Deck 2

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Flash Ifa nontoken creature would enter the battlefield and it wasn’t cast exile it instead. Some prowerion requires abit offi een ‘Search your library for any three ‘cards and reveal them to target ‘opponent. He or she chooses one Put that card into your hand and the rest into your gravevard. Shuffle your library afterwards, Mana Crypt f) At the beginning of your upkeep, {| flip a coin. Ir you lose the flip, Mana Whenever City of Brass becomes Jf tapped, it deals I damage to you. ff ©: add one mana of aay color to your mana pool 21 Add 2 colorless mana to | your mana pool, This ability is played as an interrupt. ‘Morphic Pool enters te batlefeld ae enters the battlefield don't, it oor os ho i nest Ucy or ai aoe rer ae Ears eee an eo r ie Exile Mnemonic Betrayal. Imprint — When Chrome Mex comes inno play you may remove a nonartfat, nonin cand in your band fm the a imprinted on te mana of any ofthe impeineed Sars colors to your tana pool [As an additional cost o cast this spell Sacrifice a creature. Search your library for a card, put that card into your hand, then shute Bix pyc his disciples minds and ‘avored ther experiences as he 10k in their knoctedge ries (Watery Grave —— ( Ae Wary Gra ie ala you may pay 2 lifeIeveudon's it enters the battlefield tapped. exe bolces Duskonantle exist, Fer ind ie None live to bar ness. Tage pier puts the top dee tone: fies ermevara Stu (hon su ply se copy it for each spell played before it Ban pa ieee ope forecpes) , Sacrifice Lorus Petal: Add one ‘mana of any color to your mana pool Play chis abiley as a mana source. “Hard 10 imagine)" mused Hanna, stroking the perl, “such a lovey ler inspiring such grec.” Grim Monolith docs not untap during Your una pase {Add thre colores mana to your mans pool Play dhs bile ava mana ures 8 Untap Geen Monolith Par priv, part ome ers the bated wi thice with counters oe peice Wishaw Tasca, Search vou Hocary for Dut finto your hand then shufe oar ibrar An opponent ssins contol label Tasress Acres this aby only duriag your ityou controle commander, you may cast this spell vathout paying ts ment Counter target noncreature spell sometahere ee, This your nly swarming Gach net arden ‘Counter target instant or sorcery spell unless its controller pays 1 Storm (When you cat cis spl copy i for each spell cast before i ts urn. You ‘may choose nw targets forthe copies id one mana of any 4 ‘commander's color identity Lpproach my sower on bended Anes or depart from it as ash upon the wind.” —Gadwick, the Wizened Meralrsft — ©: Add one mans of any ‘olor to your mapa pool, Activate his Sits only sou cotzal three oe more srufsce, These of Miron hao shons upon [When Ranger Captain of Eos entersthe | battlefield, you may search your rary for ‘creature card with mana valve lorles, evea it putt into your hand, then shuttle. Secrfice Ranger-Coptain of Eos: Your ‘opponents can't cast noncreature spells thistam Teyou contol a commander you may ee ee You may choose new target for arget. spell or ability. archaea rk mor tha Whenever an opponent plays a spel you may draw acard unis thar player ays Paes @: ees ieee: oe ‘Reveal die top card of your Hbrary rn argernonland 5 You maypay 1 ifs and emowe a tnd put tha Card into jour hand dint contro toss owners ha ae ree eee You lose life equal to ts converted wezicad © «feds ees game instead of pavine Force o Process any numiber of times ye he: ae When the as piled oer nto wndeath, =a Counter tanger set he sopped eligi his ie ork : ‘rearure — Human Wizard ae {When Mox Diamond comes into play choose and discard sland card or Sacrifice Mox Diamond {&; Add onemana of any colorto your de task to quarantine a plague “Our sanctuaries must be beacons of mana pool. Pay this ability asa mana ‘uth the cone” ” Your opponents can’t cast spells from anywhere other than their hands H(Bloodstained Mire ) \ ] { | | Instant a a) ee Return target nonland permanent ( Ba eonan eevee al Sani Donne to ks owner's hand. Then that, Re ates ware Mice! Seareh your Hbrary fora Permanent’ controler may sacrifice caer F] Swatap or Mountain card and put Sand. Ifthe player does, he or she Fonte she battlefield Then she tay copy this spel and may choose [MM | “Take a uizt moment to reflect on of cecilia new tet for that co our sn. i es ~Gleph, Onder of Redeemed Souls Where dragons once triumphed, thir bones nono alder =e, Flooded Strand fl Strand: Search your bibrary for a B Plains o¢ Island card and put it ‘onto the battlefield. Then shile Bf your libra Where dragons once sept their Bones During your urn, your can't cast spells or activa abilities of artifacts, creatures, or