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Jaywant Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s


S.No.80, Pune-Mumbai Bypass Highway, Tathawade Campus, Pune.

Department of Computer Engineering

Course Name: Environmental Studies Faculty Name: Mrs. Neelam N.Kawale
Course Code: 22447

MCQ Question Bank

COs: Develop Public awareness about environment.

1. Which layer of the atmosphere contains the ozone layer necessary for UV (ultraviolet) light
absorption? (Bloom level-R) ( 1M)
A. Stratosphere
B. Troposphere
C. Mesosphere
D. None of these

Answer: A. Stratosphere

Explanation: A part of the earth's atmosphere is called the stratosphere. UV light in the stratosphere is
absorbed by the ozone present.

2. What is the largest source of the world's commercial energy consumption? (Bloom level-U) ( 1M)
A. Coal
B. Oil
C. Natural gas
D. Nuclear
Answer: B. Oil

Explanation: Around the beginning of the twentieth century, coal dominated energy consumption.
However, oil is now the main source of commercial energy consumption. It makesup about 39%.

3. How many biodiversity hotspots are there? (Bloom level-A) ( 1M)

A. 28
B. 18
C. 32
D. 36

Answer: D. 36

Explanation: Currently, 36 biodiversity hotspots are known in the world. A region must satisfy two
strict requirements in order to be considered a biodiversity hotspot: contain at least 1,500 vascular plant
species that are unique to Earth and have lost the majority of their native vegetation by at least 70%.
4. The objective of Environmental studies is? (Bloom level-R) ( 1M)

A. Raising awareness of environmental issues

B. To promote ecologically responsible conduct
C. Establish a society that values environmental ethics.
D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above

Explanation: The following are the goals of environmental studies: Raising awareness of environmental
issues, promoting ecologically responsible conduct, and establishing a society that values environmental

5. Which two forms of alcohol are included in bio fuels? (Bloom level-U) ( 1M)

A. Methanol and Ethanol

B. Propanol and Ethanol
C. Propanol and Methanol
D. None of these

Answer: A. Methanol and Ethanol

Explanation: Both methanol and ethanol can be produced using biomass, fossil fuels, or perhaps the
simplest combination of carbon dioxide and water.

6. Which of the following non-metallic minerals are essential? (Bloom level-A) ( 1M)

A. Marble, limestone, and granite

B. Platinum, silver, and gold
C. Coal, clay, cement, silica
D. Iron, aluminium, zinc, and copper

Answer: C. Coal, clay, cement, silica

Explanation: Non-metallic minerals are important to many industries despite lacking metallic qualities
including high thermic and electric conductivity, lustre, rigidity, and malleability.

7. Which of the following natural disasters occurs frequently? (Bloom level-R) ( 1M)

A. Floods
B. Earthquake
C. Drought
D. Tsunami

Answer: A. Floods
Explanation: Floods are the most common sort of natural disaster, which happen when an excess of
water submerges normally dry ground.

8. The atmosphere consists of 79% Nitrogen and 21% Oxygen by? (Bloom level-U) ( 1M)

A. Weight
B. Volume
C. Density
D. All of these

Answer: B. Volume

Explanation: 21 per cent oxygen and 79 per cent nitrogen make up the atmosphere's volume, whereas
23.2 per cent oxygen and 76.8 per cent nitrogen make up its weight.

9. What type of human activity can lower the atmospheric oxygen content? (Bloom level-A) ( 1M)

A. Deforestation
B. Hunting
C. Mining
D. None of the above

Answer: A. Deforestation

Explanation: Deforestation is the practice of cutting down trees for economic gain. The loss of trees
and plants has a negative impact on oxygen levels. Deforestation thereby lowers the atmospheric
oxygen concentration.

10. What is Sustainable Development? (Bloom level-R) ( 1M)

A. Balancing current requirements with those of the future.

B. The advancement of humankind.
C. A balance between human wants and the planet's capacity to supply resources.
D. All the above.

Answer: C. Balance between human wants and the planet's capacity to supply resources.

Explanation: Sustainable development means maintaining the balance between human wants and the
planet's capacity to supply resources.

11. Which of these sacred groves serves as a gene repository for a variety of wild plants? (Bloom level-U)( 1M)
A. Mauhak
B. Deorais
C. Jahera
D. None of these
Answer: B. Deorais

Explanation: Deorais is a sacred grove that serves as a gene repository for a variety of wildplants.

12. Name the gas that is vital in maintaining atmospheric temperature. (Bloom level-A) ( 1M)

A. Oxygen
B. Carbon Dioxide
C. Nitrogen
D. None of the above

Answer: B. Carbon Dioxide

Explanation: The vital greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide helps to keep heat in the atmosphere by trapping
it there. It keeps the atmosphere stable.

