OOPS Weekly Quiz Key WE 12.29.2023

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Dear Ogden Contributors,

Hope this email finds you well.

First, thank you to those of you who took the time to take the Week Ending 12.29.2023 Ogden
Spot Check Quiz. Please be aware that quizzes will be made available weekly and are a great
tool for understanding the OOPS labeling approach and keeping up to date with current

Below, you will find the answer key for Ogden Quiz WE 12.29.2023. It is very important to
make sure not to click any responses in any links while reviewing the answer key or taking
quizzes. Please feel free to reach out in the project chat on Appen Connect with any questions
you may have.
Quiz Question 1

Considering this screenshot taken from the OOPS Q5 Supplemental Guidance 06/09/2023,
sent via email and located on the Resources tab of the Appen Connect project page, which is an
example of a STRONG Free-form response?

A. I really like this ad for Sally’s Sandwiches.

B. This is a great ad. The ad is for Sally’s Sandwiches uses a lot of pictures and
explains in detail the current promotion that is running. The community would
want to see this ad.
C. Great ad for the community to see!
D. All of the Above.

Explanation: Answer B is the correct answer. Answer A uses first-person wording. Answer C
does not refer to the specific product in the ad.
Quiz Question 2

Free-form responses can be exactly the same for all jobs, as long as you just change the product

A. True
B. False

Explanation: Every free-form response should be unique for that advertisement. Please do not
just copy and paste the same response and change the product or use repetitive phrases on

Quiz Question 3

You can use AI or computer-generated free-form responses.

A. True
B. False

Explanation: Free-form responses should not be computer-generated or created using AI.

Every response should be unique and created by you.

Quiz Question 4

If your overall rating of an ad is a 4 or a 5, the free-form response should be positive and not
express any concern of viewership.

A. True
B. False

Explanation: An overall rating of a 4 or 5 should have a freeform response that is all positive
and states why the community should see the ad.
Quiz Question 5

If your overall rating of an ad is a 1 or a 2, the free-form response should express concern of

viewership and state why users might not want to see the ad.

A. True
B. False

Explanation: An overall rating of a 1 or 2 should have a freeform response that is not positive
and expresses why the community might not want to see the ad.

Quiz Question 6

If your overall rating of an ad is a 3, the free-form response should include both reasons why
the community might want to see the ad and reasons why they might not want to see the ad.

A. True
B. False

Explanation: An overall rating of 3 should have a freeform response that states why users
would want to see the ad as well as reasons why they might not want to see the ad.
Quiz Question 7

Which would be the best freeform response for this ad?

A. Informative ad for Cartier watches. Nice pictures. The community would

want to see this ad.
B. I love watches so this is a great ad.
C. Great ad!

Explanation: Answer A is the correct answer. Answer B uses first person wording. Answer C is
less than 5 words and does not refer to the specific product in the ad.
Quiz Question 8

Which would be the best freeform response for this ad?

A. This is an ad for a non-alcoholic craft beer from Athletic Brewing

Company. There is nothing offensive in the ad and this would be fine for
the community to see.
B. Nice ad for Xbox. This is a good time to show this ad to the community.
C. Looks so good! Great!

Explanation: Answer A is the correct answer A. Answer B refers to a different product. Answer
C does not refer to the product in the ad.
Quiz Question 9

Which would be the best freeform response for this ad?

A. Great ad for dogs!

B. I really love this ad because the dog is so cute.
C. Advertisement for Cavapoo puppies. The ad includes a cute
picture of a puppy and there’s no reason why the community
should not see this ad.

Explanation: Answer C is the correct answer. Answer A is less than 5 words long. Answer B
uses first person wording.
Quiz Question 10

Which would be the best freeform response for this ad?

A. Wedding Bands for sale.

B. This is a high-quality ad for Benchmark wedding bands from
Rottermond Jewelers. It seems like a very reputable company.
This is a good ad for the community to see.
C. This is a good ad. I think people would want to see this.

Explanation: Answer B is the correct answer. Answer A is less than 5 words long. Answer C
does not refer to the specific product in the ad.

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