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1.1 Brief history of SIWES

The Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) is a new Directorate under

the Vice-Chancellor’s Office. It was established on 20th April, 2012

The Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) is a skills training

programme designed to expose and prepare students of universities and other tertiary

institutions for the Industrial Work situation they are likely to meet after graduation. It

is also a planned and structured programme based on stated and specific career

objectives which are geared towards developing the occupational competencies of

participants (Mafe, 2009). Consequently, the SIWES programme is a compulsory

graduation requirement for all Nigerian university students offering certain courses.

The Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES), is the accepted training

programme, which is part of the approved Minimum Academic Standard in the various

degree programmes for all Nigerian Universities. The scheme is aimed at bridging the

existing gap between theory and practice of Sciences, Agriculture, Medical Sciences

(including Nursing), Engineering and Technology, Management, and Information and

Communication Technology and other professional educational programmes in the

Nigerian tertiary institutions. It is aimed at exposing students to machines and

equipment, professional work methods and ways of safeguarding the work areas and

workers in industries, offices, laboratories, hospitals and other organizations.

Prior to establishing the Scheme, industrialists and other employers of labour felt

concerned that graduates of Nigeria Universities were deficient in practical background

studies preparatory for employment in Industries and other organizations. The

employers thus concluded that the theoretical education being received in our higher

institutions was not responsive to the needs of the employers of labour.

1.2 Scope, aim and objectives of SIWES

The scheme is a tripartite programme involving the students, the universities and the

employers of labour. It is funded by the Federal Government and jointly coordinated

by the Industrial Training Fund (ITF) and the National Universities Commission


1. To provide an avenue for students in the Nigerian universities to acquire industrial

skills and experience during their course of study;

2. To prepare students for the work situation they are likely to meet after graduation;

3. To expose the students to work methods and techniques in handling equipment and

machinery that may not be available in their universities;

4. To allow the transition phase from school to the world of working environment

easier and facilitate students’ contact for later job placements;

5. To provide students with an opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge in real

work situation thereby bridging the gap between theory and practice.

1.3 Discussion

Throughout my eighteen weeks industrial training period, I had the privilege to learn

and gained valuable experience at Pericom Nigeria Limited. This Company is a global
leader in biotechnology and water treatment. Each day of my training session, I have

learn many new thing and gained knowledge which is related to I.T in the fields of

biotechnology and water treatment. Besides that, this training session also teaches me

on how to be responsible in conducting tasks and also being independent to learn new

things. In addition, the entire task given is a challenge. Along my undergoing training, I

am ready to solve several problem or challenge faced. It has trained me to be more

independent. In addition, all the tasks given surely require cooperation between other

colleagues. So, I have all readiness to be able to work as a team and be a team player.

In fact, it has improved my proficiency in Environmental terminology. I found that all

the tasks given have been following the guidelines set by National Environmental

Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency (NESREA) and Standard

Organisation of Nigeria (SON). Therefore, it's not possible for any accident to occur

during conducting my entire task.

1.4 History and background of Pericom Nigeria limited

Pericom Nigeria Limited has been a premier water and biotechnology company,

registered under Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) with the registration number

RC.948359, owned by Mr Alex Ochonma, established in the year 1999, located in

okupe estate, Mende, Maryland, Ikeja, Lagos State, with the intention of solving

various environmental problems with the help of biotechnology, dedicated to

development and marketing of Bioenvironmental products that offer effective natural

solution to everyday waste problems.

Pericom Nigeria Limited is promoted by technocrats, which have developed path-

breaking products in environmental, agriculture and industrial spheres. Currently, the

company markets the Custombio/Bioclean series of advanced biotech products that are

so tough and unique to solving the most challenging pollutants in industrial effluents,

sewage and municipal solid waste conversion.

Pericom Nigeria Limited markets the Biota-Max series of agricultural products that has

transformed many low yielding farms into fields of bounty harvests. The remarkable

products are of international standards and are now covered by several patents.

1.4.1 Pericom Core Values

Pericom is committed to operating Environmental services with Professionalism

towards work approaches, Commitment in delivering their promises and to strive for

continuous improvement in what they do.

