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Chapter I Introduction

Background of the Study

Nowadays cleaning is difficult since some wastes and dusts are not easy to get. Knowing

that a cleaning tool are very helpful for us to clean some unseen dirt, some people has what we

called "arthritis" and those something is missing in their part of the body, while on the other

hand, in disease it will help them to easily clean the area without any hesitation even the tiny

pieces. Some of them really need an apparatus that will be a material to clean them just like a

vacuum cleaner. The word vacuum is an electrical apparatus that by means of suction collects

dust and small particles from floors and other surfaces. This will help those individuals who

does’nt have enough time.

This study wants to evaluate the effectiveness of alternative vacuum cleaners ,Its

composed of recycled materials .This will help in conserving electricity. Also this cleaning tool

will need an effort to function well. It is a cordless vacuum cleaner with a rechargeable battery as

the source of energy.

The wilkins bottle is the body of the vacuum. The batteries and wires will be used to test

the DC motors power. The plywood will be the one that covers the batteries. The net is the filter

of the vacuum. Coke in can as the fan of the vacuum. Dynamo is the generator of the vacuum.

The switch will be used to turn on and off our vacuum. The paint is used to decorate and make

our vacuum beautiful and representable. The hose is used to maintain pressure within the engine,

which allows the fuel, the air, and the spark to work in tandem as they're supposed at just the

right times. The wires brings power supply to the machine, like vacuum. The electrical tape is

used to cover the damage wires of our vacuum.

Despite the fact that one of the goals of the circular economy is that products can be used

for as long as possible, existing data show that the number of years that small household

appliances are used until they are replaced is not increasing and is even decreasing in some

cases. This work focuses on product attachment as a strategy to slow down the replacement of

the product and, consequently, to lengthen product life, thereby preventing psychological


The importance of our alternative vacuum cleaner is that many people can be helped in

their daily cleaning because of this we will make an alternative vacuum cleaner we can ensure

that people will save more, It will also help people who have allergies and no time to devote

more time to cleaning and sweeping. This vacuum cleaner is not only effective at cleaning but it

is also easy to use, they save time and energy. They are equipped with suction motors and filters.

This project turned out to be a success.

Even though we went through many major struggles, we were able to work together as a

team to think of different ways to fix our problems. We continuously thought of multiple ways to

fix a problem to ensure that we would end up with the result that we wanted. We used many

different materials to help us figure out what exactly the problem was. Also, we are satisfied

with our results and enjoyed creating this project.

Statement of the problem

Generally, this study aims to utilize the effectiveness of alternative vacuum cleaner property

instead of commercial vacuum cleaner

Specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions:

1. Is there a difference between alternative vacuum cleaner and commercial vacuum cleaner in

terms of:

1.1 volume;

1.2 energy efficiency; and

1.3 suction?

Is there a difference among the physical qualities of alternative vacuum cleaner and commercial

vacuum cleaner in terms of:

2.1 sturdiness;

2.2 weight; and

2.3 durability?

Statement of the hypothesis

1.There is no difference between alternative vacuum cleaner and commercial vacuum cleaner in

terms of:

1.1 volume;

1.2 energy efficiency; and

1.3 suction?

There is no difference among the physical qualities of alternative vacuum cleaner and

commercial vacuum cleaner in terms of:

2.1 sturdiness;

2.2 weight; and

2.3 durability?

Significant of the study

The result of this study will be beneficial the following:

Students. The benefits for students is that when chalk falls on the floor it is very hard to sweep

because the chalk will roll and make a mess and the students will have to wipe the excess chalk

and the trash is also hard to sweep because the trash will fly due to the wind so this vacuum will

help us clean easier in the classroom. This will be the beneficiaries of innovative cleaning tool to

the students It helps the students for the convenient and easier cleaning. And also helps them to

clean in a short period of time.

House wife. This benefits house wives in a big way because cleaning a house is difficult. The

cracks in the floor and the spaces in between the tiles are hard to sweep so the vacuum will help

them clean easier and faster.

Workers. Vacuum cleaners are not only effective at cleaning dust and getting rid of allergens,

they are also easy to use, they save time and energy.

Scope and Limitation

The study was focused on the use of mechanical energy, specifically baterry, as a source of

energy for the vacuum cleaner. The contents of the study focused on the materials that will be

used to build the outer part/design of the vacuum cleaner, the process of the suction and on the

parts of the vacuum cleaner. There are some limitations that existed during the creation of the

blue print was not critically checked by the consultants because of the shortage in the amount of

time left after finishing the blueprint.

The creation of the blue print took some time because the researchers had just been familiarizing

the parts, functions and types of vacuum cleaner during it's creation. Another limitations is the

output of this study will not be too realistic for some that will see the process for the first time

because only a blueprint and supporting literatures are presented and produced without a

prototype to support it. Although the study has strong literatures that will support the researchers

claim, some parts or feature of the proposed blueprint of the vacuum cleaner is hard to explain,

one factor is that the researchers are only junior high school students of PGNHS and not

machine/equipment professionals.

