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5, 2020





COVID-19 for the Cardiologist

Basic Virology, Epidemiology, Cardiac Manifestations,
and Potential Therapeutic Strategies

Deepak Atri, MD,* Hasan K. Siddiqi, MD, MSCR,* Joshua P. Lang, MD, Victor Nauffal, MD,
David A. Morrow, MD, MPH, Erin A. Bohula, MD, DPHIL


 SARS-CoV-2, the infection responsible for COVID-19, has spread globally, leading to a devastating loss of life. In a few
short months, the clinical and scientific communities have rallied to rapidly evolve our understanding of the mechanism(s)
of disease and potential therapeutics.
 This review discusses the current understanding of the basic virology of SARS-CoV-2 and the epidemiology, clinical
manifestations (including cardiovascular), and mortality of COVID-19. A detailed review of the viral life cycle and putative
mechanism(s) of injury frames the discussion of possible preventative and therapeutic strategies.
 The ongoing, unprecedented collective effort will, without a doubt, advance our ability to prevent the spread and
optimally care for patients suffering from COVID-19.


Coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19), a contagious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2
(SARS-CoV-2), has reached pandemic status. As it spreads across the world, it has overwhelmed health care systems,
strangled the global economy, and led to a devastating loss of life. Widespread efforts from regulators, clinicians, and
scientists are driving a rapid expansion of knowledge of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and COVID-19. The authors review the
most current data, with a focus on the basic understanding of the mechanism(s) of disease and translation to the clinical
syndrome and potential therapeutics. The authors discuss the basic virology, epidemiology, clinical manifestation,
multiorgan consequences, and outcomes. With a focus on cardiovascular complications, they propose several mecha-
nisms of injury. The virology and potential mechanism of injury form the basis for a discussion of potential disease-
modifying therapies. (J Am Coll Cardiol Basic Trans Science 2020;5:518–36) © 2020 Published by Elsevier on behalf
of the American College of Cardiology Foundation. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (

C oronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19), a conta-

gious disease caused by severe acute respira-
tory syndrome-coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2),
has reached pandemic status. As it spreads across the
of life. In the ongoing wake of COVID-19, the world’s
medical and scientific communities have come
together to rapidly expand our knowledge of the path-
ogenesis, disease manifestations, and possible pre-
world, it has overwhelmed health care systems, stran- ventive and therapeutic strategies. Virologists have
gled the global economy, and led to a devastating loss looked to related diseases to understand the life cycle

From the Cardiovascular Division, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts. *Drs. Atri and
Siddiqi contributed equally to this work and are joint first authors. The authors have reported that they have no relationships
relevant to the contents of this paper to disclose.
The authors attest they are in compliance with human studies committees and animal welfare regulations of the authors’ in-
stitutions and Food and Drug Administration guidelines, including patient consent where appropriate. For more information, visit
the JACC: Basic to Translational Science author instructions page.

Manuscript received April 7, 2020; accepted April 7, 2020.

ISSN 2452-302X

MAY 2020:518–36 COVID-19 for the Cardiologist

of this novel viral infection. Despite being over- protease (nsp5), the papain-like protease ABBREVIATIONS

whelmed, through conventional and historically un- (nsp3), and the RNA-dependent RNA poly- AND ACRONYMS

conventional mechanisms, clinicians managing merase (nsp12, RdRp). The other replicase
ACE2 = angiotensin-
patients with COVID-19 have made a concerted effort constituent proteins repurpose the cellular converting enzyme 2
to rapidly educate colleagues in expectant regions of machinery to facilitate viral replication and to
ARDS = acute respiratory
the world on lessons learned. The world’s regulatory blunt the intrinsic host immune functions distress syndrome
agencies and pharmaceutical industry are using (1,6). CFR = case fatality rate
emergency mechanisms to expedite the access to and The remaining one-third of the CoV COVID-19 = coronavirus
study of therapeutic options. These widespread genome encodes the structural proteins and a disease-2019

efforts, drawn from many arenas, are driving a rapid variety of accessory proteins (the latter not CoV = coronavirus
expansion of collective experience and understanding discussed here). The structural proteins are DIC = disseminated
of COVID-19. the constituent proteins of the transmissible intravascular coagulation

