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SY 2012-2012 Molun

Creating A
Creative Storý
Chris Justin Rosdes

NOTES Vulgar Language in Top Teen
Contest Aging stes
LITERARY CORNER The Magic Box Two separate royal families are always battle AS you get older three things happen. The tirst is your memon
goes, andI cant remember the cther two.
Centuries long has been their feud
8 ON THE coVER Norma Wisdom
Creating a Creative Story! There is a king Few women admit ther age. Few men act thers

but the queen has Author Unknown

Creating Tension in a Story! and smail as they are, In not interested in age. Peaple who tellime their age are sily

11 SKLL BUILDERS2 their armies are strong You're as odas you fee
Character Study HenriFrederic Amie
They cannot fight without their general
12 LOANWORDS From Chinese he chooses every attack there is to be. Aging is not lost youti' but a new stage of opportunty and
NEW WORDS & MEANINGS strength Betty Friedan
Soft Stuff And f'm quite sure you have heard of ther eternai

baltie, A true friend remembers your birthday but not your age.
13 1DIOMS Sleep
What is it? Could you please teit me?
t Unknow
15 WHICH IS IT? Ponder" or "Pander? 2 Three brothers share a faniy sport-an endiess
Q&A Ooes "Unisex Refer to Just
One Sex? marathon. They race every day and last the whole
Vuigar Language in
16 FUN WITH WORDS Synonyms and
day long The first of them is short and stout, the

second talf and thin, and the third tiny, short, and

thin, but he is sure to win. What are

they? Top Teen Novels Notes
Who ase your favorite book and movie characters? What is more atarmirng is that the rcth eautift
243 ndainda Ace Do youthink they are worth ernuáating
Ta 454 8347Fa 3 and popuiar characters in the books oher use tit:y
Enar dare .co
Concerns have been raised about the use of tanguage. Are yourfavorite fictiorat characters a r t
profane br vulgar language by characters poular them? i s0, do yo think they deserve to tie ioi 2

Dante E. Llarena
noveis and mavies fot teens And sinoe siuch mecia or imitatad?
have signdcant infuenceoriyoung eopie. tis feared
Eveiyn J. De La Cruz Mamelis V Casais that teens tend to emulate thelr tavorte hctionat
Antonio L. Tucit Jr.
Layot Arsis oharacters
e de Jesus Sarah Coyne professor at Brigham Young
Dr Lourdes tayao Aileen 8. Rama
Weriters University in Utah, USA. has studited the extent of
Rembhy Fevrsina P Garaton profanity in books for teens. She found that in 40o
Editcrur Askistart
bestselling teen noveis. there are 33 insiances of
Joseph M Kasilag profanity in the texts. There at least one toui

word in,35 otthe 48books, aod 500 insitances of



ot 6. Give the Ernglish
in the pasture or a grain counterpart of
"Amta sheep to graze

Magic Box
tatier tor

The Che
laugh, braggadocio rich for my
I h e n ne would
The lands have grown the tallan word
and every day? a s k - t h a t , and
tor my
wheat to get myself all day Thai is all i

let them grow rich for me

for fifty vineyards.
ity years,
TanItalian Folktale] neighbors to prune
their tongues when
next they prune

is one thing. but without a

7.How did this
"mountain of
Read: Thinking time But
ioni had asked too much. A place
with a
frorn the
and stole nis misfortune"
c a m e down Garme in begin? And how
different. The banditti oi-Iy
masier is quite
his sheep; the bad little
Ln one of the fertile valleys of the Apennines-north in Emilia- 1. What does slept, wolves ravaged the w i n e did Torio feel
cattie while the herdsmen too long. and
the grapes hung
long ago there liveda rich farmer. He had much land. His "vintage" mean Swarms spoiled the olives a s they ripened;
and each year.
h e laborers about
vineyards were the best pruned and yielded the best vintage; little here, a little there, stortunes?
the context of the furned thin and sour. And
so it w e n t - a were driven
his olive grove was watched over with the utmost care and lambs from the spring
dropping before tihey
story? to smail thieving-a few that wouid n e v e r

never suffered as frost. His fields of grain harvested more than took
from the pastures for counting.
a m e a s u r e of
wheat, a skin of wine,
miidewed much of
and the fall rains
nis neighbors;
at the
his cattle were sleeker and his sheep gave more 2. What is a
rapier? missed. h e barns w e r e not
fresh-thatched in time,
o n e misfortune
wool spring shearing. Yes, everything prospered with nim. share. So, after years of adding
the harveSt: the rats got
in and ate their for e v e n
On market-and-fair days his neighbors would wag their thumbs
at him and say: "There goes Gino Tomba. His sons wil be very
3. Describe Tonio
to ariother there w
misfortune,a s a mountain of misfortune-large enough

