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GNB-CPD Guidance from the Group of Notified Bodies Issued: 1 February 2012
for the Construction Products Directive
SG02 89/106/EEC

GNB-CPD position paper from SG02 - EN 459-1:2010

Certification of the FPC of building limes

General scope, limitations and aim of this guidance for notified bodies
This position paper contains guidance for notified bodies (NBs) involved in the attestation of
conformity of FPC of building limes according to EN 459-1:2010. The purpose is to help NBs work
equivalently and come to common judgments. This guidance contains informative material (which
NBs should or may follow) and/or normative guidance (which NBs shall follow or at least work
equivalently to as circumstances demand).

The primary document for NBs is the edition of the relevant harmonized standard that is currently
cited in the Official Journal of the EU to which the manufacturer works. This guidance is thought
necessary to provide clarity and completeness for NBs so that they can work equivalently. It
supplements and makes practical for NBs the harmonized standard EN 459-1:2010, approved
Advisory Group guidance, and Standing Committee guidance in the form of GPs, which also apply -
unless otherwise explicitly stated in this guidance. This position paper should not contradict nor
extend the scope of the work and role of a NB, nor impose additional burdens on the manufacturer,
beyond those laid down in the CPD and EN 459-1:2010.

This guidance should be considered valid until the relevant standards are amended to include the
guidance (as thought fit by the CEN/TC); or until guidance from Commission, SCC or AG has
changed on relevant matters. Whereupon, the paper should be considered for withdrawal/revision
and be replaced by new guidance as necessary.

This position paper was considered approved in its original form by SG02 on 8 February 2004 and
by Advisory Group on 16 March 2004, and in its revised form by SG02 on 2 November 2011 and by
Advisory Group on 29 January 2012.

This position paper was revised to take into account the revision of EN 459-1, to remove some
requirements that Advisory Group determined were not appropriate, and to remove some passages
that were widely applicable to NBs assessing construction products, and so should be harmonised
at the level of an Advisory Group position paper.

Paragraphs that have been changed from NB-CPD/SG02/04/011 are indicated as follows:
modified text or paragraph by a broken left border line;
new paragraph by a solid left border line, and;
where previous paragraphs have been removed by ≡.
(Changes to text in tables and boxes are not marked as they already have a border.)

NB-CPD/SG02/04/011r1 Page 1 of 8
1 Foreword ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
2 Scope and field of application ..................................................................................................................... 3
3 Reference list .............................................................................................................................................. 4
4 Terminology ................................................................................................................................................ 4
5 Certification process ................................................................................................................................... 5
6 Application................................................................................................................................................... 5
7 Initial inspection of factory and factory production control .......................................................................... 6
8 The EC certificate of factory production control .......................................................................................... 7
9 Continuous surveillance of factory production control ................................................................................ 7
9.1 Autocontrol testing by the manufacturer ............................................................................................................... 8

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1 Foreword

Sector Group 02 of the Group of Notified Bodies for the Construction Products Directive
89/106/EEC has prepared this document to assist notified bodies in following equivalent procedures
in certifying the conformity of building limes in accordance with Annex ZA of EN 459-1.

The scope of this document is to supplement the EN 459-1 standard and EN 459-3 taking into
consideration the necessary internal procedures of the certification bodies. All of the activities of the
notified certification body necessary to achieve the EC certificate of factory production control are
reported and explained in the sequence of the certification activity.

It is emphasized that the building limes manufacturer / authorized representative is responsible for
ensuring that building limes bearing the CE Marking have all the characteristics required by Annex
ZA of EN 459-1.

To maintain equivalent use and interpretation of this document, notified bodies are strongly invited
to raise any questions, remarks or problems related to the use of this document with the secretariat
of the GNB-CPD/SG02. The address of the secretariat can be found on the CIRCA web site

2 Scope and field of application

The scope of this document is to define and describe the main operating procedures to be followed
by the notified certification body in order to carry out the initial inspection of the factory, the
assessment of the FPC, continuous inspection and for the issuing of the certificate of FPC.

The classifications and types of building limes which are eligible to be CE marked are given in
section 4 and section 5 of EN 459-1.

Annex ZA of EN 459-1 includes the provisions for the CE marking of building limes under the
Construction Products Directive. The system of attestation of conformity is system 2+, which
requires that the tasks for the manufacturer include factory production control and initial type testing
and regular testing, while the tasks for the notified body are the initial inspection of the factory and
the assessment of the factory production control and the continuous surveillance, assessment and
approval of the FPC.

EN 459-3 includes the conformity evaluation requirements. Specifically, section 4 includes the
factory production control requirements to be met by the manufacturer and section 5 includes the
requirements for the surveillance, assessment and approval of the factory production control by the
notified certification body.

It is now a requirement that the factory production control system is to be continuously assessed by
the notified body, as the attestation level was changed for building limes in 2011 to system 2+, due
to Commission Decision 2010/683/EU.

