Chapter 5 Chemical Changes ANSWERS

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Chapter 5: Chemical changes 1

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Reactions of metals Reactivity series Displacement reactions Reactivity and ions

The reactivity of a metal is how chemically reactive The reactivity series places metals in order of their reactivity. In a displacement reaction a more reactive element takes the A metal’s reactivity depends on how readily it
it is. When added to water, some metals react very place of a less reactive element in a compound. forms an ion by losing electrons.
Sometimes, for example in the table below, hydrogen and
vigorously – these metals have high reactivity. Other For example: In the displacement reaction of copper sulfate
carbon are included in the series, even though they are
metals will barely react with water or acid, or won’t and iron, iron forms an ion more easily than
non‑metals. copper sulfate + iron ➞ iron sulfate + copper
react at all – these metals have low reactivity. copper.
CuSO4(aq) + Fe(s) ➞ FeSO4(aq) + Cu(s)
Iron is more reactive than copper, so iron displaces the copper in At the end of the reaction you are left with iron
Reactivity series copper sulfate. ions, not copper ions.
Reaction with water Reaction with acid Extraction method
Metal Reactivity
potassium high Ionic equations (HT only) Steps for writing an ionic
fizzes, gives off explodes sodium reactivity
When an ionic compound is dissolved in a solution, we can write equation (HT only)
hydrogen gas lithium
electrolysis the compound as its separate ions. For example, CuSO4(aq) can 1 check symbol equation is balanced
calcium be written as Cu2+(aq) and SO42−(aq).
2 identify all aqueous ionic compounds

Decreasing reactivity
fizzes, gives off The displacement reaction of copper sulfate and iron can be 3 write those compounds out as ions
aluminium written as:
reacts very slowly hydrogen gas (carbon) 4 remove spectator ions.
zinc Fe(s) + Cu2+(aq) + SO42−(aq) ➞ Fe2+(aq) + SO42−(aq) +
iron Cu(s) Reduction and oxidation:
reacts slowly with tin reduction with carbon The SO42− is unchanged in the reaction – it is a spectator ion. electrons (HT only)
warm acid lead Spectator ions are removed from the equation to give an ionic
(hydrogen) Oxidation and reduction (redox reactions) can
copper equation:
no reaction be defined in terms of oxygen, but can also be
no reaction silver Fe(s) + Cu2+(aq) ➞ Fe2+(aq) + Cu(s) defined as the loss or gain of electrons.
low mined from the Earth’s
crust Metals, covalent substances, and solid ionic substances do not Oxidation is the loss of electrons, and reduction is
gold reactivity
split into ions in the ionic equation. the gain of electrons.
In the example displacement reaction:
• iron atoms have been oxidised
Metal extraction Reduction and oxidation Half equations (HT only)
• copper ions have been reduced.
Some metals, like gold, are so unreactive that they are found as pure If a substance gains oxygen in a reaction, In the displacement reaction, an iron atom loses two electrons
metals in the Earth’s crust and can be mined. it has been oxidised. to form a iron ion:
Most metals exist as compounds in rock and have to be extracted If a substance loses oxygen in a reaction, Acids and alkalis
Fe(s) ➞ Fe2+(aq) + 2e−
from the rock. If there is enough metal compound in the rock to be it has been reduced.  cids are compounds that, when dissolved in
worth extracting it is called an ore. A copper ion gains two electrons to form a copper atom:
For example: water, release H+ ions. There are three main
Metals that are less reactive than carbon can be extracted by Cu2+(aq) + 2e− ➞ Cu(s) acids: sulfuric acid H2SO4, nitric acid HNO3, and
iron + oxygen ➞ iron oxide
reduction with carbon. For example: hydrochloric acid HCl.
iron has been oxidised These two equations are called half equations – they each show
iron oxide + carbon ➞ iron + carbon dioxide
half of the ionic equation.
Alkalis are compounds that, when dissolved in
Metals that are more reactive than carbon can be extracted using a iron oxide + carbon ➞ iron + carbon dioxide water, release OH− ions.
process called electrolysis. iron oxide has been reduced The pH scale is a measure of acidity and alkalinity.
It runs from 1 to 14.
• Aqueous solutions with pH < 7 are acidic.
Salts • Aqueous solutions with pH > 7 are alkaline.
• Aqueous solutions with pH = 7 are neutral.
When acids react with metals or
metal compounds, they form salts. Acid hydrochloric acid sulfuric acid nitric acid
A salt is a compound where the
Formula HCl H2SO4 HNO3
hydrogen from an acid has been Indicators can show if something is an acid or an alkali.
replaced by a metal. For example Ions formed in solution H+ and Cl− 2H+ and SO42− H+ and NO3−
• Universal indicator can also tell us the approximate pH of a solution.
nitric acid, HNO3, reacts with sodium Type of salt formed metal chloride metal sulfate metal nitrate
to form NaNO3. The H in nitric acid • Electronic pH probes can give us the exact pH of a solution.
is replaced with Na. sodium chloride, sodium sulfate, sodium nitrate,
Sodium salt example
NaCl Na2SO4 NaNO3
The table shows how to name salts.
Chapter 5: Chemical changes 2
Knowledge organiser