and Toba. How

rich men one of these
days. ditferent is Tonio
Tonio to see.
remembered his
from Toba? had
He had two sons. The older was a daredevil who handled a man; for one night he
Over one night he became like a crazy there had been two
rapier better than a pruning-knife and could swing a broadsword At the inn the day before
brother. Any day he might be returning. Another nignt
with a of their adventures.
steadier aim than a mattock. Tonio, the younger, was an soldiers fresh from the wars, drinking and bragging
ask for a n accounting.
easy-going9 pleasure-loving rascal who knew more about the older brother would
fiddling than he did about winnowing grain. "If I had a and who might not come? Once home, into prison.
have him, Tonio, flogged or fiung
third son, he might have been a farmer" old Tomba And what then? As master he could and no n e woulad
him through with his clever rapier,
use to say when he came bringing his skins of wine More final than that, he could run his terror grew.
more Tonio thought
about it, the more
to the inn to shell. "But we must make the most of question his right to do it. The brain. First he ran to
like a man with fever in his
what the good Virgin
provides," and so he his He began running about the country
march off to the wars and set about making Tonio older son let aioud. "Sit down, Tonio, and
drink s o m e
ready to loOk after his lands the inn and asked the landlord who laughed be ying in a
when he had gone. about your brother now, when he may
of my good Chianti. Why worry
strange country, stuck though the ribs like a pig?
"Hearken to me, boys; I am leaving you as fine an
inheritance as any here in the north. See that you keep a the landlord. "Take up
sharp eye on it render it back with increase to your brother. He ran to neighbors, who laughed louder than
Someday he will grow tired of fighting Spain and the French cannot play your cattle back into the pasture
your fiddle and see if it
and come marching home." the good wine into its skins.

In less than a twelve-month old Tomba wasdead. Tonio He his favorite, Lisetta. She cocked her pretty headd
ran on
came from the
burying, turned himself once about the farm at him like macaw. "Let me see." she laughed,
a saucy
to make sure it was al there, and settled down
to easy living. He made what you you have forgotten your brother for ten years, yes?
call good 4. What does it Then to the inn and dance the
Company. It was, Tonio, come to fäir; and
mean to "idle
Tonio, stay longer at the inn; and Tonio,
away" one's time?
tarantella with me, and I will make you
forget him for another ten years."
drink with this
one; and Tonio, dance with
that. He could step the
If Tonio were What frightened
tarantella as well to habitually do
After that he ren to the priest and Tonio so much
in the he could fiddle
as any man north, and
So it was here and there and anywhere that
as he danced.
this, what could that he started
found him finishing mass. He did
a feast was spread or a saint's day kept; and Tonio, the nappen to the runnin9 to
not laugh, the priest. Instead he
farm? Peope for
younger son of when
the last to
Tomba,thedanced late and drank deep and was shook his head sorrowfully
stop dawn broke. Often he slept until 5. What did Tonio and told
the sun was already throwing late shadows on the foothills.
do with the farm?
The time came when his thrifty neighbors took him soundly Provide textual
to for proofs to your
ask idiing away his days and wasting what his father had
Saved. answer
him to burn 9. Whose advice
candies for nine days before the shrine of Saint Anthony of Padua and
did Tonio fcilow? After that, every morning Tonio was abroad
wh WIsdon. On h e days before met the before the sun, shaking the dust fron his maqic box
wno laughed foolishly when he
saw his master S
half-witteie own forehead What happened
after Tonic Into every corner of his lands. And every morning he
Knowingly, "Master, you are so 1d auite mad. like me
eput nis lips
near Tonio's frightened itI nas the
foliowed tais was seeing something new that was needing care.