Here, we review this body of work with a focus on viral particle, or virion. The key structural ER = endoplasmic reticulum

our basic understanding of the mechanism(s) of dis- CoV proteins are the nucleocapsid protein (N) hsCRP = high-sensitivity C-
ease and translation to the clinical syndrome and and 3 transmembrane proteins: the spike reactive protein

potential therapeutic options. Specifically, we discuss protein (S), the membrane protein (M), and ICU = intensive care unit

the basic virology, epidemiology, and clinical mani- the envelope protein (E) (1–5) (Figure 1). The S SARS-CoV = severe acute

festations, including presentation, progression, mul- protein is responsible for virus-cell receptor respiratory syndrome-
tiorgan consequences, and outcomes. With a focus on interactions (7–11) (Figure 1). The E and M
SOFA = sequential organ
the cardiovascular complications, we propose several proteins are responsible for membrane
failure assessment
potential mechanisms of injury. We discuss a range of structure and fusion. The N protein binds
TMPRSS2 = transmembrane
possible therapeutic options in the context of the viral RNA and mediates its interaction with serine protease 2
viral life cycle and possible mechanisms of injury. the S, E, and M proteins for genome encap-
Finally, in recognition of the scale of this crisis, we sulation (1,12).
address the ethical considerations around standards
LIFE CYCLE. The life cycle of SARS-CoV-2 has not been
of care in the event of resource scarcity.
rigorously established; however, given the consider-
BASIC VIROLOGY OF SARS-CoV-2 able sequence homology, it is presumed to be similar to
that of SARS-CoV-1 and other CoVs (4,5). In general,
GENETICS AND STRUCTURE. Coronaviridae comprise the CoV life cycle consists of a series of steps that be-
a family of enveloped, single-stranded, positive- gins with viral binding to a target cell and culminates in
sense, RNA viruses with comparable genomic viral reproduction. Knowledge of this process informs
organization and functional mechanisms. CoVs are an understanding of viral physiology and also will
canonically divided into alpha, beta, gamma, and delta serve as the basis for discussion of antiviral thera-
genera predicated on genetic clustering. The alpha- peutics (8) (Figure 1). The aim of evolving therapeutics
and beta-CoV are known to cause human diseases, will be to break the “links in the chain” of the viral life
such as common respiratory infections. The SARS- cycle in order to forestall the propagation of infection
CoV-2 and SARS-CoV-1 are beta-CoVs (1–3). CoV are within the cells of an individual patient.
so named because of the characteristic crown, or SARS-CoV-2 is known to bind to cells via the same
corona, of electron density that they exhibit on trans- receptor as SARS-CoV-1, the membrane-bound
mission electron micrographs. This appearance is glycoprotein angiotensin-converting enzyme 2
thought to be caused by the densely packed protein (ACE2) (4). It has not been observed to bind other CoV
that studs the viral membrane and is responsible for receptors, namely dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP4) or
receptor binding on target-cell membranes. aminopeptidase N (APN) (4,13). After binding of ACE2,
The CoV genome is organized into 2 parts. Highly the virus is internalized via endocytosis without ac-
conserved with the CoV family, the 5 0 terminal end, cess to the host intracellular compartment until a
encodes the replicase - the nonstructural proteins membrane fusion event occurs (4) (Figure 1). This
responsible for viral replication within the cell (1–3). It process is mediated, at least in part, by another
is translated as 1 peptide (w790 kDa) from which the membrane bound protease known as transmembrane
constituent functional proteins are subsequently serine protease 2 (TMPRSS2), which cleaves the S
cleaved. CoV genomes encode 16 nonstructural pro- protein as a necessary step of membrane fusion (7).
teins, as in SARS-CoV-2, and they exhibit a multitude Interestingly, the protease activity of the CoV re-
of functions required for viral replication (2,4,5). ceptors, ACE2, DPP4, and APN, does not seem
Critical proteins for viral replication include the main necessary for membrane fusion (14).

COVID-19 for the Cardiologist MAY 2020:518–36

F I G U R E 1 Putative SARS-CoV-2 Life Cycle and Therapeutic Targets

Severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) binds to the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor on the host cell membrane. Endocytosis
is believed to be mediated, in part, by JAK-2. Membrane fusion occurs between the mature endosome and virion with facilitation by the transmembrane serine protease
2 (TMPRSS2) resulting in release of the SARS-CoV-2 RNA into the intracellular space. The RNA is translated by host machinery to produce the replicase and structural
proteins. Host and SARS-CoV-2 proteases cleave the replicase into nonstructural proteins, including the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp). RdRp mediates
SARS-CoV-2 RNA replication and amplification. SARS-CoV-2 transmembrane proteins (spike [S], envelope [E], and membrane [M]) are shuttled via the endoplasmic
reticulum and Golgi apparatus to the forming viral capsids. Viral assembly occurs with addition of the viral RNA and nucleocapsid (N) protein through association with
the transmembrane viral proteins. Exocytosis results in release of the newly synthesized viral particle. Ab ¼ antibody.

