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Meal Based and Non Meal Based Community Services-

annotated >>
A. This study compares three groups (n = 367) of vulnerable
seniors on demographic, health, nutritional risk and quality of
life variables >>

B. These vulnerable seniors were recruited from meal-based

programs, meal programs which also provided socialization,
and community services which were not meal-based >>

C. Seniors recruited from non-meal based programs were the

most unwell. Seniors recruited from programs that provide
meals and so- cialization appear to be socially involved and
the least vulnerable >>

D. Participants recruited from programs that provide meals with

socialization appear to be healthier, at less nutritional risk (no
specific items of SCREEN were at greatest risk for this group)
and more socially active than the other two groups. Others
have found congregate diners to be socially active (Smith et
al., 1994). >>

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