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3 Reference list

EN 459-1:2010, Building Lime – Definitions, specifications and conformity criteria

EN 459-2:2010, Building Lime – Test methods

EN 459-3:2011, Building Lime – Conformity evaluation

Commission Decision 2010/683/EU, of 9 November 2010 amending Decision 97/555/EC on the

procedure for attesting the conformity of construction products pursuant to Article 20(2) of Council
Directive 89/106/EEC as regards cements, building limes and other hydraulic binders

NB-CPD/AG/03/001, Numbering of certificates of conformity

NB-CPD/AG/03/002, Guidance to notified bodies on the attestation of conformity under the

Construction Products Directive 89/106/EEC

NB-CPD/AG/03/003, Examples of EC certificates of conformity

NB-CPD/AG/03/004, Checklists for initial inspection of factory and factory production control and
continuous surveillance of factory production control

NB-CPD/AG/07/008, Guidance to notified bodies in certifying own brand labelled products and
those involving significant subcontract manufacturing

4 Terminology

For terms used in this document that are not covered in the documents listed in section 3, and for
those that needed to be detailed, the definition is given below.

Manufacturer or their authorised representative applying for the EC certificate of Factory Production
Control for building limes produced in a factory.

Authorised representative
Any natural or legal person, expressly designated by the manufacturer to act on their behalf. The
authorised representative must be established in the EEA, Switzerland or Turkey.

Brand name
A unique proprietary name owned and used by a manufacturer for a type of building lime.

The European Commission website dedicated to the Construct Products Directive (CPD) in which is
contained all the information concerning the general co-ordination (GNB-CPD Advisory Group) and
the specific co-ordination (sector groups) of bodies under the CPD.
Relevant information may be found at any time by consulting:

EC certificate of factory production control

A certificate which entitles the manufacturer to affix the CE marking.

NB-CPD/SG02/04/011r1 Page 4 of 8
EC declaration of conformity
Declaration by the manufacturer or their authorised representative in conformity with Annex ZA.2.2
of EN 459-1.

Person appointed under the responsibility of the notified certification body to perform the activities of

The manufacturer is the legal entity having the responsibility and capability for the factory production
control within the factory and compliance with the standard.

Notified certification body

In the context of this Position Paper the term "notified certification body" can also refer to a
subcontracting inspection body carrying out inspection tasks under the responsibility of the notified
certification body. All contacts with the manufacturer will go through the notified certification body.

5 Certification process

The scheme to be followed by the Notified Certification Body to grant the certificate of factory
production control is as follows:
• the application (see section 6);
• the initial inspection of the factory and the assessment of the FPC (see section 7);
• the issuing of the certificate of FPC (see section 8), and;
• the continuing surveillance, assessment and approval of the FPC (see section 9).

6 Application

For the application procedure, see NB-CPD/AG/03/002.

The certification body will request a description of the types of building lime and their classifications
and standard designations required to be considered in the certification process and for listing on
the certificate of factory production control.

The types of building limes and their sub-families, and classifications, are as given in EN 459-1:
• Section 4 air limes, sub-families calcium lime (CL) and dolomitic limes (DL), and forms of air
lime as quicklime (Q), hydrated lime (S, S PL, or S ML); for standard designations see 4.4.8
for calcium lime and 4.5.8 for dolomitic lime.
• Section 5, lime with hydraulic properties, sub-families natural hydraulic lime (NHL), formulated
lime (FL), hydraulic lime (HL); for standard designations see EN 459-1 section 5.7 for natural
hydraulic lime, formulated lime and hydraulic lime.

Additional properties for building limes are given in Annex B, EN 459-1.

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7 Initial inspection of factory and factory production control

For initial inspection procedure see NB-CPD/AG/03/002, section 4.4. Section 4.6 includes actions
in the case of nonconformities.

During the initial inspection of the factory, the inspector should use a checklist prepared by the
certification / inspection body for this purpose. See NB-CPD/AG/03/004.

The factory production control system will be inspected and assessed against the requirements
given in EN 459-3 sections 4, factory production control, and 5, surveillance, assessment and
acceptance of the factory production control.

Before the initial inspection is performed, the notified certification body shall verify that all the
requirements of the above are adequately covered in the works’ quality manual and other related

During this initial inspection the notified certification body will further investigate whether the
documented system is implemented in accordance with the requirements of sections 4 and 5 of EN

The initial type testing (ITT) is not part of the factory production control assessment to be carried out
by the notified certification body. ITT is the responsibility of the manufacturer but it must have been
carried out in accordance with the test methods described in the standard.