13. Who invented the term "ecosystem"? (Bloom level-R) ( 1M)

A. Odum
B. Clements
C. Arthur G. Tansley
D. None of these

Answer: C. Arthur G. Tansley

Explanation: In 1935, Arthur G. Tansley became the first person to come across the word "ecosystem."
An ecosystem is described as a biological community made up of species and the particular physical
environment they inhabit, both of which have a tendency to interact with oneanother.

14. Name the powerplant that works on the basis of the gravity of earth? (Bloom level-U) ( 1M)

A. Windfarms
B. Geothermal
C. Nuclear Power
D. Hydropower

Answer: D. Hydropower

Explanation: Hydropower plants are used to produce electricity by building dams across streams. At the
narrow mouth of the dam, a turbine is situated; when water falls on the turbine due to gravity, the turbine
drives the motors.

15. What biomass energy source has the highest potential in the world? (Bloom level-A)( 1M)
A. Industrial waste
B. Fibrous waste of the paper industry
C. Fibrous waste of the sugar industry
D. Animal Waste

Answer: C. Fibrous waste of the sugar industry

Explanation: After the juice from the sugar cane is removed, fibrous waste is a by-product that is
created. It also is known by the name of bagasse.

16. Why is radiation dangerous? (Bloom level-R) ( 1M)

A. Radiations lead to skin cancer

B. Radiations cause anemia
C. Radiations change body tissues
D. Radiations are not stable

Answer: A. Radiations lead to skin cancer

Explanation: Radiation is the term used to describe when a radioactive substance emits particles that
have a propensity to enter a human body and cause harm.

17. When is World Environment Day celebrated? (Bloom level-U)( 1M)

A. 5 June
B. 21 May
C. 14 November
D. 27 May

Answer: A. 5 June

Explanation: World Environment Day is celebrated on 5 June. It is celebrated to spread awareness for
protecting the environment.

18. All species on earth with each other along with their respective environments collectively constitute
: (Bloom level-A)( 1M)

A. Biosphere
B. Atmosphere
C. Hydrosphere
D. Lithosphere

Answer: A. Biosphere
Explanation: The term "biosphere" refers to a community of microbes, plants, and animals that interact
with one another and with their particular environment. Therefore, the biosphere is made up of all species
on earth along with one another and their unique surroundings.

19. What is the other name of detrivores? (Bloom level-R)( 1M)

A. Herbivores
B. Carnivores
C. Decomposers
D. None of the above

Answer: C. Decomposers

Explanation: Decomposers include a variety of tiny creatures, including bacteria, worms, and others. It
reduces the decayed biological matter to simpler, more basic elements.

20. What causes soil pollution? (Bloom level-U)( 1M)

A. Ozone
B. Aerosol
C. Acid Rain
D. None of these

Answer: C. Acid Rain

Explanation: The presence of xenobiotics (human-made) chemicals or other alterations in the natural
environment of the soul contribute to soil pollution.

21. Minamata disease is related to which of the following? (Bloom level-A)( 1M)

A. Hg pollution
B. Cd pollution
C. SO2 pollution
D. None of these

Answer: A. Hg pollution

Explanation: Minamata disease is a neurological syndrome caused by severe mercurypoisoning.

22. Which of these years saw the amendment of the Forest Conservation Act? (Bloom level-R)( 1M)

A. 1978
B. 1988
C. 1963
D. 1952
Answer: B. 1988

Explanation: The Forest Conservation Act amended in 1988 is an Act of the Indian Parliament to
address topics related to, ancillary to, or incidental to the conservation of forests.

23. What kind of action tends to make the water table lower? (Bloom level-U)( 1M)

A. Overgrazing
B. Increase in human population
C. Soil erosion
D. Over-extraction of groundwater

Answer: D. Over-extraction of groundwater

Explanation: The practice of taking large volumes of water out of the earth through tube wells is
known as the over-extraction of groundwater. The water table may drop as a result of this.
Additionally, a dry environment could be produced as a result of this. The area between the soil's
surface and the rock sediments are referred to as the water table.

24. Which of the following statements regarding how human activity affects the ecology is false?
(Bloom level-A) ( 1M)
A. Depletion of groundwater
B. Extinction of species
C. Decrease in forest area
D. None of the above

Answer: D. None of the above

Explanation: Human activity disturbs the ecosystem, which has a number of negative effects like
species extinction, groundwater depletion, a reduction in forest area, and many more.
Human activity disturbs the ecosystem, which has a number of negative effects like species
extinction, groundwater depletion, a reduction in forest area, and many more.

