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Hydroponic Agriculture System a Potential Solution to the World's Food

Shortage: A Review

Conference Paper · June 2022


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3 authors:

Hari MOHAN Rai Mithilesh Kumar Singh

Gachon University Krishna Engineering College


Achyuta Nand Mishra

Krishna Engineering College


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Hydroponic Agriculture System a Potential Solution to
the World's Food Shortage: A Review

Hari Mohan Rai1*, M. K. Singh2, A. N. Mishra1

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Krishna Engineering College,
Ghaziabad, UP, India.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Krishna Engineering College, Ghaziabad, UP, India.

Abstract. As the world's population continues to expand at an alarming pace,

the world's food requirements are rising on a daily basis. However, as more are-
as are utilized for urbanization, the amount of agricultural land available across
the globe is diminishing day by day. As a result, in order to meet the food needs
of the world's population, we must turn our attention to methods that need less
space while producing more grains. The Hydroponic Agriculture System (HAS)
is one of the solutions to the issues listed above, since it would increase food
production while using less agricultural land. As a result, this article provides a
thorough study of the HAS, including its many types, challenges, and solutions.
This study also includes a comparison of different kinds of HAS, along with a
detailed explanation of each type of HAS based on the types of dietary needs.
Following a thorough investigation, it was discovered that the nutrients film
technology (NFT) is better to all other kinds of hydroponics farming in terms of
environmental impact, ease of use, water needs, fertilizer use, and other factors

Keywords: Hydroponic Agriculture System (HAS), Nutrients Film Technology

(NFT), Aquaponic, Aeroponic.

1 Introduction

Concerns about climate change and rising poverty in the 21st century are high on the
outline of the Sustainable Development Agenda 2030, which stresses the need of
addressing global problems such as prioritizing sustainable food production along
with climate change and poverty. (Brandi 2017; UN 2017).Because the world's popu-
lation is rapidly growing; there is a greater demand for food to meet the world's hun-
ger. The present global population is about 7.3 billion people, with India having a
population of 1.39 billion people. By 2050, the world population is projected to reach
10 billion people, with India having a population of 1.67 billion people[1, 2]. As per
UN’s sustainable Development Goal 2 (UN 2017, it is projected that about 66 percent
of the world's population lives in metropolitan areas, which means that their food
needs must be met [1]. There must also be an increase in agricultural output to satisfy
the world's food need for the rapidly increasing population. As a result, the additional
2-3 billion people's food requirements must be met, or, to put it another way, food

production must rise by roughly 50% (FAO 2017) in order to feed the additional 2-3
billion people by 2050. Additionally, as a result of growing urbanization across the
globe, the labor force and agricultural lands are diminishing at an alarming pace.
Larger cities and industrial development in rural areas are causing the farmland and
forests are being depleted on a daily basis. To boost food production and meet the
needs of the fast growing global population, it is also necessary to expand the amount
of agricultural land available for cultivation. As a result, in order to expand agricul-
tural land, forests will be chopped, deserts will be turned into cultivated land, moun-
tains and hills will be used for crop production, and all of these techniques are very
expensive, tough, and complicated. As a result, we may think of expanding the output
of agricultural products using traditional methods of production. However, there are
many difficulties associated with conventional agricultural methods, including envi-
ronmental conditions, soil quality, climates, water requirements, and a variety of other
factors. Agriculture is dependent on the presence of grazing lands, groundwater, ener-
gy, and fertilizers, and the present use or degradation of these resources surpasses
their global regeneration on a global scale [3].
Since a result, the soil-less agriculture system provides a solution to all of
these issues, as it not only addresses the issue of agricultural land, but it also address-
es the variables that influence the traditional agricultural method. The soilless agricul-
tural method is not new; it was first used on a commercial basis in 1967, when it was
first presented [4] and system was used to increase the food production and its effi-
ciency. The hydroponic agricultural system (HAS) is one of the most effective soilless
farming techniques available since it reduces the usage of land, water, energy, and
nutrients while increasing the amount of food that can be produced. Furthermore,
HAS food production system is the greatest option for food production in cities even
when land is marginal since it can be built or set up indoor along with outdoor. With
great rapidity, this method is improving because of its benefits, which include the
ability to cut food production costs, boost efficiency, use less land, water, nutrients,
labors, and minimize season and environmental impacts.

