “ideal” presented of what is acceptable “beauty”. It is not wonder that the
cosmetic and related industries make billions of “dollars” off of you ones,
because they (the Anti- God) create the “image” and feed the vanity which is
the result of ones feeling “they” never quite “measure- up” and will thus seek
to improve what is now THEIR perceptions of physical imperfection. Even
many of the ones your society defines as “beautiful” while they are young are
most often cast aside when they begin to show signs of “aging”. And those
who depend only upon their “looks” while they are you, will find themselves
because of the rejection by the very ones who “molded” and “accepted”
them while they were physically “young” in appearance.

WHAT can you do, parents, to help positively guide your child toward the
path of INNER BEAUTY and SPIRITUAL freedom and away from societal
imposed “limitations” of acceptance? You must encourage the child first to
understand his/her ONENESS WITH ALL…GOD/ATON, other humans, the
planet, the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms, other planets, ALL OF LIFE
AND ALL OF CREATION. Teach the child about GOD and HIS LOVE for ALL
of HIS fragments of self. Teach the child about the Natural Laws of Balance
given forth to maintain order upon CREATION and WITHIN CREATION. Teach
the child about the nature of God’s gift of Free- will and the PERSONAL
HIS WILL because He is our JUST and Wise Spiritual Creator/Ruler and KING
OF WISDOM. Teach them about the ADVERSARY and HOW IT has fooled
many of God’s children. Teach the child that what they may perceive as
separation, is only “ILLUSION” of separation and that many other ones they
will meet, will not understand this TRUTH because they are spiritually ignorant
and duped by the “adversary” of Godness and so then not yet spiritually
aware. Teach the child to honor and be tolerant of ALL other human
fragments as fragments of THE ONESELF of GOD and THE CREATION. And
yet teach the child that he/she must ALSO recogniz e and not tolerate THE
BEHAVIOR (ignorant, prejudiced opinions, misperceptions, and actions)
which blatantly break THE LAWS OF Balance of God and Creation. So, teach
the child he must defend self within honor of God’s Laws if one of these
ignorant/spiritually weak ones wishes to cause harm (in thought, word or
deed) to him or another. Teach the child about HIS power to co- create with
GOD, and why he must monitor his thoughts, words and deeds in order to
recogniz e his transgressions so that he can create a GODLY world in service
to GOD’S WILL. Then you must teach the child to always see, develop and
honor the spiritual and loving BEAUTY WITHIN SELF and ALL OTHERS,-
which is the BIRTHRIGHT of ALL of GOD’s children. Teach the child the truth
that Spiritual Oneness, Beauty, Power, Wisdom and Love WITHIN can never
age or die or be taken away from anyone because THE SPIRIT IS WHAT IS
CREATION in continual unfolding blossom of JOY and LOVE.

And so, you beloved parents of GOD, must also then LIVE in accordance
TO THE LAWS and WILL OF GOD which you have taught the child, to set
GOD/ATON’s example of balance and truth which the child will surely follow.
So when you have done your duty for GOD/ATON as Parent and have given
(to the best of your understanding and awareness) the child the Love and
Discipline of GOD’S WILL and THE LAWS OF BALANCE and you yourself,
too, have set the example by your actions and behavior, THEN you must
release the child to God, that he may choose with his own free- will his
experiences and learn about his personal responsibility in the manifestation
of LIFE.

Is it wrong to want to look YOUR best? Not at all. You must simply and
honestly understand WHAT truly motivates you. To be neat and clean in your
“dress” and appearance gives honor to self and to GOD as long as you
don’t secretly despise and are not ashamed of your appearance and seek
to alter it or hide its reflection of beauty. If you are acceptable and give honor
to self as YOU ARE in physical form, whether it be male, female, black, white,
tall, petite, red hair or grey hair, you will be acceptable and give honor to
GOD/ATON. All others? They are individual reflections of God/Aton as well;
whatever their limited “human” prejudices and opinions are matters NOT at
all to you. Remember, in the “big” picture YOU are not your physical body,
YOU are GOD’S fragment occupying physical manifested form of your
choosing to allow experience upon this wondrous creation. ALL are
beauteous creatures of GOD/ATON, each is different. Isn’t that
WONDERFUL?!?! God, too, enjoys variety of His creatures within The
Creation. Why think you there be so many types of lifeforms on just your tiny
planet? Do you not enjoy the varieties and uniqueness of all the creatures
and creations within THIS Creation such as of each type of flower, each color
of the rainbow, each season of climate, each insect, each animal and each
human being?