25. What is the reason behind the blue color of the sky? (Bloom level-U)( 1M)

A. Water vapor is present.

B. The sunlight gets scattered due to the air molecules.
C. The blue light gets absorbed by the air.
D. The blue light is emitted through the atmosphere.

Answer: B. The sunlight gets scattered due to the air molecules.

Explanation: Typically, a clear sky is blue in color. The primary justification for this theory is that air
molecules tend to scatter blue light rather than red light.

26. Abiotic environment does not include ? (Bloom level-R)( 1M)

D. Plants
Answer: D

Explanation: The abiotic environment - which includes all non-living components of the environment -
that all living organisms are supported for their sustenance.the abiotic environment.
27. Chief source of energy inenvironment is ...…(Bloom level-U)( 1M)
A. Sun
B. Fire
C. Moon
D. Stars
Answer: A

Explanation: The sun is called the ultimate source of energy because: It is the primary source of
energy for the earth.

28. Energy is returned to the atmosphere in the form of (Bloom level-A)( 1M)
A. potential energy
B. metabolic energy
C. Heat
D. Vapors
Answer: C

Explanation:By reflecting some of the incoming light and radiating heat, Earth returns an
equivalent amount of energy to space (thermal infrared energy).

29. Which of the followingis the example of impact of development activities on(Bloom level-R)( 1M)
A. Air Pollution
B. Soil Pollution
C. Noise Pollution
D. Water Pollution

Answer: D

Explanation: water pollution causes diarrhea, skin diseases, malnutrition, and even cancer and
other diseases related to water pollution.

30. Zone consisting air, water and soil is known as.…(Bloom level-U)( 1M)
A. Atmosphere
B. Hydrosphere
C. Biosphere
D. Lithosphere
Answer: C

Explanation:The biosphere consists of both biotic and abiotic factors in which both are interrelated with
each other as they derive energy and nutrients.

31. Formation of Ozone is? (Bloom level-A)( 1M)

A. Oxidation Reaction
B. Reduction Reaction
C. Photochemical Reaction
D. None of the above
Answer: C

Explanation: photochemical oxidation of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and carbon monoxide
(CO) in the presence of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and sunlight.

32. One of the following is not a typeof environment.(Bloom level-R)

A. Physical environment
B. Man made environment
C. Social environment
D. Hydrosphere
Answer: D

Explanation: A planet's hydrosphere can be liquid, vapor, or ice. On Earth, liquid water exists
on the surface in the form of oceans, lakes, and rivers.

33. Social Environment includes …(Bloom level-U)( 1M)

A. Traditions
B. Ethics
C. Culture
D. All of the above
Answer: D

Explanation: the groups to which we belong, the neighborhoods in which we live, the
organization of our workplaces, and the policies we create to order our lives.

34. Physical environment is also called as…(Bloom level-A)( 1M)

A. Abiotic environment
B. Biotic environment
C. Man made environment
D. Psychological environment
Answer: A

Explanation: They include soil, water, air, climate, temperature and sunlight. It determines the type of
habitat or living conditions of the living population.

35. The term environment is derived from an old French word “environment means….(Bloom level-R)(
A. Outside
B. Inside
C. Surroundings
D. Biotic community

Answer: C

Explanation: The environment can be defined as surroundings or conditions in which living organisms
such as plants, animals, and humans live.

36. Which of the Following is not the impact of acid rain? (Bloom level-U)( 1M)
A. Acidification of soil
B. Deterioration of buildings
C. Loss of crops
D. Improve the taste of water
Answer: D

Explanation: Acid rain does not affect the respiratory system of human beings.

37. Major cause of increment in population growth is...…(Bloom level-A)( 1M)

A. decrease in birth rate
B. decrease in mortality rate
C. Illiteracy
D. none of the above
Answer: B

Explanation: Decrease in death rate of individuals causes increase in population. Maternal mortality
rate is the rate of death of females giving birth to the baby. Infant mortality rate is the rate of child death.

38. Which of the following is not acomponent of 4Rs?(Bloom level-R)( 1M)

A. Reduce
B. Resell
C. Reuse
D. Recover
Answer: B

Explanation:4R principle includes reduce, reuse, recycle and recover. This principle can be followed to
reduce environmental pollution to a large extent. However, renovate is not a part of 4R principle.

39. Which one of the following isnot a recyclable waste? (Bloom level-U)( 1M)
A. Metal
B. Plastic
C. Sand
D. Glass
Answer: C

Explanation: Sand recycling refers to the process of collecting, cleaning, and reusing sand from various
sources such as construction sites, foundries, and glass manufacturing.

