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2007 Mission Critical North American

Application Platform Study

Sponsored by Microsoft

August 2007

Copyright 2007 IDC. Reproduction is forbidden unless authorized. All rights reserved.

Slide: Topic:

3-9 Survey Objectives and Methodology

10-13 2007 Survey Demographics

2007 Key Findings – Server OS and Platform View

14-23 Platform Environment
24-59 Primary Application
60-68 Standards and Platform Selection
69-73 Vendor Satisfaction

74-95 Comparisons to the 2005 Mission Critical Survey

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 2

Objectives and Methodology
Microsoft contracted IDC to conduct a survey of corporate IT departments
to assess the state of current practices towards mission critical applications
The primary objectives of the study were to assess:
ƒ What types of mission critical application platforms are in use
– Email and database excluded from study to focus analysis on mid-tier, server-
based application development, integration and deployment

ƒ What software platforms are used to build mission critical applications

ƒ What operating environments are used to host mission critical applications

ƒ The preferred provider for key components of the application platform such as
application server, web services / SOA software, message queuing software,
and other software categories

ƒ Other important information relevant to mission critical applications such as role

of standards and degree of satisfaction with various IT vendors

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 3

Objectives and Methodology
Sampling Approach
Sample Frame and Sampling Method
ƒ Random sampling of respondent types within companies with 1,000 or
more employees

ƒ Microsoft did not participate in or influence respondent identification or

ƒ Respondents contacted via on opt-in email list

ƒ Survey fielded by an independent survey collection firm that meets IDC

standards for research quality
Survey Schedule
ƒ Survey was fielded between March 2007 and May 2007

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 4

Objectives and Methodology
Sampling/Screening Criteria
Respondents were screened and interviewed via telephone
The following sampling/screening criteria were followed:
ƒ Company size equal/greater than 1,000 employees, with quotas filled starting
with largest companies first
– 70% of respondents from companies of 5,000 or more employees
– Median size of company included in study: 10,000 employees

ƒ Respondent must be IT decision maker, developer, or architect

ƒ Respondent must have influence on technology-related decisions in their


ƒ Respondent must be materially involved and play a leading role in mission-

critical application integration or new application development

ƒ No more than one respondent per company

ƒ Analyst/market research firms and IT providers were not surveyed

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 5

Objectives and Methodology
Survey Design

Survey questions were grouped into the following categories

ƒ Screening

ƒ Company/respondent profile

ƒ Company-wide platform and operating environment

ƒ Current primary project or application

ƒ Standards and platform selection

ƒ Vendor satisfaction

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 6

Objectives and Methodology
Survey Terminology and Definitions

Key Respondent Role Definitions used in the Mission Critical Survey

ƒ IT Decision Maker
– Works in IT and has significant decision making authority related
to technology purchases and operations

ƒ Developer
– Works in the IT department with main responsibility to develop or
customize software applications, write computer code, or
develop web sites for others’ use at work

ƒ Architect
– Main responsibility is designing, specifying, or architecting

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 7

Objectives and Methodology
Survey Terminology and Definitions

Key Definitions used in the Mission Critical Survey

ƒ Mission critical Applications
– Business applications, excluding email, that would bring your company to
a stop if they were not running. Mission critical applications are typically
supported and managed by a central IT staff. Examples of such
applications are airline reservation systems and order processing for a
retail store chain.

ƒ Application Technology Platform

– The platform on which you build applications and application suites.
Examples include J2EE, Microsoft .NET, mainframes, and others.

ƒ Web Services
– As components which use SOAP, WSDL, UDDI, or other WS* standards.

ƒ Service Oriented Architecture

– A software topology where an application is built of programmatically
accessible ‘black box’ business components, called services, and clients
act as consumers of those services.

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 8

Objectives and Methodology
Segmentation, Quotas, and Weighting

ƒ North America focus
– US, N=466
– Canada (best effort basis), N=34

ƒ North American quota of 500 competes met

ƒ Primary role quota of 100 for IT decision maker (N=240),

developer (N=121), and architect (N=139) met
ƒ The largely single country focus (US) of this survey meant
that weighting to correct for regional differences was not
© 2007 IDC Aug-07 9
Key Screening Questions:

Sample Demographics
ƒ S1: Sample segmentation by company size (number of
employees worldwide

ƒ S3: Sample segmentation by primary role

ƒ S4: Involvement in application integration or new application


© 2007 IDC Aug-07 10

Key Screening Questions:
Number of Employees
S1-COD: Would you say that the number of employees in your company
worldwide is… (single response, combination/recode of S1a and S1b).