Tsigane woman of the grotto.ear,She"Hearken,

has much
wil tell you
Wa advice? In a ittie time the inn and the marketplace knew
Kinds-black and white. Go to wisdom diu him no more, and Lisetta had to find a new
her, master. farm of od
partner. A twelve-month passed, and the
Girno Tomba was prospering again
first spur of e advice of the mad herdboy that Tonio took. He climbed the
the mountain to a deep f the
TOCK, and there he found the tsigane grotto that time or idg
nd When Tonio came to the marketplace lo sell
od au withered
woman. She was as a
o g she listened to all Tonio had to tell, and left himages
without a word to go a
his grain and wine, his neighbors wouid wag their
hack ,wnere she was swallowed up altogether in blackness. When she came tnumbs at him as they had wagged them at his
he marries
e was carrying something in her hand--a small casket bound strongiy Tather
ang they would say: "There goes Tonio Tomba. His
wn bands of brass. and on the top a hole so small it could hardly be in and they are born--will be very rich men." And in the end what happened?

a Or
the carving. She put the box into Tonio's hand and fixed himseen witn
ue older brother never came home to claim his inheritance. He must have
been Kileca
were piercing as two
rapier points. When she
eyes tide in thewars: at any rate, all the lands were
Tonio's for
Ouf, not from her,
but from deep in the rocks.
spoke, it was as it her volce
Td the keeping. He married the daughter of his richest

neighbor, and had two sons of his own, even as his

Every morning while the dew still lies heaviest, shake one grain ot father had. And when the time came for him to die he
DOX in
every corner of your lands-barns, dust irom e

spot is left pastures, and vineyards. See to it that no called therm both to his side and commanded young
forgotten. Do this and you will prosper as your father prospered. But never Gino to bring him the casket and break the bands, his
one morning pass, and never till the day you die break the bands or look inside. i hands being too weak for the breaking. Raistng
you do, the magic will be
gone. the lid he looked in, eager, for al! his
That night Tonio did not discover the magic that the box had held ai
fiddle or dance with Lisetta those years
at the inn. He went to bed
when the fowl went to roost, What did he find? Under the lid were
and was up at crowing of the written those words "Look you-the
first cock. With the magic 12 Explain the
master's eye is needed overal." In the
10.What was the meaning of
box under his arm, he went bottom were a few grains of sand left, the
"magic" box the sentence
first to his barns to sprinkle common kind that any wayfarer can gather
about? Did it "Look you--the
the precious grains; but he up for himseif from the road that climbs tob
1Ound the men still
really contain master' s eye is
asleep magic"? the Apennines.
and the cattle unfed. Out of needed overai.
their beds he drove them Explain.
with angry words. And, ACTIVITY: Speak ups
still lashing them with his
tongue, he watched while In the story, the character of the tsigane woman gave the lead character a practical advice about his
problem. Recall the woman's advice Tonio and his response to her
they stumbled sleepily about, beginning the day's work. From the
barns he went to the 2.
fields, and found the grain half cut and none of it staked. The Now rellect on the events in your own personal life. Think of a tirme whern you had a problen.
scythes were left
on the ground and the men till
asleep in their hunts. lonio scattered more dust,rusting
then drove the reapers to their work. 3. In the process of finding a solution, from whom did
you ask for advice?(if the question isn't applicable
describe then the process you went through to solve your problem.)
And so it was in the olive
grove, the vineyards, and the pastures.
and the work halt done. "Holy mother, defend us!"Everywhere
found men sleeping he 11. What kind of Was there a particular person's advice that you followed? f so, describe this person (your own
the men said tsigane).
among themselves after 1ono had servants Tonio
for himself, even as the old gone. Ihe master is up early and
looking about did have? Prove
master did. we shall have to keep a sharper
things or he will be packing us off to starve." watch out on 5. Now discuss the advice given by your own tsigane,. Explain why you followed his/her advice.
your answer by
quoting specific 6. Orally deliver steps 3, 4, and 5. This is your speak-up.
Creating A Creative Story Let's do this
1 Imagine you are infront of your class, the same class you are in right
now. The onty diffterence is you
are he

If you h mind and the only thing that stops you from writing
it down is the that they need to
crealive indeed be a herculean task ciass reacted to your

ror several peopte ec piine of writinglikeitself, fret no more. Writing may

the story
rewrite the rher trustrated at the way your
The Magic Box, from the point of view of the elder Do