Upon membrane fusion, the viral RNA genome generated. Viral structural proteins, because of their
enters the intracellular compartment. At this point, transmembrane nature (with the exception of the N
the viral RNA may be translated into its encoded protein), are targeted to the endoplasmic reticulum
structural and nonstructural proteins. The trans- (ER) membrane with appropriate signal sequences.
lation of the nonstructural proteins, or replicase, Viral RNA, bound by N protein, interacts with the
results in the production of a single massive poly- structural proteins on the membrane of the ER and
peptide chain, from which the 16 constituent Golgi apparatus before another membrane fusion
nonstructural proteins are cleaved. This process is event on these membranes results in viral budding and
initially mediated by intracellular proteases, and exocytosis (1,8,12).
then further propagated by the function of the CoV Importantly, the precise molecular differences that
main protease and papain-like protease (1). Another account for the important clinical differences between
replicase protein, the RNA-dependent RNA poly- SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV-1 infections, such as pro-
merase (RdRp) is responsible for the replication and longed latency, widely variable symptoms, a possible
amplification of the viral genome (15). During this predisposition for individuals with pre-existing car-
process, mutations may be acquired by errors in diovascular conditions, and a predilection for
replication and recombination events (1). myocardial complications, remain unclear.
Upon amplification of the viral RNA, more viral PATHOGENESIS: ACE2. SARS-CoV-2, SARS-CoV, and
structural and nonstructural proteins may be HCoV-NL63, a virus that causes a mild respiratory
MAY 2020:518–36 COVID-19 for the Cardiologist

C ENTR AL I LL U STRA T I O N Potential Mechanisms of Myocardial Injury in COVID-19

Atri, D. et al. J Am Coll Cardiol Basic Trans Science. 2020;5(5):518–36.

ASCVD ¼ atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease; COVID-19 ¼ coronavirus disease-2019; DIC ¼ disseminated intravascular coagulation; MI ¼ myocardial infarction.

infection, are all known to employ ACE2 as a receptor ACE2 is a single-pass transmembrane protein
(3,4,16,17). Given the functions of ACE2 in the car- with protease activity that cleaves the vasocon-
diovascular system, the importance of angiotensin- strictor angiotensin II into the vasodilator angio-
directed pharmacology in cardiovascular disease and tensin 1 to 7 (20–23). In doing so, it functions as a
the apparent propensity for severe illness among counter-regulatory enzyme to the functions of
patients with COVID-19 with cardiovascular comor- ACE1, which generates angiotensin II (20). In
bidity, the ACE2 molecule has been the subject of humans, the protein has a broad pattern of
much attention (18). Indeed, major clinical societies expression and has been found in the lung epithe-
have issued consensus statements on the use of ACE lium (in particular, the type II pneumocyte), the
inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) in myocardium, the endothelium, the gastrointestinal
the setting of the COVID-19 pandemic, as discussed tract, bone marrow, kidneys, and spleen among
subsequently (19). other tissues, potentially explaining the multiorgan