40. The 4Rs principle is applicablefor…(Bloom level-A)( 1M)

A. Public awareness
B. Environmental protection
C. Saving natural resources
D. All of the above
Answer: D

Explanation:Plastic is a man-made substance that cannot be broken down by natural microbial action.
Hence, the 4R principle is applied to it. The 4 R principle is- Refuse, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. This
helps in reducing the harmful effect of plastic in the environment.

41. Layer which saves life from harmful effects of UV radiationsis known as(Bloom level-R)( 1M)
A. Ozone Layer
B. Alpha Layer
C. Gama Layer
D. Infra Red Layer
Answer: A

Explanation: The Ozone layer protects the earth from the harmful effects of UV rays. The Ozone
layer forms a shield in the stratosphere of the earth and absorbs a high percentage of the ultraviolet
rays emitted from the sun.

42. Greenhouse gases which is present in very high quantity is (Bloom level-U)( 1M)
A. Prophen
B. Ethane
C. Carbon di-oxide
D. Methane
Answer: C
Explanation: Carbon dioxide is present in a very high quantity. Climate change is primarily a
problem of too much carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere.

43. Burning of fossil fuels (Bloom level-A)( 1M)

A. Decrease green house
B. Increase green house gases
C. Increase level of oxygen
D. Increase level of ethane
Answer: B

Explanation: The burning of fossil fuels refers to the burning of oil, natural gas, and coal to generate
energy. We use this energy to generate electricity, and to power transportation (for example, cars and
planes) and industrial processes.

44. One which is not considered as naturally occurring greenhousegas is (Bloom level-R)( 1M)
A. Carbon di-oxyde
B. Methane
C. nitrous oxide
D. Ethane
Answer: D

Explanation: Greenhouse gases that are not naturally occurring include hydro-fluorocarbons
(HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), and sulphur hexafl uoride (SF6), which are generated in a variety
of industrial processes.

45. The most harmful environmental pollution fromnuclear reactor is (Bloom level-U)( 1M)
A. Radioactivity
B. particulate formation
C. thermal pollution
D. Noise Pollution
Answer: C

Explanation: A major environmental concern related to nuclear power is the creation of radioactive
wastes such as uranium mill tailings, spent (used) reactor fuel, and other radioactive wastes.

46. Height of ozone above surfaceof Earth is (Bloom level-A)( 1M)

A. 30 – 50 kms
B. 10 – 20 kms
C. 15 – 30 kms
D. 50 – 70 kms

Answer: C

Explanation: Ozone layer, also called ozonosphere, region of the upper atmosphere, between
roughly 15 and 35 km (9 and 22 miles) above Earth's surface, containing relatively high
concentrations of ozone molecules (O3).

47. Ozone layer isfound in (Bloom level-R)( 1M)

A. Thermosphere
B. Stratosphere
C. Troposphere
D. Mesosphere
Answer: B
Explanation: The ozone layer lies approximately 15-40 kilometers (10-25 miles) above the Earth's
surface, in the stratosphere.

48. What type of radiation is trapped on the earth's surface by the green house.(Bloom level-U)( 1M)
A. UV rays
B. ? -rays
C. X-rays
D. IR rays
Answer: A

Explanation: This energy is trapped by the greenhouse effect. Greenhouse gases have various
shapes that make them effective at absorbing infrared radiation emitted by Earth.

49. Biotic environmentincludes (Bloom level-A)( 1M)

A. Producers
B. Consumers
C. Decomposers
D. All above
Answer: D

1. Biotics are living entities that have life and sustain a strong metabolism.
2. All living organisms in the environment or ecosystem that are generally characterized as producers,
consumers, or decomposers are included in the biotic environments.
3. The abiotic environment consists of all non-living elements including rocks and sand.
4. Producers: Autotrophs, or producers, like plants, produce their food while also providing sustenance
for other living organisms.
5. Consumers: Animals or plants that depend on producers for nourishment are classified as
consumers or heterotrophs.
6. Decomposers: Decomposers commonly referred to as detritivores depend on consumers for food
and decompose complex food molecules into simpler ones that can be reused by producers.
7. The food network is linked by the components of the biotic environment.

50. Greenhouse gases which ispresent in veryhigh quantity is (Bloom level-U)( 1M)
A. Prophen
B. Ethane
C. Carbon di-oxide
D. Methane
Answer: C

Explanation: Carbon Dioxide Emissions. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the primary greenhouse gas emitted
through human activities. In 2021, CO2 accounted for 79% of all U.S. greenhouse gas emissions from
human activities.