1.4.2 Vision Statement of Pericom Nigeria Limited

To be a competitive global player, providing Environmental solution professionally and

adding value to the community.

1.4.3 Mission Statement

To strive for continuous improvement in competitiveness output and investment

endeavors of our clients who visions to join in making nations green in character and


1.4.4 Scope of Service

It is realized that we are shifting from a chemical world to a biological world with the

progress of biotechnology. There are millions of species of bacteria on earth. Though

we get infections from bacteria, such harmful bacteria constitutes insignificant portion
of bacteria population(less than two percent) In fact most of the bacteria are beneficial

to maintain the ecology of the earth. Some species of bacteria are more potent and

powerful than others, and are capable of performing specific tasks. Pericom use this

capability of these tiny invisible forces to bring about beneficial transformation to our

environment. The application of our technology is currently focused on Industrial

waste, Sewage treatment plant, Lake bio-remediation, Hydrocarbon bio-remediation

Solid waste management, Agriculture and Aquaculture.

Pericom Biotech also designs and build simplified Hi-tech non chemical water

conditioning systems for the following purposes: Potable water for homes and

industrial processes from any raw water source of supply. Boiler, cooling towers/heat

exchangers for scales and corrosion

1.4.5 Laboratory Test and certification

Laboratory analyses of our product's efficacy against smell and environmentally

harmful microbes have been conducted by the Lagos State Wastewater Management

office and Abuja Environmental Board copies are attached for your study.

1.4.6 List of Some Pericom product

 Bioclean septic tablet

 Ecoclean 2300

 Biogrow soil probiotic

 Custom HC hydrocarbon degrading bacteria

 Supergro

 Ecoclean IDK

Fig1.1 Management structure in Pericom Nigeria Limited

2.1 Wastewater treatment in Pericom
The objective of wastewater treatment is to reduce the pollutants to less than maximum

permissible limits to prevent the threat to the environment and human health. To

achieve this, wastewater is collected and treated in large plants before it is permitted to

be released back into the environment. All the water used in homes that flows into

drains or the sewage system is referred as wastewater. Industries and businesses

frequently contribute large volumes of wastewater to sewage collection system

Wastewater follows a determined treatment path in order to achieve water quality

standards, regardless of whether conventional treatment or advanced treatment systems

are used. Wastewater is normally called influent as it passes through the wastewater

treatment facility. Wastewater treatment plants help nature to defend water from

excessive pollution. The degree and type of wastewater decides the nature of treatment

and the engineering scale of the plant. Most wastewater treatment plants consist of

primary and secondary treatment.

2.1.1 Primary Treatment

Primary treatment involves the separation and removal of solid matter and

homogenization of the remaining liquid waste. This solid matter will either float or

readily settle out due to gravity. Physical processes such as screening and grit removal

may be used during primary treatment.

Large objects, such as sticks or stones, which could block tank inlets or plug lines are

removed during the screening process. Grit chambers are used to slow down the
wastewater flow and allow grit to fall out. Solids that can settle in a sedimentation tank

are pumped away.

2.1.2 Secondary Treatment

The secondary treatment involves a biological process. Wastewater is exposed to

aerobic bacteria where the biological oxygen demand (BOD) is reduced. Aerobic

bacteria are used to break down pathogens, other contaminants and suspended organic

matter into carbon dioxide, water and biosolids.

2.1.3 Tertiary Treatment

Tertiary treatment is carried out to improve the ‘final look’ of water, making it

indistinguishable from any freshwater source. It is done to deodorize, decolor and

further oxidize if required. There has been an increase in the number of wastewater

treatment facilities that employ a tertiary treatment process. Tertiary treatment involves

removing nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen from wastewater.

2.2 Water multimedia filter

Water multimedia filter by far is the most common type of water filtration; they contain

multi layers of media. Each layer is progressively sized in coarseness and layer depth.

The media layers are stacked progressively with the coarsest and densest media,

typically gravel, at the bottom and the lighter, finer media, at the top.