1,000 to 2,499 18.0% N=90

2,500 to 4,999 11.4% N=57

5,000 or more 70.6% N=353

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 11
Key Screening Questions:
Primary Role
S3: Which of the following best describes your primary role at work? (single

IT Decision Maker 48.0% N=240

Architect 27.8% N=139

Developer 24.2% N=121

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 12
Key Screening Questions:
Involvement in Application Development
S4: For projects involving application integration or new application
development, which of the following are you involved in? (multiple responses)

Technical Planning 92.2%

Requirements Gathering 91.6%

Feasibility Analysis 90.2%

Deployment 88.0%

Proof of Concept 87.6%

Architecture 77.6%

Budget Decisions 54.0%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 13
Key Platform Environment Questions:

ƒ Q3: Mission-critical application types

ƒ Q4: Server operating systems used for mission-critical applications

ƒ Q5: Mean percent of mission-critical applications by operating system

ƒ Q6: Primary operating system for mission-critical applications over the next
2 years
ƒ Q7: Current application technology platforms for mission-critical applications

ƒ Q8: Current primary application platform in use for greatest number of

mission-critical applications
ƒ Q9: Future primary application platform for mission-critical applications

ƒ Q10: Current primary supplier of application technology platform

ƒ Q11: Future primary supplier of application technology platform

ƒ Q12: In addition to your primary platform vendor, which of the following

products are in use or in the processing of being evaluating

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 14

Platform Environment:
Mission Critical Application Types
Q3: Which of the following application types does your company consider
to be mission-critical? (multiple responses)

Email 77.0%

Acct or Fin App 75.6%

EAI 67.2%

Txn Processing App 66.0%

Data Warehouse/BI 63.2%

Cust Web Site App 58.4%

Project Mgmt & Logistics 53.0%

ERP 49.6%

HRM 49.2%

DSS 49.0%

CRM 48.4%

SCM 40.6%

PSA 26.0%

SFA 25.6%

Trading Application 17.0%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 15
Platform Environment:
OSs for Mission Critical Applications
Q4: Excluding any email applications, what server operating systems does your
company currently use for mission-critical applications? (multiple response)

Windows 68.6%

UNIX 63.8%

z/Series 11.6%

iSeries 6.4%

Other 28.2%

Don't Know 3.0%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 16
Platform Environment:
Mission Critical Applications by OS
Q5: What percentage of you mission-critical applications run on…? (mean values)

Windows (Server

UNIX 39.2%

z/Series 5.1%

iSeries 3.1%

Windows NT 2.9%

Other 9.8%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45%

Mean Values

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 17
Platform Environment:
Future Primary Mission Critical OS
Q6: What is the primary server operating system you expect to use for mission-
critical applications in your company over the next 2 years? (single response)

Windows 41.6%

UNIX 39.0%

z/Series 5.4%

I/Series 2.2%

Other 5.4%

Don't Know 5.6%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 18
Platform Environment:
Current Deployment Platforms
Q7: What application technology platforms do your company’s mission-
critical applications currently run on? (multiple response)

Microsoft .NET 46.0%

J2EE or other Java 39.8%


Oracle 8.4%

Other Microsoft 6.8%

Other 34.2%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 19
Platform Environment:
Current Key Deployment Platform
Q8: Which application technology platform does your company currently use for
the greatest number of its mission-critical applications? (single response)

Microsoft .NET 22.8%

J2EE or other Java 20.8%

MF platform (CICS, IMS) 14.0%

Oracle 5.8%

Other Microsoft 4.4%

CORBA 0.2%

Other 17.8%

Don't Know 14.2%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 20
Comparing the 2005 & 2007 Surveys:
Primary Application Platform for Development
Q9: Which application technology platform do you expect to use the most for
developing mission-critical applications at your company in the next 2 years?
(single response)

Microsoft .NET 30.2%

J2EE or other Java 24.8%

Oracle 5.6%

MF platform (CICS, IMS) 5.2%

Other Microsoft 3.8%

Other 21.0%

Don't Know 9.4%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%

Source: IDC 2005 & 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 21
Platform Environment:
Current & Future Application Platform Supplier
Q10&11: Which vendor do you expect to use as the primary supplier of your
application technology platform currently and in the next 2 years? (single response)

Microsoft 26.6%

IBM 18.0%

Oracle 12.4%
6.2% Future
Sun 6.6%

Other 23.8%

Don't Know 12.6%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 22
Platform Environment:
Platforms In Use & Under Evaluation
Q12: In addition to your primary platform vendor, for the following products,
which are you using or in the processing of evaluating? (single response)

