B1 H3 Meaning Scope and Significance

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In this handout we have discussed the meaning, scope and significance of

Public Administra[on in general terms. you are advised to supplement
your class notes with this handout to develop a comprehensive
understanding related to this chapter.

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What is Public Administration? societies and carryout the necessary reforms
without excluding or hurting sentiments of people
Public administration is not a new entity. It has in the society.
been around as long as we had a government in
some form or other. During ancient times, when This is where public administration differs from
people used to live a nomadic life, the nature and the private administration. In public
scope of public administration were limited. To be administration, the administrator is supposed to
specific ‒ the survival of the tribe was the aim of be aware of values much more than am
the Administration. As times progressed, with the administrator in private administration. A
advancement of technology and growth of government is supposed to serve its citizens as
civilization, public administration was entrusted citizen and not merely as customers. A
with the task of sustaining and carrying forward democratic government is usually bound by a
the baton of human civilization. constitution which delineates aspirations of the
people, it defines institutions such as parliament
“If our civilization fails it will be mainly because of and bestows powers on these institutions to fulfill
a breakdown of administration.ʼ those aspirations. It also sets procedure of
- W.V. Donham electing a government which can later formulate,
executive and implement various policies to
The study of administration becomes crucial makes the ideal values such as equality, liberty,
since it can offer goldilocks conditions for other fraternity as living reality in the society.
human activities to flourish. With the rapid
advancement in technologies and increasing A private administration or a business can also
globalization, aspirations of people have implement such goals through their policies (e.g.,
increased manyfold. A government TATA) but they do not have such obligation to
administration needs to be ready to deal with such the people. But a government has that obligation
diverse set of challenges. In the words of Prof. towards its citizen and administrators being the
Charles A. Beard “The future of civilized executives, they are supposed to be aways aware
government, and even I think, of civilization itself of this moral angle.
rests upon our ability to develop a science and a
philosophy and a practice of administration “Administration is a moral act and an administrator
competent to discharge the functions of civilized is a moral agent”
society” O Tead.
Based on the ideas discussed so far, we can
In this context, naturally government conclude that ‒
administration cannot be carried out in an public administration consists of some
arbitrary manner. A government in 21st century administrative apparatus which includes people1
cannot act in unilateral or authoritarian manner. who are working in the administration, the
Rather it has to act as per certain set of rules, it institutions2 in which they work and the set of
has to follow certain rules ‒ a law of the land rules and moral standards3 which they must follow
(constitution), the administration has to fulfill and be accountable to the people in general. This
certain moral obligations that it has to the citizen. administrative apparatus makes sure that the
Thus, the tasks in front of public administrators goals decided by political processes are
are not simple. They are supposed to understand implemented for the betterment of society and
the complexities, diversities and realities of people in general.
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along with citizen of India, the foreigner visiting
This presents a general idea of public India does benefit from the public utility, public
administration ‒ what it is. But We need more goods, and services provided by government of
specificity to study public administration as a India.
discipline ‒ with its own tools and techniques to
understand what a government can do. how that Origin of administration.
government does something? And what can be
done to improve it? Administration- The word administration is
derived from the Latin word, administrare
To understand this, scholars decided to study meaning being of service or being helpful.
public administration as, Together with the word public the translation for
1. an activity: What are the functions of the public administration would be serving the
government and how the government is people.
performing it?
2. a discipline: after finding out Thus, public administration is the discipline that
governmental activities, the scholars studies how the government organizations serve
study it in a systematic manner to develop the public goods though developing and
a guiding manual for future implementing public policies, and what is needed
administrators. to conduct this business in an efficient, effective
3. an organization: this involves studies and legitimate and rational way so as to optimize
various structures associated with public serving the public good.
Here, a student of public administration needs to
There are several other interpretations based on understand this value premise very clearly so as to
our viewpoint. We adopt such diverse viewpoints understand the responsibilities of an public officer
to create a holistic picture to study public and the moral dilemma that might arise while
administration and various aspects that it should performing its duties. Public administration is
cover. distinct due to its publicness character. This also
distinguishes it from private administration as
What is Public in Public Administration? public administration is supposed to distribute
The word public has a specific meaning to it. the public goods and promote public interest.
Public usually refers to the collective body of (Supplement classroom discussion to understand values
individuals who share a common interest or premises in public administration.)

concern. It typically implies a larger group beyond

individual identities, often associated with the Naturally a question emerges ‒ what is this public
general population or society as a whole. On the good? And how a government determines what is
other hand, the term "people" refers to individuals public interest?
in a broad sense, emphasizing their status as
individuals or members of a community. Public Interest ‒
Public administration has been defined by various
Thus, Public in public administration indicates a theorists according to their perception of the role.
common group of people. Here the word is not Public Administration performs its functions in a
just limited to citizen rather anyone who comes in society within a political system. Here as an
the ambit of governance in a given territory. E.g., organization, it is not only serving the goods and