A water multimedia filter is used to reduce the level of SDI (Silt Density Index), TSS

(Total Suspended Solids) in the incoming feed water. Suspended solids consist of small

particles such as silt, clay, grit, organic matter, algae and other microorganisms.

Incoming feed water that is high in suspended solids can cause a high pressure drop
and reduce the effectiveness of downstream filtration equipment such as membranes,

reverse osmosis membranes, electrode ionization EDI, UV sterilizer and ion exchange

beds, if the multimedia filtration is not used as a pretreatment

2.2.1 When Is A Multimedia Filter Required?

Because they can be easily cleaned, media filters are often used where there is a large

amount of contamination, reducing the need for replacement filter cartridges or bags

and operator effort.

Media filters have the advantage over other types of filters in that they have the ability

to be ‘backwashed’. Backwashing purges the filter and clean out the accumulated

filtered particles and restores/extends the filters’ performance.

2.2.2 How Does A Multimedia Filter Work?

In a multimedia filter, there are multiple graded layers. The heavier layers become

graded at the bottom and the lighter layers become graded at the top. Usually, the

lighter layers are designed to have larger grains. This way larger contaminates are

filtered out of the water before smaller contaminates, and the filtration efficiency for

the volume of filter media is increased.

The most common multimedia filter consists of sand and anthracite as the filtration

media. The sand has smaller grains and is heavier than the anthracite. This ensures that

the sand layer settles beneath the anthracite and provides finer filtration. A well

operated Multimedia Filter can remove particulates down to 20 microns. A Multimedia

filter that uses a coagulant addition (which induces tiny particles to join together to

form particles large enough to be filtered) can remove particulates down to 10 microns.
2.2.3 Components Of Multimedia Filter?

Filter Tank: This component will house the filtration media, it is either stainless steel,

FRP or epoxy coated steel. Metallic tanks can handle higher temperatures and pressure.

Media: This is the filtration media that includes different layers of gravels, silica sand

#20, garnet, and anthracite. This will depend on the quality of the filtered water that is

needed. To achieve better water quality, it is recommended to add a layer of the garnet


Internal upper and bottom distributors: The bottom distribution system will prevent

the media from escaping, while the upper distribution system will distribute the flow

harmonically during the service cycle. The materials of construction can either be

schedule 80 PVC or stainless steel. If your application has a high temperature water,

we recommend stainless steel internals, tank and face piping.

Valves: The valves open and close according to the different cycles. They could be

automatic electric or pneumatic valves for automatic filters, or manual valves for

manual filters. For seawater, it is recommended to use nonmetallic valves. Some

industries do not allow electric valves.

Controller: This component will control the automation of your filter. This could be a

PLC or a digital stager or an electromechanical timer. This is usually a preference

based on the main control in the facility or the building.

Face piping: Face piping will connect all valves that control the different cycles. It

could be schedule 80 PVC, stainless steel or epoxy coated carbon steel. The material of

the piping depends on the temperature or operating pressure, and if it’s an indoor or
outdoor application.

Flow controller: This component is installed on the drain outlet to control the

backwash flow rate and prevent the media from escaping to the drain.

Wastewater characteristics, as well as water treatment processes, are important for

environmental engineers to understand. Pericom thoroughly reviews the characteristics

of wastewater.

2.3 Physical Characteristics of Wastewater

 Color - Fresh sewage is normally brown and yellowish in color but over time

becomes black in color.

 Odor – Wastewater that includes sewage typically develops a strong odor.

 Temperature - Due to more biological activity, wastewater will have a higher


 Turbidity - Due to suspended solids in wastewater, wastewater will have a

higher turbidity, or cloudiness.

2.4 Chemical Characteristics of Wastewater

Wastewater contains different chemicals in various forms as mentioned below.

 Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) - COD is a measure of organic materials in

wastewater in terms of the oxygen required to oxidize the organic materials.

