Junio - Bryan - F. - FS2 - Activity - 1 - G4

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Activity 1 – Writing an Action Research Plan


Group No.: 4
Group Members: CATUNGAL, Daniela MACANAS, Maria Rose
ESPIRITU, Jamancy MATA, Baby Rose
Course, Year and Section


Date November 29, 2022

At the end of this learning activity, the FS students should be able to:
1. recall the different parts of an action research
2. prepare and write an action research plan
3. submit the proposed action research plan

In your Field Study 1, you have learned that action research is a dynamic process that is categorized under applied
research. It is focused on solving practitioners’ local problems wherein an action plan plays a significant role in the execution
of such work (Johnson & Christensen, 2020). Yes, you heard and read it right - for a teacher’s life, conducting action
research is an advocacy since the primary purpose of it is to improve school practices and solve classroom-based teaching
and learning related issues to find applicable ways and means to address existing or present issue that usually bother
practitioners’ execution of their job. So, let us now put into practice the theories that you have learned by preparing an action
plan that will serve as your guide and frame of reference in doing Classroom-Based Action Research (CBAR).

Recall the different parts of the action research, then put into practice the ideas/ knowledge you have learned. You can
enrich your knowledge on how you go about preparing your action research plan by watching “YouTube”, surfing credible
online website, browsing and reading vital sources, eBooks, books, journals and research publications. Please observe the
following: (1) etiquette in doing activities; (2) proper acknowledgement of references and sources; and (3) intellectual
property rights.


Domain 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy 1
Activity 1 – Writing an Action Research Plan


Directions: Below are the parts of an action research. Prepare your research plan by describing what you will
do to come up with an excellent classroom-based action research.
Parts Description of your plan
Based from the previous class observations, I will choose one class with
distinct characteristics and recall the challenges they encountered. From
Situation those challenges encountered, the chosen scenario will serve as my
springboard in writing my CBAR.

Parts Description of your plan
It is true that the regular schedule of face-to-face classes is returning to normal,
with the school authorities observing the minimum health protocol. In accordance
Situation with this, the teaching and learning process has been effectively implemented
TITLE: E-Learning: Utilizing since the beginning of the new regular classes. Furthermore, we are still living in
a time when most activities are computerized and the teaching process has
Electronic Devices in the
evolved from traditional to modern methods of sharing new knowledge with
Classroom to Boost Learners’ students. In view of this, our CBAR will concentrate on enhancing the utilization of
Engagement in Teaching and electronic devices in the teaching and learning process of Grade 10-Garnet of
Learning Process Bayambang National High School. Thus, an action research plan entitled “E-
Learning: Utilizing Electronic Devices in the Classroom to Increase
Learners’ Engagement in Teaching-Learning Process” will be proposed.
The preliminary pages of the research must be acceptable for the research to be
Preliminaries considered acceptable must include the four listed parts, these preliminary pages
-Approval Sheet will include documents of approval from resource people, professionals,
-Acknowledgement and acknowledgement from the member of the academe, colleagues, and
-Table of Contents relatives. It also includes a table of contents and an abstract focusing on a
-Abstract summary of the proposed action research on Utilizing Electronic Devices in the
Classroom to Boost Learners’ Engagement
Background of the study, we need to do a thorough literature review as this will help us
familiarize with the existing understanding, discussions, and insights in our research area
thus looking for credible resources, articles, write-up and statistics that are related to the
given problem while applying deductive method approach in writing is very much
I. Introduction recommended given that we first must site the global resources, statistics, and information
then narrowing down to the Philippine level, provincial level (Pangasinan) and local level
-Background of the Study (PSU-Bayambang) in order to have a wide yet narrowed sources of information. In writing
-Significance of the Study the significance of the study, start by looking into the general contribution of your research,
such as its importance to society, then move towards the individual level, and that may
include yourself as a researcher. As, you need to be specific and it must be within the
scope of your research problems given that it must be expressly stated what the study will
contribute and who will benefit from it.
Research problem identification effectively helps to find out the time, energy, and fund
needed to conduct research. In identifying the possible causes of the problem, we will use
II. Problem Identification what we observed in class. We will list down in a detailed manner all our observations to
-Possible Causes determine the cause and effects of the problem. Meanwhile, in formulating a hypothesis,
-Hypothesis we usually state the null hypothesis for us to apply necessary statistical techniques and
methods. Moreover, we will determine different predictions which are more likely to happen
under the assumption.


