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September 2002

Tax & Revenue



Every working adult is fully aware of his obligations to pay taxes on the income
he earns. But the exact scope of what constitutes income can be somewhat
difficult to ascertain to the undiscerning. Put very simply, any moneys or
benefits in kind which an individual receives as a consequence of his
employment may be considered income and made subject to tax. Section
What Are Interest-Free Loans 10(1)(b) of the Singapore Income Tax Act allows the Comptroller of Income
............................................ 1 Tax at the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) to charge to tax
‘gains and profits from any employment’. This could include the free holiday
Implications Of Interest -Free one receives as part of an incentive scheme, the incentive payments for good
Loans .................................. 1 attitude at work, and yes, the interest-free loan that one gets from being
employed at the particular organisation.
Interest Free Loans To This Update discusses when an income or deemed income will be taxable.
Directors And Executive Special focus is given to the discussion on interest-free loans received by
Employees........................... 2 executive employees and directors.

Concessionary Penalties..... 2

Action Required .................. 3

What Are Interest-Free Implications Of
Loans Interest-Free Loans
Interest-free loans are simply loans In line with the old adage that
granted by an employer (company) nothing comes for free, there is a
to an employee for which the tax cost to an employee who takes
employee need not pay any an interest-free loan from his
interest. In other words, only the employer. This arises from the
capital sum taken need be repaid amount of interest that an employee
by the borrowing employee to the would have had to pay if the loan
employer (company). were taken from a third party, eg a
bank. That interest is considered by
Such interest-free loans are most
IRAS as a gain or profit to the
frequently taken by directors and
employee from his employment and
executive employees at small and
therefore subject to income tax.
medium sized businesses for varied
Interest-free loans or even
reasons. Such a loan could be
subsidised loans to all employees
taken to buy a property or to buy
are deemed taxable by IRAS
stocks and shares in another
because they falls under the term
company. (To take an interest-free
‘perquisite’, ie benefit-in-kind, within
loan to buy stock and shares in the
the extended meaning of ‘gains or
same company itself raises issues
profits from any employment’ under
of potential financial assistance
Section 10(2)(a) of the Singapore
under the Singapore Companies
Income Tax Act. The value of the
benefit is deemed by IRAS as the
amount of interest payable on the
loan taken as calculated at bank
prime lending rate.
Another implication is that an
employer is required to report the
taxable benefits in the employee’s
annual Return of Employee’s
Remuneration (Form IR8A). IRAS