Are we saying it is “wrong” to wear your “make- up” and have your stylish
hairdos and wear upon your bodies fine and beauteous garments? Not at all.
You simply must recogniz e WHY you do these things. If you LOVE WHO and
WHAT you are WITHIN and WITHOUT in your nakedness, then enjoy playing
your games of make- up and dress- up because YOU enjoy it, it is FUN, you
can afford to and it gives you happiness to do so, not because you despise
your body and countenance for its “perceived” imperfections”! Or because
you wish to “impress” others as to the finery of your jewels and garments, that
somehow you are “finer” too. For example, you ones have “designer”
everything now. (Such as, cars, furniture, appliances, clothing, cosmetics).
Well, some “designers” have generated more “prestige” and admiration than
others. Do you know many simply copy other designs? And many of your
more celebrated and prestigious designers, use the creative designs of their
apprentices? Yes, and they place their own name upon the garment. A bit of
“stealing”, we would say. What is the point? If it is a garment, enjoy the
beauty, fine quality and fit of the garment, because you enjoy the garment,
not because you want the prestige and snobbery, not to mention vanity, of
the designer label to be noticed by and somehow make you “better than” or
socially accepted by “others”. Do you see the difference we are pointing out,
dear ones? You blindly run about seeking approval from any but yourselves.
We simply want you to recogniz e your folly in the things you do and desire
and correct of it FOR YOU and FOR GOD/ATON our FATHER WITHIN YOU!
Free yourselves from the bondage of vanity and you will be one LARGE step
closer to reaching GOD’S KINGDOM!

Are we saying it is “wrong” to return color to the grey hair upon your heads,
and to otherwise cosmetically “hide” from view what you consider “signs” of
aging? Not necessarily “wrong”, just simply fact that you create, but are
unable to accept certain changes of body deterioration and MOST ALL OF
YOU ONES are horrified of aging or being OLD in your physical from. Why?
Because, you’ve been taught again by the adversary that somehow you are
less a HUMAN Being and less “attractive” when you are “old” and you will be
rejected (and often are) as unable to contribute to humanity. DO YOU KNOW,
when you are small CHILDREN. And because of the now created, by the
adversary through you ones, harshness, pollution and poisons upon your
plane you really have no desire within to stay longer, so your body starts its
deterioration process. Why are some more vibrant and healthy than others
throughout their lifetime? The ones who are vibrant and healthy are IN LOVE
age because they, too, perceive limit of life- span from early indoctrination,
only they age perhaps with more dignity and grace because of the degree of
spiritual purity of JOY and LOVE which they have recogniz ed and cultivated
within themselves and have GIVEN graciously to OTHERS.

Do you know that you could create a body which would LIVE for nearly
endless number of years in your counting, IF YOU BUT KNEW IT INSIDE
YOUR MIND TO BE TRUE? Our brothers of physical form upon Pleiades live
more than some 1000 years in your counting in their physical form. At one
time in your ancient civiliz ations of Atlantis and MU (Lemuria), your ancestors
also lived to be over 1000 years of age in your counting. REMEMBER, YOUR
IMMORTAL SOUL NEVER AGES, CHELAS. Most “physical” manifested
bodies, though, eventually deteriorate, not always because of FEAR, but
often because ones simply tire and become bored with having the “same”
form, so they create deterioration of the form and move on to “new” realms
and forms within CREATION. In the “higher” realms of GOD’s kingdom, your
form becomes high concentration of cellular “light” and you can change it at
will since it is ONE with your SPIRIT WITHIN.

It has often been said, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” So BEHOLD,
through the “eyes” of GOD/ATON the beauty of ALL of the glorious, wondrous
varieties of creatures and creations within THE CREATION. Only the Anti-
God, or Adversary, through cancerous “prideful” Narcissism, seeks to bring
illusion of “ugliness” and define, limit and confine what is “beauteous” so as
to impose upon you boundaries of SEPARATION from FATHER/MOTHER
ATON and THE CREATION. The adversary cannot do this if YOU DO NOT
ALLOW it to let you dishonor yourself by buying its LIE of standard “beauty”.

So, in closing on Vanity we will share a form of vanity which is most

interesting and somewhat humorous to us. We observe many ones who even
choose their pets, in accordance to acceptable “beauty” standards set by
the adversary. For example, ones often choose the breed of cat, such as
Persian or Himalayan, not because they love the animal, but because they
desire the “expensive” socially- defined “beauty” to match their carpet and/or
their self- imposed “image” of themselves which they wish to “project” upon
their “admiring” friends and associates. Ah well…it shows just to what ends
you ones will go in your desire to give the impression you are something
OTHER than who you are!

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