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A. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, d, e,!

This text is for number 1-2.

After school time, you are going to visit your friend who is in the hospital. You need to tell your father that you’ll be late to
go home. However, due to the school policy, you can only use the school's phone

You : Excuse me Sir could you do me a favor?

School officer : Yes, what can I do for you?
You : I’d like to tell my father that I will be late this afternoon. I'm going to visit friend in the hospital after school. Here is
my ID card Sir. (1) ....
School officer : OK here you are. You can call him now
You : Thank you Sir, but the phone is locked.
School officer: (2) ....
You : Yes, please

1. The best sentence to complete the blank number 1 is ....

a. May I use the phone please? d. Could I phone my father please?
b. Could you call my father please? e. May I call his father please?
c. Would you phone my father please?

2. he best sentence to complete the blank number 2 is ....

a. May I? d. Would you mind if I use your key?
b. Could you tell me your secret? e. Will I try it for you?
c. Can I borrow your key?

This text is for number 3-5.

(Your uncle told you to inform to your father that he is in your house. He is waiting for him. He hopes your father can go
home earlier)
Uncle : (3) .... that I am waiting for him?
You : Yes uncle I will call him. (You ran to catch the phone)
Father : Hello
You : Dad, Uncle is waiting for you. He is at home since one hour ago. (4) .... soon after finishing your work?
Father : OK, I will be home in one hour. (5) ....
You : OK Dad. I’ll tell him.
Father : Thank you. See you soon.
You : See you.

3. The best request to complete the sentence is ....

a. Would you please tell your father d. Could your father go home now
b. Can I see your father e. Does he know
c. Where is your father

4. The best request to complete the sentence is ....

a. Could you please go home d. Could you pick me
b. Would you mind if I pick you e. Could you pick uncle
c. May uncle pick you

5. The best request to complete the sentence is ....

a. Could you tell it to your uncle please? d. Couldn’t you see me I am working?
b. Don’t you worry about me. e. I would go with him.
c. I will meet him.

6. Good news can be described as ….

a. information that is encouraging d. information which is terrible
b. information about bicycle accident e. information you want to avoid
c. information that is negative

7. One function of news is .…

a. to inform about recent events d. to make sensations
b. to even the information nearby e. to lose some information
c. to share your ideas about something

8. A suitable expression to deliver good news is .…

a. I'm really pleased to tell you d. I don’t know what to say
b. I'm afraid I've got news for you e. Not good news I suppose
c. I’m sorry for saying this

9. Bad news can be described as .…

a. unpleasant information d. the happening events
b. the news that spreads fast e. desirable information
c. peasant information

10. A suitable expression to deliver bad news is .…

a. I’m sorry to have to say this d. this will please you
b. I'm really pleased to tell you e. great news for you
c. I think it won't make you sad

11. The expression that can be used to respond to good news is .…

a. I'm glad to know that d. I like fantastic four
b. It sounds like nonsense e. I'm a gladiator
c. That sounds terrible
12. The expression that can be used to respond to bad news is .…
a. That's unfortunate d. I'm sorry for coming late
b. That's for my nation e. I believe you
c. I can't do this anymore

13. Your friend has broken her left arm in a sport activity, you consider this as .…
a. Terrible news d. Traffic news
b. Not bad news e. Terrific news
c. Fantastic news

14. Your mother has finally opened her business, you consider this as .…
a. Good news b. Kind act c. Great show d. Nothing special e. Usual deeds

15. Arrange the dialogue below to be a proper conversation.

1. Around three weeks. You can join other competitions after you recover.
2. If you force your arm, it will be worse and you won't be able to play well anymore.
3. But doctor, I have a competition next week.
4. I feel bad to have to say this, but your arm needs a proper medication.
5. How long will this take?
6. I can’t believe it.
a. 4-3-2-5-1-6 b. 4-3-2-5-6-1 c. 1-6-4-3-2-5 d. 6-1-4-3-2-5 e. 1-6-5-3-2-4

16. There are some parts/generic structures of job vacancy. EXCEPT ….

a. address/contact b. job application c. qualification d. purpose e. title

17. Below are some models of job vacancies, EXCEPT ….

a. job fair b. scholarship c. job recruitment d. walk-in interview e. broadcasted in radio

18. Below is NOT one of the characteristics of a job vacancy, ….

a. using short sentence d. using understandable language
b. using simple language e. using complex sentence and short information
c. giving detail information

19. Interested candidates who meet the requirements, please apply with resume and recent photograph to PO BOX 17000 or
to email:
The above sentence is categorized as ….
a. resume b. qualifications c. address/contact d. purpose e. title

This text is for questions number 20-21

20. “Interested candidate, please bring your CV and ….”