COVID-19 for the Cardiologist MAY 2020:518–36

injury observed with SARS-CoV-2 infection (24). (33). Research is ongoing to determine whether sol-
Another relevant feature of the Ace2 gene expres- uble ACE2 may act as a specific therapeutic to
sion is its encoding on the X chromosome, which SARS-CoV-2 in the role of a decoy receptor, as dis-
may account for possible sex differences observed cussed subsequently (34).
in the epidemiology of COVID-19 (25). Finally, given the necessity of ACE2 for viral
In animal models of acute respiratory distress infection, the role of ACE inhibitors or ARBs in
syndrome (ARDS), due to chemical pneumonitis, COVID-19 has drawn intense attention. Importantly,
overwhelming sepsis, endotoxemia, or influenza, the ACE2 enzyme itself is not inhibited by ACE in-
Ace2 KO mice have more severe acute lung injury (ALI) hibitor or ARB use (21). ACE inhibitors or ARB expo-
relative to their wild-type counterparts as evaluated sure may result in ACE2 protein up-regulation in
histologically and by measures of elastance (26–28). animal models; however, not all animal models
The phenotype of increased elastance was rescued by exhibit this effect. The existing epidemiology of
administration of recombinant human ACE2, which COVID-19 among patients taking ACE inhibitors or
affirms a causal link between Ace2 deficiency and a ARBs is confounded by cardiovascular comorbidities
more profound state of ALI (26,28). Additionally, the that may alter ACE2 and angiotensin II expression
administration of losartan, an angiotensin II type 1 (18). At this time, it is unclear if ACE inhibitors or
receptor (AT 1 R) blocker mitigated the exacerbating ARBs use influences receptor expression and whether
effects of SARS-CoV S protein in an animal model of variable expression impacts the propensity for or
ARDS (29). Losartan also abrogated the severity of ALI severity of SARS-CoV-2 infection.
due to influenza in mice (27,28). TRANSMISSION. Exposure to the Huanan seafood
In regard to the counter-regulatory properties of market was common among the earliest cases
ACE1 and ACE2, the effects of Ace2 deficiency appear contributing to the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in China,
to be rescued by Ace1 deficiency in mice. For example, suggesting that this was a zoonotic disease with an
Ace2 KO mice demonstrated more severe ALI than did intermediate animal host (nonaquatic animals were
Ace2 KO ;Ace1 þ/– mice, with further reduction in sold in the market) (35). Genomic analyses have
severity observed in Ace2 KO;Ace1–/– mice (26). This identified approximately 87% DNA sequence homol-
dose-responsiveness also implies causation. Compa- ogy between SARS-CoV-2 and 2 SARS-like CoVs iso-
rable effects were seen with myocardial dysfunction, lated from Chinese horseshoe bats, bat-SL-CoVZC45
as Ace2 KO;Ace1þ/– and Ace2 KO;Ace1 –/– mice had no ev- and bat-SL-CoVZXC21, in the Zhejiang province in
idence of the contractile deficit observed in Ace2 KO China (36). Notably, no bats are sold in the market,
mice (30). Of note, however, in each of the previous and at the onset of the outbreak in December, most
cases, the animal models were constitutive knockout bat species in Wuhan would be hibernating. Thus,
systems (rather than lineage-specific or inducible similar to SARS-CoV-1 and Middle East Respiratory
knockout). Thus, the ACE2-expressing cell that me- Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV), while bats may
diates each phenotypic abnormality has not been be the natural reservoir for SARS-CoV-2, there is
determined. likely an unidentified intermediate animal host
SARS-CoV-2 is able to utilize ACE2 isoforms from responsible for animal-to-human transmission.
swine, bats, civets, and humans, suggesting a mech- Despite closure of the Huanan market on January 1,
anism whereby the virus may have been initially 2020, the epidemic continued to expand, and case
transmissible from species to species and, with mu- clusters with no exposure to the market were re-
tation, evolved into a novel pathogen (4). Notably, ported, indicating the occurrence of human-to-
murine ACE2 is not a functional receptor for SARS- human transmission (37).
CoV-2, thereby requiring transgenic expression of Akin to other respiratory viruses, SARS-CoV-2
human ACE2 if mice are to be used as a research spreads primarily through small respiratory droplets
model (4). that are expelled from infected individuals and can
ACE2 undergoes cleavage by the membrane- travel approximately 3 to 6 feet. The virus can exist in
bound protease ADAM17, resulting in the release of nature on surfaces and can last for up to 4 h on cop-
soluble ACE2 into the bloodstream (31). The effects per, 24 h on cardboard, and up to 72 h on plastic and
of soluble ACE2 are unclear in humans; however, it stainless steel surfaces, leading to fomite trans-
appears to have favorable effects on lung function in mission (38). In fact, the Japanese National Institute
models of ARDS, influenza, and respiratory syncytial of Infectious Disease reported detection of SARS-
virus infection (26,28,32). Soluble ACE2 has been CoV-2 RNA on surfaces in the cabins of symptomatic
studied in a phase II trial of ARDS, but large-scale, and asymptomatic passengers on the Diamond Prin-
well-powered clinical outcomes trials are needed cess up to 17 days after they were vacated (39). Live
MAY 2020:518–36 COVID-19 for the Cardiologist