Microsoft .NET 64.2%

J2EE 52.2%

Oracle App Server 49.6%

Apache 48.0%

Open Source 33.0%

IBM WebSphere 30.8%

Sun ONE 15.6%

BEA WebLogic 15.4%

JBoss 14.8%

SAP NetWeaver 12.4%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

In Use Actively Evaluating Plan to Evaluate No Evaluation Plans Don't Know

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 23
Key Primary Application Questions:

ƒ Q13a&b: Percent of your current J2EE and .NET applications are

64-bit versus 32-bit
ƒ Q14: How mission-critical is the primary project or application

ƒ Q15: Users of the primary application

ƒ Q16: Number of concurrent users at peak times

ƒ Q17: Business function support by primary application

ƒ Q18: Locus of platform decision for primary application

ƒ Q19: Months from start to go-live for primary application

ƒ Q20: Type of primary application

ƒ Q21: Use of Integrator or consultants on primary application

ƒ Q22: Off-shoring of primary application

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 24

Key Primary Application Questions:

ƒ Q23: Percent of primary application that was off-shored

ƒ Q26: Use of hosting service for primary application

ƒ Q27: Devices used by primary application

ƒ Q28: Use of application server

ƒ Q29: Main application server used

ƒ Q30: Use of transaction management technology

ƒ Q31: Use of portal server technology

ƒ Q32: Portal Server used

ƒ Q33: Use of EAI

ƒ Q34: EAI technologies used

ƒ Q35: Database engine used

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 25

Key Primary Application Questions:

ƒ Q36: Use of Web Services

ƒ Q37: Web Services Vendors used

ƒ Q38 Use of SOA

ƒ Q39: SOA Vendors used

ƒ Q40: Types of user interfaces used

ƒ Q41a: Is primary application web-based

ƒ Q41b: Focus of web-based application

ƒ Q42: Web-based technologies in use

ƒ Q43: Use of messaging

ƒ Q44: Message technologies in use

ƒ Q46: Monitoring software in use

ƒ Q47: Platform technologies used the most

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 26

Primary Application:
Comparison of 64-bit to 32-bit
Q13a&b: What percent of you J2EE and .NET applications are 64-bit versus 32-bit?
(single response)

None 38.3%

1-24% 13.7%

25-49% 9.0%

11.1% J2EE
50-74% 7.5%
75-99% 6.9%

100% 6.5%

Don't Know 18.1%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=261-321

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 27
Primary Application:
How Mission-Critical
Q14: Which of the following statements best describes how mission-critical the
primary project or application you are working on is? (single response)

Mission critical 33.2%

Fairly important to ongoing

operations of entire org.

Important at department level 20.6%

Not very critical 5.0%

Don't Know 1.0%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 28
Primary Application:
Application Users
Q15: Is your primary application development project mostly used by…?
(single response)

Entire company 42.6%

Department 22.2%

Team 16.6%

Customer/partners 14.6%

Other 2.4%

Don't Know 1.6%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 29
Primary Application:
Peak Concurrent Application Use
Q16: How many end users will use your primary project or application
concurrently at peak times? (single response)

Fewer than 300 34.0%

300 to 499 14.6%

500 to 999 14.0%

1,000 to 9,999 20.0%

10,000 or more 13.0%

Don't Know 2.8%

Refused 1.6%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 30
Primary Application:
Business functions support
Q17: Which is the following business functions does your project support?
(multiple response)

Operations 64.4%

Customer service 44.6%

Finance 41.0%

Cust/Bus partners 40.4%

HR 25.4%

Sales 24.4%

Other 14.4%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 31
Primary Application:
Locus of Platform Decision
Q18: Was the platform decision made at the team, division IT or central IT
level? (single response)

Central IT 54.8%

Team 23.8%

Division IT 17.8%

None of the above 3.0%

Don't Know 0.6%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 32
Primary Application:
Duration of Project
Q19: How many months was it, or do you anticipate it will be, from start until
go-live for your primary project? (single response)

1-2 Months 3.6%

3-5 Months 10.4%

6-9 Months 31.2%

10-12 Months 17.6%

13-17 Months 2.8%

18-23 Months 7.6%

24+ Months 16.6%

Don't Know 7.0%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 33
Primary Application:
Type of Primary Application
Q20: Does the primary project use…? (single response)

developed apps

Packaged S/W

Both 64.4%

Don't Know 0.8%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 34
Primary Application:
Use of Integrators or Consultants
Q21: Are you using integrators or consultants on your primary project?
(single response)