2 Related Works

In the recent past, the HAS system has expanded considerably, particularly
in metropolitan areas, and a great deal of research is being done to further enhance it
and make it even more effective. Hosseinzadeh et al. [5] investigated the production
of vegetables grown in a closed-loop hydroponic system, as well as the system's oper-
ating characteristics and resource use, among other things. According to their find-
ings, the hydroponic system saves a significant amount of water and nutrients, and
that the recycling of water raises the danger of root exudates dispersion as well. Plant
roots often release a large number of organic acids; it is called to be growth inhibitors.
In the past, many techniques for eliminating or degrading plant-root released phyto-
toxic substantials such as activated carbon adsorption, root exudate electrodegrada-
tion, TiO2 photocatalysis have been shown to be successful. The overview of the
occurrence and removal of hydroponic systems and their associated root exudates has

been presented in this study. YANG et al. [6] shown their study on hydroponic agri-
culture nutrition and lettuce development, with the effects of the household sewage
treated with ozone. When compared to ozone treated household sewage, they discov-
ered that hydroponically grown lettuce had more leafs, increased plant height, and
increased fresh and dry weight when given the Hoagland inorganic fertilizers solu-
tion. They have also experimented with and examined the effect of household sludge
that has been treated with two-fold ozone, and they have discovered that it offers su-
perior and optimum nutrients requirements when compared to other alternatives.
Mupambwa et al. [7] demonstrated the ineffectiveness of Biogas digestates nutrient
solution for a hydroponically produced tomato plant using a deep water culture meth-
od. Its research looked at the impacts of biogas digestates on agricultural toxicants as
well as their fertilizing capacity as a nutrient in tomato production using hydroponic
system. According to these findings, biogas digestates were discovered to greatly
enhance the sugar content of hydroponically grown tomatos, while heavy metal con-
centration was found to be below the level that was suggested when irrigation water
was utilized. According to their research, using cow digestates such as cow dungs are
not preferable for the cultivation of hydroponic. It is also noteworthy that when min-
eral fertilizer was supplied in addition to hydroponic fertilizer, only the control treat-
ment, which only included mineral hydroponic fertilizer, had a good crop and yield.
Magwaza et al. [8] presented a detailed analysis on the impact of nutrient ab-
sorption on hydroponically produced tomatoes plants utilizing partly treated home
wastewater as a source of nutrients. They have also looked at the effects of a com-
mercial hydroponic fertilizer mix (CHFM) mixed with waste from an anaerobic baf-
fled reactor on the development of tomatoes plants growing in a hydroponic environ-
ment. These findings suggest that adding 50 percent CHFM to partly treated effluent
from anaerobic digesters may help to relieve nutrient shortages in hydroponically
grown tomato growth when utilized as a source of nutrient for the cultivation of hy-
droponic tomato. Using a hydroponic system in an indoor setting equipped with LED
lights, (Sipos et al. [9] have performed a study to determine the optimized way to
produce basil plants. According to their findings, the environment element has the
greatest effect on the production of basils plat and the quality of the basils plat pro-
duced in a hydroponic system. A summary of LED light usage, light intensity and
duration, light treatment on vegetative parameters and nutrient content, and sensor
characteristics has also been provided. Salazar et al. [10] investigated the nutrient
removal from hydroponic sludge using Nordic microalgae. Because of the harsh win-
ters in the Nordic nations, the majority of the population is reliant on greenhouses to
ensure permanent and throughout the year agricultural output. Despite significant
advancements in greenhouse technology, greenhouse sludge continue to be overbur-
dened with fertilizers and are recognized as a cause of eutrophication, which degrades
the quality of usual waterways across the globe, even in developed countries. They
looked at the possibility of recycling or recirculating the sludge from a commercial
cucumber greenhouse's hydroponic system to grow photoautotrophic microalgal bio-
mass. Wang et al. [11] investigated the mechanical and physical characteristics of
lettuce produced hydroponically in order to develop an automated harvesting system.
In their investigation they have performed several experiments such as tensile exper-

iment to determine the pulling force, shear experiment to calculate the force applied
for root cutting, and direct drying method to examine the moisture content in the let-
tuce plan grown in hydroponic system. The data from the experiment were further
analysed using statistical and regression techniques, and the observation was made as
a result of this analysis. The findings revealed that the geometrical dimension of vari-
ous hydroponic lettuce varieties was almost identical, and that the range of physical
characteristics was heavily concentrated in one direction. (Ezzahoui et al. [12] have
presented the comparative analysis between the Aquaponic and Hydroponic agricul-
ture system based on Internet of Things (IoT). The most creative ways in the agricul-
ture industry are hydroponic and aquaponic farming. Essentially, the soilless tech-
nique and water-based system are the same; the hydroponic method is used for plant
development in off-soil, and the aquaponic method is nothing more than a bridge
between aquaculture and hydroponics, used to produce fish and vegetables together.
The authors have researched and provided a detailed study of hydroponic and aqua-
ponic systems, including their benefits and drawbacks, adaptability, environmental
setup, fertilizer consumption, and water use, among other things, as well as their ad-
vantages and disadvantages.