virus has also been isolated and cultured from fecal understanding of the epidemiology of COVID-19. In
specimens, raising the possibility of orofecal trans- the largest published registry to date, the Chinese
mission, though corroborating clinical evidence for Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported
this method of transmission is lacking (40). Airborne high-level details for patient characteristics, severity
transmission may be facilitated in health care settings of manifestations and survival in 72,314 cases of
in which aerosol-producing interventions are being putative (47%) and confirmed (63%) COVID-19 (45).
performed, including endotracheal intubation, bron- In this population, predominantly identified by the
choscopy, suctioning, nebulizer treatment, noninva- presence of symptoms (w99%), <2% of cases
sive positive pressure ventilation, and delivery of occurred in children <19 years of age, suggesting
oxygen via a high-flow nasal cannula. These trans- that children either are either resistant to infection
mission data support the clinical recommendations or rarely symptomatic. Of confirmed cases, most
that airborne precautions, including use of N95 (87%) were mild, defined by no or mild pneumonia,
respirators, should be implemented in these aerosol- 14% were severe with significant infiltrates or signs
producing settings, whereas standard droplet of respiratory compromise, and 5% were critical,
precautions should be used during all other encoun- with respiratory failure (e.g., mechanical ventila-
ters with infected individuals (41). tion), shock, or multiorgan system failure.
In a fully susceptible population, reflected by early The first confirmed case of COVID-19 in the United
stages of the epidemic in China, studies have esti- States was identified on January 20, 2020, and the
mated a basic reproductive number (R o ) of 2.38 for United States has now surpassed all other countries in
SARS-CoV-2, meaning that every infected individual the absolute number of cases. However, given the
is likely on average to spread the virus to 2 to 3 other rapid and recent onset of the burden, there are few
individuals (42). An outbreak will continue to in- published data reflecting the experience with COVID-
crease in size if the R o >1. For context, seasonal 19 in the United States. In an early snapshot from the
influenza has an Ro of 1.5 (43). Substantial trans- U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in
mission from asymptomatic hosts has facilitated the 4,226 confirmed cases with symptoms or exposure,
widespread transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and only 5% occurred in those under 20 years of age (46).
contributed to its pandemic potential (42). A study Although data are rapidly accumulating, much of
from Singapore with extensive contact tracing iden- the epidemiology of this virus remains unknown.
tified 7 clusters of cases in which secondary spread of Most publications are small, single-center studies,
the infection occurred 1 to 3 days prior to symptom and detail the clinical characteristics, complications,
development in the source patient (44). Thus, and outcomes in the subset of patients who were
containment measures aimed solely at isolating hospitalized. As a result of the limitations on testing
symptomatic individuals are inadequate. Further- and the data suggesting that many infected in-
more, contact-tracing efforts should take into dividuals may be asymptomatic, the true burden of
account the presymptomatic contagious period to infected individuals is unclear and underestimated
comprehensively capture all potentially exposed in- (42,47). The variable manifestation of symptoms not
dividuals. R o is not a static measure, and in- only hampers public health initiatives to trace and
terventions including self-quarantine, contact isolate infected individuals, but also limits our ability
isolation, social distancing, and enhanced hygiene to accurately estimate infectivity, symptom burden,
measures have proven to be effective in China. and nonfatal and fatal complication rates in the
Following implementation of such measures in China, overall population of infected individuals. With that
the R o steadily decreased from 2.38 prior to January 2 caveat, the published data provide insights into the
to 0.99 during the period of January 24 to February 8, more vulnerable, at-risk populations who require
2020 (42). hospitalization. Although the individual studies are
small, the predictors of more severe manifestations
and poor outcomes have been generally consistent, as
detailed subsequently.

rus has evolved rapidly since it first appeared in multicenter case series of 1,099 hospitalized patients
Wuhan, China, in December 2019. What began as a from China, the most common symptoms were fever in
few case reports of atypical pneumonia now spans up to 90%, followed by cough, fatigue, sputum pro-
the globe as a pandemic. At present, most published duction, and shortness of breath (48). Less common
data come from China and form the basis for our symptoms included headache, myalgias, sore throat,