Yes 57.8%

No 41.0%

Don't Know 1.2%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 35
Primary Application:
Offshoring of Primary Project
Q22: Is any part of the development or deployment of your primary project
offshored? (single response)

Yes 18.0%

No 82.0%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 36
Primary Application:
Percent of Project Offshored
Q23: What percentage of your primary project was offshored? (single response)

1-24% 41.1%

25-49% 22.2%

50-74% 18.9%

75-99% 7.8%

100% 2.2%

Don't Know 7.8%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=90

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 37
Primary Application:
Use of Hosting Service
Q26: Are you using a hosting service or application service provider for your
project? (single response)

Yes 15.6%

No 82.8%

Don't Know 1.6%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 38
Primary Application:
Devices in Use for Primary Application
Q27: What devices, if any, are part of this application? (multiple response)

Tablet PC 14.6%

Workstations/Desktops 13.2%

Pocket PC 12.2%

Palm 10.0%

Laptops 9.2%

Pager 8.8%

Smart phone 8.0%

PC/PC-S (General) 5.8%

Servers 5.0%

Other 19.4%

Don't Know 33.6%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 39
Primary Application:
Use of Application Server
Q28: Does your primary project user an application server? (single response)

Yes 82.0%

No 18.0%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 40
Primary Application:
Application Server in Use for Primary Project
Q29: What is the main application server used for this application? (single

Microsoft .NET Windows Server 29.0%

IBM Websphere App Server 14.9%

Oracle J2EE App Server 12.4%

BEA WebLogic Server 5.1%

SunOne App Server 3.2%

TomCat 2.9%

Jboss 2.4%

PHP 1.7%

Macromedia ColdFusion JRun 0.7%

Other 21.0%

Don't Know 6.6%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=410

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 41
Primary Application:
Use of Transaction Monitoring
Q30: Does your primary project or application use transaction management or
transaction monitoring technologies in the application server? (single response)

Yes 45.4%

No 48.0%

Don't Know 6.6%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 42
Primary Application:
Use of Portal server
Q31: Does your primary project use portal server technologies? (single response)

Yes 42.2%

No 57.8%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 43
Primary Application:
Portal Server in Use for Primary Application
Q32: What is the main portal server technology used for this application?
(single response)
IBM WebSphere Portal 17.1%

Oracle 12.3%

Microsoft .NET 10.4%

Apache Open Source 10.0%

Microsoft SharePoint Svr 9.0%

BEA WebLogic Portal 7.6%

SAP 3.3%

Macromedia ColdFusion 1.9%

Other 14.2%

Don't Know 14.2%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=211
© 2007 IDC Aug-07 44
Primary Application:
Use of EAI
Q33: Does your primary project use EAI or other application integration
technology? (single response)

Yes 16.4%

No 83.6%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 45
Primary Application:
EAI Technology in Use for Primary Application
Q34: What is the main integration technology used for this application? (single

IBM WebSphere 18.3%

Microsoft Biztalk Server 11.0%

webMethods 9.8%

TIBCO BusinessWorks 4.9%

SAP NetWeaver 3.7%

BEA WebLogic 1.2%

Other 31.7%

Don't Know 26.8%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=82

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 46
Primary Application:
Database in Use for Primary Application
Q35: What is the main database used for this application? (single response)

Oracle 36.8%

SQL Server 28.2%

DB2 10.6%

MySQL 7.4%

Sybase 2.8%

Informix 2.2%

Other 8.2%

Don't Know 3.8%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 47
Primary Application:
Use of Web Services
Q36: Are you currently working on any Web services? (single response)

Yes 39.2%

No 60.8%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 48
Primary Application:
Web Service Vendors for Primary Application
Q37: Which vendors does your company use for Web services? (multiple

Microsoft 35.7%

IBM 17.3%

Internal/Custom 11.7%

Oracle 10.2%

BEA 6.6%

Open Source 6.6%

Sun 5.1%

Other 20.9%

Don't Know 15.3%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=196

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 49
Primary Application:
SOA Used in Primary Application
Q38: Are you currently working on any applications that use service
oriented architecture? (single response)

Yes 25.8%

No 71.0%

Don't Know 3.2%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 50
Primary Application:
SOA Vendor is Use for Primary Application
Q39: Which vendors does your company use for applications that use service
oriented architecture? (multiple response)

Microsoft 36.4%

IBM 17.8%

Oracle 16.3%

Sun 8.5%

Open Source 8.5%

In-house 7.0%

BEA 6.2%

SAP 5.4%

Other 25.6%

Don't Know 10.9%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=129

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 51
Primary Application:
Type of UI for Primary Application
Q40: What type of user interface does your application have? (multiple response)

