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A Gradient based Decentralized Volt/Var Optimization

Scheme for Distribution Systems with Smart Inverters

Yue Shi, Student Member, IEEE Mesut Baran, Fellow, IEEE
Department of ECE Department of ECE
North Carolina State University North Carolina State University
Raleigh, USA Raleigh, USA

Abstract—In this paper, a decentralized Volt/Var optimization approach can reduce the dimension of the original VVO
(VVO) scheme is proposed for distribution systems. It considers problem significantly at the cost of more iterations. In [9] a
the use of smart inverters for distributed generators (DGs) in a distributed VVO which does not require a master coordinator
distribution system together with voltage regulators (VRs) and is proposed. And the local controllers use the local sensitivity,
load tap changers (LTCs). The proposed decentralized VVO thus the solution is approximate.
scheme, which divides the system into sub-areas based on
sensitivity, is a master-slave approach based on the gradient The proposed VVO scheme divides the smart inverters
method. The effectiveness of this proposed VVO scheme is tested into groups based on sensitivity and then uses a gradient based
on an IEEE 34 nodes system with high penetration of DGs. method to dispatch the reactive power injection by smart
inverters to achieve to the goal of power loss minimization. In
Index Terms-- Decentralized Volt/Var optimization, gradient section II, the proposed VVO scheme is presented. Section III
method, smart distribution systems, distributed generation. provides the test results on a modified IEEE 34 nodes system
and verifies the effectiveness of the proposed VVO scheme by
I. INTRODUCTION comparing to an LP based centralized VVO scheme.
Voltage regulation in a distribution system is a
fundamental requirement for all utilities. In conventional
distribution systems, voltage regulators, and load tap changers The VVO scheme considered in this paper is for a
(LTCs) and capacitor banks (CAPs) are the devices that have distribution system which has a large number of DGs with
been used for Volt/Var control (VVC) purpose. With the smart inverters that can provide reactive power support for
increasing penetration of DGs, such as PV, smart inverters are VVC. This is motivated based on the recent revisions on IEEE
encouraged to be used as Var control devices [1]. With the standard 1547 to facilitate such services by smart inverters
extension of SCADA to distribution system, the traditional [11]. Since these inverters can control the amount of reactive
VVC can be improved to achieve more efficiency while power injection, a large number of these inverters would
keeping the voltages acceptable. By exploiting these new eliminate the use of CAPs in the system. Therefore, in this
technologies, more advanced schemes, called Volt/Var paper, the smart inverters are the only Var control devices. To
optimization – VVO schemes are under development. solve the VVO problem, the paper makes use of the fact that
there’s weak coupling between the voltage correction by VR
Although the primary goal of VVO is to keep voltages (and/or LTC) and the reactive compensation by these inverters
within acceptable range, the objective of VVO can be or CAPs. Hence, the VVO problem is decoupled into Volt
formulated differently. Among the proposed approaches, [2] problem and Var problem [2]. This paper will focus on how to
uses power loss, and [3] uses control cost minimization as the solve the Var problem using the proposed VVO method, i.e. to
objective function. Other objectives include demand reduction determine the reactive power injection for the smart inverters
and power factor correction [4]. With different formulations of assuming that VRs and the LTC are set to keep the voltages
VVO problem, the methods to solve them vary as well. within limits.
Proposed VVO methods can be divided into two categories: i)
centralized VVO [5] [6], and ii) decentralized VVO [7]-[10]. A. Problem Formulation
In this paper, a new decentralized VVO method is proposed to In this paper, we adopted the formulation used in [8] for
minimize power loss while maintaining voltages acceptable VVO, which is given below:
under different system operation conditions.
Recently, efforts have been made to develop decentralized min f ( x)  Ploss  x  (1)
VVO. A decentralized VVO based on Dantzig-Wolfe s.t. g ( x, u )  0 (2)
decomposition is proposed in [8], where the master problem
and sub-problems need to be updated iteratively. This V min
V V max
This work was done in 2016.
Qmin  Qinj  Qmax (4) Start
where x  [ ; V ] are voltage angles and magnitudes, and
u has the control variables, i.e. the reactive power injection Calculate the present gradient ∇f
from DER inverters, Qinj . The equality constraints in (2) Initialization of step-size: β(0)
correspond to power flow equations [12]:

 
 PGi  PLi  Vi V j  Gij cos ij  Bij sin ij  Calculate power loss based on ∇f and β(k)
g  x, u      0 (5)
to get Ploss_old(k)
 
 Qinji  Vi V j  Gij sin ij  Bij cos ij  
 j  β(k)=β_new(k)
β_new(k)= γβ(k)
where PG i is the real power generation from the DG at node i,
PL i is the real power consumption at node i, Qinj i is the
Calculate power loss based on ∇f and β_new(k)
reactive power injection from the smart inverter at node i, to get Ploss_new(k)
i j  i   j is the voltage angle difference between node i
and node j, Gi j  jBi j  Yi j is the element of Y-bus matrix.
B. Gradient based VVO scheme
The gradient based method is adopted to solve the VVO
problem. Since the minute to minute variation of the load on No
a feeder is not considerable, gradient of the objective function
fu (t ) provides an effective direction for updating the β* =β(k)
control [5]. Real-time implementation of VVO involves
updating the control every 5-10 minutes. Hence, in the Figure 1. Flow chart of step-size searching

proposed method, the gradient fu (t ) is calculated first inverters that are close to each other together and put them
under a local “slave controller”, so that all the inverters in this
(details of calculating fu is given at appendix) and then the group can be controlled together. This is the approach used to
control is updated as group the inverters on a feeder into smaller clusters and
u(t )  u(t  1)  * (t ) fu (t ) develop a decentralized scheme based on this clustering. To
coordinate the control among these groups, a “master
at each control update period. In the update, the challenge is controller” is used to act as a supervisory controller and to
to determine the best step size * such that the objective provide the update signals to slave units based on the gradient
function (power loss) is minimized without violating method. Figure 2 shows the implementation of the proposed
master-slave VVO scheme. As the figure indicates, At each
constrains. This is achieved by a search as shown in Figure 1.
control period, slave controllers collects the real-time load and
As the figure shows  is updated as PV generation information and VVC device output from all
 (k  1)   (k )   nodes in the group and send the data to the master controller.
for some   1 . The largest  (k ) which achieves the The master controller calculates the gradient f u and
maximum power loss reduction without violating the voltage determines the best step-size * and then sends the results to
constraints is selected as * (t ) . The initial value  (0) is the slave controllers. After receiving gradient, each slave uses
selected such that the minimum change for the control the gradient and the step-size * to determine the total Qinj
(inverters) u
is some small value, for example 0.01 needed from inverters in the group, allocates it to individual
kVar. inverters equally, and sends the updated Qinj setting to the
C. Decentralized VVO – A master-slave scheme inverters. If an inverter hits its Q limit, it will be set to operate
Since a distribution feeder line section can be rather short, at that limit.
the distance between the smart inverters will be short, and In this decentralized master-slave VVO scheme, the master
therefore, sensitivity of the voltage to Qinj for the inverters controller communicates only with the slave controllers,
that are close to each other will be very similar. Indeed when therefore it decreases the communication requirement as
compared to the traditional centralized control scheme which
we examine the gradient fu (t ) we can see that that is the requires communication between control center and all VVC
case. This observation indicates that we can group the devices.
The original load data is given in [13]. Based on this data, the
following cases have been simulated.
Gradient Calculation A. Case1: peak load condition
& Convergence Check
This case considers the peak load condition. In this case,
System first, the LTC is set to 1.05 p.u. and VR#1 is set at tap 8 for all
Model Communication three phases in order to bring the voltages within limits. The
Interface initial control for the smart inverters is assumed to be u  0 ,
i.e. all inverters are at unity power factor. The initial step-
size,  (0) , is selected based on the assumption that
u  0.02 kVar and  is selected to be 1.1. Figure 4

Load , DG Output
Gradient & Step-size
& VVC Device Output shows the iterations for the optimal step-size search. As the
figure shows, the power loss decreases monotonically and the
search stops at the 16th iteration. An LP based centralized
VVO is also used to compare the performance. Table I shows
Distributed VVO that the proposed scheme is able to obtain a solution very
Controller close to the optimal solution obtained by the LP VVO. The
voltage profile before and after VVO is shown in Figure 5. As
Communication the figure shows, the VVO helps also raise the voltage profile
Interface in this case.