COVID-19 for the Cardiologist MAY 2020:518–36

nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. The American Asso- majority of patients remaining hospitalized at the
ciation of Otolaryngology has recently highlighted end of study (48). ARDS tends to occur w1 to
anosmia and dysgeusia as possible symptoms of dis- 2 weeks into illness and is often precipitous and
ease as well (49). The median incubation period, or protracted (51,53,57). For these reasons, and to
time from probable exposure to first symptom, was 4 avoid risk of provider infection with emergent
(interquartile range [IQR]: 2 to 7) days (48). Another intubation, professional societies recommend early
report detailed that 99% of infected patients develop intubation in the event of respiratory decline (41).
symptoms within 14 days (50). Common lab de- Intubation was required in 10% to 33% in the
rangements on admission included lymphopenia, el- various Chinese series; however, rates of high-flow
evations in C-reactive protein (CRP), lactate nasal cannula and noninvasive mechanical ventila-
dehydrogenase, liver transaminases, and D-dimer tion also were high (35,51–53). These therapies are
(48). Notably, procalcitonin was rarely elevated (48). believed to result in aerosolization and are gener-
These data are generally consistent across multiple ally not recommended—consequently, more patients
smaller studies, several of which noted elevations in will be intubated when unable to be supported by
other inflammatory markers, such as interleukin (IL)- nasal cannula or a nonrebreather mask (41). Older
6, ferritin, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (51–55). age, baseline hypertension, diabetes, high fever,
Evidence of cardiac or kidney injury at admission was lymphopenia, injury to other organs (e.g., AKI,
variable across studies but tended to be absent upon acute liver injury [ALI]), and elevated D-dimer and
hospitalization (48,51–53,56). Chest computed to- inflammatory markers were predictors of ARDS;
mography at the time of admission was abnormal in advanced age, neutropenia, elevated D-dimer, and
87% of patients, with ground-glass opacities or local or inflammation are associated with higher mortality in
patchy “shadowing” (48). those with ARDS (51). Development of ARDS, along
with acute cardiac injury, was an independent pre-
DISEASE PROGRESSION. Many of the more severe
dictor of death (56). Importantly, hypoxemic respi-
manifestations, such as ARDS, acute kidney injury
ratory failure is the leading cause of death in
(AKI), and myocardial injury, tend to occur as many as
COVID-19, contributing to 60% of deaths (58).
8 to 14 days after the onset of symptoms and portend
R e n a l i n j u r y . Estimates vary as to the incidence of
worse outcomes (53). Within a hospitalized popula-
AKI in COVID-19, ranging between 0.5% and 15%
tion, rates of intensive care unit (ICU) admission range
(35,48,52,53,56,59). Among hospitalized patients, the
between 26% and 32% across most studies
rates of proteinuria (43.9%) and hematuria (26.7%)
(35,48,51–53,57). Several studies have identified older
appear to be even higher (59). AKI occurs in the first
age and baseline burden of comorbidity, such as dia-
few days after admission in patients with baseline
betes, hypertension, prior coronary disease, and prior
chronic kidney disease, and after 7 to 10 days in pa-
lung disease, as predictors of more significant disease
tients with normal baseline renal function (59).
progression, with higher rates of ARDS, AKI, cardiac
Mechanisms of renal injury have been hypothesized
injury, ICU admission, and death (51–53,58,59). In-
to include both acute tubular necrosis, direct cyto-
creases in markers of inflammation, coagulation, and
toxic effects of the virus itself, and immune-mediated
cardiac injury also correlate with disease severity and
damage (59).
rise throughout the course of the disease (53,54,56). In
L i v e r i n j u r y . Transaminitis is common, with an
hospitalized populations, the timing of death occurred
incidence of 21% to 37%, and as high as 48% to 62% of
at a median of 16 to 19 days after illness onset (53,58).
patients who are critically ill or who do not survive
The median time from symptom onset to discharge in
(35,48,53). ALI, defined as either alanine amino-
survivors was around 3 weeks (53).
transferase or aspartate aminotransferase >3 times
NONCARDIOVASCULAR CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS. the upper limit of normal, reported to occur in 19.1%
R e s p i r a t o r y f a i l u r e . The most prominent compli- (n ¼ 4 of 21) of patients who were admitted to an ICU
cation of COVID-19 is respiratory failure. As previ- in Washington State (55).
ously described, the majority of patients have no or CARDIOVASCULAR MANIFESTATIONS. Cardiac injury.
mild symptoms (45). In hospitalized patients, res- Numerous studies have reported acute cardiac injury
piratory symptoms are common and range in as an important manifestation of COVID-19. In studies
severity from cough (60% to 80%) or dyspnea (19% published to date, acute cardiac injury was variably
to 40%) to ARDS (17% to 42%) (51–53,56,57). ARDS defined as either cardiac troponin elevation >99th
rates were only 3.2% in the largest case series, but percentile alone or a composite of troponin elevation,
this may be an underestimate due to a short electrocardiographic, or echocardiographic abnor-
average follow-up time of 12 days, with the vast malities (52–56,58). Importantly, many aspects of this
MAY 2020:518–36 COVID-19 for the Cardiologist