Domain 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy 2
Activity 1 – Writing an Action Research Plan


In Generating alternative solutions existing related researches that are shown

beyond doubt and already published could possibly support the topic, it could
III. Generation of Alternative serve as a good foundation for contextualization in order to build up and
Solution strengthen the idea, by exploring furtherly, several alternative solutions could
probably be discovered. Related books, journals, magazines and narratives are
good for sourcing too.

Identifying the objectives is crucial to conducting a successful action research

plan. The objectives will be formulated in a specific way in order to achieve the
specific desired outcomes. It will be clear and concise so that there will be no
IV. The Plan of Action room for confusion. It will be achievable and relevant so that we can achieve
-Objectives realistic results from the objectives with the time and resources we have. On
-Time Frame the other hand, the time frame must also be achievable and realistic. We will
-Target Participants include the duration of our action research plan so that we will have baseline
and make sure that we are ahead of time. Moreover, the target participants are
the people involved in the identified problems and they will benefit most from
the proposed action research plan. The overall plans must be fully realistic and
achievable as well as considers the target date.
Presentation is the act of classifying data into logical, linear, and meaningful
groups in order to make it easier to analyze them, whereas interpretation is the
part that requires the researcher to be perceptive and creative. Therefore, data
must first be statistically handled before being interpreted, which must come
V. Presentation and Interpretation before any presentation and you must analyze the data using various
of Data implications after applying the proper statistical treatment to it. To further bolster
the reliability of my interpretation, we shall provide reliable sources that attest
to the relevant criteria. In order to maintain the integrity of my research, I will
only give the facts that we observed and documented without altering the
The possible findings of the research based on the hypothesis is about the
increasing engagement of Grade 10-Garnet in the discussion proper with the
utilization of electronic devices. Other part of its findings is about the possible
causes of gaps and deficiency in the traditional use of teaching and how it could
be solved based on the intervention or tool that we will use in this classroom-
VI. Findings, Conclusions,
based action research. Based on the findings/results, we will conclude the
research with possible recommendations, such as a proposed action plan or
even administrative involvement, such as the development of better policies,
curriculum, and teaching methodologies.


Domain 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy 3
Activity 1 – Writing an Action Research Plan

In making research, the bibliography plays an important part. The main purpose
of a bibliography entry is to give credit to authors whose work you have
consulted in your research. Thus, we will use APA format in writing our
VII. Reflections bibliography and it can be done manually or online. Meanwhile, appendices can
-Bibliography consist of figures, tables, maps, photographs, raw data, computer programs,
-Appendices musical examples, interview questions, sample questionnaires, etc. In
-Curriculum Vitae appendices, we will arrange our tables, data, and diagrams in an organized
manner. In research, a curriculum vitae is a biographical document
summarizing a person's education, relevant work experience, and other
professional qualifications. Hence, we will include all our personal information
in the curriculum vitae.