Control commands

VVC devices

Figure 2. Implementation of the proposed VVO scheme


In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed
VVO scheme, the IEEE 34 node test feeder [13] is modified
with PVs connected to all nodes with load. Since these Figure 4. Convergence characteristics of Case 1
inverters can provide sufficient reactive power to improve the
voltage profile, only one VR is needed in this modified
system, and hence VR#2 is removed.

Grouping of smart inverters:

Figure 3 shows how the inverters are grouped based on
sensitivity/gradient analysis. As the figure shows in this case
20 inverters are divided into 6 groups. Managing this small
number of groups becomes easier than the individual inverters
for VVO using a centralized approach.
In order to test the performance of the proposed scheme,
operating conditions during heavy loading is simulated.
Figure 5. Phase A voltage profile


Iterations Vmin Vmax Loss Loss
(p.u.) (p.u.) (kW) Reduction(kW)
0.965 1.05 208.579
Gradient 16 0.972 1.05 206.938 1.642
Figure 3. Grouping of the smart inverters on the IEEE 34 nodes system After LP
21 0.973 1.05 206.856 1.724
Runtime of the proposed VVO for Case 1 is 0.97s and To test the effectiveness of proposed VVO, the LP based
considerably less than the 3.38s runtime of the LP based VVO has also been applied for this case. Figure 11 shows the
VVO. This is not only because the gradient based approach difference calculated by subtracting power loss of the
has less iterations, but also because each iteration of LP VVO proposed VVO from power loss of the LP VVO. Positive
takes more time to update and solve the LP problem. values means the proposed VVO is performing better than the
LP VVO. As the figure shows, most of the time the difference
B. Case2: Daily operation is very small which indicates the performance of the two VVO
To simulate operation of the test feeder on a typical day, a schemes are very close. At some load conditions, the
24-hour PV and load profile with a 5 min resolution, shown in difference is large which means that the proposed VVO
Figure 6, is used. This simulation is used to test the performs better than the LP VVO, this is because the LP
effectiveness of the proposed VVO in adjusting reactive method can lose the accuracy due to linearization and setting
power injection of smart inverters as the net load changes. of the LP parameters. In this case, it happens that the LP
indicates a power loss reduction, however the actual power
In this case, the substation LTC and the voltage regulator loss increases.
VR#1 on the feeder are used first to keep the voltages within
limits. Then the proposed VVO scheme is run to minimize the IV. CONCLUSIONS
power loss and provide additional voltage boost/buck if need.
Figure 7 shows the VR tap adjustments during the day. LTC is In this paper, a master-slave based decentralized VVO
set to 1.05 p.u. when the system load is larger than the PV scheme is proposed for a distribution system with high DG
generation; otherwise LTC is set to 0.9875 p.u.. Figure 8 penetration. The method provides supervisory reactive power
shows how the power loss is minimized as VVO adjusts the control to the smart inverters used with DGs in order to
reactive power injection of the smart inverters during the day. provide effective coordination between these devices.
Figure 9 shows the maximum reactive power injected by the Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the
inverters max (Qinj i) at each control step. As the figure
proposed VVO scheme in adjusting the Qinj for the smart
confirms, with small load variation at each step, max (Qinj i)
variations are small, although the magnitude of Qinj support inverters as the load and DG generation change during a day.
The test results indicate the proposed method can reduce the
can be considerable especially during the high load conditions. power loss as good as (some times better than) the LP based
Figure 10 shows that the proposed scheme keeps the node approach. This gradient based scheme is computationally very
voltages within the acceptable range of 0.95-1.05 p.u.. efficient and has less communication requirement compared
with conventional centralized control.

Figure 6. A 24-hour PV and load profile Figure 8. 24-hour power loss profile with proposed VVO

Figure 7. VR tap adjustments Figure 9. Maximum Reactive Power Injection by inverters

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[11] "1547a-2014 - IEEE Standard for Interconnecting Distributed
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[13] "Distribution Test Feeders," IEEE Power and Energy Society, [Online].


Figure 10. Maximum and minnimum voltage profile with proposed
Calculation of Gradient fu 
By the chain rule, we have the following

f f g
 (6)
u g u
f f g
  (7)
x g x
f f
here and are row vectors. Equation (7) can be written
u x
Figure 11. Power loss comparison
f f  g 
  (8)
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