3 Materials and Methods

3.1 Hydroponic Agriculture System (HAS)

It is a latin word composed of two words, Hydro + ponics, where “hydro” refers to
water and “ponics” refers to system structure, or technology. In another word, hydro-
ponics is defined as "working in water or water system structure" in latin. The hydro-
ponics system is one of the most popular and widely used soilless agricultural systems
because of its high efficiency and the fact that it is simple to set up without the need
for expert assistance. In the field of horticultural agriculture, the term "soilless culti-
vation" refers to any of the structure that allow growth of plants in soilless environ-
ments, where the water supply and nutrients is accomplished through the use of solu-
tion culture, both with and without the use of a developing medium (Goddek, 2019).
Soilless farming (hydroponic system) helps solve a major issue in traditional farm-
ing, which is the fact that soil-borne illnesses are widespread. The open loop hydro-
ponic system has the disadvantage of squandering water, which is why the closed
loop hydroponic system, which makes use of water recycling methods, is more widely
employed throughout the globe. The illustration in Figure 1 presents the visual depic-
tion of an open-loop and closed-loop hydroponic system.

3.2 Why Hydroponics?

First and foremost, hydroponic agriculture is a soilless method of growing food plants
that relies only on water and nutrients to produce virtually any kind of food plant.
Second, the amount of land that must be used in this system is significantly reduced in
comparison to other systems. As a result, HAS is a low-cost and highly lucrative

method for food production [13]. The benefits of hydroponic systems are shown in
Figure 2 in terms of all six variables. It is possible to measure the advantages of a
hydroponic system more accurately than the benefits of conventional farming on six
different criteria. These parameters are: land and labor; climate; fertilizer; water; con-
sistency; and consistency.

Fig. 1. Open loop (top) and closed loop hydroponic system

Climate: In hydroponic farming, HAS is climate proof farming, which means that it
does not rely on the weather conditions. Even in extreme heat or cold or rain, the
output rate does not diminish when utilising polyhouse farming techniques. This kind
of farming allows farmers to provide restaurants and businesses with whatever sorts
of vegetables (of a similar kind) they need throughout the year, on a 365-day basis,
regardless of the season [13].

Labor: Land and soil preparation are essential in traditional farming, with tasks like
as tillage, seeding, and Ploughing all necessitating significant work on the part of the
farmer. It not only raises the farming costs, but it also necessitates the use of addition-
al labor resources, which is not necessary in the case of hydroponics farming, where
the labor costs may be kept to a minimum. The labor required in hydroponic farming

is one-fourth that of conventional farming and virtually everything in hydroponics is

re-usable [13].

Fig. 2. Advantages of hydroponics

Land: One of the greatest advantages of the hydroponic system, as the agricultural
land is smaller as compared to the global population. In terms of model construction,
there are two kinds of hydroponics systems: horizontal (single level) farming and
vertical (multilevel) farming. Multilevel or vertical farming has the potential to con-
serve more space while also producing more food. Vertical farming, also known as
matrix farming, is a technique that allows us to produce a large quantity of food in a
little amount of area. For example, as compared to traditional farming, hydroponics
generates 7-8 times the number of harvests from the same amount of ground [13].

Consistency: The production in hydroponics farming is consistent, and based on the

requirements; we may produce any kind of crop on a regular basis. Because the seeds
used in HAS are consistent, the water and nutrients used are consistent, and the at-
mosphere supplied in the hydroponic system is likewise consistent, practically every-
thing in the system is consistent, and as a result, the production is consistent as well.
The constancy of vegetables and food items is particularly important in restaurants,
since their meal menus remain consistent regardless of the seasons and weather condi-
tions, allowing the HAS to easily meet their needs in this respect [13].

Fertilizers: When compared to traditional farming, the usage of fertilizer in a hydro-

ponics system is significantly decreased [13]. Because of the low fertilizer require-
ments in hydrophobic systems, it has been discovered that hydroponic systems need
six times less fertilizer than conventional agricultural systems. Not only does conserv-

ing fertilizers save money on fertilizers, but it saves money on other things as well. It
also reduces the carbon footprint due to the uses of fertilizer, as well as the amount of
water runoff and pollutants. As a result, the hydroponics method utilizes a much re-
duced amount of fertilizer while also saving the environment and illnesses caused by
the additional chemicals used in traditional farming for production.