51. Color of ozone molecule is (Bloom level-A)( 1M)

A. Blue
B. White
C. Pale Yellow
D. Pale Green
Answer: A

Explanation: Ozone is a slightly blue colour in the gaseous phase. It is due to absorbing in higher
frequency region colour. It is dark blue in liquid form and purple-black in solid form.
52. 71% of earthsurface is covered with:(Bloom level-R)( 1M)
A. Land
B. Air
C. Water
D. Coal
Answer: C

Explanation: Water also exists in the air as water vapor, in rivers and lakes, in icecaps and glaciers,
in the ground as soil moisture and in aquifers, and even in you and your dog.

53. Of the total wateron the Earth, fresh water reserves constitue approximately–(Bloom level-U)( 1M)
A. 70 %
B. 2.7%
C. 27 %
D. 8.9 %
Answer: B

Explanation: fresh water reserve a constitute approximately. Over 68 percent of the fresh water on
Earth is found in icecaps and glaciers, and just over 30 percent is found in ground water.

54. Nitrous oxide (commonly called laughing gas) has been a matter of concern to
environmentalist (Bloom level-A)( 1M)
A. it is thought to cause cancer at low concentration
B. it produce photochemicalsmog
C. it is a greenhouse gas
D. None of theabove
Answer: C

Explanation:Nitrous oxide, commonly called laughing gas, has been a matter of concern to
environmentalists recently because it is a greenhouse gas.

55. Public awarenessof environment creates (Bloom level-U)( 1M)

A. Environmentprotection
B. Environmentdegradation
C. Environmentalimprovement
D. Environmentalcultivation
Answer: A

Explanation: Environmental protection plays an important role in terms of human health and well being that
are determined by physical, chemical, biological, social, and psychological factors in the environment.

56. Major cause of Ozone depletionis due to which chemical ? (Bloom level-A)( 1M)
A. Chlorofluorocarbons
B. Polyphenols
C. Dioxins
D. None of theabove
Answer: A

Explanation: Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and other halogenated ozone depleting substances (ODS) are
mainly responsible for man-made chemical ozone depletion.

57. Air is composed of gases, water vapours and.(Bloom level-R)( 1M)

A. dust particles
B. Rainfall
C. Snowfall
D. Light
Answer: A

Explanation: Nitrogen and oxygen are the major components of air. The other gases are carbon dioxide,
water vapour, noble gases, etc. The composition of air is not fixed and varies slightly from place to place.

58. What is troposphere?(Bloom level-U)( 1M)

A. Portion of air
B. Portion ofwater
C. Lowest layer ofatmosphere where we survive
D. Portion of sky
Answer: C

Explanation:Most of the mass (about 75-80%) of the atmosphere is in the troposphere. Most types of clouds
are found in the troposphere, and almost all weather occurs within this layer. The troposphere is by far the
wettest layer of the atmosphere

59. How is the atmosphere, hydrosphere andlithosphere connected ? (Bloom level-A)( 1M)
A. Hydrologicalcycle
B. Nitrogen cycle
C. Oxygen cycle
D. Carbon cycle
Answer: A

Explanation:The atmosphere, hydrosphere and the lithosphere can be said to be connected together by
the hydrological cycle or the hydrologic cycle or the water cycle.

60. The area where all the living organisms interact with each other and their..(Bloom level-R)( 1M)
A. Biosphere
B. Exosphere
C. Mesosphere
D. None of theabove
Answer: A

Explanation: An ecosystem is a structural and functional unit of ecology where living organisms
interact with one another and their environment. The components of environment include abiotic
factors such as air, water, soil and biotic factors such as plants, humans, animals, microorganisms.

61. Exchange of outgoing and incoming radiations that keep Earth warm (Bloom level-A)( 1M)
A. greenhouseeffect
B. radiation effect
C. infrared effec
D. ozone layerdepletion

Answer: A

Explanation: The exchange of incoming and outgoing radiation that warms the earth's surface is
often referred to as the greenhouse effect.

62. The portion of theearth and its environment which can support life is (Bloom level-R)( 1M)
A. Crust
B. Exosphere
C. Biosphere
D. Mesosphere
Answer: C
Explanation: Part of the earth which supports life where living beings exists is called biosphere. The
biosphere, is the layer of the planet Earth, where life exists.

63. “Ozone Hole” is a..(Bloom level-R)( 1M)

A. Hole in theatmosphere
B. Destruction ofozone layer
C. Hole in hydrosphere
D. Hole in atmosphere
Answer: B
Explanation: A human-caused hole in the ozone layer above the South Pole during the Southern
Hemisphere's spring.