Browser-based 70.0%

(smart client)

Mobile device-

Other 6.6%

Don't Know 1.2%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 52
Primary Application:
Focus on Web for Primary Application
Q41: Is your primary project or application web-based? (single response)

Yes 74.2%

No 25.8%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 53
Primary Application:
Type of Primary Web-based Application
Q41b: Does this web-based primary project or application use a…?
(multiple response)

Corporate Intranet 76.3%

Public Internet 30.7%


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=371

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 54
Primary Application:
Web-based Technology for Primary Application
Q42: Which web-based technology do you use? (multiple response)

ASP .NET 34.5%

JSP 29.1%

ASP 23.7%

PHP 15.4%

Macromedia CF 14.6%

Other 15.1%

Don't Know 12.9%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=371

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 55
Primary Application:
Messaging Use in Primary Application
Q43: Does your primary project or application use messaging or queuing
technologies? (single response)

Yes 41.0%

No 55.6%

Don't Know 3.4%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 56
Primary Application:
Messaging in Use for Primary Application
Q44: Which if the following messaging or queuing technologies does your
primary project or application use? (multiple response)

IBM MQ-Series 38.0%

Microsoft MSMQ 34.1%

BEA MessageQ 5.4%


Other 23.9%

Don't Know 11.7%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=205

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 57
Primary Application:
Monitoring in Use for Primary Application
Q46: What software does your application use for managing and monitoring the
production environment? (multiple response)

Microsoft SMS or

HP OpenView 13.2%

IBM Tivoli 13.0%

CA Unicenter 7.2%

Other 25.2%

Don't Know 31.4%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 58
Primary Application:
Reliance on Platform for Primary Application
Q47: What key platform technology would you say your application relies
upon the most? (single response)


IBM WebSphere 8.0%

Oracle 7.4%

UNIX/Linux 5.2%

Internet/HTTP/FTP/Web 4.6%

Other 32.6%

Don't Know 16.0%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 59
Key Standards & Platform Questions:

ƒ Q48: Reliance on standards for software platforms and applications

ƒ Q49: Focus on setting standards

ƒ Q50: Type of vendor support

ƒ Q51: Degree of vendor support

ƒ Q52: Adherence to corporate standards

ƒ Q53: Who influences platform decision making

ƒ Q54: Most important criteria in making the platform decision

ƒ Q55: Key criteria in making the platform decision

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 60

Standards and Platform Selection:
Reliance on Standards
Q48: Does your company have corporate standards for software platforms
and applications? (single response)

Yes 82.6%

No 15.0%

Don't Know 2.4%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 61
Standards and Platform Selection:
Focus on Standard Setting
Q49: Does your work involve setting standards for other teams to use or for
multiple departments to use? (single response)

Yes 55.4%

No 44.4%

Don't Know 0.2%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 62
Standards and Platform Selection:
Type of Vendor Support
Q50: Did you utilize any of the following presales technical help to select the
standard platform? (multiple response)

Proof of concept 65.6%

In-depth Tech or
Arch Discussion

Advanced pilot 46.8%

None of the Above 12.8%

Don't Know 3.2%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 63
Standards and Platform Selection:
Degree of Vendor Support
Q51: From which vendors did you receive these technical services? (multiple

Microsoft 34.0%

IBM 29.8%

Oracle 20.5%

SI/Consultant 12.9%

Sun 12.1%

HP 4.8%

In-house 4.8%

Other 49.5%

Don't Know 12.9%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=420

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 64
Standards and Platform Selection:
Adherence to Corporate Standards
Q52: Do you follow corporate standards for your primary project? (single response)

Yes 87.6%

No 12.4%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 65
Standards and Platform Selection:
Who Influences Platform Decisions
Q53: Which of the following was the single most influential person making the
platform decision for your organization? (single response)

Project Architect 32.8%

Business Manager 22.0%

Project Developer 11.6%

External IT planning 6.6%

Consultant 6.2%

Other 18.4%

Don't Know 2.4%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 66
Standards and Platform Selection:
Most Important Criteria for Platform Decisions
Q54: What is your most important criteria in making the application platform
decision? (single response)

Reliability/Availability 15.0%

Cost 13.8%

Integr/Imp/Compat 11.6%

Needs/Obj/Req 9.0%

Perf/Efficiency/Speed 7.6%

Adheres to Stds 5.8%

Functionality/Capability 5.4%

Other 25.6%

Don't Know 6.2%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 67
Standards and Platform Selection:
Criteria for Platform Decisions
Q55: Which of the following criteria are important in your application platform
selection process? (multiple response)