Water: If you have ever visited the no-water-depleting zones or the drought zones,
you will realize how critical water is to the agricultural production. When compared
to conventional farming, hydroponic farming saves 90 percent of the water. Accord-
ing to the results of the experiment, three lakhs liters of water are required for a single
crop's development, while the same task in hydrophobic requires just 12000 liters of
water. Using hydroponic farming, the large enterprise becomes viable in any area; it
can be done in any zone; it becomes reproducible; it can be replicated in any region;
and it can be replicated in any location without being reliant on the availability of
water [13].
That is why hydroponics is one of the finest techniques for meeting the require-
ments of contemporary agriculture; it is less labor-intensive, it is climatically re-
sistant, it requires a less amount of land, a more constant supply, and a smaller
amount of fertilizer than other methods. Thus, there are no negative environmental
consequences, and it needs less water, which is the driving force behind hydroponics
as a contemporary agricultural technique in the first place.

4 Types of HAS

There are many kinds of hydroponics available in the Indian market, some of
which are economically viable, while others which are more of a passion endeavor.
So when we talk about the many sorts of hydroponic farming techniques, there are
essentially six different kinds of hydroponic farming methods. Table 1 lists the many
kinds of hydroponic systems, as well as their benefits and drawbacks [14].

Table 1. Types of hydroponic system with advantages and disadvantages

Types of HAS Advantages Disadvantages

Wick Systems  Affordable  Limited oxygen access
 Low maintenance  Slower growth rate
 No nutrient pump  No nutrient recirculation
 Prone to algae growth
Deep Water  Cheapest of the active sys-  Risk of root rot if not
Culture tems  cleaned regularly
 Simple set up  Slower growth rate
 No nutrient pump  Must top water until roots are
 Reliable long enough to fall into the
nutrition solution
 Must frequently refill reser-

Ebb & Flow  Affordable  Prone to algae growth

 Low maintenance  Technical malfunctions could
 Excess nutrient solution result in crop loss
Drip Method  Excess nutrient solution  Prone to clogging
recirculates  Prone to algae growth
 Sufficient oxygen flow  Requires regular cleaning
Nutrients Film  Excess nutrient solution  Prone to clogging
Technique (NFT) recirculates  Technical malfunctions could
 Plentiful oxygen flow result in crop loss
 Space efficient
Aeroponics  Maximum nutrients absorp-  Prone to clogging
tion  Technical malfunctions could
 Excess nutrient solution result in crop loss
recirculates  High tech
 Plentiful oxygen flow  Time intensive
 Space efficient  Poorly suited to thick organic-
based nutrients and additives

4.1 Wick System

The Wick system, which is made of a synthetic fiber such as nylon, feeds plants and
crops via capillary action. It is considered suitable for indoor cultivation and the de-
velopment of a single plant [15]. Hydroponic wick systems are composed of four
fundamental components: a growing container, a reservoir for the nutrient solution, a
growing medium, and wicks. Growing containers contain inert medium, whereas the
reservoir stores nutrient solutions that are not mother solutions but irrigation water
nutrient solutions. The main disadvantage of this method is that huge plants may eat
up the fertilizer solution quicker than the wicks can replenish it.

Fig. 3. Wick hydroponic system (Left) and water culture hydroponic method.

4.2 Water Culture Method

Water culture (also known as deep water culture (DWC)) is a method of growing
plants in water. A large container filled with nutrient solution is placed in the water
and a raft is placed on top of the container. The various seedlings are placed on the
raft, where they begin to grow and develop into a plant, with the roots being im-
mersed in the nutritional solution throughout the process. In water culture, all of the
nutrients that the plants need are readily available in the solution, and the plants im-
mediately begin to absorb nutrients from the nutrient solutions in the reservoir. Figure
3 depicts the architectural perspective of a wick hydroponic system using a water
culture technique [14].

4.3 EBB and Flow Method

The flood and drain (F & D) system is another name for the ebb and flow system.
Thus that is how it works: by briefly flooding the growing tray with nutritional solu-
tions and then draining the solution back into the reservoir. Flood and drain (F&D)
action is typically performed using a submersible pump controlled by a timer. The
intake media tank is thus regularly flooded with the appropriate nutrient solutions.
The growth medium or inert media begins to absorb or retain water; after the water
retention is complete, the whole nutrient solution from the inert media is drained out
of the growing medium.