students you, but it's definitely

not impossible to do. This artide will story, The
TOpefully give you Drarti
0 n how to pen a creative story as this will give you basic now-to s. below, write Gown your reaction
On the lines aliotted
3. e now do you feel about your students' reaction?
Read and read and read usingthe tirstperson (T) point of view.
alot and read sone m es it is imperative to know that one's writing is dependent on onesreading fare Read
Anton Chekhov dio d and then read good short stories To read any author s story is direrent irom, say, an
the world'sEdgar writers,Poe's
Alilan story. Read any kind of stories and then read
universal and he stores written by
some of
of the world's
best like Poe and Chekhov, have been timeless.
pay ciose attention to prove o
unive you read,
the story's
pBots structured, and so on
elements: how the characters deveioped, how are the dialogues
written, how are the
Here'sa creative writing activity:
Get ideas To begin this activity, first think of someone who is
special or important to you. Then complete the five steps
NGduig sriould NOT to te a passive activity As you read, interact with the text by asking questions or thinkng aloud below. Remember to follow and accomplish each of the steps
ygyOur hougnis out laud) Try to imagine how else you can enrich the story. Aside from geting ees TOm Oe s own chronologically Don't cheat by working ahead! Follow the
is an example
etO9. get ideas trom real ife! Think of your daily activities ike: as you ride the train or jeepney Or DUs. 1OOK instruaions tor each step, Please note that there
:e tory can you weave about the old man in front of you? What story can you write about arouna yol- written after each step. Remember there is no right or wrong

tei the littie gir who s crying right

stoy can you write about those street children begging for some centavos to buy food? What briliant ideas do answer.
ve aDOUt the
You jeepney driver who looks so tired and burnt, yet can still afford to give his passengers à Describe the person's hands
snne once
His hands are large and tanned. The nails that were is
Let's do thist neatiy timmed are now growing long and untidy, Thereare
dit under his fingemalls. The hands are dusty. There
magine you re watking along the street when calluses on his palms.
around and you see a little
suddeniy you feel someone tugging at your skirt or pants. YOu look
giri giving you a big beautiful smile. is with his or her
The little girl then offers her wares at
you: bili a po kayo ng
Describe something he or she doing
The smel ot the sampaguita. hands. t seems ike he cannot stop.
ampaguita reminds
in not o r e than five
youof someone. "He is fingers through his hair, again and again and again.
running his
(5) sentences, write about this someone on the lines below Dont worry about
exotic place (again, just focus on this step.
about some
3. Use a simile or metaphor to say something neaty
because, rest assured, they will aiito.come tugether
how things are all going to come togetherthink
and about the that we are going
place They say that he city of Tubatha is tke
7um my atention trom my companion
its natural biro-muti-colored and fast."

Ask this person a question somehow involving steps 2 and 3 above. Excuse me,'I say to him.
his hands on his dsty clothes.
the young boy who now ferventily wiping
am distracted again by
7s somethingwrong? Are you scared about going to Tubatha?
you there, and
gives an answer that shows he or she only got part of
Decide on the point of view! 5. The person being asked looks up,
what you wereaskin
a sudden start andI notice feat. He raises his hand
front of himself as if to shield himmself from me.
He looks up with
As far as point of view is Concerned, a story can De Oid in three ways. irst
person, or "T, second person, or "Scared? he asks, Tm not scared. Never been
of arnything in my ite. Brave young man, fam.
ang third person, or "he/she, in a story witn a Tirst-person narrative, the narrator or "you";
speaker can either be the main into a short story Or, f you preter, use this as jump-off
character who is affected directly by the evetsS n the
stry. or he/sne couid
be a
secondary character narrating what is
6. Now spend some time shaping or forming your responses
point for a free-write.
happening to the main character this type or narauvE Is E Dest of most appropriate for
easiest to write. In the second-person beginners, because it is the here. You therefore expected to expand the statements
narrauve, t e Tedoeror DECOmes a parcipant in the story. This type of point of view
is Used very, very rarely, if at al! in rne tnira
Now, write a short story based on the statements you have

and to include the elements of a short story:

person pont view, tne
story tells about what the other
the/she are doing in the story Tne narator o ne tu-persOn point ot view can either be
that he is aware of everything about each ciarcter in omniscient, which means Plot
teiis the story from a single character s point of view
StOry, or may be limited,
meaning that the narrator Setting
Characters Conflict
Point of view Theme