 Total Organic Carbon (TOC) - TOC is a measure of carbon within organic


 Nitrogen - Organic nitrogen is the amount of nitrogen present in organic


 Phosphorous - Organic phosphorous (in protein) and inorganic phosphorous

(phosphates, PO4- )

 Chlorides (Cl-)

 Sulfates (SO4-2)

 Heavy metals

1. Mercury (Hg)

2. Arsenic (As)

3. Lead (Pb)

4. Zinc (Zn)

5. Cadmium (Cd)

6. Copper (Cu)

7. Nickel (Ni)

8. Chromium (Cr)

9. Silver (Ag)

Analyzing the physical and chemical characteristics of wastewater plays a critical role

in the wastewater treatment process. Our Pericom Environmental team greatly

emphasizes wastewater treatment methods based on the physical and chemical

characteristics of the water.

2.5 Biological characteristics of wastewater

1. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) - BOD is the amount of oxygen needed

to stabilize organic matter using microorganisms.

2. Nitrogenous Oxygen Demand (NOD) - NOD is the amount of oxygen needed

to convert organic and ammonia nitrogen into nitrates by nitrifying bacteria.

3. Microbial life in wastewater - Wastewater contains the following microbes:

i. Bacteria

ii. Protozoa

iii. Fungi

iv. Viruses

v. Algae

vi. Rotifers

vii. Nematodes

Oil and Grease - Oil and grease originate from food waste and petroleum products.

The amount of oil and grease in raw wastewater varies from 10 to 109 mg/L.

It is important that those who are striving to obtain their FE certification fully

understand how to regulate the biological characteristics of wastewater through

appropriate treatment methods.

Fig 1.2: Fiber Glass Tank RO Water Purifier

3.1 Steps in water treatment process

They typically consist of several steps in the treatment process. These include:


Raw water is first collected in large aeration tank and the water is aerated by bubbling

compressed air through perforated pipes.

Aeration removes bad odors and CO2. It also removes metal such as iron, manganese

by precipitating then as their respective hydroxides.


Aerated water is then placed in settling tank and stored for 10-14 days.

During storage about 90% of suspended solids settle down within 24 hrs and the water

becomes clear.

Certain heavier toxic chemicals also settle down during storage.

Similarly pathogenic bacteria gradually die and bacterial count decreases by 90% in

first in first 5-7 days of storage.

During storage organic matter present in water is oxidized by microorganisms.

Similarly NH3 present is oxidized into nitrate by microorganisms during storage.


Water from storage tank is then placed in coagulation tank and then some precipitating

agents such as alum, lime etc are added in water and mixed.
These precipitating agents form precipitate of Al(OH)3 when dissolved in water.

Suspended solids absorb on the surface of precipitate, so gradually mass of precipitate

becomes heavier and finally settle down.

This technique is used to remove very light suspended solids that do not settle by

themselves during storage. Furthermore, if negatively charged colloidal impurities are

present, they are neutralized by Al+++ ions and settle down.


Partially clarified water is then passed through sand gravity filter which removes 98-

99% of microorganisms and other impurities.

Sand gravity water filter: Sand filter is a rectangular tank in which filter bed is made up

to 3 layers.

Top layer: fine layer of 1 meter thick

Middle layer: 0.3-0.5 meter thick layer of coarse sand

Bottom layer: 0.3-0.5 meter thick layer of gravel

There is a collection tank at the bottom of the filter bed to collect filtered water. During

filtration filter bed soon gets covered with a slimy layer called vital layer.

Vital layer consists of thread like algae, diatoms and bacteria.

During filtration microorganisms presents in vital layer oxidize organic and other

matter present in water. For example if NH3 is present, it is oxidized into nitrate.

Vital layer also helps infiltration of microbial cells.

If water contains unpleasant odor, activated carbon may be placed in filter bed that

removes bad odors.


The filtered water is finally purified by using disinfectants. Eg. Chlorination

Disinfectant kills pathogenic as well as other microorganism in water.