endpoint remain undefined including the frequency detailed (53). A smaller series of 21 elderly, critically
and severity of associated structural abnormalities. ill patients in Washington State reported incident
The reported rate of cardiac injury varies between systolic dysfunction and cardiogenic shock in 7 (33%)
studies, from 7% to 28% of hospitalized patients, a patients (55). Outside of this series, the incidence of
number that is likely partially dependent on the cardiogenic shock has not been reported. Two case
definition used and the severity of cases at the hos- reports have documented cardiogenic shock in the
pital from which the data were drawn (52–54,56). setting of an elevated troponin, ST-segment eleva-
Notably, patients with evidence of cardiac injury tend tions, a reduction in left ventricular systolic function,
to be older, with more comorbidities, including and no obstructive coronary disease in patients with
baseline hypertension, diabetes, coronary heart dis- COVID-19 (60,63). One report confirmed fulminant
ease, and heart failure (54,56). Across all studies, myocarditis by cardiac magnetic resonance (60).
cardiac injury is associated with worse outcomes, Neither patient underwent endomyocardial biopsy.
including ICU admission and death (52–54,56). Based Both were treated with inotropes and steroids with
on serial assessment of troponin, researchers in China recovery of left ventricular function. The potential
reported that the median time to the development of etiologies of the clinical myocarditis are discussed in
acute cardiac injury was 15 (IQR: 10 to 17) days after detail subsequently (Central Illustration). In 1 case
illness onset, occurring after the development of series from China, myocardial damage or heart failure
ARDS (53). Of note, early cardiac injury has been re- contributed to 40% of deaths overall, with 7%
ported, even in the absence of respiratory symptoms attributed to solely to circulatory failure without
(60). In a case series by Shi et al. (56), the mortality respiratory failure (58).
rate for those hospitalized with subsequent evidence T h r o m b o s i s . One of the prominent findings repli-
of cardiac injury was significantly higher than for cated across most early studies of COVID-19 includes
those without cardiac injury (51.2% vs. 4.5%; disarray of the coagulation and fibrinolytic system.
p < 0.001) and, along with ARDS, was an independent Hospitalized patients with moderate and severe
predictor of death. The magnitude of troponin COVID-19 and those with poorer outcomes are noted
elevation correlates modestly with the degree of to have prolonged prothrombin time, elevated D-
high-sensitivity CRP (hsCRP) elevation (54). Dynamic dimer, and activated partial thromboplastin time
increases in troponin were associated with a higher (35,53,54,64). In the context of a clinical picture
mortality rate (54,61). Importantly, the mechanism of that is consistent with disseminated intravascular
cardiac injury may be multifactorial, including de- thrombosis, it is reasonable to speculate that
mand ischemia, toxicity from direct viral injury, COVID-19 would be associated with venous or
stress, inflammation, microvascular dysfunction, arterial thrombi; however, the incidence has not been
or plaque rupture, as discussed subsequently published. A pathology report from SARS-CoV-1
(Central Illustration). demonstrated fibrin thrombi in 17 of 20 patients
A r r h y t h m i a . Arrhythmias have been noted in several examined with 12 of them showing pulmonary
published reports. In a case series of 138 hospitalized infarcts (65). One preliminary case report, which
patients with COVID-19, 16.7% (n ¼ 23) developed an has not been peer-reviewed, from a COVID-19
unspecified arrhythmia during their hospitalization patient described autopsy findings of microthrombi
(52); higher rates were noted among patients admitted in the pulmonary vasculature (66). As there is an
to the ICU (44.4%, n ¼ 16). A case series of 187 absence of published data documenting thrombotic
hospitalized patients provided insight into specific events in COVID-19, routine use of anticoagulation in
arrhythmias, reporting sustained ventricular tachy- not recommended without evidence of a thrombotic
cardia or ventricular fibrillation among 5.9% (n ¼ 11) of indication; however, empiric anticoagulation is being
the patients (54). These findings are consistent with used in some centers (Lorenzo Grazioli, Papa
arrhythmias documented in influenza, which has Giovanni XXIII hospital in Bergamo, Italy, personal
been known to cause both atrioventricular node communication, March 2020) (67).
dysfunction and ventricular arrhythmias (62). MORTALITY. COVID-19 has a lower estimated case
Heart failure, cardiogenic shock, and myocarditis. Heart fatality rate (CFR) than its predecessors, SARS-CoV-1
failure and myocardial dysfunction have been and MERS-CoV, which were 9.4% and 34.4%,
described in COVID-19 (53,55,58,60,63). In a case se- respectively (68). However, given the high global
ries of 191 patients, heart failure was noted as a burden of infection seen in COVID-19 compared with
complication of COVID-19 in 23% (n ¼ 44) of all pa- SARS and MERS, the absolute number of fatalities far
tients and among 52% (n ¼ 28) of nonsurvivors, surpasses that of SARS and MERS, crossing 70,000
though the definition of heart failure was not clearly fatalities at the time of this review (69). CFR