The underlined word has the same meaning with ….
a. Correspondence b. Applicant c. Owner d. Worker e. Leader

21. “Walk-in interview” is one of the models of job vacancies. It means that the applicants should ….
a. call the company to get a job.
b. wait for the call from the company.
c. send their job application by email.
d. send their job application to the company by post.
e. bring their application and having interview directly without any arrangement before.

22. The expression that can be used in opening paragraph and expressing interest on filling certain position is ….
a. Thank you for considering my request.
b. I am writing to apply for the staff position.
c. Please give my application strong consideration.
d. I look forward to hearing from you at your convenience.
e. The opportunity presented in this listing is very interesting.

23. The correct expression in closing paragraph in job application is ….

a. Dear Sir or Madam.
b. Thank you for considering my request.
c. I am writing to you in response to your advertisement for a writer position.
d. I am writing to you in response to my advertisement for a writer position.
e. I believe that my past experience met the requirement of your company need.

24. There are some characteristics in composing the application letter, EXCEPT ….
a. using action verb d. using short sentences
b. using active voice e. using informal words
c. using short words

25. Arrange these jumbled words into a good sentence.

the(1) – nurse(2) – apply(3) – position(4) – I(5) – for(6) – writing(7) – to(8) – am(9)
The best arrangement for the jumbled words above is ….
a. 5 – 9 – 7 – 8 – 3 – 6 – 1 – 2 – 4
b. 5 – 9 – 3 – 6 – 1 – 2 – 4 – 7 – 8
c. 5 – 9 – 7 – 6 – 3 – 8 – 1 – 2 – 4
d. 1 – 2 – 4 – 5 – 9 – 7 – 8 – 3 – 6
e. 1 – 2 – 4 – 5 – 9 – 7 – 6 – 3 – 8

This text is for questions number 26-29

26. The first Coachella Festival was held in ....

a. 2003 b. 2012 c. 1999 d. 2015 e. 1993

27. The third paragraph mainly talks about ....

a. the Woodstock event b. the concert-goers c. the music genres d. the camping e. the tickets

28. The statement which is true based on the text is ....

a. The festival has more than one stage.
b. The first festival was held in April 10-12.
c. The fans were not allowed to camp in 2003.
d. The admission tickets were sold out in 2012.
e. The Coachella Festival only hosts music performances.

“The festival was founded by Paul Tollet in 1999.” (paragraph 1)

29. The underlined word can be replaced by ....
a. discovered b. bargained c. invented d. started e. caught

This text is for questions number 30-33

30. Vultures cannot be found in ...
a. Asia and Europe d. Africa and Antarctica
b. Africa and Europe e. Australia and Antarctica
c. Asia and Australia

31. The statement which is true about the Old World Vultures is ....
a. They are found in Americas. d. They are bigger than the New World Vultures.
b. They use both sight to find food. e. They are found in Asia, Europe, and Australia.
c. They use tremendous sense of smell to find food.

“Vultures are endangered animals.” (p.4)

32. The opposite word of ‘endangered’ is ...
a. Threatened b. Protected c. vanishing d. Scarce e. Rare

33. From the last paragraph we can infer that ....

a. Vultures are threatened with extinction mostly because of food poisoning.
b. Poachers hunt vultures to make traditional medicine.
c. There are only a small number of vultures which is threatened with extinction.
d. Poachers killed elephants to be fed to the vultures.
e. Vultures are easy to find in poaching locations.

34. News is important because ….

a. it provides us information d. it is not interesting
b. it gives us amusements e. it wastes our time
c. it exercises our eyes

35. Listening to news can help increase our .…

a. nutrition b. listening skill c. health condition d. interests in sport e. sources of pleasure

This text is for questions number 30-33

36. The expression “some people consider this to be beneficial” can be paraphrased into .…
a. it is said to have some advantages d. the benefit of this news is great
b. people have consideration e. the benefits are reflected in the news
c. there are many disadvantages

37. The word “required” is closest in meaning to .…

a. vital b. needed c. optional d. requirements e. computerized

38. One of the positive points for having this new regulation applied is .…
a. It will make the quality of local workers better
b. Investors will not want to invest in Indonesia
c. Companies will have to hire more workers
d. It increases the quality of foreign workers
e. It arises controversies in society.

39. One of the negative points for having this new regulation applied is .…
a. Foreign workers need to speak in English
b. Local workers need to learn a second language
c. The importance of Bahasa Indonesia will be lessen
d. Bahasa Indonesia will be compulsory for local workers
e. Bahasa Indonesia will be important for foreign workers

40. The main issue of the news is that .…

a. The eradication of a rule d. Local workers have advantages
b. Foreign workers are better e. The establishment of a company
c. Joko Widodo speaks Indonesia

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