64. The historical monument that isaffected by acid rain is (Bloom level-U)( 1M)
A. Taj Mahal
B. Pyramid ofEgypt
C. Pisa Tower
D. Golden Temple
Answer: A
Explanation: Acid rain refers to how acid from the atmosphere is deposited on the earth’s surface. The Taj
Mahal in India, Colosseum of Rome, and the Leaning Tower of Pisa all have been affected by acid rain.

65. Ozone is formed in the upper atmosphere by a photochemical reaction with (Bloom level-U)(
A. Ultra violet solar radiation
B. Infra redradiation
C. Visible light
D. All of the above
Answer: A

Explanation: UV rays act on oxygen molecules in the upper atmosphere and splits the oxygen
molecule into two oxygen atoms. This is called photolysis. The oxygen atom formed by photolysis
combines with molecular oxygen forming ozone.

66. The amount ofsolar radiationreaching the surface of the earth is called as (Bloom level-A)( 1M)
A. Solar flux
B. Reflected ligh
C. Minerals
D. Solvents
Answer: A

Explanation:The amount of solar radiation reaching the surface of the earth is called Solar flux.

67. Biosphere is (Bloom level-R)( 1M)

A. The solid shell of inorganicmaterials on the surface of the Earth
B. The thin shellof organic matter on the surface of earth comprisingof all the livingthings
C. The sphere which occupies the maximum volume of all thespheres
D. All of the above
Answer: B

Explanation: The biosphere, which includes the ground and the air, is characterized as the region of the planet
where organisms live. The biosphere is defined as the region on, above, and below the Earth’s surface where
life exists.

68. Which of the following conceptual sphere of the environment is. (Bloom level-U)( 1M)
A. Atmosphere
B. Lithosphere
C. Hydrosphere
D. Biosphere
Answer: B

Explanation: Atmosphere it is layer of the gases, commonmly known as air, that surrounds the planet
warth and is retained by earth is gravity.

69. Acid rain contains..…(Bloom level-R)( 1M)

A. Sulphuric acid
B. Hydrochloricacid
C. Oxalic acid
D. Acetic acid
Answer: A
Explanation: sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOX) are emitted into the atmosphere and
transported by wind and air currents. The SO2 and NOX react with water, oxygen and other chemicals to
form sulfuric and nitric acids.

70. High level radioactive wastecan be managed in which of the following ways? (Bloom level-A)( 1M)
A. Open dumping
B. Composting
C. Incineration
D. Dumping in sealed containers
Answer: D
Explanation:High level radioactive waste can be managed by dumping in sealed containers. Open dumping,
composting are not a suitable processes since, there is chance of spread of the radioactivity in the vicinity.

71. The objective ofenvironmental education is (Bloom level-R)( 1M)

A. Raise consciousness about environmental education
B. To teachenvironmentally appropriate behaviour
C. Create an environmental ethic that fosters awareness about ecological inter-
dependence of economics, socialand political
D. All of the above
Answer: D

Explanation:The objectives of environmental education is to increase public awareness about environmental

issues, explore possible solutions, and to lay the foundations for a fully informed and active participation of
individual in the protection of environment and the prudent and rational use of natural resources.

72. Which of the following is anexample of impact of development..(Bloom level-R)( 1M)

A. Air pollution
B. Soil pollution
C. Soil erosion
D. Water pollution
Answer: D
Explanation:As human needs call for urbanization, there is an increase in the level of degradation of
under waterways.

73. Environmental education is important only at (Bloom level-U)( 1M)

A. Primary schoolstage
B. Secondaryschool stage
C. College stage
D. All of the above
Answer: D
Explanation:Environmental studies as a discipline is important in every stage of education. Environmental
education allows people to explore and identify issues related to the environment.

74. The production of biogas from the waste is includesin...…(Bloom level-A)( 1M)
A. Reduce
B. Reuse
C. Recycle
D. Recover
Answer: D
Explanation:The Methanobacteria present in the organic waste decompose the waste and produce the
mixture of gases known as biogas. There is a network of interconnected pipes in the landfill to collect the
gas produced.

75. Which one of thefollowing is an abiotic component of the ecosystem? (Bloom level-U)( 1M)
A. Bacteria
B. Plants
C. Humus
D. Fungi
Answer: C
Explanation:Humus is an abiotic component of an ecosystem. It is dark brown or black coloured
decomposed organic matter. It increases the fertility of soil.

