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Nama : Muhamad Varel Deri Tama Putra

Kelas : XII-Multimedia 4

1. Where do you think each conversation takes place?

Dialog 1: The conversation probably takes place in the clinic or hospital. Karena tempat dimana kita
dapat memeriksa kesehatan adalah klinik atau rumah sakit.

Dialog 2: The conversation probably takes place in the bus station. Kita dapat mengetahui tempat
terjadinya dialog melalui potongan percakapan seperti, "How long will it take from this bus

Dialog 3: The conversation probably takes place at school. Tempat dimana kita biasanya
membicarakan mengenai proyek sekolah adalah di sekolah.

Dialog 4: The conversation probably takes place at school. Sebenarnya, ada banyak kemungkinan
tempat dimana percakapan ini terjadi, akan tetapi saya mengambil sekolah karena ini adalah tempat
yang paling sering digunakan jjika kita berbicara dengan teman.

2. What are the relationships between the speakers?

Dialog 1: Doctor and patient (dokter dan pasien).

Dialog 2: Buyer and seller (pembeli dan penjual).

Dialog 3: Classmate (teman kelas).

Dialog 4: Friend (teman).

3. What are the functions of the underlined words?

The bottom line indicates the keyword of the problem

4. What are the functions of the italicized words?

Italics are used to emphasize or specialize letters, parts of words, words, or groups of words in

5. In Dialog 1, what does dr. Nahda say to help Fafa? What will dr.Nahda do to help Fafa?

In dialog 1, dr. Nahda says "What can I do for you?", dr. Nahda will check fafa's stomach and give her
a prescription to help Fafa.

6. Look at Dialog 2. What does Tania offer to the stranger? Does the stranger accept Tania’s offer?
What does he say?

Tania offers a help to the stranger.

Yes, the stranger does.

The stranger says "yes"

7. Who is offering a help in Dialog 3? What does she say? Is theoffer accepted?

Dhea is offering a help in dialog 3

She says: "Would you need my help?"

No, the offer is not accepted

8. In Dialog 4, what does Diana say to offer a help? Does Hamada accept or refuse the help? What
does she say?

Diana says "What if I help you with the preparation?" to offer a help

Hamada refuses the help. She says "Oh, it’s very nice of you. But I'm going to do it with mysister.
Thanks for the offer."

9. Write the patterns of offering help/services

Based on the dialogue:

What can i do for you?

May i help you?

Would you need my help?

What if i help you with ... ?

10. Write possible responses for offering help/services

Expression of accepting an offer:

- Yes, Please.

- Thanks, I'd love to.

- That sounds nice.

- Thank you, I appreciate it.

Expression of refusing an offer:

- No, Thanks.

- Thank you, but I can do it myself.

- I appreciate it, but I can do it myself.

- Not for me, thanks.

- It's alright I can do it myself, thanks.

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