Body Language Guide

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"Body language speaks volumes beyond

words. From the intensity in my eyes to the
subtle gestures I employ, every movement is
purposeful. Silence becomes a weapon,
drawing you in. Witness the art of
manipulation unfold, as I leave an indelible
mark with the unspoken language of my

Human beings tend to use their legs to claim territory and as such it can
reveal a lot about a persons current mood and feelings. Also try to find
these in your own body language.
As some of these indicate negative mood and submissiveness, make
sure you purposefully use dominant and confident body language and
avoid any types of body language that may induce lack of confidence.

• Distance between legs

The amount of confidence is generally
indicated by the distance between once
legs, the further they are the more
confidence they display and the closer
the less confidence.
Often visible in people with powerful
positions such as policemen.
• Standing Face to Face
Standing directly in front of someone (specially when in an argument)
leads to a feeling of confrontation.
It is best if you approach people at slight angle(works best if they are
naturally aggressive)

• Walking style
Females tend to sway their hips in
order to increase their sex appeal or
put it simply to appear more
While males tend to sway their
shoulders to display dominance and
confidence. Learn to sway your
shoulders subtly to appear more
• Leg space while sitting

If someone is sitting with their legs wide open or on table it indicates high
confidence and comfort. But if you see someone suddenly chance this body
posture when someone arrives, it is a clear indication of discomfort, fear
or respect for the person who just arrived.
If someone does this while you walk in they are either being polite to
you, respect you, not comfortable or even afraid of you. This
observation can be highly effective while figuring out the social
hierarchy of a group, as the person with lower status will naturally
respect the one above him.

• Ankle locking
This example here is considered the most
attractive way of sitting by men, also men tend to
lock their ankle as shown above.
If you find someone lock their ankles suddenly
when something is brought up, it’s a clear sign
of discomfort or hesitation.
Use it to your advantage.
• Swinging leg while sitting
This is either done when bored or it
is used to shake off some sort of
Look at the face of that person if
they are smiling or having neutral
expression it means they are just
bored and passing time.
However if they seem to be thinking or irritated it’s a good sign they are
feeling some discomfort observe their surrounding see if it’s something
that’s happening right now and fix it if you can, you’ll gain their trust. If it’s
because they are thinking something then ask them what is bothering them
or casually start a conversation and see if they reveal anything.

• Knee hugging
Often done by teenagers, they hug their legs in
order to comfort themselves. If possible make
sure you hug them if not provide them
something warm or a chocolate will do the
trick, do this enough time and they’ll start
associating the feeling of comfort with you.
Also it is good indication someone is feeling

With this the basics are clear master

them first, we’ll start the more advance
stuff when all the basics are cleared.
*there were a lot more body languages that I had to teach but due to
lack of examples I couldn’t, though we’ll cover them soon enough*

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