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services but carries out certain values in terms of will be able to play the flute fluently. That
outcomes such as propagating justice, equity will be a waste of resource. The right
sense of security and relief for the vulnerable. approach according to Plato is ‒ the flutes
should be given to one who can play them
With that said, the resources at the hands of properly.
public administration are limited.
Simultaneously, administrators need to take Thus, in this philosophy of fulfilling
certain decisions in the field while delivering the public interest the administration serves
goods and service. They need to consider public only those who can maximize benefit of
interest. Here public interest is not the interest of good or services provided. Naturally this
majority. Rather, public interest is general approach emerges as elitist and it would
interest of all people involved or going to be exclude the poor/vulnerable and would
affected. justify absence of socially conscious policy
such as reservation.
The challenge here is how to determine public
interest. To resolve this dilemma certain 3. Utilitarianism (Bentham and Mills)
philosophical perspectives can be used. Utilitarianism tries to improve upon
previous philosophies of determining
1. Intuitionism: This perspective assumes public interest. Utilitarianism seeks to
that the administrator is the best judge of maximize benefit for maximum number
what is public interest. Thus, it provides of people. Thus, it considers an action in
discretion in the hands of administrator to the public interest if it is leading to
determine the public interest. It assumes maximum benefit. E.g., in a
that administrators can make best moral developmental project of a dam,
decisions. This assumption may lead to Utilitarianism would justify relocation of
misuse of authority and ultimately end up few hundred villagers living along the
in harming the public interest. bank of a river since the development
project would benefit thousands of people
Further, intuitionalism is not a scientific in the urban area.
approach since this approach of 4. Theory justice: (john Rawls) This
determining public interest relies on approach tries to overcome limitations of
intuition of an individual which cannot be utilitarianism. The theory justice states
evaluated on scientific grounds. that one should benefit not at the cost of
Intuitionalism leads to subjectivity and others and the distribution of resources
thus this approach cannot produce should be equitable.
consistent results.
2. Perfectionism: This approach considers To understand this, we need to explore a
interest of only those who are capable. concept ‒ Pareto optimality. This concept
Plato had described this philosophy with is borrowed from economics, and it points
the example of flutes. If there are 10 flutes to a state of allocation of resources where
available then in aa given society, who it would be impossible to many any
should get these flutes? If we give away individual better off without making at
flutes randomly, it will defeat the purpose least one individual least worse off. In
of flute since not every person getting it simple words ‒ making someone well off
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should not be at the cost of suffering to
other. Such distribution of resources His concept of justice revolves around the
would achieve an equilibrium in the most backwards within any political
society. framework. His approach includes
dismantling exploitative caste system.
However, even this view suffers from Thus, unless the backwards are protected
limitation since it lacks qualitative and affirmative actions are implemented
perspective behind distribution of to bring them in mainstream ‒ public
resources. interest wonʼt be served.

5. Idea of Justice: M. Gandhiʼs perspective

This perspective of public interest tries to Gandhiji propounded the concept of
improve upon theory of Justice. In this Sarvodaya and Antyodaya. By Antyodaya
approach Dr. Amartya Sen propounds he meant welfare of the weakest of weak
that the people have certain entitlements in the society and through such
from the state. If the government fails to empowerment create a capable and self-
do that basic task, it loses legitimacy. sufficient society i.e., Sarvodaya or
common good for all.
Thus, the government needs to go beyond
mere survival of its citizen. Rather the He Further talked about Suraj, Swaraj and
government must fulfill certain Swarajya where Suraj implied good
obligations towards the citizen to enable governance, swaraj is about self-
them to enhance their capability. This governance, a sense of autonomy and
approach of ensuring public interest is when suraj and swaraj combines we get
known as capabilities approach. In such Swarajya ‒ freedom in true sense.
environment, the people would slowly
reduce dependency on the government Q: The concept of Public Interest is
and would move towards being self- necessary to understand the scope of
sufficient and live a life of dignity. public Administration. Discuss.

Thus, the public interest here lies in As we have seen public interest in not one entity,
empowerment of the people. It deals with but it is a collage of perspectives, and the
enhancing choices at the hand of people. government of the say needs to take into account
This approach has undertone of human numerous factors before reaching determining
rights as well. what constitutes public interest.

Dr. Ambedkarʼs concept of social justice: Once a consensus is achieved on what constitutes
“Political justice wonʼt work unless social public interest, the next course of action is
justice is not served” execution and implementation of policies to
secure the decided public interest. Therefore,
At the base of Justice/ political democracy public interest is one crucial factor that
lies social democracy and unless social determines scope of public administration.
disparities are removed, there is no
meaning to justice or political democracy.
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Executing the Public Interest. From the determination of public interest,
There is a clear rationale behind functioning of a making a policy, implementing that policy and
democratic government. A government is elected finally evaluation and course collection in the
by the citizen based on promises made by the policy, the role government determines scope for
political parties in the election manifesto. Then the activity, institutions involved in public
the chosen government design certain policies administration. This collectively determines
based on its understanding of what would SCOPE of the discipline of public administration.
constitute public interest. E.g., a political party
may promise to impose ban on cow slaughter. Thus, scope of public administration is about the
These interests are an outcome of political ʻknowledgeʼ of government activities, along with
processes and therefore they are influenced by the ʻknow howʼ i.e., study of those activities in a
socio-cultural and political values. scientific manner.

Once a political party gets elected it tries to

execute the promises made during election
campaign. Usually, the political parties make
populous promises in the election. They can later
use the existing provisions from the constitution
to justify their populous promises. For example,
in above policy of ban on cow slaughter, the
government can also cite article 48 from the

The government then through administrative *Diagram will be explained it the classroom

machinery tries to implement these policies and

values in the society. For that, it will use In next part you will learn more technical details
administrative apparatus to design a policy, then with respect to meaning, scope and significance
implement this policy and later evaluate the result of public administration.
to make any modification to that policy.

The administrative apparatus includes ‒ funds in

the hands of government (the annual financial
statement or annual budget) the personnel in
government i.e., the civil servants, and other
already existing or new infrastructure.

In this manner a government sustains a society

and hence the civilization. Usually, the approach
of a democratic government is to bring gradual
and progressive changes while maintain stability
in the society. In this endeavor role of public
administration becomes important particularly in
developing country like India.

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