Attention: Submit your proposed action research plan. Be guided with the following criteria: (1) substantive content; (2)
adherence to the standard procedure in the conduct of CBAR; and (3) clarity in the presentation of the plan
(organization and coherence of the plan)


Domain 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy 4
Activity 1 – Writing an Action Research Plan


Rate the following parts based on the degree of difficulty you encountered in describing your plan: not difficult (1), fairly
difficult (2), moderately difficult (3), very difficult (4), extremely difficult (5). Put a check mark on the appropriate column
corresponding to your answer.
Parts 1 2 3 4 5

-Approval Sheet
-Table of Contents
I. Introduction
-Background of the Study
-Significance of the Study
II. Problem Identification
-Possible Causes
III. Generation of Alternative Solution

IV. The Plan of Action

-Time Frame
-Target Participants
V. Presentation and Interpretation of Data

VI. Findings, Conclusions,

VII. Reflections
-Curriculum Vitae

(1) Do you consider your proposed action research plan beneficial in coming up with an excellent CBAR? Justify.
It is definitely beneficial! It is difficult to create an excellent CBAR, so having a proposal makes it easier to
begin the actual action research. There are numerous advantages to writing a research proposal. One, as a
researcher, I could use it as a jumping off point for my action plan. Second, before carrying out the actual
action research, I will decide where the action research will not go. Finally, this could be used as a preliminary
to identify key areas of research that needed to be addressed.


Domain 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy 5
Activity 1 – Writing an Action Research Plan


Plan Execution

Directions: Below is the list of the parts of an action research. After preparing your action research plan, the next step is to
carry out your plan. Prepare the different parts of your CBAR based on what you have planned. Focus only on the
indicated parts. Other parts not included will be done/ accomplished during the Internship period. The preliminaries
and other parts will be included in your final write up.

I. Introduction
A large body of research links student engagement to academic achievement, making it a critical component
of a positive school climate. As time passes and the educational system advances, teachers devote significant time
to developing new methods of communicating course material in an effective and beneficial manner to all students.
As technology becomes more prevalent in modern society, methods for effectively implementing digital applications
into the classroom have become a major focus in the educational community. Incorporating digital technologies into
the classroom can result in significant improvements in student engagement and learning, ensuring that students are
keeping up with the demands of a technologically based world. Instructors play a critical role in ensuring that students
effectively engage with technology. Today's students have grown up in the use of electronic devices should not be
viewed as a distraction, but rather as a means of increasing student engagement. In order for students to get the
most out of each lesson, educators should ensure that the material is presented in such a way that the work has
clear meaning and immediate value for them.

Countless studies have established that the electronic devices are a beneficial supplement to the education
system. According to the study of Nah, Lim, and Yih (2012), electronic devices facilitate and expound student-
centered learning by providing additional functions that allow students to take an active role in the classroom. Their
independence and ability to control their learning pace through the use of these devices has promoted personalized.
Moreover, research revealed that the use of digital devices in a ubiquitous computing environment was capable of
facilitating faculty- student interactions and in-class participation, which in turn enhanced engagement and active
learning (Fitch, 2004; Partee, 1996; Stephens, 2005).


Domain 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy 6
Activity 1 – Writing an Action Research Plan


Significance of the Study

This action research intends to improve utilizing electronic devices to boost the classroom engagement of
grade 10 students in Bayambang National High School. It also promotes positive effects of using technology in order
to enhance and level up the quality of teaching and learning process. It also illustrates that the right use and
application of technology it would surely contributes in terms of betterment or improvement especially in education.


An article published by Taylor & Francis Online expresses the goal of Sweden becoming a world leader in

digitalization. On the other hand, as in many other parts of the world, there is heated public debate about the

increasing prevalence of smartphones in the hands of school-aged students. These debates construct a variety of

pedagogical, social, and cognitive threats that smartphones may pose to children and young adults (Ott 2017).

Educators in Sweden are dealing with governmental demands for and expectations of this process as the

country's educational system undergoes a thorough push toward digitization. As part of what are referred to as "21st

century skills and competences," numerous national and international programs push for increasing individuals'

digital literacy and emphasize equal access to digital technology (OECD 2016; Redecker 2017), (OECD 2016, 9).

According to Hassoun (2015) and Ott (2017), personal smartphones have mostly been viewed as a source

of disruption and distraction rather than a potential resource for learning. Aside from studies on public debate (Ott

2017), research on smartphones in the classroom has revealed a link between student school performance and

phone bans. However, the outcomes have been contradictory (Amez and Baert, 2019). While some studies suggest

that smartphones can harm students' academic performance (Beland and Murphy 2016; Amez et al. 2021; Lee et al.

