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Para wise compliance to the observations raised by Dy.

CE/Con/Works/BBS furnished hereunder;

(i) Justification for not Original contract value for construction of

executing the proposal, foundation and substructure for Br.543 is Rs.36.98
foundation and substructure Crores. As per the last sanctioned variation, the
work through the existing value of the anticipated value of the existing
contactor may please be contract is Rs 52.70 Crore (+42.5%) against which
reviewed a cumulative payment of Rs 33.30 Crore is already
been made for the works executed up to date. As
of now the balance works includes construction of
49Nos. of piles (P2, P3&P4), 5 pile caps, piers and
bed blocks thereof out of 9, Foundation &
Substructure for A1 and allied works. Since the
revised value of contract couldn’t cater for the
total scope of work, it is proposed to undertake
for some part of the work through the proposed
open tender so as to operate the variation in the
existing contract within the permissible limits.

(ii) Clarification required for Construction of One abutment (A1), one pier (P2)
leftover work proposed including pile foundation and allied works
pertains to the contract. proposed to undertake through instant open

(iii) The physical and financial As of now, the physical & Financial progress of
progress of the existing works is 55% and 63% respectively.
contract may be mentioned
for the better appraisal of
the proposal

(iv) The girder launching work is In quite a number of occasions tenders for
specialized job clubbed with composite works were invited and reasonable
civil works (execution of offers were received. There are Agencies available
foundation and substructure who have executed entire bridge works or even
may) may please be substructure and girder launching works
reviewed. separately. For Important /Major Bridges i.e.
Construction of major bridge/ROB/RUB with
foundation (Open/pile/well) and superstructure
(Steel/Composite) vide Sl No 17(a) & (b) of List of
approved Definitions of Similar Nature of Works
issued by the office of CAO/Con/BBS on
03.08.2022 and all tenders are being invited
accordingly except in exceptional cases, where the
girders are being procured from Railway
Workshop. However in the instant case, execution
of foundation /sub-structure also warranted as
submitted at (i) above.

In view of the above CAO/Con/BBS is requested to recommend the instant proposal for inviting open
tender in conventional method (Non-EPC) for the subject work with the above mentioned salient features
for approval of GM/ECoR.