After disinfection water is pumped into overhead tank for subsequent domestic


3.2 The basics of operation and maintenance of a water supply system

Operation and maintenance of a water supply system refers to all the activities needed

to run the system continuously to provide the necessary service. The two words are

very frequently used together and the abbreviation ‘O&M’ is widely used. The

overall aim of operation and maintenance is to ensure an efficient, effective and

sustainable system (Castro et al., 2009). ‘Efficient’means being able to accomplish

something with the least waste of time, effort and resources; ‘effective’ means

being successful in producing the intended result; and ‘sustainable’ means able to

be maintained at the best level over time – in this case, the supply of water.

3.2.1 Operations

Operation refers to the routine activities and procedures that are implemented to ensure

that the water supply system is working efficiently. The activities that contribute to the

operation of a water utility are undertaken by technicians and engineers who have

responsibility for controlling the functions of the system

The components of the system that they look after, such as the treatment plants,

process units and all the equipment and facilities (for example, offices and

laboratories) are called the assets . For each asset there will be operating guidelines to
follow. For instance, a water pump should only be operated for a limited number of

hours per day and this must not be exceeded, otherwise it will be exposed to

overheating and eventually to failure. The pump should also be run long enough to fill

the service reservoir. If not, there will not be enough water for distribution to the


3.2.2 Maintenance

Maintenance refers to planned technical activities or activities carried out in response

to a breakdown, to ensure that assets are functioning effectively, and requires skills,

tools and spare parts (Carter, 2009). There are two types of maintenance:


components fail and stop working. Breakdown is common in many utilities and it

occurs as a result of poor preventive maintenance.

PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE: this is a regular, planned activity that takes place

so that breakdowns are avoided. Examples of preventive maintenance would include

backwash, servicing of equipment, inspecting equipment for wear and tear and

replacing as necessary, cleaning and greasing moving parts of equipment, and

replacing items that have a limited lifespan. Preventive maintenance is important

because it ensures that the asset fulfils its service life. If you consider the example of

the pump, regularly checking the electrical parts, the components of the

switch/operating board and inspection of power lines are tasks that can be regarded as

preventive maintenance. If the pump fails due to operational problems or lack of

preventive maintenance, it will have to be repaired or replaced – an example of

breakdown maintenance.

3.3 Safety precautions in water treatment process

 Lockout/Tagout: Lockout/Tagout lays an important role in system testing,

inspections, servicing and repairs, and routine maintenance by ensuring that

energized equipment is de-energized or shut down, locked out and tagged.

Nearly 90 percent of the activities that require lockout/tagout are applications

that require de-energizing an electrical source that provides power to a system or

equipment components within the system. These might include pumps, electrical

motors, valves and mixing systems.

 Employee should use personal protective equipment to protect themselves from

hazards and perform daily duties

 Chemicals should be properly labeled and stored according to information

specified on the MSDS.

3.4 Pericom equipment and materials used in the treatment of water

3.4.1 Plant Aeration Components

 Micron strong element housing filters: This type of filter element is designed

to prevent the passage of a high percentage of solids of a specific size.

 Non electronic online venturi oxygen injector: When you need to inject air,

oxygen, or ozone into water, a venturi injector is one of the best methods to use.
3.4.2 Filtration components

 13 x 52 Fiberglass polylined, corrosion free and ultraviolet resistant vessels

complete with riser and back wash valve: typically involved a dry, solid media (such

as activated carbon) suspended in the middle of the vessel on a system of beam

supports and grating. The media controls the concentration of a pollutant in the

incoming gas via adsorption and absorption.

 Bags of brim catalytic media: Brim is an efficient and economical media for

the reduction of dissolved iron and manganese compounds from raw water supplies. It

may be used in either gravity fed or pressurized water treatment systems. Brim acts as

an insoluble catalyst to enhance the reaction between dissolved oxygen and the iron


 Bags of 12 x 40 acid washed granular Activated carbon: Activated carbon is

an effective adsorbent because it is a highly porous material and provides a large

surface area to which contaminants may adsorb. Where taste and odor may be a

problem (organoleptic impacts), the sand filter may include a layer of activated carbon

to remove such taste and odor.

 Bags of Corosex® media: Corosex® is a fast-acting magnesium oxide media

used in high flow rate applications or where large pH corrections are required (raw

water pH level of less than 6.0). On a per weight basis, Corosex® can neutralize five

times more acidity than can calcite.