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September 2002

Corporate & Capital Market

may impose penalties on employers having management control) or to a professional tax advisors if need be,
for non-reporting or for under- person in his capacity as a director, early and before IRAS commences
declaring their employees’ taxable the interest-free element will be a tax audit or tax investigation into
benefits when reporting the income deemed by IRAS an employment the affairs of the company and its
of the employees for each year of gain in his hands. As such, the directors or executive employees.
assessment in these forms, interest element is a taxable This is because through voluntary
whether manually or electronically. benefit. The taxable value of this disclosure, it is possible to resolve a
benefit is calculated based on the tax case with IRAS on the basis of
Interest Free Loans To prime interest rate of banks. minimal penalties, or even no
penalties at all if there should be
Directors And In its ruling, the IRAS makes clear
any tax chargeable in the first
that whether the loans to the
Executive Employees executive employee or director-
place. Once such an enquiry has
been instituted by the IRAS, the
The decision by IRAS to embark on cum-shareholder is provided to him
company and its personnel may
the taxation of directors and other in his capacity as a shareholder or
face enhanced penalties which are
employees in respect of interest- as an executive employee or
a multiple of the tax involved rather
free loans is believed to have director is a question of fact to be
than a fraction of it.
originated from the decision of the ascertained on a case-by-case
Income Tax Board of Review last basis. The following facts are
year in Ng Yew Keng & Ng Yew examples which suggest that the Concessionary
Hwee v CIT. In that case, it was loan provided is not a taxable Penalties
held that directors of a company perquisite:
were to be regarded as employees In cases where the tax liability for
• There are bona-fide reasons for interest-free loans is clear,
for the purpose of determining the loan arrangement, without
benefits-in-kind which were subject voluntary disclosure would be the
tax being the primary reason. best policy. In its ruling, IRAS has
to income tax. In response to
representation on this issue, IRAS • The loans do not represent indicated that it will consider
issued a ruling dated 2 July 2002 remuneration or benefits imposing concessionary (minimal)
providing an administrative relating to employment but are penalties rather than full penalties,
concession from such taxation disguised in the form of loans. but only if the taxpayers or
where loans are made to In other words, there must be employers voluntarily come forward
employees who do not have control genuine intent for a creditor- to disclose any past omissions or
or influence over the company. But debtor relationship to exist, with under-declaration of income. These
IRAS regards directors and a reasonable expectation of the penalties are calculated based on
executive employees as having loans being repaid. 10% of the tax undercharged per
control or influence over the annum for each back year of
• The loans are extended to all assessment. In this regard, the
company. As such, they do not fall shareholders rather than only to
within the scope of the IRAS is encouraging taxpayers to
executive employees and come forward early and inform the
administrative concession provided. directors who are also
The interest-free loan, in such IRAS before 30 October 2002 of
shareholders, under similar such benefits they have derived for
cases, will therefore be taxable. loan terms and the loan all past years.
In the case where the director or quantum determined on similar
executive employee is also a basis.
shareholder, it is possible that the
Action Required
• Documentary evidence that the
loan could have been extended to loans are made in the In assessing the right option to
the individual in his capacity as a employee’s capacity as take, a first step would be to review
shareholder. If so, the benefit shareholders. whether the present fact situation of
derived from the non-payment of interest-free or subsidised loans
interest is not taxable as part of his The IRAS may initiate inquiries or taken by company employees
employment income. As such, the make visits to companies’ premises (including directors), falls within the
interest element saved will not to request for details of interest-free tax net as cast by IRAS. Where the
amount to a perquisite or be a loans provided to its directors or tax liability is not clear, an
taxable benefit to the individual. executive employees. Where assessment to tax may be resisted
Where, however, the interest-free companies and their directors or on valid grounds, and the
loan is made to the executive other executive employees face imposition of unlawful penalties
employee or director-cum- these tax issues, it is important to likewise. For companies and their
shareholder of a company in his take a pro-active approach and employees who do fall within the
capacity as an employee (someone initiate contact with IRAS, through net, the next step is to seek a

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Corporate & Capital Market

settlement with IRAS as early as tax prosecution in the Raffles Town
possible on the quantum of the Club case last year is another
taxes involves and the applicable reminder for timely action. Further,
concessionary penalties. based on prosecutions for tax
offences earlier this year, the
Penalties for undeclared income
current judicial attitude appears to
may be for notional income as in
be that tax offences warrant
the case of a deemed benefit from
imprisonment. This potential loss of
a deemed employment like an
liberty should also be taken into
interest-free loan, or for an actual
item of income like bank interest
earned and received but As the deadline of 30 October 2002
undisclosed. draws near, critical decisions would
need to be made on how the
In either case, the imposition of
company and its affected personnel Soon Choo Hock
penalties is the legal recourse
wish to address these tax issues, Executive Partner
available to IRAS in lieu of
which may extend for several back
prosecution. The implication is that
years of assessment, and the Contact Details
after 30 October 2002, cases under
implications of any course of action, Direct: (65) 62320656
audit or investigation by IRAS may
or even non-action, should be Facsimile: (65) 64380248
be slated for court prosecutions, if
carefully considered. E-mail: choo.hock.soon
the higher penalties (eg at 20% of
the tax involved) are not agreed to
by the taxpayers concerned. The

Sundareswara Sharma
Rajah & Tann is one of the largest law firms in Singapore. It is a full service
firm and given its alliances, including US premier firm Weil, Gotshal & Manges, Contact Details
is able to tap into resources in a number of countries. Direct: (65) 62320453
Rajah & Tann is firmly committed to the provision of high quality legal services. Facsimile: (65) 64380248
It places strong emphasis on promptness, accessibility and reliability in
dealings with clients. At the same time, the firm strives towards a practical yet E-mail: sundareswara.sharma@
creative approach in dealing with business and commercial problems.

The information contained in this Update is correct to the best of our knowledge and
belief at the time of writing. The contents of the above are intended to provide a
general guide to the subject matter and should not be treated as a substitute for
specific professional advice for any particular course of action as the information
above may not necessarily suit your specific business and operational
requirements. It is to your advantage to seek specific legal advice for your specific
situation. In this regard, you may call the lawyer you normally deal with in Rajah &
Tann or e-mail the Knowledge & Risk Management Group at

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