Reliability 93.4%

Performance 89.6%

Security 87.0%

Scalability 82.0%

Vendor support 80.8%

Software cost 75.0%

Maintenance cost 73.8%

Existing skill sets in Org 70.8%

Productivity/Dev Speed 70.8%

Interoperability 68.4%

Hardware cost 64.6%

Avail of 3rd party tools & Comp 49.0%

Cross-platform 44.4%

SOA 38.0%

Don't Know 1.2%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100
Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500
© 2007 IDC Aug-07 68
Key Vendor Satisfaction Questions:

ƒ Q56a: Level of satisfaction with select vendors

ƒ Q56b: Level of satisfaction with select technologies

ƒ Q57: Single most important thing vendors could do to improve

customer relationships

ƒ Q57a&b: Current and planned use of select product categories

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 69

Vendor Satisfaction:
Level of Satisfaction with Select Vendors
Q56a: For each of the following vendors, please tell me how satisfied you
are? (single response)

Microsoft 34.2% 51.6%

Oracle 31.4% 36.2%

IBM 29.8% 32.0%

Sun 22.6% 25.2%

Open Source 18.6% 28.8%

BEA 5.4% 11.2%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied
Very Dissatisfied Don't Use Vendor Don't Know

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 70
Vendor Satisfaction:
Level of Satisfaction with Select Technologies
Q56b: For each of the following technologies, please tell me how satisfied
you are? (single response)

Java 36.4% 41.0%

Microsoft .NET 30.6% 42.2%

Open Source 20.8% 29.4%

IBM WebSphere 13.0% 23.4%

PHP 12.4% 18.4%

BEA WebLogic 5.2% 12.8%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied
Very Dissatisfied Don't Use Vendor Don't Know

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 71
Vendor Satisfaction:
How Vendors Could Improve Relationships
Q57: What is the single most important thing your vendors could do to improve
your relationship with them? (single response)

Better product support 17.8%

Lower costs 10.8%

Improve response time 9.6%

Better communication 8.6%

More dependable products 6.0%

Be honest & up front 4.4%

Stronger partnerships 3.0%

Better documentation 2.4%

Nothing 3.0%

Other 26.2%

Don't Know 8.2%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 72
Vendor Satisfaction:
Current & Planned Use of Products Categories
Q57a&b: What of the following product categories has your company ever
used either now or in the past and will your company use in the next 2 years?
(single response)
Database Triggers 74.0%

Business Process Mgmt Products 58.2%

Business Activity Monitoring Products 49.4%

Streaming data (e.g. stock ticker or RFD) 47.4%

Business Rules Mgmt System Products 42.4%

Finite state machine programming 20.0%

None 8.0%

Don't Know 3.4%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

Planned Current

Source: IDC 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 73
Comparing the 2005 & 2007 Surveys
IDC also administered a Mission Critical Application Platform
Study for Microsoft in 2005
Although there were some subtle differences in survey design,
the results of these two surveys can be compared
For the 2005 survey
ƒ North American data only was selected (N=500)

ƒ North American survey data was used in unweighted form

In Comparing the 2005 and 2007 surveys
ƒ The N for both surveys was 500

ƒ The median number of employees for both surveys was 10,000

ƒ A comparison of the two samples yielded a comparative “Z-score”

of 1.03 which means that there is no significant difference between
the samples
– A Z-score of at least 1.28 (80% threshold) or 1.64 (90% threshold)
would be needed to show the samples were significantly different
© 2007 IDC Aug-07 74
Comparing the 2005 & 2007 Surveys:
OSs for Mission Critical Applications
05Q4 & 07Q4: Excluding any email applications, what server operating systems
does your company currently use for mission-critical applications? (multiple
UNIX 63.8%

Windows 68.6%

z/Series 11.6%
9.2% 2007

Other 28.2%

Don't Know 2.8%


0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Source: IDC 2005 & 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 75
Comparing the 2005 & 2007 Surveys:
Future Primary Server Operating System
05Q6 & 07Q6: What is the primary server operating system you expect to use for
mission-critical applications over the next 2 years? (single response)

UNIX 39.0%

Windows 41.6%

z/Series 5.4%
4.0% 2007

Other 6.2%

Don't Know 6.2%


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

Source: IDC 2005 & 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 76
Comparing the 2005 & 2007 Surveys:
Current Deployment Platforms
05Q7&07Q7: What application technology platforms do your company’s
mission-critical applications currently run on? (multiple response)