2021), others claim that phones have a positive effect (Kuznekoff, Munz, and Titsworth, 2015) or have no effect at

all (David et al. 2015; Kessel, Hardardottir, and Tyrefors, 2019).


Domain 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy 7
Activity 1 – Writing an Action Research Plan


Olin-Scheller and colleagues (2020) illustrate in a Swedish context that smartphones do not primarily appear

as a disruption in the classroom, but rather are used intermittently when the intensity of teaching subsides, and in

ways that conform to ordinary organizational and interactional classroom patterns. This article demonstrates that

there is a tension between visualizing the electronic devices as a social and educational resource within the

digitalized classroom and viewing it as an exception to desired digitalization.

According to Corcoran (2018), students who used tablet apps performed better than those who did not. As

a result of Corcoran's research, the use of tablet apps during reading instruction had a statistically significant impact

on student achievement. Technology has a positive impact on education, and the people of the Philippines have

taken notice.

An article in The Manila Times highlights a study conducted by Houghton Mifflin highlights that students

using iPads performed better in math compared to students using traditional textbooks. There are other countless

studies shows the benefit of electronic devices in studying so it is easy to understand why the Philippines is looking

to increase its use of technology for improving education in the country (Espinosa, 2016).


Several research studies have been done locally and abroad concerning the present topic. Some of these

studies which are closely related to the present study undertaken have been selected and reviewed.

Foreign Studies
Bebell and O’Dwyer (2010) examined four different empirical studies of laptop programs in schools. They

discovered that in most schools participating in one-to-one programs there were significant increases in grade-point

averages or standardized tests of student achievement, relative to schools that did not provide such programs. In

addition, they found that most students used their laptops to write, browse the Internet, make presentations, do

homework, or take tests. Furthermore, teachers made more changes to their teaching methods when they had

E- PORTFOLIO FORopportunities
FIELD STUDYto2use laptops. Students participating in one-to-one programs also had a deeper engagement
Domain 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy 8
Activity 1 – Writing an Action Research Plan


homework, or take tests. Furthermore, teachers made more changes to their teaching methods when they had

increased opportunities to use laptops. Students participating in one-to-one programs also had a deeper engagement

with what they were learning when compared to control groups.

Frohberg, Goth, and Schwabe (2009) categorized 102 mobile-learning projects, and discovered that most mobile-

learning activities occurred across different settings, and took place within a physical context and an official

environment, such as a classroom or workplace. Regarding the pedagogical roles that mobile devices play in

education, most research has used mobile devices primarily as a sort of reinforcement tool to stimulate motivation

and strengthen engagement, and secondarily as a content-delivery tool. Few projects have used mobile devices to

assist with constructive thinking or reflection. Furthermore, most learning activities using mobile devices have been

controlled by the teacher, with there being only a handful of learner-centered projects in existence. Concerning

communication functions, very few projects have made any use of cooperative or team communication. Moreover,

the vast majority of studies have made use of novice participants; little research has involved experienced

participants. When sorted according to educational goals, it was found that the vast majority of research has focused

on lower-level knowledge and skills, and ignored higher-level tasks such as analysis and evaluation.

In the study of Kulik (1994), the researcher used a technique called meta-analysis to aggregate the findings

from more than 500 individual studies of computer-based instruction. Computer-based instruction individualizes

the educational process to accommodate the needs interests and learning styles of each student. The study found

that students who used computer-based instruction scored at the 64th percentile on test achievement compared to

students in the control conditions without computers who scored at the percentile. This study helps to show that

student achievement can be affected positively, especially through assessment scores. Students also tend to like

their classes more and develop more positive attitudes toward learning which results in positive academic


