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Line-Following Robot:
Hardware: Build a robot with infrared sensors to detect and follow a line
on the ground.
Microcontroller: Use a microcontroller to process sensor data and
control the motors for line following.
Programming: Write code that instructs the robot to follow the line,
adjusting motor speeds based on sensor readings.
Testing: Set up a track with a visible line and test the robot's ability to
follow it accurately.
2. Robot Arm with Computer Vision:
Hardware: Create a robotic arm using servo motors and a gripper.
Camera: Integrate a camera for computer vision capabilities.
Microcontroller/PC: Connect the robotic arm to a microcontroller or a
PC for processing.
Programming: Develop algorithms for object recognition and
manipulation using computer vision.
Testing: Test the robot's ability to recognize and pick up objects based
on visual input.
3. Swarm Robotics:
Multiple Robots: Create a swarm of small robots (e.g., using Arduino
Communication: Implement communication protocols between robots.
Central Control: Use a central controller or decentralized algorithms for
coordinating the swarm's actions.
Programming: Develop algorithms for tasks such as exploration, pattern
formation, or object retrieval.
Testing: Observe the swarm's collective behavior and adjust algorithms
for improved coordination.
4. Autonomous Drone:
Frame and Motors: Build or buy a drone frame with motors and
Flight Controller: Use a flight controller board (e.g., Pixhawk) for stability
and control.
Sensors: Integrate sensors like GPS, accelerometers, and gyroscopes for
Programming: Develop algorithms for autonomous flight, waypoint
navigation, and obstacle avoidance.
Testing: Test the drone's ability to navigate and perform tasks
autonomously in different environments.

These examples cover a range of robotics projects, from simple educational

robots to more complex systems involving computer vision, swarm robotics,
and autonomous drones. The key is to start with a clear goal, select the
appropriate hardware and software components, and iteratively refine the
design through testing and experimentation.

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