76. The environmentwhich has been modified by (Bloom level-A)( 1M)

A. Natural environment
B. Anthropogenicenvironment
C. Modem environment
D. Urban environment
Answer: B
Explanation:The environment which has been modified by human activities is called Anthropogenic

77. Hydrosphere includes (Bloom level-R)( 1M)

A. Animal
B. Plants
C. Soil
D. Water bodies
Answer: D
Explanation: The hydrosphere includes water that is on the surface of the planet, underground, and in the
air. A planet's hydrosphere can be liquid, vapor, or ice. On Earth, liquid water exists on the surface in the
form of oceans, lakes, and rivers.

78. Important abiotic factor in environment include which of the following? (Bloom level-U)( 1M)
A. Temperature
B. Wind
C. Water
D. All of the above
Answer: D
Explanation:Abiotic factors include water, sunlight, oxygen, soil and temperature. Water (H2O) is a
very important abiotic factor – it is often said that “water is life.” All living organisms need water.

79. Atmosphere may extents to a height of kms above the earth surface (Bloom level-A)( 1M)
A. 80
B. 8000
C. 800
D. 8
Answer: C
Explanation:Earth’s atmosphere stretches from the surface of the planet up to as far as 10,000
kilometers (6,214 miles) above. After that, the atmosphere blends into space.

80. Which of the following is the correct sequence of 4Rs principle in waste hierarchy? (Bloom level-U)
A. Reduce- Reuse-Recycle-Recover ( 1M)
B. Recover- Recycle-Reuse-Reduce
C. Recycle –Recover – Reuse- Reduce
D. Reuse- Recover-Reduce- Recycle
Answer: A
Explanation: The 4R's in the 4R principle stand for reduce, reuse, recycle and recover.
∙ Reduce aims at bringing down the use of plastic materials by using suitable alternatives in our daily life.
∙ Reuse aims at using the materials again, instead of throwing it after a single use.
∙ Recycle involves converting one form of plastic into other usable forms.

81. The 4Rs principleis applicable in…(Bloom level-A)( 1M)

A. Agricultureareas
B. Industrial areas
C. Municipal areas
D. All of the above
Answer: D
Explanation: Plastic is a man-made substance that cannot be broken down by natural microbial action.
Hence, the 4R principle is applied to it. The 4 R principle is- Refuse, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. This
helps in reducing the harmful effect of plastic in the environment.

82. Environmental studies is defined as the branch that deals with the: (Bloom level-A)( 1M)
A. Design, study, and discovery of new materials.
B. The study of humanities, social, biological, and physical sciences.
C. Incorporate the information and physical sciences.
D. Approach about the natural world and the impact of humans on its integrity.

Answer: D
Explanation:Environmental studies deal with the issues that affect the life of a living organism. It can
be various factors that relates to the natural world and the human impact on it.

83. Which of the following statement about the Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) is true?
(Bloom level-R) (1M)
A. It was established in 1890 at the Royal Botanical Gardens, Calcutta.
B. It is the first crocodile conservation breeding center in Asia.
C. It was established in 1916 to do an organized survey of fauna in India.
D. It was established in 1982 for research in Wildlife Management.

Answer: C
Explanation: Zoological Survey of India was established on July 1, 1916. It was founded to
promote the research and survey of the fauna in India. ZSI has millions of specimens till date.
84. Which layer of the atmosphere contains the ozone responsible for the absorption of UV
(Ultra-Violet) light? (Bloom level-U) (1M)
A. Stratosphere
B. Troposphere
C. Mesosphere
D. None of these

Answer: A
Explanation: The ozone present absorbs UV light in the stratosphere. It is the most important aspect
of the atmosphere that makes life possible on Earth.

85. The estimated percentage of the forest land that ideally India should have is: (Bloom level-
A. 15% (1M)
B. 50%
C. 33%
D. 44%

Answer: C
Explanation: India has a current forest land of about 12%. The ideal forest land area is 33%, while in
hills and mountains it is around 45%.

86. Which two countries of the world constitute about 57% of the large dams? (Bloom level-R)(1M)

a. India and China

b. India and Brazil
c. China and Brazil
d. India and Japan

Answer: A
Explanation:The dams act as a storage space for floods. It reduces the effect of the flood on millions
of people. It is also suggested that around 40% of the irrigated land depends on dams.

87. The essential non-metallic minerals are: (Bloom level-U)(1M)

a. Granite, marble, limestone

b. Gold, silver, platinum
c. Iron, aluminum, zinc, copper
d. Coal, clay, cement, silica

Answer: D

Explanation: Non-metallic minerals do not have metals or fuel as their source.