 Bags of oxygenated Calcite: It is commonly used in residential and commercial

water treatment applications to neutralize acidic or low pH water to reduce

corrosiveness and balance pH prior to iron treatment.

 Adolite : Since it is alkaline, it's often used to adjust the pH of water

3.4.3 Coagulant

 Aluminium sulphate (milled) : The addition of Aluminium sulphate coagulant

to the water causes the formation of a precipitate, or floc, which entraps these


3.4.4 Disinfectant

 Chlorine: As a halogen, chlorine is a highly efficient disinfectant, and is added

to public water supplies to kill disease-causing pathogens, such as bacteria, viruses,

and protozoans, that commonly grow in water supply reservoirs, on the walls of water

mains and in storage tanks.

3.4.5 Electrical and Non Electric equipment

 Non electric online chemical injector complete with suction kit : The

Chemilizer from Hydro Systems is a proportional liquid chemical injector that injects a

precise amount of chemical in proportion to a volume of water. This water driven

pump does not require electricity and is available in six different dilution ratios.

 Chemical holding tank: Chemicals are pretty much essential for the treatment

of wastewater. The entire process of wastewater treatment demands of large quantities

and aggressive amounts of chemicals. For that, proper storage is really important. This

is where the chemical storage tanks come to play. For the proper treatment of

wastewater, these tanks are really useful along with all the equipment.

 Pump and motor control panel: A Pump Control Panel includes power

components to control the pump motor, sensors to protect the pump, and pilot devices

for operator control. Additional sensors are used to monitor the process for automatic

pump operation.

 HP Pumps Duty/stand by: The Duty Standby Booster system is mainly use for

pressure boosting and water transfer. The pressure booster system is a fully

integrated package.

 Control panel : for automation of plant installed with pump protective gadget

and cable for installation

 Flow switches: A flow switch is a device that monitors the flow of air, steam or

liquid. It sends a "trip signal" to a different device in the system, such as a pump.

The flow switch can indicate to the pump to shut off or to turn on. Some of the

general uses are for pump protection, for cooling-circuit protection and alarms

for too high or too low flow rates.

CPVC Pipes


fittings: CPVC has proven to be highly reliable and cost effective in primary,

secondary and advanced treatment of wastewater, as well as in ancillary

equipment, scrubbers, desalination processes, dual-containment applications,

and water treatment and distribution. Because of its versatility, CPVC offers

efficiencies in inventory control because only one material needs to be stocked

for a wide array of uses.

Fig 1.3: High pressure chemical injector

Fig 1.4: 1.0 HP

Centrifugal Pumps Duty/stand by

Fig 1.5: Pump and motor control panel


4.1 Summary

A brief history and background of SIWES and Pericom Nigeria Limited, also my

experiential industrial engagement in Pericom wastewater treatment was introduced in

chapter one, general discussion on waste water treatment in Pericom, the need of water

multimedia filter in water treatment was discussed in chapter two, the basic operation

and maintenance of water treatment technology, the equipment, materials, safety

precautions involved in water treatment were highlighted in chapter three.

4.2 Challenges encountered

During the period of the industrial attachments these were some of the challenges: lack

of free access to machines and equipment to work with; spend a lot of money traveling

from my places of residence to workplace; Industries are too suspicious of me on the

attachment programme; spend a lot of time in finding placement for the industrial
attachment; and Supervision from workplace and training institution supervisors is not


4.3 Recommendation

After eighteen weeks undertaking industrial at Pericom i recommended that the

company management must incorporate the right duration and time of industrial

training component in the course curriculum to better prepare students for their

industrial training experience according to competencies needed in the water treatment


4.4 Conclusion

Through the Industrial Training, it is clear that the training objectives have been

achieved during the training conducted for 18 weeks. Therefore, it can be concluded

that all the exposure that has been given to the me during training is very useful and

should be exploited in the future. Also, through this training I was able to gain new

insights and more comprehensive understanding about the real industry working

condition of wastewater treatment.


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