Kottavalasa- Koraput Doubling Project – Assembling and launching of girder

components, supply and fixing of bearings, H-Beam steel sleepers on Major
Bridge No.543 (10x45.7m OWG) over Kolab River between Koraput –Suku
stations and execution of balance foundation, sub structure works of major
bridge including earthwork in approaches and other allied works of Waltair
Division, East Coast Railway.
Note: NS-1 Date:02.12.2023
Sub:- Approval for Floating of Open tender in conventional method for the work “Kottavalasa-
Koraput Doubling Project – Assembling and launching of girder components, supply and
fixing of bearings, H-Beam steel sleepers on Major Bridge No.543 (10x45.7m OWG) over
Kolab River between Koraput –Suku stations and execution of balance foundation, sub
structure works of major bridge including earthwork in approaches and other allied works of
Waltair Division, East Coast Railway”.
Ref:- Pink Book item No.30 of 2023-24 (F/11).
1.0 Doubling of Kottavalasa-Koraput section (190 Kms) on KK line was included by Railway Board in
2015-16. Subsequently, Detailed Project Report has been sanctioned by Railway Board in Dec,2015
(F/2). The doubling works are in active progress between S.Kota to Koraput. A budget grant of
Rs.410Cr allotted for current year vide PB item No.30.
2.0 Till now 10(Ten) block sections i.e. between Kottavalasa-Boddavara, Shimiliguda-Gorapur and
Padua-Suku stations (97.1Kms) out of 19 block sections have been commissioned and opened for
traffic. Work in progress in another 06 block sections i.e. between BDVR-SLPM, BGHU-KVLS-SMLG,
GPJ-DPC-PFU and KRPU-Suku. Tenders invited for execution of works in the remaining section i.e.
between Shivalingapuram-Borraguhalu stations.
3.0 The KRPU-SXV section involves construction of Important Bridge No.543 (10x45.7m OWG) over
U/s side of the Kolab river. In view of the existing policy, contract awarded for construction of
foundation and substructure of the bridge and indents placed on Plant depot, Mughalsarai for
fabrication and supply of Open web Steel girders for this bridge. Now the substructure work of the
major bridge is in advanced stage viz. Sub-structure completed up to bed block/pier cap level for
5spans and work in progress in remaining spans. Further, girder components for four spans have
already arrived to Koraput Yard and remaining girders is expected to reach the section within a
short period.
4.0 In view of the present status of the works, it is now proposed to award contract for assembling and
launching of girders. In addition to above, in view of the fast approaching targets for completion of
the project, it is also proposed to undertake balance works of foundation/ substructure works i.e.
construction of one abutment and one pier and allied works through this contract, which are
falling short in present running contract.
5.0 As per the latest guidelines, the tender schedule prepared as per the basic rates of the ECoR-
USSOR 2021, which constitutes 88% of the tender value. Basic rates of the remaining items are as
per the recently awarded Major bridge contracts. As ECoR-USSOR 2021 item for supply and fixing
of stainless steel chequered plate is banned on the portal, the basic rate adopted as per the vetted
rate analysis pertaining to WAT Division. Accordingly, the approximate value of the proposed
works is assessed as Rs 19.39 crores.
6.0 The main scope of work involves Assembling and launching of structural steel girders and
execution of balance works of major bridge with pile foundation. As per the list of definitions
circulated by CAO/Con/BBS this works comes under 17(b) category of work with similar nature of
work ‘Any Civil Engineering work comprising of any type of Major Bridge/ROB/RUB with
Steel/Composite girders, with suitable bearing, on open/pile/well foundation’. The proposed work
to be executed over u/s side reservoir of Kolab dam under continuous water in a depth of about
30m using barges along with all required paraphernalia and launching of 45.7m open web girders
for 10spans. In view of critical scope of work involved, it is proposed to adopt following definition
for similar nature of work for the proposed composite work to have offers from expert contractors.
(i)Any Civil Engineering work comprising of construction of Major/Important Bridge on
pile/well foundation for major component comprising of Schedule A,C,D,F,G&H
(Rs 9,39,38,879.94ps) and
(ii)Any Civil Engineering work comprising of supply, fabrication & launching of steel/
composite bridge girders for other component comprising of Schedule B & E ( Rs
7.0 As per the existing guidelines by Railway Board dated 04.03.2022, Zonal Rlys may go for EPC
tender irrespective of value of tender (F/6). The approx. value of the proposed work is Rs 18.52
crores. Invitation and finalization of single stage two packet system EPC tender will take
considerable time. Further the proposed work includes execution of leftover substructure works
involving pile foundation in standing water, where quantum of work vary significantly as per site
conditions. KRPU-SXV section is targeted for commissioning by Dec,2024. With the commissioning
of KRPU-SXV section, entire section between KRPU to KVLS (104 Kms) will be made through by
Dec,2024. In view of the prevailing site conditions and stringent targets for completion of project,
it is opined to go for conventional tendering for this work. Hence tender document for the subject
work has been prepared accordingly.
8.0 In terms of Dy.CE/C/Works/BBS’s letter No.CAO/Con/BBS/Works/ Tender Policy/ 01228 dtd
20.04.2022(F/5) read with Railway Board letters No.2015/W-I/Genl/CORR. GM/ Pt.III/
Dtd.30.11.2018 (F4) & 04.03.2022 (F/6) invitation of instant tender requires approval of
9.0 The salient features of the proposed open tender are:
 Name of the work : Kottavalasa- Koraput Doubling Project – Assembling and
launching of girder components, supply and fixing of
bearings, H-Beam steel sleepers on Major Bridge No.543
(10x45.7m OWG) over Kolab River and execution of balance
foundation, sub structure works of major bridge including
earthwork in approaches and other allied works between
Koraput –Suku stations of Waltair Division, East Coast
 Tender value : Rs.18.52 Crores
 Completion Period :06 (Six) Months from the date of issue of LoA.
 Similar Nature of work (i)Any Civil Engineering work comprising of construction of
Major/Important Bridge on pile/well foundation for major
component comprising of Schedule A,C,D,F,G&H
(Rs 9,39,38,879.94ps) and
(ii)Any Civil Engineering work comprising of supply, fabrication
& launching of steel/ composite bridge girders for other
component comprising of Schedule B & E (Rs 9,12,62,639.36ps).
 Price Variation Clause : Applicable as value is more than Rs. 2 Crore.
 Joint Venture/ MOU/ : Allowed as value is more than Rs.10 Crore
 Single packet/Two : Two packet system as value is more than Rs.10 Crore.
packet system.
 Reverse action : Not applicable as value is less than Rs 50 Crore
 Measurement by : Contractor ‘e’-MB as value is more than Rs.5 Crore
 Eligibility criteria : Standard Eligibility criteria as stipulated in GCC-2022 with upto
date correction slips.
In view of the above, CE/C/JDB is requested to forward the proposal for recommendation of CAO/Con
and approval of GM/ECoR for inviting open tender in conventional method (Non-EPC) for the subject
work with the above mentioned salient features.


