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UU-MBA712-Theories of Management

List of Further Reading Material

Week 1: Introduction to Management

Adeyemo, A. A., Longe, M. P., & Alakoso, A. A. (2014). Value addition to human managerial skills in

the livestock sector in nigeria. Asian Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, 4(11), 510-514.

Burgelman, R. A. (2015). Inside corporate innovation: Strategy, structure and managerial

skills. M@n@gement, 18(2), 179-185.

Carlisle, H. M. (1968). Measuring the situational nature of management. California Management Review

(Pre-1986), 11(000002), 45.

Colombelli, A. (2015). Top management team characteristics and firm growth. International Journal of

Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, 21(1), 107-127. doi:


Deák, D. (2009). The role of law and ethics in developing business management as a profession. Society

and Economy, 31(2), 271-293. doi:

Dharni, K., Kiran, R., & Sharma, R. K. (2009). Use of computer-based applications: A study at different

levels of management. IUP Journal of Management Research, 8(7), 45-55.

Ginesti, G. (2019). Top management characteristics and intellectual capital performance in small italian

companies. Corporate Governance, 19(6), 1153-1166. doi:


Henderson, R., Sutherland, J., & Turley, S. (2000). Management development in small business: A sub-

regional examination of practice, expectation and experience. Regional Studies, 34(1), 81-86.

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Herath, S. K. (2007). A framework for management control research. The Journal of Management

Development, 26(9), 895-915. doi:

Hermel-Stanescu, M. (2016). The evolution of managerial skills with age. FAIMA Business &

Management Journal, 4(3), 50-60.

Lize A.E. Booysen, & Nkomo, S. M. (2010). Gender role stereotypes and requisite management

characteristics: The case of south africa. Gender in Management, 25(4), 285-300.


Miao, S., Abdulkhamid Komil, u. F., & Dedahanov, A. T. (2020). Management characteristics as

determinants of employee creativity: The mediating role of employee job

satisfaction. Sustainability, 12(5), 1948. doi:

Murdach, A. D. (2007). Living in the trenches: Managerial skills for practitioners. Social Work, 52(4),


Ortegon-Monroy, M. (2003). Chaos and complexity theory in management: An exploration from a critical

systems thinking perspective. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 20(5), 387-400.

Osuntokun, J. (2001). Some thoughts on traditional african idea of management. Journal of Cultural

Studies, 3(1), 99-107. doi:

Singh, H., & Prakash, N. (2019). Differences in physical, behavioral and emotional health of managers

at different levels of management. Indian Journal of Health and Wellbeing, 10(7-9), 180-188.

Thomson, A., Mabey, C., & Storey, J. (1998). The determinants of management

development. International Studies of Management & Organization, 28(1), 91-113.

Tokarski, S., Tokarski, K., & Sikora, J. (2016). Levels of management and economic performance of

companies. Management, 20(1), 81-95. doi:

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Waldman, D. A., & Yammarino, F. J. (1999). CEO charismatic leadership: Levels-of-management and

levels-of-analysis effects. Academy of Management.the Academy of Management Review, 24(2),


Wankel, C. (2016). Developing cross-cultural managerial skills through social media. Journal of

Organizational Change Management, 29(1), 116-124. doi:


Additional Resources can be found at the University’s Online Library in ProQuest.

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