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Survey Questionnaire

Please answer the following items honestly as possible your voluntary participation in
this endeavor is highly appreciated.

Name: (Optional) ___________________________________

Date: __________

Part I. Profile of the correspondents

a. Sex:


Part II. Using the scale below indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree on each of the
following statements. Please put a check (/) that best response to each item.

5 4 3 2 1
Description Very High Moderate Low Poor
I. Learning Preference
1. How would you rate your over all
knowledge and skills in food safety and
2. How confident are you in your culinary
3. How comfortable are you in planning
menus that cater to different dietary
preferences and restrictions?
4. Rate your knowledge level in different
beverages types (Wines, Beers, Cocktails,
Coffee, Tea)
5. How would you rate your customer service
skills in the food and beverage industry?
6. How well do you manage your time during
food and beverage service?
7. How confident are you in handling
unexpected situations or customer
complaints in a fast-paced environment?
8. Are you knowledgeable about common
dietary restrictions and can you
accommodate them when necessary?
9. How important do you believe continuous
learning and improvement are in the food
and beverage industry?

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