NOTE: Date: 18.10.2023

Sub: Approval for Construction of ORH at Visakhapatnam, Borraguhalu and Araku in

connection with Kottavalasa –Koraput Doubling Project:
Ref: Pink Book item No.30 of 2023-24.
1.0 Doubling of Kottavalasa-Koraput section (190 Kms) on KK line was included by Railway Board
in 2015-16. Subsequently, Detailed Project Report has been sanctioned by Railway Board in
Dec,2015 (F/04). The doubling works are in active progress between S.Kota to Koraput. A
budget grant of Rs.410Cr allotted for current year vide PB item No.30.

2.0 Till now 10(Ten) block sections i.e. between Kottavalasa-Boddavara, Shimiliguda-Gorapur and
Padua-Suku stations (97.1Kms) out of 19 block sections have been commissioned and opened
for traffic. Work in progress in another 05 block sections i.e. between BDVR-SLPM, BGHU-
KVLS-SMLG and GPJ-DPC-PFU. Tenders invited for execution of works in the remaining section
i.e. between Shivalingapuram-Borraguhalu stations.
3.0 Moreover, some works are sanctioned in and around VSKP, which are to be executed.
Divisional Officers are required to frequently visit the construction sites as per the laid down
regulations. There is considerable movement of Headquarters officers to VSKP for various
inspections. Further they are required to stay at Araku for Inspection execution/
commissioning of ongoing doubling works. It is noticed that quite often, the accommodation
available at Visakhapatnam and Araku becoming very inadequate and it is becoming very
much difficult to accommodate higher officers leading to refusal of accommodation. The
existing ORH at Araku is insufficient to cater the present requirement as such officers are
forced to stay outside/ to opt for private accommodation. Similar is the situation at VSKP.
Hence availability of proper resting accommodation for inspecting officials at Araku and VSKP
is very much necessary. DRM/WAT vide letter dated 13.06.2023 & 04.07.2023 addressed to
CAO/Con/BBS has highlighted the persistent heavy demand for Rest House at Araku and
Visakhapatnam from Officers of Open line as well as Construction and requested to construct
additional accommodation in the existing campus of ORHs at Araku and Visakhapatnam. At
BGHU, the existing Rest House is to be dismantled to accommodate double line and hence it
is proposed to relocate the same on the station building side.
4.0 As such it is proposed to construct one ORH at Araku& Visakhapatnam to cater the present
requirement of Construction Organization as well as future requirement after commissioning
of double line. Further, at Borraguhalu, the existing ORH is to be dismantled and relocated for
accommodating additional lines in the yard. As such, new ORH building to be constructed at
Borraguhalu immediately. KTV-KRPU Doubling Estimate includes 150sqm (0.22 crores) towards
construction of ORH/SRH. The present scope of work is Construction of ORH at Araku (4 suits)
and Borraguhalu (2 suits) and at VSKP (6 suits). As construction of ORH at BGHU is obligatory
in view of the necessity to replace the existing ORH, the total cost of proposed works will be
included in revised estimate/ completion estimate as applicable.
5.0 The approximate cost of the proposed ORHs at Borraguhalu, Araku and Visakhapatnam has
been assessed as Rs 6.6 Crores.
In view of the above, CE/C/JDB is requested to forward the proposal to CAO/Con/BBS for
further forwarding the same approval of GM.



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