Skill Create Tension in Character Study Skill 2
If you want to write
your own
short story. it is
a Story! Builders
rOu r e e n e d now to create conflict in a story in the first skili burtder. Now, in order to understand how on
story's contict is what brings its readers to its highest
imperative that you know wnat tng
wn as the tension or cisis
tne story. Unlike a
novel, where the crisis can be point.
in a short story, conflict is
aiso re a COnsiderable period shapes a characler and how, as an individual. you might react in certain situations. you aretoe
time, the tension, developed gradually
because the seing 1e g ines e
crisls or conflict in a short story should be
developed quicKIY.
will begin with the characters you encountered in the story"TheMagic Box" on pages -7. oo
descriptions of some of the characters in the
Though styles differ, most stories have the
same basic
EXposition: The characters are introduced and the plot What does cach of the following quotations tell us about the chatacter mentioned?
2. crisis or conflict is identithed.
Rising Action: the action intensifies
progressively towards the climax fidding than he did aboun
OO, ne younger, was an easygoing pleasure-loving rascal who knew more about
3. Ciimax: The action .
reaches its maximum, the conflict is at
4. its pea.
Action: The action
gradually reduces in intensity
winnowing grain.
5. Resolution: The
crisis is resolved.
me t n rom exposition to climax is swift sometimes so short that it is not easily detectabie
2. ne older was a daredevil who handled a rapier better thani a pruning-knite and coula swing a
Es , t seems that the story starts with the steadier=aim than a mattock
story is, it is important that you, as the writer, learnclimax and then proceeds to the resolution. Considering wid as ts
to quickly
GHdx. Keep in mind, too, that the short introduce the conint
story aims to fix the readers' attention l a therme. Limu9
on one. single Theme. your dnumber
Limiting you
dried fig, she listened to all Tonio had to fel and fet
or characters him
(one character is preferable) helps 3.
you to quickly develop your short story onflict. Sne jhe tsigane woman] was ages old and withered as a swalilowed up atogetherin biacknes
where she
ension Is very important. It's what makes a story worth reading. The struggles of the character as he/sne ties to witnout a Word to go deeper into the grotto, was

SOve tiis Connict are what make the reader carefully read the story until the end. The crisis is what gves a sioryY S Very
existence, for without it the reader might 4 Arterthat, every moming Tonio was abroad before the sun,... And every mornkng he was sesing something new trat
complain, "What exactly is the point of thiS story
was needing care
s indeed. the readers should see the point. They should quickly identfy the crisis and get curious Your aim
S ua be t make thereader ask: "So what exactly will happen now? So how can you create that tension and develop
s n o wdO you develop the short story conflict? Let us look at some examples of swit introduction and development
Orshort confict. In the short story
stony "Forgotten, the writer introduces the main character, Luis, in the first Weaving Characters
Using the quotations above and some other appropriate quotes from
the story The MagkC BOx. make a character
left. he If he knew that he the siory develops After weaving a oharacter
wWhen he
would heve been gone for so
left without saying goodbye-or at least not in the manner he should have study of Tonio, the younger son of Tomba, showing how he changes as of doing this is by
a time, he woutd have done more than say goodbye a totally new character. One useful, if not an easy way
sketch of Tonio, now you're ready to createleast for your major character. The resume might inchude the foiiowing
creating a "resume" for your character at
Note that the wrifter subtly introduces the confict right in the first paragraph. The readers can tell at this early stage information
we refer back to the elements of a plot, can identfly this part of the story as the
that the confict is internal. If
above, we
Get on with it!
Name: Religion:
Try your hand at practicing short story writing, not the full-blown version, though, but just a part of a story. This Address & Phone number: Occupation:
introductory part of a story
Date&Place of birth: Education:
When he left, he left without saying goodbyeorat least notin the manner he should have. f he knew thatihe
would have been gone for so Jong a time, ne would nave done more than say goodbye.
Hetght, weight, and physical description: Hobbies/interests:

Citizenship: Philosophy of lite fin a phrasel

is the exposition. Your task is to develop the story up to the point where we get to see the
climax. Write it here:

You may not use all this information, and you may want
to add categories of your own, bst a resume certainy betps
make your character come alive in your own mind.

Enjoy creating real characters!

From Chincse 2
Sleep DIOM
food ffrom Chinese pidgin
in English (simptified English originally used in
communicating with
tsa "mixed"1 Europeans) [from chow-chow "food." reduplicationparts
or eha.oor
Dim su
1948, from Cantonese dim sam
(Chinese dianxin) "appetizer," said to mean iterainy. deep the sleep that someone needs in orderto feel healthy and
the heart. eauty
look attractive.
Mcin Go to bed now and get your besuty sleep. You'l fook fine in the moming
Chinese wheat flour noodies
(in to mein, chow mein, etc.) [titerally
flour Y Onesell to sieep to weep unti one falls asleep
Dina was so distraught and cried herseif to sleep.
a liquid sauce made from soybeans [from Dutch soya, from Japanese letsleeping degs lie to not talk about things that have caused problems in the past. orto not try to
soyu, variant of shoyu "soy." fron Chinese shi-yu. from shi "fermented soy change a situation to avoid problems
beans+ yu "oil"] Myra doesn't want to talk about her fight with Gerald. She feels it's bést to to let sleeping dogsie
guess there's nothing more we can do to help Amola. The only thing we can do is to let sleeping
dogs lie