Test results from FPC must comply with the requirements of the appropriate part of EN 459-1, the
product specification and the manufacturers stated values and be carried out at the required test
frequencies given by the standard EN 459-1. The chemical and physical requirements are included
in EN 459-1 as appropriate tables for each type of building lime. The manufacturers stated values
and a procedure for the evaluation of the test results shall therefore be included as part of the
works’ quality manual of the manufacturer. It is expected that the inspection body should be able to
see evidence of the results of the ITT, to check the results from the factory production control for
similarity and credibility.

Test methods are given in EN 459-2. Alternative test methods may be used provided the notified
certification body sees an adequate correlation between these alternative test methods and those
given in EN 459-2 and agrees that these can be used as an alternative method.

Checks on proper functioning and reliability should be carried out on equipment used in the relevant
test methods.

EN 459-1 and -3 includes a requirement for the manufacturer to carry out autocontrol testing which
is continual testing by the manufacturer on spot samples of the building lime taken at the point(s) of
release from the factory/depot – see EN 459-3 section 4.3.

As part of the inspection of the factory production control, the certification body has a responsibility
during the initial inspection visit to see that the manufacturer has made provisions for the required
autocontrol tests to be carried out at the required frequencies and that the required test equipment
is being used, and that the evaluation is being performed satisfactorily to the chosen statistical

See section 9 below for more exact details of the autocontrol testing requirements.

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8 The EC certificate of factory production control

After the initial inspection has been conducted in accordance with the requirements of EN 459-3
sections 4 and 5, and when all of the non-conformities which may have been detected during this
initial inspection have been adequately dealt with, the notified certification body will issue a
certificate of factory production control in accordance with the requirements given in
NB-CPD/AG/03/002 section 4.5.

The format of the certificate of factory production control should follow the latest example given in
NB-CPD/AG/03/003, and use the example given for the certificate for hENs at AoC 2+.

The proposed numbering system for EC certificates is set out in NB-CPD/AG/03/001.

In cases where that organization placing the building lime on the market has the building lime
manufactured for it by a separate organization, the factory(ies) shown on the certificate shall be all
those where the building lime may have been made, although the factory details may be given in a
coded format. For further details see NB CPD/AG/07/008.

9 Continuous surveillance of factory production control

For the annual inspection procedure see NB-CPD/AG/03/002, section 4.6 – this includes actions in
the case of nonconformities.

During the annual inspection of the factory, the inspector should use a checklist prepared by the
certification/ inspection body for this purpose. See NB-CPD/AG/03/004.

The factory production control system will be inspected and assessed against the requirements
given in EN 459-3 sections 4, factory production control, and 5, surveillance, assessment and
acceptance of the factory production control.

Test results from FPC must comply with the requirements of the appropriate part of EN 459-1, the
product specification and the manufacturers stated values and be carried out at the required test
frequencies given by the standard EN 459-1. The chemical and physical requirements are included
in EN 459-1 as appropriate tables for each type of building lime.

The manufacturers stated values and a procedure for the evaluation of the test results should
therefore be part of the works’ quality documentation of the manufacturer.

Test methods are given in EN 459-2. Alternative test methods may be used provided the notified
certification body sees an adequate correlation between these alternative test methods and those
given in EN 459-2, and agrees that these can be used as an alternative method.

Checks on proper functioning and reliability should be carried out on equipment used in the relevant
test methods.

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9.1 Autocontrol testing by the manufacturer

EN 459-1 and -3 includes a requirement for the manufacturer to carry out autocontrol testing which
is continual testing by the manufacturer on spot samples of the building lime taken at the point(s) of
release from the factory/depot – see EN 459-3 section 4.3. The autocontrol testing is part of the
factory production control.

As part of the inspection of the factory production control, the certification body should see that the
required tests are being carried out at the required frequencies and that the required test equipment
is being used, and that the evaluation is being performed satisfactorily to the chosen statistical
method. Also, for example, as required by EN 459-3 section 6, the certification body should see
that suitable actions in the event of non-conformity are taken, which includes the requirement that in
the event of non-conforming building lime, the minimum frequency of autocontrol testing of non-
conforming products shall be doubled until they conform with the standard, unless it can be
demonstrated that adequate measure were taken from the time of the initial occurrence of the non-
conformity until its resolution.

The autocontrol tables to be considered for each type of building lime, giving properties, test
methods, and minimum test frequencies for autocontrol testing (for regular and initial periods, and
as required for inspection either by variables or by attributes) are given in EN 459-1 as follows:
Calcium lime – table 7;
Dolomitic lime – table 14,
Lime with hydraulic properties – table 27.

Annex A of EN 459-1 gives the statistical evaluation methods for strength, physical and chemical
properties as required for statistical conformity, and requirements for inspection by variables (A1.2)
and inspection by attributes (A1.3) and the single result conformity criteria (A.2).

Again, the certification body should ensure that these requirements given by the standard are being
adopted as relevant to the statistical technique selected by the manufacturer.

Autocontrol testing should be seen to be carried out by competent personnel.

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