Microsoft .NET 46.0%

J2EE or other 32.0%

Java 39.8%

Mainframe 19.6%
(CICS,IMS) 20.8%

12.0% 2005
Other Microsoft 6.8%
Oracle 8.4%

Other 34.2%

Don't Know 7.6%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

Source: IDC 2005 & 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 77
Comparing the 2005 & 2007 Surveys:
Primary Deployment Platform
05Q8 & 07Q8: Which application technology platform does your company use for
the greatest number of mission-critical applications? (single response)

Mainframe 19.8%
(CICS,IMS) 14.0%

Microsoft .NET 22.8%

J2EE or other 15.1%

Java 20.8%

9.2% 2005
Other Microsoft 4.4%
Oracle 5.8%

Other 18.0%

Don't Know 14.2%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%

Source: IDC 2005 & 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 78
Comparing the 2005 & 2007 Surveys:
Primary Application Platform for Development
05Q9 & 07Q9: Which application technology platform do you expect to use the
most for developing mission-critical applications at your company in the next 2
years? (single response)
Microsoft .NET 30.2%

J2EE or other Java 24.8%

Other Microsoft 3.8%

5.6% 2005
MF platform (CICS, IMS) 5.2%
Oracle 5.6%

Other 21.0%

Don't Know 9.4%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%

Source: IDC 2005 & 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 79
Comparing the 2005 & 2007 Surveys:
Primary Application Platform Supplier
05Q10 & 07Q10: Which vendor is the primary supplier of your application
technology platform? (single response)

Microsoft 25.4%

IBM 19.6%

Oracle 11.8%

5.2% 2005
Sun 6.2%
SAP 3.8%

Other 22.6%

Don't Know 10.6%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%

Source: IDC 2005 & 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 80
Comparing the 2005 & 2007 Surveys:
Primary Application Platform Supplier
05Q11 & 07Q11: Which vendor do you expect to use in the next 2 years as the
primary supplier for your application technology platform? (single response)

Microsoft 26.6%

IBM 18.0%

Oracle 12.4%

5.0% 2005
SAP 2.6%
Sun 6.6%

Other 21.2%

Don't Know 12.6%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40%

Source: IDC 2005 & 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 81
Comparing the 2005 & 2007 Surveys:
Microsoft .NET
05Q12a & 07Q12a: In addition to your primary platform vendor, for Microsoft .NET,
which are you using or in the processing of evaluating? (single response)

Currently Use

Actively 11.0%
Evaluating 8.2%

10.2% 2005
Plan to Evaluate 6.0% 2007

No Plans to 18.0%
Evaluate 17.8%

Don't Know

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Source: IDC 2005 & 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 82
Comparing the 2005 & 2007 Surveys:
05Q12b & 07Q12b: In addition to your primary platform vendor, for J2EE, which are
you using or in the processing of evaluating? (single response)

Currently Use

Actively 6.4%
Evaluating 7.6%

10.0% 2005
Plan to Evaluate 6.0% 2007

No Plans to 34.4%
Evaluate 27.2%

Don't Know

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Source: IDC 2005 & 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 83
Comparing the 2005 & 2007 Surveys:
IBM WebSphere
05Q12c & 07Q12c: In addition to your primary platform vendor, for IBM
WebSphere, which are you using or in the processing of evaluating?
(single response)
Currently Use

Actively 5.6%
Evaluating 7.0%

4.2% 2005
Plan to Evaluate 7.0% 2007

No Plans to 52.4%
Evaluate 51.2%

Don't Know

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Source: IDC 2005 & 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 84
Comparing the 2005 & 2007 Surveys:
BEA WebLogic
05Q12d & 07Q12d: In addition to your primary platform vendor, for BEA WebLogic,
which are you using or in the processing of evaluating? (single response)

Currently Use

Actively 2.4%
Evaluating 2.6%

4.0% 2005
Plan to Evaluate 3.4% 2007

No Plans to 73.0%
Evaluate 67.8%

Don't Know

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

Source: IDC 2005 & 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 85
Comparing the 2005 & 2007 Surveys:
Open Source
05Q12e & 07Q12e: In addition to your primary platform vendor, for Open Source,
which are you using or in the processing of evaluating? (single response)

Currently Use

Actively 12.8%
Evaluating 14.8%

18.2% 2005
Plan to Evaluate 13.4% 2007

No Plans to 40.4%
Evaluate 34.2%

Don't Know

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Source: IDC 2005 & 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 86
Comparing the 2005 & 2007 Surveys:
05Q12f & 07Q12f: In addition to your primary platform vendor, for Sun ONE, which
are you using or in the processing of evaluating? (single response)

