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Mark’s Lutheran Church

A Faith Family Celebrating and Sharing God’s Grace for 150 years!
400 S. 6th. Street, Atchison, KS 66002 (913) 367-0417

December 2023 Newsletter

What are you giving for what they did. (More about this later.)
I also explained that not every effort might be
Christmas - to Jesus? successful. The first time you try something it
doesn't always work out. That's OK. You often have
Have you thought about what you're giving
to practice for a while to learn how to use a new
Jesus for Christmas? Most of us spend a lot of time
tool. Our gifts are the tools God has given us to do
figuring out what we're going to give to loved ones
his work in the world. The objective is to use a
at Christmas time. We try to give things that are
talent or ability that has gone unused before.
needed or wanted. We try to give gifts that will
bring joy. We try to give gifts that will make life I told everyone that Fran & I will put a gift
better and bring happiness. box in the narthex of the church during December.
The box will be a birthday present for Jesus.
On November 19th we heard Jesus parable of
the talents. Jesus tells about a man who gave a large We are asking people to drop their completed
amount of money (called Talents) to his slaves and cards in the box before Christmas. We will present
then went away. Some of the slaves made more the box as an offering on Christmas Eve Sunday.
money using what they were given. They were The rich man in the parable of the talents
praised. One slave hid the money so he would not wanted his slaves to do something with what he had
lose it. His actions were condemned. The point of given them. God wants us to do something with
the parable was that God expects us to use what he what he has given to us. What God wants us to do is
has given us. praise and glorify him and do his work in the world.
I know the members of Saint Marks are very I want you to use this time to find some new and
good at using many talents. You do lots of good in different things that you can do with the talents that
the community and in our congregation using your you have. It doesn't have to be something
gifts. Fran had a great idea to help people do even spectacular. A little thing can brighten a sad heart.
more. One of the points of this exercise is to see what
amazing things you come up with to do.
Her idea was to challenge the members of the
congregations to think After we present the cards in the Jesus Gift
St. Mark’s Officers box, I'm going to publish them as soon as possible.
about the talents that they
President: were NOT using. (Again, don't put your name on the cards. We are
Sarah Dunning Therefore, I asked looking for new ways to use our gifts not to
Vice President: everybody to use one or spotlight anyone.)
Doug Murray more of their talents to do
We have to think outside the box to find a
something new or really new gift for someone, something they haven't
Amelia Kaczmarek
something they had or not had before. I'm asking you to think outside the box
Treasurer: Kim Smith* done for a long time. to find something new to give to Jesus this
Finance Secretary:
Patsy Porter Everyone received a Christmas.
Council Members
3 x 5 card that Sunday. I Peace,
asked them to make a list
Cassi Jaegle on the cards of what they
Mike Crockett did with their talents. I told
Rev. Craig Lantz people not to put their
*officer not on council names on the cards, only
Sunday, December 3rd First Sunday of Advent
10:30 AM Worship service with Communion
Sunday, December 10th Second Sunday of
10:30 AM Worship with Healing service
WELCA Christmas dinner following the Christmas Eve. December 24th, falls on Sunday
service – see article this year.
We will be having one service at 10:30 AM
Sunday, December 17th Third Sunday of This service will be celebrating the fourth
Advent Sunday of Advent followed by the Christmas
10:30 AM Worship service with Eve service.
Communion There will be NO evening service.
Church Council after the worship

Sunday, December 24th Fourth Sunday of
Advent & Christmas Eve! see article
10:30 AM Worship service.

Sunday, December 31st 10:30 AM Worship

Sunday, December 10 in the

Carlie Clary
Betty Wagner
Social Hall
l Alice Murray 12/22 Everyone is invited!
l Patsy Porter 12/31 Meat provided pulled pork and turkey.
Sign up sheet for side dishes and desserts.

Alice Murray will be

taking orders for
Please contact her at
Jennifer & John Wohlgemuth Cost $10.00.
Christmas bags
for shut-ins.
We have two Mary
The Angel Tree Tag project is on again. Jane Griffin and Betty
The bulletin board Wagner.
with tags is. There Bring items for bags
are several items by Sunday,
listed on each. First December 17th.
item is what the
child needs, second
item what they want
and third extra. Committee
reports need to be
Also the Salvation Army would like to have
in as soon as
a book for each child. 81 families and 228
possible after the
children. new year 2024 so
When you select a tag. Be sure to put your we can get ready
name on the sheet on the table next to the for the annual
tag number that you took meeting.
If you don’t like to shop, Sarah Dunning will
shop for you! Gifts need to be unwrapped.

Gifts need to be at the church by Dec. 10th

Pearl Harbor
Day, Thursday, • Cray Historical Museum Christmas open
December 7th. house Sunday, December 3rd 12:00 to
At Noon at the
• United Methodist Church Cookie &
Riverfront Candy Sale Friday, Dec. 1 5:00-7:30 and
memorial. St. Saturday, Dec 2, 9:00-5:00 pm
Mark’s will be • The Armouraires Quartet in concert for
presenting a wreath in honor of all Christmas. Saturday, December 2nd 3:00
veterans as part of the ceremony. • The Gift of Light, Sunday, December
17th 4:00 pm Atchison Library Lawn.

See bulletin board for details on these.

St. Mark’s Lutheran Church
400 S. 6th Street
Atchison, Kansas 66002-2862
(913) 367-0417

Address Service Requested

Worship – Sunday 10:30 AM

St. Mark’s Lutheran Church
400 S. 6th Street
Atchison, Kansas 66002-2862
(913) 367-0417

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