Reactions of acids Alkalis and bases Strong and weak acids

Reactions of acids with metals Bases neutralise acids to form Sulfuric acid, nitric acid, and hydrochloric acid, are all strong Ethanoic acid, citric acid, and carbonic acid are weak acids.
Acids react with some metals to form salts and hydrogen gas. water in neutralisation reactions. acids. This means that, when dissolved in water, every This means that only a percentage of their molecules split up
Some metal hydroxides dissolve molecule splits up into ions – they are completely ionised: into ions when dissolved in water – they are partially ionised.
magnesium + hydrochloric acid ➞ sodium chloride + hydrogen in water to form alkaline
• H2SO4(aq) ➞ 2H+(aq) + SO42−(aq) For a given concentration, the stronger the acid, the lower
Neutralisation reactions solutions, called alkalis.
• HNO3(aq) ➞ H (aq) + NO (aq)
+ − the pH.
Reactions of acids with metal hydroxides Some metal oxides and metal
• HCl(aq) ➞ H+(aq) + Cl−(aq)
hydroxide do not dissolve in
Acids react with metal hydroxides to form salts and water.
water. They are bases, but are
hydrochloric acid + sodium hydroxide ➞ sodium chloride + water not alkalis.
The ionic equation for this reaction is always: Concentrated and dilute acids
H+(aq) + OH−(aq) ➞ H2O(l) Concentration tells us how much
concentrated concentrated
Reactions of acids with metal oxides of a substance there is dissolved in dilute strong acid strong acid dilute weak acid weak acid
Acids react with metal oxides to form salts and water. H+ Cl– H+ E– H+
more concentrated acids have
•  Cl–
Cl– E– H+
hydrochloric acid + sodium oxide ➞ sodium chloride + water lots of acid in a small volume of H+ H+ Cl– –
H+ H+ H+ E
water E–
Reactions of acids with metal carbonates H+ Cl–
less concentrated acids (dilute
•  Cl–
Acids react with metal carbonates to form a salt, water, and carbon dioxide. H+ Cl– H+ E– E–
acids) have little acid in a large H+
H+ H+
hydrochloric acid + sodium carbonate ➞ sodium chloride + water volume Cl– H+
Cl– E–
+ carbon dioxide of water.
There are a few acid There are lots of acid There are a few acid There are lots of acid
ions. ions. ions. ions.
Balancing symbol equations State symbols They are completely
They are completely
They are partially
They are partially
When writing symbol equations you need to ensure that the number of each A balanced symbol equation
atom on each side is equal. should also include state
H2 + O2 ➞ H2O 2H2 + O2 ➞ 2H2O symbols.
unbalanced balanced
State Symbol Crystallisation
there are 2 hydrogen atoms on each there are 4 hydrogen atoms on
side, but 2 oxygen atoms in the each side, and 2 oxygen atoms solid (s)
You can produce a solid salt from an insoluble base by crystallisation.
reactants and 1 in the product on each side liquid (l)
The experimental method is:
gas (g)
O 1 Choose the correct acid and base to produce the salt.
O H H H H aqueous or (aq)
O O H H H H O O 2 
Put some of the dilute acid into a flask. Heat gently with a
dissolved in water water
Bunsen burner.
3 Add a small amount of the base and stir. wire gauze

