Soal Assemntbpts Kelas Xi 2

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ONE TYPE 0, 1 2 AND TYPE 3 and translate to Indonesian language!

1. If I hadn’t joined you last night, I wouldn’t have accident.

2. if you love me, I will marry you.
3. If they have enough money, they would go to Bali
4. If you turn on fire. It’ s burn.
5. If you planted this seed, you would take this fruit
6. Mario wouldn’t have gotten problem, if mario had said truly to others.
7. If AJI were governor last year, flora would be her assistant.
8. If your sister buy that chocolate for you, will you be happy?
9. if he studied well. Peter would pass the examination
10. If you burn the Woods. It’s become Charcoal.

II. Answer The questions below , with the right answer!

How to Make Brownies


• 150gram of butter.

• 150gram of dark chocolate.

• 300 gram of flour

• 4 eggs.

• 600 gram of regular sugar

• 1 tsp vanilla extract


1. Melt the chocolate with the butter.

2. Stir the eggs with the sugar and the vanilla extract.

3. Preheat the oven at low temperature

4. Combine the mixes you made.

5. Add the flour and stir with a wooden spoon.

6. Grease a brownie tin.

7. Add a little flour to cover the tin.

8. Add the brownie dough.

9. Bake for 10-30 minutes.

10. To check the brownies, put a knife in the mix. The knife must be moist!

11. Eat them 15 minutes after you took them out of the oven.

Questions 11-17

11. How much flour do you need to make brownies?

12. What is the first thing to do when making brownies?

13. What should you do before combining the mixes?

14. What should you do after greasing a brownie tin?

15. According to text, how many steps are there to make brownies?

16. According to the text, is it difficult to make brownies?

17. What is the purpose of the text?

Read the following text to answer the questions.

My Sam
This is my robot. His name is Sam.
Sam has two arms, three round eyes, two ears and an antenna on his head. He is tall and handsome
and made of metal. Sam wears a black tuxedo. He walks fast, though he has only one leg.
Sam is a helpful robot. He plays with me and helps mum serve meals.
18. Who is Sam?
19. What are his characteristics?
20. What does he wear?
For questions 21-25, read the text carefully. Then, fill in the blanks.

Singapore is a city state; it is a city but it is also a state. It is a Republic. Along with Indonesia,
Malaysia, Thailand, The Philippines and Brunei, it belongs to ASEAN, the association of South-East
Asian Nations. Like Indonesia, Singapore is a country of Thineka Tunggal &a’ Chinese, Malaysia,
Indians and Eura-sians make up its citizens. Other Asians, including Indonesia, Japanese, Philippines,
Koreans, Thais and Arabs also live on that tiny island. Singapore is sometimes called ‘Instant Asia’
because you can see varieties of customs, cultures and foods or nearly all Asia in Singapore.

21. Singapore is not only a city but also a ....

22. Singapore and others countries in Southeast Asia form an organization called ....

23. According to the text, Singapore is sometimes called ....

24. Singapore is not big in ... because it only has a small island and the smaller ones.

25. What is animal icon of Singapore?

Key Answer/ kunci jawaban

1. Jika saya tidak bergabung dengan kamu kemaren malam, saya tidak akan mengalami
kecelakaan. Tipe 3
2. jika kamu mencintaiku, aku akan menikahimu. Tipe 1
3. Jika mereka punya cukup uang, mereka akan pergi ke Bali tipe 2
4. Jika kamu menyalakan api maka terbakar.tipe 0
5. Jika Anda menanam benih ini, Anda akan mengambil buah ini 2
6. Mario tidak akan mendapat masalah, jika mario berkata jujur kepada orang lain. 3
7. Jika AJI jadi gubernur tahun lalu, Flora jadi asistennya. 2
8. Jika kakakmu membelikan coklat itu untukmu, apakah kamu akan bahagia? 1
9. jika dia belajar dengan baik. Peter akan lulus ujian. 2
10. Jika Anda membakar kayu. Itu menjadi Arang. 0

11. I need 300 gram to make brownies.

12. melt the chocolate with the butter.
13. : preheat the oven at low temperature
14. : add a little flour to cover the tin.
15. there are 10 steps to make brownies.
16. no, it isn’t. It is implied in the passage that making brownies is not difficult.
17. the purpose of the text is to how to make brownies.
18. He is a robot
19. Helpful robot
20. He wears black tuxedo.
21. State
23. Instant Asia
24. Country
25. A Lion

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