Fig. 4. EBB and Flow hydroponic method (left) and recovery drip hydroponic system

4.4 Drip System (Recovery and Non-Recovery)

In a drip system, the timer controls the pump's on and off intervals, and the nutrient
solution is dripped into the roots of each plant via a tiny drip line at the base of each

plant.In a recovery drip system, surplus nutrient solution from runoff is collected and
returned to the reservoir for re-use of the nutrients. In a non-recovery system, the
runoff is not collected and returned to the environment. Consequently, when com-
pared to other hydroponics systems, the drip system is superior in large-scale farming
situations such as 10-20 acres of land and single crop production, but it is not eco-
nomical in small-scale farming situations. The construction of the EBB & Flow hy-
droponic technique and the recovery drip hydroponic system is shown in Figure 4

Fig. 5. Nutrient Film Technique (Left) and Aeroponic system

4.5 Nutrient Film Technique (NFT)

This technique is most popular and efficient method among all the hydroponic farm-
ing. In an NFT system, a submersible pump is placed beneath the nutrient solution,
pushing the water into the pipes. The growth pipes in this system are slanted at a very
modest angle, so that the flow of water containing nutrient solution should not come
to a halt but should continue indefinitely. With the NFT system, it is simple to carry
out single-level (horizontal) or multilevel (vertical) agriculture. Multilevel agriculture
is also known as matrix farming, and it is one of the NFT system's most significant
advantages. The NFT is very cost-effective when compared to other kinds of hydro-
ponic systems because of its vertical, multilevel, matrix farming. Additionally, it is
climate resistant, requires less labor, reduces land usage, requires less fertilizer, and
requires less water. It may be utilized on a local or big size, as well as on a commer-
cial basis. Figure 5 depicts the structure of the Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) tech-
nique and the Aeroponic system [14].

4.6 Aeroponic System

Aeroponic farming is the most advanced and technically complex kind of hydroponic
system available. Also known as integrated farming methodology, it is a method of
incorporating plant-based agriculture with other forms of aquaculture, such as fish
farming. As a result, the combination of plant production and aquaculture may result
in an advanced ecologically sustainable system in which water and nutrients are used
in an optimal manner [16]. Training and expert work are needed for this system, but

plant development is rapid. The absorption of nutrients in this system is greater, and
the circulation of the plant's nutrients is maximized in this system.

4.7 Traditional Vs Hydroponic Farming

Conventional farming, which is used in virtually every nation on the globe, is the
dominant mode of production in today's world. Transforming agricultural techniques,
such as the hydroponics system, to be more successful is essential in order to improve
the yield of food while also optimizing how each piece of land and its resources is
used to its full potential. In order to have a clear picture of the differences between
traditional farming and hydroponic farming, it is essential to compare both on the
same crop and with the same yield. For the sake of this comparison, a basil plant that
produces 50kg of basil per day on average is used [13, 17]. Table 2 shows the results
of a comparison between hydroponic farming and conventional farming for the crea-
tion of a basil plant weighing 50 kg. According to the comparative table, hydroponics
farming necessitates 8.7 times less land area than traditional farming, indicating a
significant reduction in land use. Similarly, the amount of water used is 24 times less,
the amount of fertilizer used is 6.8 times less, the amount of labor required is reduced
to a third of its original amount, and the cost of preparing the ground is nil.

.. Table 2. Comparison between hydroponics and traditional farming

Parameters Hydroponic Farming Traditional Farm
Area 5000 sqft 43560 sqft
Water 12000 liters / month 3,00,000 liters / month
Fertilizers 35kg (3200 INR) 240kg (21,000 INR)
Labors 1 worker for harvest 3 workers
Land preparation cost 0 12,000 INR
Consistency All year Seasonal
Nutrient value High Low
Automation Possible Difficult
Location Farm as well as urban Only farmland
Climate dependency Zero Very high
Quality Constant Varies
Pest control None Highly required
Pricing Premium Market Price
Maintenance Low High
Ecological effects Low High
Pollution effects Zero High

5 Conclusion

In this article, we have discussed the many kinds of hydroponics agricultural systems,
as well as their benefits and drawbacks, in detail. The hydroponics system, also
known as soilless farming, is required to meet the world's growing food need at a
lower cost and under more unfavorable circumstances than traditional agricultural
methods. On the basis of their use in hydroponic farming, the six most important fac-
tors have been discussed: land, labor, water, climate, consistency, and fertilizers
(among others). Aside from that, all six kinds of hydroponic systems have been re-
searched and analyzed in terms of their characteristics as well as their structural ele-
ments, operating procedure and benefits and drawbacks. As a result of all of the anal-
ysis and comparison, it has been determined that the hydroponics system is economi-
cal, less complex, requires less labor, is not dependent on climate conditions, con-
sumes less water, requires less land, consumes less fertilizer, produces more at a fast-
er rate, is more profitable, and is more useful for commercial purposes. Furthermore,
the NFT technique is the most efficient and cost-effective of all the hydroponics sys-
tems available, and it can be utilized for both commercial and non-commercial rea-


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