enchantments “Your superstitions and mumBlings useless chaff before my righteousness ©: Add 10 your mana pool ©: Add # or # to your mana pool. Talisman of Progress deals | damage © Pay 1 life, Sacrifice Polluted Dela Search your library for an Island Hy or Swamp card and part onto the Fy bacicficid, Then shufte your library. Hf Were dragons once prevailed, ther Bones nove sink [swansong a \ oe ‘Counter target enchantment, instant, or sorcery spel. Its controller puts 2.2/2 blue Bird creature token With flying onto the batlefield The mos elightensd mages crate sain from valance” —Wadomai the Ages At the endl of dhat turn, you lose the game, fA reward is egordles if sou aren't fe around wo enjoy it ee a ‘your library for a Forest, ced aiid putt onto the Py isscltield. Then shuifie your Horary Where dragons once roared, their bones Mindbreak Trap . 7 iy fan opponent east dhree or more spells ‘his turn, you may pay O rather than ‘pay MindbroakTap's mana cost Ele any numberof target spells. sf is a maze This one of es dead nda” —Nejan Dar Tascam hbage Search your library for an instant or Sorcery card and reveal that card SShuflle you library, chen put the card fon top of it. “1 the nator ‘poem of sand eas of, lide account, a poom of sory pices.” Alaris Tales ae ‘Opposition Training ( 1 opponents act of Negation is Blue * spell the beginning of your next upkeep, te tana of tay color to your pay 9.6 6: Ifyou clon’, you lose the this mana only to game. lor the chosen typ Inseam {your hand fom the pene meV ry pt tha ea the sime ‘pane as another cand removed he Repeat is procs unl you pac ca BAG cae eases into your hand or ou remove two card eg ae ae ‘vith dhe same name, whichever comes Bist Pa le Serie aria Nes oP 1 ie Sacre Man Rats FM £2,807 1 Saree My ‘Search your library for a Mountain search your library for # Plat Daca etieat torts rant = ‘or Plains card and put it onto the ‘Swamp card and put it onto: te, ae H eccctia Thanh cia MME] ScccPeics Stereos etl. Then se «Pay 1 life, Sacrifice Sealding Sar fom your bend ater than pay ts “Tim: Search your Hb fot a8 Spots mana cove ‘When Dress Down enters the bate, Island oF Mountain eard and put Courter target noncreatre spel It draw a cand it onto the battefield, Then shufle spell countered this way, ale instead ‘Creatures lose all abilities, your library [Pee Grose At the beginning of the end step, Tif yon st ifce Drest Down. Dauthi Yoidwalker Destroy tanger creature. A creature Bock o be Bch y Whenever an opponent casts their destroyed this way can’t be is first noncreature spell each turn, draw regenerated, Eom meters iartaad exe with a I ‘a card unless that player pays &, Overload 2#% (You may cast his shore Xie Exper Sentinal’ power. shell forts evroad css 301 dy im B chnaige its rext by replacing al instances fle Cid = an opponent owns wih 3 vid (Add to your mana pool one mana of any color thats land an opponeat Soatols could produce “teas a range morning. When acoks, se ound our tees ransomed didn Tener other nae hoor pth thom” Pian, Bont orchardir Betas ro Menace ‘Whenever one or more creatures You control deal combat d layer, create a Treasu Sacrifice a Treasure; Exi tard of your library. You m: that card this cura, 6: Add one mana of any color in ‘your commander's color identity. fcsseure, enchantment, cr planeswaiker tots owners hand This ability costs, 1 less to activate for each legendary ‘creature you control. A{ imperial Seal ¢ Search your library for a card, then shuffle and put that card on top. You lose 2 life Sr Ereeter ate required ‘Latter from Queen Marchesa ‘Retum target permanent card with mana value or less fom our graveyard fo the bated. I thie spel was est from AU graveyard, you may copy this spell and may choose @ new target forthe copy Flashback #9 (You may cast thi cant From sour aro tathback cox Thon exit) ‘Sea of Clouds enters te batledeld ped unless You have sW0.0F more ponents. eiAdd * or ¢ A shorsles sea extends to every horizon, toh thse who San (6: Add @ to your mana pool ©: Add ® or ® to your mana pool Talisman of Indulgence deals 1 dam Search your Hay for an antifuct or ment ca! reveal that cat library, then pu the ear | do no cach, 1 simply reveal” Dias Femere aor Siero reer Fee eaten, ot Serer teterite, er rs ec Sher era praca ea. AE poe orice ee cree aaa Souris seer | eee Hovemasy cur eT eg iar a ao Heer noone son mI WE acon cian horses it for something else. —Shauku, Endbringer Creature — Ore Archer an ‘Whencrer a payer casts heirscoond spall eee eee eee ae any target. Then amass Ores 1. Me boriom of i: sou cai a v CARDA erm aX) Le Prec r eeee eet eer ae ars

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