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DAILY LESSON Teacher Quarter/

Section/Time/ Grading
GRADE Period
Teaching Days

I. OBJECTIVE(S) The learners demonstrate an understanding of:

A. Content Standards The unit, mole, that quantitatively measures the number of very small particles of

B. Performance The learners should be able to analyze the percentage composition of different
Standards brands of two food products and decide on the products’ appropriate percentage

C. Learning Use the mole concept to express the mass of substances

(S9MT -IIi – 19)




(References & other

learning resources)



A. Reviewing previous
lesson or presenting the
new lesson

ENGAGE At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

B. Establishing a purpose 1. Use the mole concept to express the mass of substances
of the lesson 2. Calculate for the molar mass of common substances or solve problems
involving mole concept
3. Identify a practical scenario in which the mole concept finds application in
real-life situation.

EXPLORE (MOTIVATION) Activity 1. Count Me In!

C. Presenting examples/ Direction: Identify how many pieces are there in the following set:
instances of the lesson
Set Number
A pair of socks
A dozen of eggs
A set of alphabets

EXPLAIN (ACTIVITY) Present a gold-plated watch or bracelet in class and a glass of water.

D. Discussing new Looking at a bracelet/watch can you tell how many gold atoms are present in this?
concepts and practicing
new skills #1 How about the glass of water, can you tell me how many water molecules are
present in it?

 You would definitely say that it’s impossible to calculate the number of
atoms or molecules present in these examples.
 But astonishingly, chemistry has an answer to these.


-Let me bring you to the concept of mole.

- Please watch the video carefully.

-Pause the video for further explanation. Cater students’ clarifications.

-If you see that the students understood the concept, play the next video for
deepening of the concept.

Emphasize these concepts:

 1 mole= 6.02x1023
 In whole number it can be written as 602, 200, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000
 This is called Avogadro’s number named after Lorenzo Romano Amedeo
Carlo Avogadro.

E. Discussing new Let the students answer the following questions

concepts and practicing
new skills #2

ELABORATE (ANALYSIS) Processing of the learner’s output. This is the equivalent of ELABORATE in 7Es or
ANALYSIS in the usual Lesson Plan.
F. Developing Mastery
(leads to formative This could be given also after each group had reported. All facts that you will deliver
assessment) in a lecture can be transformed into questions to facilitate HOTS. This is the part
where the teachers will ask all possible questions to ensure that the learners can
answer the evaluation later. (12 minutes)

G. (APPLICATION) It may answer the question of how the day’s topic could be applied in our daily
Finding practical lives. (3 minutes)
applications of concepts
and skills in daily living

H. (ABSTRACTION) Summary of the day’s lesson. This is the equivalent of GENERALIZATION OR

ABSTRACTION in the usual Lesson Plan.
Generalizing and
abstractions about the Summary of the day’s lesson. What you have written previously on the board may
be used to produce an abstract or a general statement regarding the day’s lesson.

If the teacher had already asked all the possible questions in the part of developing
mastery, the teacher would only have to make a summary of the lesson.

(3 minutes)

EVALUATE 5 item tests could be used for easy evaluation. Open-ended or any type of
evaluation depending on the topic. (5 minutes)
I. Evaluating Learning


J. Additional activities for This is the equivalent of EXTEND in 7Es or ASSIGNMENT in the usual Lesson Plan.
application or
remediation You can assign enrichment activities for the day’s lesson, or you can assign the next
day’s topic for reading and familiarity. Be sure that your learners’ task/s is/are
measurable. (2 minutes)


Any observations need to be given emphasis in relation to the delivery of the lesson.

VI. REFLECTION These MUST be filled up after each day’s lesson.

A. No. of learners who These were the number of learners who got 75% and above during the evaluation
earned 75% in the

B. No. of learners who These were the number of learners who needed to go under the remediation
require additional program based on assessment/evaluation. Suggest applying peer tutoring.
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%

C. Did the remediation These were a number of learners who had shown improvement (during peer
work? No. of learners remediations).
who caught up with the

D. No. of learners who These were the learners who had not improved significantly during peer
continue to require remediations. The learners may be placed here in a school remediation program.

E. Which of my teaching The teacher will present here the teaching strategy he/she had used which went
strategies worked well? well and the reason why this strategy worked out.
Why did this work?

F. What difficulties did I This will be the venue for any technical assistance the principal or supervisor can
encounter that my provide.
principal or supervisor
can help me


G. What innovation or Any innovations/ localized materials used will be reflected here. This could be
localized materials did I utilized later to serve as MOV in any innovations presented in possible promotions.
use/discover that I wish
to share with other

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