Currently Use

Actively 3.8%
Evaluating 5.0%

6.4% 2005
Plan to Evaluate
4.6% 2007

No Plans to 67.2%
Evaluate 67.2%

Don't Know

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Source: IDC 2005 & 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 87
Comparing the 2005 & 2007 Surveys:
05Q12g & 07Q12g: In addition to your primary platform vendor, for Apache, which
are you using or in the processing of evaluating? (single response)

Currently Use

Actively 6.8%
Evaluating 5.0%

6.0% 2005
Plan to Evaluate
4.6% 2007

No Plans to 43.2%
Evaluate 37.4%

Don't Know

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Source: IDC 2005 & 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 88
Comparing the 2005 & 2007 Surveys:
Red Hat JBoss
05Q12h & 07Q12h: In addition to your primary platform vendor, for Red Hat JBoss,
which are you using or in the processing of evaluating? (single response)

Currently Use

Actively 3.2%
Evaluating 5.0%

4.8% 2005
Plan to Evaluate
4.6% 2007

No Plans to 74.6%
Evaluate 64.6%

Don't Know

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

Source: IDC 2005 & 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 89
Comparing the 2005 & 2007 Surveys:
Oracle Application Server
05Q12i & 07Q12i: In addition to your primary platform vendor, for Oracle
Application Server, which are you using or in the processing of evaluating?
(single response)
Currently Use

Actively 8.8%
Evaluating 7.8%

9.0% 2005
Plan to Evaluate 5.3% 2007

No Plans to 36.2%
Evaluate 34.8%

Don't Know

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Source: IDC 2005 & 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 90
Comparing the 2005 & 2007 Surveys:
SAP NetWeaver
05Q12j & 07Q12j: In addition to your primary platform vendor, for SAP NetWeaver,
which are you using or in the processing of evaluating? (single response)

Currently Use

Actively 5.4%
Evaluating 5.6%

5.2% 2005
Plan to Evaluate 4.8% 2007

No Plans to 70.2%
Evaluate 68.4%

Don't Know 3.8%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Source: IDC 2005 & 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 91
Comparing the 2005 & 2007 Surveys:
Who Influences Platform Decisions
05Q53 & 07Q53: Which of the following was the single most influential person in
making the platform decision for your organization? (single response)

Project Architect 32.8%

Business Manager 22.0%

Project Developer 11.6%

6.8% 2005
Consultant 6.2%
External IT Planning 6.6%

Other 18.4%

Don't Know 3.8%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%

Source: IDC 2005 & 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500

© 2007 IDC Aug-07 92
Comparing the 2005 & 2007 Surveys:
Key Criteria in Application Platform Selection
05Q54 & 07Q54: What is the most important criteria in the application platform
decision? (single response)

Reliability, Availability 15.0%

Integration, Compatibility 11.6%

Cost 13.8%

Functionality 5.4%

Expandibility 4.4%

Needs, Objectives, Requirements 9.0%

Performance, Efficiency, Speed 7.6%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20%

2007 2005
Source: IDC 2005 & 2007 Mission Critical Study, N=500
© 2007 IDC Aug-07 93
Comparing the 2005 & 2007 Surveys:
Web Service Vendors for Primary Application
05Q37 & 07Q37: Which vendors does your company use for Web services?
(multiple response)

Microsoft 35.7%

IBM 17.3%

Internal/Custom 11.7%

Open Source 6.6%

3.2% 2005
Oracle 10.2%
BEA 6.6%

Sun 5.1%

Other 20.9%

Don't Know 15.3%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40%

Source: IDC 2005 (N=156) & 2007 (N=196) Mission Critical Study
© 2007 IDC Aug-07 94
Comparing the 2005 & 2007 Surveys:
SOA Vendor is Use for Primary Application
05Q39 & 07Q39: Which vendors does your company use for applications that
use service oriented architecture? (multiple response)
Microsoft 36.4%

IBM 17.8%

In-house 7.0%

Oracle 16.3%

BEA 6.2% 2005
3.2% 2007
SAP 5.4%

Open Source 8.5%

Sun 8.5%

Other 25.6%

Don't Know 10.9%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40%

Source: IDC 2005 (N=126) & 2007 (N=129) Mission Critical Study
© 2007 IDC Aug-07 95
2007 Mission Critical North American
Application Platform Study
Sponsored by Microsoft

August 2007

Copyright 2007 IDC. Reproduction is forbidden unless authorized. All rights reserved.

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