88. Integrated Crop Management is defined as a process to: (Bloom level-A)(1M)

a. Use the traditional methods for growing crops.

b. Using alternatives to inorganic fertilizers and pesticides.
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. None of the above

Answer: C

Explanation: The usage of traditional growing crop methods lowers the chance of complete
failure of the crops.The research and studies have also shown that using alternatives to inorganic
fertilizers and pesticides can also reduce crop failure chances.

89. Which three edible plant species constitute about 60% supply of the world's food energy intake?
(Bloom level-R)(1M)

a. Wheat, Barley, Oat

b. Wheat, Rice, Maize
c. Wheat, Barley, maize
d. None of these

Answer: B

Explanation:The three essential edible species that constitute about 60% of the world's food
energy intake are wheat, rice, and maize.

90. Which of the following is not a measure of sustainable water management? (Bloom level- U)

a. Preventing leakage from dams and canals (1M)

b. Reducing the rate of surface run-off water.
c. Preventing loss in the municipal pipes.
d. Building small reservoirs in place of a few mega projects.

Answer: B

Explanation:The reduction of the surface run-off water rate is the function of the forest. The role
of sustainable water management is to organize campaigns to increase awareness of water scarcity

91. Which element is considered the largest source of world's commercial energy consumption?
(Bloom level- A)(1M)

a. Coal
b. Oil
c. Natural gas
d. Nuclear

Answer: B

Explanation:Coal was the largest energy source round the 19th century. But, today, oil is
considered the largest source of commercial energy consumption.

92. What are the two forms of alcohol are included in biofuels? (Bloom level- R)(1M)
a. Ethanol and methanol
b. Ethanol and propanol
c. Methanol and propanol
d. None of the above

Answer: A

Explanation:Biofuels or liquid fuels use two forms of alcohol namely ethanol and methanol.

93. What is the world's largest potential source of biomass energy? (Bloom level- U)(1M)

a. Animal waste
b. Industrial waste
c. Fibrous waste of the paper industry
d. Fibrous waste of the sugar industry

Answer: D

Explanation:Fibrous waste is a by-product that is obtained after the juice is extracted from the
sugar cane. It is also termed as Bagasse.

94. The functional aspects of the ecosystem are: (Bloom level- A)(1M)

a. Energy cycles
b. Nutrient cycles
c. Food chains
d. All of the above

Answer: D

Explanation:The Ecosystem comprises of the living and non-living parts that are linked to each
other. The functional aspects of the ecosystem are nutrient cycles, food chains, and energy cycles.

95. Which of the following is also called Detrivores? (Bloom level- R)(1M)

a. Herbivores
b. Decomposers
c. Carnivores
d. None of the above

Answer: B

Explanation: Decomposers are the group of small animals, such as bacteria, worms, etc. It breaks
down the dead organic material into simple smaller substances.

96. What are 'keystone' species in an ecosystem? (Bloom level- U)(1M)

a. The species whose elimination can seriously affect the ecosystem.

b. The species whose elimination can benefit the ecosystem.
c. The species whose elimination would not affect the ecosystem.
d. None of the above

Answer: A

Explanation:Extinction occurs due to various human activities, such as deforestation, draining

wetlands, etc. The elimination of some species can harm the ecosystem. Such species are called
keystone species.

97. Which of the following activity is incorrect about the impact of human activities on the
ecosystem? (Bloom level- A)(1M)

a. Depletion of ground water

b. Extinction of species
c. Decrease of forest area
d. None of the above

Answer: D

Explanation: The ecosystem is disrupted due to human activities, which results in the depletion of
ground water, extinction of species, decrease of forest area, and many more.

98. Which element is a building block of both animals and plant tissues? (Bloom level- R)(1M)

a. Sulfur
b. Carbon
c. Nitrogen
d. None of the above

Answer: C

Explanation: Carbon is a basic building block of both animals and plants tissue. Carbon occurs in the
atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide.

99. Which human activity can decreases the oxygen levels present in the atmosphere? (Bloom level- A)

a. Deforestation (1M)
b. Animal hunting
c. Mining
d. Both (a) and ©

Answer: A

Explanation: Deforestation is the activity of removing trees for commercial purposes. The decrease
of plants and trees adversely affects oxygen levels.
100. A large number of interlinked chains in an ecosystem together forms a: (Bloom level- U)(1M)

a. Nitrogen cycle
b. Carbon cycle
c. Food web
d. Food chain

Answer: C

Explanation:The interlinked chains in an ecosystem together form a food web, which is a basic part of
an ecosystem. If the links are disturbed due to any human activities, it can result in loss of various species
of an ecosystem.

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