Keep adding the base until no more reacts – the base is
now in excess.
Key terms crystals form
Make sure you can write a definition for these key terms. 5 Filter to remove the unreacted base.
in the solution
6 Add the remaining solution to an evaporating dish.
displacement electrolysis extraction half equation ion ionic equation 7 
Use a water bath or electric heater to evaporate the water.
metal ore oxidation reactivity reactivity series redox reduction The salt crystals will be left behind.
spectator ion state symbols
Chapter 5: Chemical changes
Retrieval questions
Learn the answers to the questions below then cover the answers column
with a piece of paper and write as many as you can. Check and repeat. 19 In terms of pH, what is an acid? a solution with a pH of less than 7

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C5 questions Answers 20 In terms of pH, what is a neutral solution? a solution with a pH of 7

a substance that releases H+ ions when dissolved

21 In terms of H+ ions, what is an acid?
1 What does reactivity mean? how vigorously a substance chemically reacts in water
How is the amount of H+ ions in a solution

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by comparing their reactions with water, acid, the more H+ ions, the lower the pH
2 How can metals be ordered by their reactivity? related to its pH?
or oxygen
What are the names and formulae of three hydrochloric acid, HCl; sulfuric acid, H2SO4 ;
What name is given to a list of metals ordered by main acids? nitric acid, HNO3
3 reactivity series
their reactivity?
24 How do you measure the pH of a substance? universal indicator or pH probe

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In terms of electrons, what makes some metals more
4 they lose their outer shell electron(s) more easily an acid where the molecules or ions completely ionise
reactive than others? 25 What is a strong acid?
in water
Why are gold and silver found naturally as elements an acid where the molecules or ions partially ionise
5 they are very unreactive 26 What is a weak acid?
in the Earth’s crust? in water

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rock containing enough of a metal compound to be compound formed when a metal ion takes the place
27 What is a salt?
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6 What is an ore? of a hydrogen ion in an acid

economically worth extracting
Which type of salts do sulfuric acid, hydrochloric
How are metals less reactive than carbon extracted 28 sulfates, chlorides, nitrates
7 reduction with carbon acid, and nitric acid form?
from their ores?
What are the products of a reaction between

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salt + hydrogen
8 In terms of oxygen, what is oxidation? addition of oxygen a metal and an acid?
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What are the products of a reaction between

30 salt + water
9 In terms of oxygen, what is reduction? removal of oxygen a metal hydroxide and an acid?
What are the products of a reaction between
Why can metals like potassium and aluminium 31 salt + water
10 they are more reactive than carbon a metal oxide and an acid?

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not be extracted by reduction with carbon?
What are the products of a reaction between
32 salt + water + carbon dioxide
How are metals more reactive than carbon a metal carbonate and an acid?
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11 electrolysis
extracted from their ores?
substance that reacts with acids in neutralisation
33 What is a base?
a more reactive substance takes the place of a less reactions
12 What is a displacement reaction?

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reactive substance in a compound substance that dissolves in water to form a solution
34 What is an alkali?
above pH 7
equation which gives some substances as ions and has
13 What is an ionic equation?
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spectator ions removed 35 What is a neutralisation reaction? a reaction between an acid and a base to produce water

What type of substance is given as ions in an ionic What is the ionic equation for a reaction between
14 ionic compounds in solution (or liquid) 36

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equation? H+(aq) + OH−(aq) ➞ H2O(l)
an acid and an alkali?

15 What is a spectator ion? ion that is unchanged in a reaction 37 How can you obtain a solid salt from a solution? crystallisation
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equation that shows whether a substance is losing or When an acid reacts with a metal, which species
16 What is a half equation? 38 the metal
gaining electrons is oxidised?

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When an acid reacts with a metal, which species
17 In terms of electrons, what is oxidation? loss of electrons 39 hydrogen
is reduced?
What are the four state symbols and what do they (s) solid, (l) liquid, (g) gas, (aq) aqueous or dissolved
18 In terms of electrons, what is reduction? gain of electrons 40
stand for? in water

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