Local Studies
E- PORTFOLIO FOR to the2study
FIELD STUDY of Mariano (2017), the Philippine government has been committed to bringing the
Domain 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy 9
Activity 1 – Writing an Action Research Plan


Local Studies
According to the study of Mariano (2017), the Philippine government has been committed to bringing the

educational system into a modernized status, particularly on basic education, in its effort to make each and every

student at par with other students of neighbouring developed countries. Our country is now capable to utilize and

produce information and transforming it into knowledge and a vast array of goods and services. The Department of

Education (DEPED) initiated a computerization program in 1996 with the goal of preparing Filipino students for

employment and competitive career by teaching them to master new forms of technology. They also would like to

harness and enhance the power of technology toward developing the entire teaching-learning process, specifically

in its bid to make each and every public-school student empowered in this highly globalized and integrated world


A study by Mendoza, Caranto, & David (2015) entitled the Effectiveness of Video Presentation to Students’

Learning states that the level of effectiveness in using video presentation in students’ learning is highly effective. The

high use rate suggests that students broadly accept and use video lectures as a form of computer-based instruction

and as an enhancement of traditional classroom courses. Moreover, 31.5% viewed the video in advance of classroom

lectures, 72.2% used it to do homework, 72.4% used it to prepare for examinations, 63% agreed that video is good

for tutoring help and 38.9% believed that it helped to raise their course grade. This study is very helpful to the

researchers because it proves that technology integration in education is very important.

The study Uplifting Education through Technology by Macasaet (2013) suggests that students benefit from

utilizing computers in their education by making school work easier; likewise, the instructors benefit from the usage

of technology in teaching. Gone are the days when instructors need to write out the topics on the chalkboard, prepare

a Manila paper to display a text, or show flash cards for Math drills. Now, presenting topics to students is as easy as

a click on the keyboard, as the text or illustration immediately unfolds onscreen in a slideshow presentation. This not

only makes preparing visual aids for class more efficient and less time-consuming, but it also helps keep the flow of

discussion inside the classroom more interesting and more engaging to the students. The modern classroom now
requires the use of computers, the internet, and mobile devices practically in every school activity. With this idea in
Domain 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy 10
Activity 1 – Writing an Action Research Plan


only makes preparing visual aids for class more efficient and less time-consuming, but it also helps keep the flow of

discussion inside the classroom more interesting and more engaging to the students. The modern classroom now

requires the use of computers, the internet, and mobile devices practically in every school activity. With this idea in

mind, the Department of Education has planned to modernize the Philippine classrooms in line with its K to 12

programs. Today, education at all levels is geared toward a computer-centric learning environment. Through the

implementation of technology inside the classroom, teachers and students can yield positive results within the

learning environment and true-to-life situations.

Synthesis of the Reviewed Literature and Studies

Technology plays a major role in creating a new and improved model of teaching and learning where

education happens anytime and anywhere. Technology has profoundly changed education in several ways.

Computer-based instruction individualizes the educational process to accommodate the needs interests and learning

styles of each student (Kulik, 1994). The Department of Education (DEPED) initiated in 1996 a computerization

program with the goal of preparing Filipino students for employment and competitive career by teaching them to

master new forms of technology (Mariano, 2017). The level of effectiveness in using video presentations in students’

learning is highly effective and proves that technology integration in education is very important (Mendoza, Caranto,

and David, 2015). Educational Technology has software programs that can make the learning process easier for

students with disabilities. Students really benefit from utilizing computers as well as the instructors (Macasaet, 2013),

and even students themselves prefer technology in the classroom for positive consequences enhancing learning-

related activities in the classroom. It gives students the opportunity to explore, learn by themselves, formulate their

questions, and answer their own confusions through exploring and discovering knowledge from a variety of resources

available on the Internet.