NEW losesieep (oversomebodysomething)to be worried and restless because of something

Soft Stuff
Try not to lose sleep over him. He's not worth t

MEANNCS sleap a winknot to sleep at all

At our neighbor's party, a band played loud music. I didn'tsleepawink
steep around the clockto sleep for a very long time
soft benefits Our triptook eight hours. No wonder I slept around the ciock when lgot home
nonfinancial perks or benefits offered to employees steeplike a log/sleep Hke a babyto sleep very soundly
Sorry I didnt get your call last night. I must be sleepinglike a og
Look at Jean. She's sieeping like a baby.

soft lof/soft-loft sleepon it to not make a decision about a plan or idea immediately, but fo wait unti the next day in
order to have more time to think about it
a loft (room within a sloping roof) that includes some elements.oftraditional You donthave to decide now. Steep on the proposal and fet me know your decision tomorrow

sot power

power based on intangible or indirect influences such as culture, values, and



hanghai Shanghai is a city and port in eastern China. The city's
"Ponder or "Pander"? i }
Upon leaming that he has gained the reputation as a perder, Wiy pondered over the tmes he iabored
so hard. denying himseif ife's pleasures, and vowed to pander to his needs and warts

is a verb (intransitive, used without object) meaning to "consider
name has produced an interesting word, the verb something deeply and thoroughly; meditate (often followed by o e r or
shanghai. This word means "to upon).
put aboard a ship by
force, often with the use of alcohol or a drug." After Caro pondered over hus fate and wept.
with the
seizing the ship, the gangsters shanghaied the victim The word isalso used as a transitive (used with object) verb
sense "to weigh carefuly in the mind; consider thoughtfuly.
in the middle of the
After his faied attempt. Andrew pondered his next move

How did the city of Shanghai produce Pander

its common namesake? A story goes that is a verb meaning "to facilitate the futfillment of one's or another'
desire, especially one that is inappropriate or immoral. A person who
in the 1800s, people had no interest in himself.
panders another has an uterlor motive: to gain something for
working as sailors due to the risks of long
Politicians tend to pander to their constifuents to ensure ther resiectian
sea voyages. To meet their need for crews,
sea captains and shipping companies often
resorted toillegal means to
get sailors
including kidnapping by physical force or
with the help of liquor or drugs. Shanghai
then earned a notorious reputation for
DoesDoes "Unisex"
kidnapping men into their ships as orew. Its
name came to have the meaning "to drug a
Refer to Just One Sex?
man unconscious and ship him as a sailor."
Literaly, shanghai means "by the sea"from
Shang "on, above" + hai "sea." We often hear or read phrases Bke unisex hairstyle and tnisex clothing

The word also means "to put by force

These suggest something suitable for both sexes But the combiningorm uni,
from the Latin unus fone), usually means one, having or consisting of one
or threat of force into or as if into a place
of detention." The kidnappers decided
Unicolor meatns of asingle color unicycle,avehidle with asinglewheel,and
uniateral "ol, on, of affecting one side only" Such use of unkis very dld
to shanghai the businessman in an Today, un-is used to suggest both sexes A good example ofa wotd with
abendoned warehouSe that sense is unisex. tisbelievedthat this word evoved trom words such a
union, united, and universal, which suggest something that is shaied
Another meaning of the term is"to put
by trickery into an undesirable position."
never thought you'd : anghai me
addressing the angry, unruly crowd. It was a
scary experience


Cwis Posaes
Fun with
Words and
chooseihe antonym of each word from the set. The rest are synonyms. Undertine your choice
hush tranquility tumult repose calmness

2. grotesque
bizarre hideous vile monstrous

3. adept
amateur skilful versed proficient veteran

4. agos
avid apathetic solicitous antsy keen

5. fantabuous
awesomne slick superb atrocious classic

6. adamat
headstrong willful invincible pliant sleadfest
7. ccumvent
beat dodge comply sidestep

8. precipltate
rash cursory hurried circumspect helter-skelter

9. snoopy
unobtrusive annoying intruding meddlesome presumptuous
10. abuz
brisk animated astir bustling lifeless

11. resillent
rigid bouncy supple flexible stretchy
12. universal
generic widespread partial ecumenical celestial


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