Chapter II- Methodology

Gathering of all the Making the

Alternative vacuum
materials Alternative vacuum

Sanding and painting Preperation of set up 2 Preparing set up 1

the wiilkins bottle (store bought vacuum) (alternative vacuum)

Circuit the wires and

batteries to the
Cutiing the wilkins in
Drilling bottom of the denamo then add the
half and putting velcro
wilkins bottle denamo on the
and the net.
bottoom of the wilkins
bottle .


In order to conduct the experiment the Researchers will collect the materials that will

be used to conduct the experiment. First let’s start with the most important materials one; The

Dynamo will be used as the main motor of the vacuum which the most important part of our

vacuum, it is then connected with the ½ Meter of wire .The wire will be passing thru 1 Switch

Then connecting to the 2 9V of eveready batteries that’s connects to the dynamo. The wilkin’s

bottle will be used by the researchers as the body of the vacuum where all the materials will be

attached. Plywood will then be used as battery holder which will store the eveready battery. The

handle will make the vacuum easier to hold. 1 pop tube will be used as a hose for the vacuum

trash will passing through it. A can will be used to make a elisi for the vacuum cleaner. A 23

and a half cm mosquito net will be used to filter dust so that the dust cant come out. 1 can of

spray paint will be used to paint the wilkins bottle.


These Equipment will be used to combine the materials together lets start with; a Soldering

Iron, It will be used to connect the dynamo, battery and the switch. The Drill will be used to makes

holes under the wilkin’s bottle so that the dynamo can be placed and air will come out and it will

also screw the box for the batteries. The Flyman Airlines cut will be used to cut the can that will

be used as a elisi. Electrical tape will be used to attach the wires The cutter will be used to cut the

wilkin’s in half. The silicon will be used to attach the dynamo, mosquito net, and, bottle caps into

place. 8 screw will be used to make the plywood stick together. Saw will be used to cut the


Setting up of Experiment

Obtaining of Alternative Vacuum

Beginning with collecting all the materials needed. 7 liters of wilkins will be cut to used

as a body of the alternative vacuum cleaner. Then proceed to the dynamo to work the dynamo

battery will be attached together using wires. The researchers will get a can and cut it to make it

as a elisi of the alternative vacuum cleaner. One (1) switch will be placed near the handle of the

alternative vacuum. When the wilkins gallon is cut the net will be attached inside the alternative

vacuum cleaner and after making and testing the vacuum cleaner this will be used to remove the

dust and small garbage.

Preparation of control setup (T1)

The Commercial Vacuum will be borrowed from one of the researcher’s relatives, no

treatment will be applied into this vacuum.

Preparation of control setup (T2)

This study wants to evaluate the effectiveness of alternative vacuum cleaner, it composed

of recycled materials will help in conserving electricity. The researcher will try the Alternative

Vacuum Cleaner in school to know the effectiveness of Alternative Vacuum to get dust like

chalk and dirt.

Analysis of Physical Properties

After 3 days of testing the two set ups were analyzed and used to collect data. Dust and

small light garbage will be used to collect data of the usefulness of the vacuum cleaner both

experimental and controlled set ups.


The Filtration will be tested by using the vacuum on small debris like dust and small

trash. This will prove the researchers hypothesis that debris and small trash cannot affect the

vacuums performance. The (6) respondents comprising of student, house wife and workers to

look at the vacuums quality and performance.

Sucking Power

The vacuum cleaner's suction power is indicated by its suction capacity, and its air

volume indicates how much air it can move. The suction power is calculated by adding the air

volume and suction capacity, and it shows how much power the vacuum cleaner has. This is a

sign of how well the vacuum cleaner cleans, or how much work needs to be done. For machines

with a single motor.


The weight will be measured using a scale in Mg and its purpose is to see if the

Alternative vacuum is better in terms of weight than a normal vacuum.


Volume will be tested by putting trash inside the vacuum and weighting the trash.


The size will be measured using a measuring tape and the size is measured in inches.

Research Plan
A. Rationale
This research was conducted to suit other people’s needs in their daily lives like cleaning ,
sometimes the broom does not work properly or just doesn’t work on carpets and wood floor’s
The broom can’t reach within the cracks of a wood floor and the broom can’t properly sweep the
carpet leaving crumbs and dust.
The purpose of this vacuum is to make everyone’s lives easier with a cheaper solution This
vacuum can benefit house wife’s, classroom cleaner’s, and street sweeper’s .this can benefit
them because it will be a lot easier for them to clean and so they don’t have to go back and forth
the trash bin 5 times or more to throw trash.
This product can help other people who cannot afford a vacuum cleaner witch is a very
expensive appliance. This goes to show that this will be a cheaper substitute for a normal
vacuum cleaner that work well and is capable of picking up heavy things.
B. Research Question(s), Hypothesis (is), Engineering goal(s), Expected Outcomes
B. Research Questions
The researchers aim to know the possibilities of using “PET” as a cleaning tool

Specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions:
1. is there a difference between “PET’ Vacuum cleaner and a regular vacuum in terms of;
1.1 sucking power;
1.2 volume; and,
1.3 filtration?
2. Is there a difference among physical qualities of the PET vacuum cleaner than a regular
2.1 weight ;
2.2 sturdiness; and,
B.2. Hypothesis
1. There is no difference between PET vacuum and a regular vacuum in term of ;
1.1 sucking power;
1.2 Volume; and
1.3 filtration?
2. There is no difference among physical qualities of the PET vacuum cleaner than a regular
vacuum in terms of;
2.1 weight;
2.2 sturdiness; and
2.3 size?
B.3.Engineering Goals
This study aims to determine the property of “Portable household vacuum cleaner”
Out of used PET water container witch can be utilized when instances come.
B.4 expected outcome
PET (polyethylene terephthalate) can be used as a camber for the home made vacuum

C. Research methodology
C.1 General Procedure
Circuiting the denamo
Upon collection of all needed materials, 1 meters of wires will be needed to for
circuiting, the wires will be connected to the battery and passing thru the switch then connecting
to the denamo. The researcher will set up the wiring and make the wires organized and clean.the
wires will be hidden in the wilkins bottle.Two AAA batteries will be hidden under the wilkins
bottle and placed inside a small box.
Analyzing dirty side walks
Searching through side walks, the researchers will search for dirty sidewzlks with a lot
of dust and trash wich will be used as a testing ground for the vacuum. The researcher will write
down what type of trash is more common for measuring and testing.
Preparation of control setups (T1)

Three(3) different types of trash will be used to measure the physical qualities of the
of the experimental and control vacuum. No treatment will be applied to any of the 3 types of
trash and the vacuum will be trying to suck the same size ,weight and type of trash.
Preparation of homemade vacuum (T2)
2 bags of trash will be used for experimentation. 1 of the bags will be used for this
experimental setup.
Preparation of store bought vacuum
The 1 bag of trash will be used for the store bought vacuum and it will be used for
The researcher hypothesis.

C.2 Risk and safety

In the conduct of the study, there might be risk that the researcher will encounter. These will
include being cut by the scissors and the sharp can of coke. In the same manner it is
recommended To wear gloves and safety goggles.
On the other hand, since the researchers will use used and recycled materials,, it would not
posses any harm or hazard because they will not encounter hazardous chemicals through the
conduct of the experiment.
C.3 testing procedure and data analysis
Analysis of physical qualities of the homemade vacuum cleaner
After the two set ups has been made the dynamo and batteries will be analyzed
Thru safe methods to asses the battery life and the power of the motor.
Battery capacity
Battery capacity will be observed using a electric tester.
Dynamo power
The power of the dc motor will be tested using the batteries and wires. The motor will be ran
using the battery for testing connected to a wire, and observed for the production of wind.

The volume of the vacuum will be observed by putting trash in the vacuum and then
weighing it to see the amount of things it can fit inside.

The weight of the vacuum will be measured in a scale using kilos.
Filtration will be tested using different types of trash and using the vacuum to suck it, to test
if the vacuum can filtrate well.
Statistical treatment of data

All the data will be gathered throughout the experimentation will be analyzed and tabulated
with appropriate tools.
Upon application of statistical treatment , data and the result of analysis will be written.

D. Bibliography
Air Flow through the Vacuum Cleaner System." Ristenbatt Vacuum. (Nov. 19,
"Best Pet Hair Vacuum." Vacuum Cleaner Advisor. Oct. 27, 2010. (Nov. 19,
"Best Vacuum Cleaner for Hardwood Floors." Vacuum Wizard. (Nov. 19,
"Get a Clean Start." Boston Globe. Nov. 14, 2010. (Nov. 19,
"HEPA filters help some with allergies." Ohio State University Medical Center. Jan. 23, 2005.
(Nov. 19, 2010)
"How to Choose." Consumer Reports. Nov. 2010. (Nov. 19,
"Inside Consumer Reports Test Labs: Which vacuums make pet-hair cleanup less of a
nightmare?" Consumer Reports. Oct. 28, 2009. (Nov. 19,
Peterson, Christina. "Behind the Scenes: Vacuum Testing." Good Housekeeping. Aug. 20, 2010.
(Nov. 19, 2010)
"Suction vs. Airflow." Simplicity Vacuums. (Nov. 19,
Trotta, Gian. "New vacuum cleaner Ratings: Our pet-hair test gets tuft." Consumer Reports. Oct.
5, 2010. (Nov. 19, 2010)
Trotta, Gian. "Which vacuum is top dog at removing pet hair?" Consumer Reports. Feb. 17,
2010. (Nov. 19, 2010)
"Types of Vacuum Cleaners." Consumer Reports. (Nov. 19,

"Vacuum Cleaner Features." Consumer Reports. (Nov. 19,
"Why Buy a Pet Vacuum?" Vacuum Home. (Nov. 19, 2010)


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