Technology ushers in fundamental structural changes that can be critical to achieving significant productivity

gains and is used to support both teaching and learning. Technology infuses classrooms with digital learning tools

such as
E- PORTFOLIO FORcomputers and handheld
FIELD STUDY 2 devices, increasing student engagement and motivation and accelerating learning.
Domain 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy 11
Activity 1 – Writing an Action Research Plan


gains and is used to support both teaching and learning. Technology infuses classrooms with digital learning tools

such as computers and handheld devices, increasing student engagement and motivation and accelerating learning.

The related literature and studies have showed that the use of electronic devices enhances the learning of the

students. Thus, these will a guide the researchers to enhance the utilization of electronic devices in Grade 10

Students of Bayambang National High School.

VII. Generation of Alternative Solutions

Generating alternative solutions for problem situations is a key component of effective problem solving this is used

to generate a variety of potential options for managing a problem, from which the most effective approach or

combination of approaches can be selected for implementation. For our study the E-Learning: Utilizing Electronic

Devices in the Classroom to Boost Learners’ Engagement that aims to answer the following electronic devices utilized

in the teaching and learning process, level of utilization of electronic devices in the teaching-learning process, level

of engagement of students in the teaching-learning process using electronic devices, and the significant relationship

between the level of engagement in the teaching-learning process and the utilization of electronic devices in the

classroom. According to D'Angelo (2018), Implementing technology into the curriculum provides instructors with an

invaluable opportunity to enhance student engagement and academic success thus implementing technology into

the curriculum shifts the learning environment to being more student-centered. He also stated that when introducing

a technological application into a classroom, it is important to consider whether the features of that technology are

suited to meet task outcomes. It is preferred that the technology is designed in such a way that it is easy to use for

both the instructor and students and possesses all the features necessary to promote student learning. Given this

idea, researcher suggest that it is best to have a fix television/monitor which teachers can use in the classroom for

the reason that we notice that since there is no permanent television/monitor in the classroom and the one student

are using is teachers provided they don’t have a permanent access to it and it cannot be fixed in their classroom wall

which led to the TV only being on a table that causes other student a small chance to see what is being flashed on

the screen. Another is the use of E-learning sites for examples are MS Teams and Google classroom since students
Domain 1: are already
Content familiar
Knowledge with this
and Pedagogy site during the pandemic, they can easily use its features for example is that teacher 12
Activity 1 – Writing an Action Research Plan


the screen. Another is the use of E-learning sites for examples are MS Teams and Google classroom since students

are already familiar with this site during the pandemic, they can easily use its features for example is that teacher

can give the lesson in advance as well as the one to be flashed on the TV/monitor during the discussion so that the

students have a gasp about what they are going to discuss and to do during the discussion. Furthermore, this gives

a chance for the students to have an advance reading which can result to an interactive and smoother flow of

discussion. According to Mansuri (2022), today’s learners want relevant, mobile, self-propelled and personalized

content and this need is met through online learning wherein students can learn according to their convenience and


IX. Plan of Action

This action research aims to enhance the utilization of electronic devices in the classroom to boost the
engagement of Grade 10 Students in Bayambang National High School in the teaching and learning process.
Specifically, it seeks to answer the following:

1. What electronic devices utilized in the teaching and learning process of the Grade 10 students?

2. What is the level of utilization of electronic devices in the teaching-learning process?

3. What is the level of engagement of Grade 10 Students in the teaching-learning process using electronic devices?

4. Is there a significant relationship between the level of engagement of Grade 10 Students in the teaching-learning
process and the utilization of electronic devices in the classroom?

Scope and Limitations:

This action research limits its coverage to the Grade 10 Students in Bayambang National High School. It
seeks to boost engagement in the teaching and learning process by enhancing the utilization of electronic devices in
the classroom. The researchers mainly focus on the improvement of the usage of electronic devices in the classroom.
Moreover, the action plan formulated will be implemented in approximately four (4) months. This action research plan
is limited to answering the following: electronic devices utilized in the teaching and learning process, level of utilization
of electronic devices in the teaching-learning process, level of engagement of students in the teaching-learning
process using electronic devices, and the significant relationship between the level of engagement in the teaching-
learning process and the utilization of electronic devices in the classroom.


Domain 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy 13
Activity 1 – Writing an Action Research Plan



D' Angelo, C. (2018). The Impacts of Technology Integration. Retrieved from


Bebell, D., and O'Dwyer, L.M. Educational outcomes and research from 1:1 computing settings, Journal of
Technology, Learning, and Assessment, 9 (2010), pp. 5-15

Corcoran, S. (2018). The Effects of Digital Tablets’ Applications on Reading Achievement of First Graders in Two
Private Schools. Retrieved from https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/The -Effect-of-Digital-Tablets%27-

Frohberg, D., Goth, C., and Schwabe, G. (2009). Mobile learning projects – a critical analysis of the state of the art,
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 25 (2009), pp. 307-331, 10.1111/j.1365-2729.2009.00315.x

Espinosa, J. (2016). Learning with the help of Technology. Retrieved from


Fitch, J. (2004). Students Feedback in the College Classroom: A Technology Solution. Educational Research
Department, Vol 52, pp 171-181.

Kondakciu., (2020), Technology’s Impact on Education – The Philippines. https://yourshumanly.org/technologys-


Kulik, J., Kulik, C., and Peter A. Cohen, Effectiveness of Computer-Based College Teaching: A Meta-Analysis of
Findings Vol. 50, No. 4 (Winter, 1980), pp. 525-544 (20 pages)

Macasaet (2013), Uplifting Education through Technology. http://ijemr.ascons.org/digital-


Mansuri, S. (2022). Importance of An Educational Website Post Pandemic. Retrieved December 2, 2022 from

Mariano, J. (2017). The Effects of Technology in Inquiry Based Learning Process of Grade 12 Students of Tigbauan
National High School. Retrieved from https://www.scribd.com/document/435144807/Effects-of-Technology-in-the-
Mendoza, L., Caranto, L., and David, J. (2015). Effectiveness of Video Presentation to Students’ Learning. Retrieved
Domain 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy 14
Activity 1 – Writing an Action Research Plan


Mariano, J. (2017). The Effects of Technology in Inquiry Based Learning Process of Grade 12 Students of Tigbauan
National High School. Retrieved from https://www.scribd.com/document/435144807/Effects-of-Technology-in-the-

Mendoza, L., Caranto, L., and David, J. (2015). Effectiveness of Video Presentation to Students’ Learning. Retrieved

Nah, E. A., Lim, T. H., & Yih, B. (2012). Enhancing student-centered learning through usage of television commercials
via wiki. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 67, 144-155.

Wikström, Duek, Nilsberth & Olin-Scheller (2022), Smartphones in the Swedish upper-secondary classroom: A
policy enactment perspective, Learning, Media and Technology.


Domain 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy 15
Activity 1 – Writing an Action Research Plan


Using one adjective, describe your experience as a group in accomplishing the activity in general and in
writing the four parts, from introduction to the plan of action, of your classroom-based action research in
particular. Why did you choose that adjective?

As the leader of our group, I will describe our experience as COOPERATIVE. It is with my humble brag that we
are not causing any trouble or disruptions in assigning workloads to my groupmates. They simply accept and do
their part with full effort and dedication to achieve our common goal of finishing and meeting deadlines. But I
always make certain that work is distributed fairly and based on their ability to complete the assigned task;
fortunately, we all have the means to complete the task, so no complaints get in my way whenever there are
activities. In this recent FS2 activity, I assigned the task as early as today and gave them a deadline of tomorrow,
but they finished their work and handed it in to me that evening. As a result, I can describe my groupmates as
cooperative and diligent, working with passion and dedication to complete the task on time.
I am looking froward to achieve more goals with these people. The are worth to trust with all the works and other
activities we are doing for this entire field study journey.


Domain 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy 16
Activity 1 – Writing an Action Research Plan


Self Peer FS Over-all

Rating Rating Mentor’s Rating


Domain 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy 17

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