COVID-19 for the Cardiologist MAY 2020:518–36

estimates have been challenging with SARS-CoV-2, as another multivariate analysis of 416 patients from
populations have not been widely screened for Wuhan, after controlling for age, baseline cardio-
infection—leading to an underestimate of the de- vascular, pulmonary, and renal disease, only pres-
nominator and probable overestimate of the CFR. ence of cardiac injury and development of ARDS
Crude, unadjusted estimates for the global CFR are were significantly associated with mortality (OR: 4.3;
w5% at the time writing with notable variation by 95% CI: 1.9 to 9.5; and OR: 7.9; 95% CI: 3.7 to 16.7,
country: Italy 11.9% (13,155 deaths), Spain 9.0% (9,387 respectively) (56). However, it should be noted that
deaths), South Korea 1.7% (169 deaths), China 4.1% both of these complications tend to occur in older
(3312 deaths), Iran 6.4% (3,036 deaths), Germany 1.2% individuals (56,73).
(931 deaths), and the United States 2.3% (5,137 deaths)
(69). Regional and national differences in CFR may be
a result of multiple factors, including: 1) variable
testing of the general and asymptomatic or mildly
symptomatic population; 2) differing age across
As mentioned in previous sections, COVID-19 pa-
countries; 3) variable health care system resources
tients present with highly variable acuities of dis-
and preparedness; and 4) widely different public
ease and disease progression. Cardiac injury is a
health measures for virus control. Importantly, as
common feature of the disease process, and 40% of
health care capacity is exceeded, a large number of
patients die with myocardial injury as a proximate
deaths may occur because of limited availability of
finding (58). Although multiple therapies are
critical care resources, such as mechanical ventila-
currently under development and in trials for treat-
tion. When adjusted for underlying demography and
ment of COVID-19, as discussed in a later section,
underascertainment of cases, the CFR rate was esti-
understanding the mechanism(s) of cardiac disease
mated to be 1.4% in China (70).
will be vital to effective and timely targeted treat-
The general pattern of fatalities across the age
ment of this syndrome and its devastating sequelae.
groups appears to be consistent throughout the world.
Here, we propose several putative mechanisms of
In general, greater age is associated with greater risk
COVID-19-induced cardiovascular disease (Central
of severe disease as well as death. According to the
Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention
report of over 70,000 cases, the age-related CFR was DIRECT VIRAL MYOCARDIAL INJURY. The presence
as follows: <1% in <50 years of age, 1.3% in 50 to 59 of ACE2 receptors on the myocardium and vascular
years of age, 3.6% in 60 to 69 years of age, 8% in 70 to endothelial cells provides a theoretical mechanism
79 years of age, and 14.8% in 80 years of age and older for direct viral infection of the heart with resultant
(45). This steep increase in age-related mortality was myocarditis. Reports have documented clear cases of
also observed in Italy, the United States, and South myocarditis syndromes (60,63). However, to date,
Korea (46,71,72). In fact, age, along with markers of there are no reports of biopsy-proven SARS-CoV-2
disease severity (D-dimer and sequential organ failure viral myocarditis with viral inclusions or viral DNA
assessment [SOFA] score) were the only independent detected in myocardial tissue. The closely related
predictors of mortality in 1 study (53). SARS-CoV-1 has been documented to cause a viral
Multiple associations have been reported between myocarditis with detection of viral RNA in autopsied
baseline characteristics and comorbid conditions hearts (74,75). In light of the shared host cell entry
with mortality in COVID-19. In univariate analyses of receptor between SARS-CoV-2 and CoV-1, a direct
predictors of death, Zhou et al. (53) reported that viral myocardial entry and resulting injury is plau-
age, coronary heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, sible with SARS-CoV-2 as well (76).
respiratory rate, SOFA score, elevated white blood Another hypothesized mechanism of direct viral
cell count, lymphocyte count, creatinine, lactate injury to the myocardium is through an infection-
dehydrogenase, high-sensitivity troponin I, D-dimer, mediated vasculitis. The ACE2 receptor is highly
and elevated inflammatory markers such as ferritin, expressed in arterial and venous endothelial cells
IL-6, and procalcitonin were associated with death (24). There are pathologic data from SARS-CoV-1
(53). However, in multivariable modeling, only age showing evidence of vasculitis with monocyte and
(per year increase, odds ratio [OR]: 1.10; 95% confi- lymphocyte infiltration, vascular endothelial cell
dence interval [CI]: 1.03 to 1.17), SOFA score (OR: 5.7; injury, and stromal edema in the heart (77). Either
95% CI: 2.6 to 12.2), and elevated D-dimer (OR: 18.4; direct viral entry into myocardial endothelial cells
95% CI: 2.6 to 128.6) remained independent pre- could trigger a vasculitis or presence of virus could
dictors of mortality, as described previously (53). In lead to an indirect immunological response and
MAY 2020:518–36 COVID-19 for the Cardiologist

resulting hypersensitivity reaction (78,79). This insult lesion (96). However, there is historical precedent for
would be associated with myocardial injury an association between infection and an elevated risk
and perhaps even overt myocardial dysfunction in of ACS. Epidemiologic studies have shown that hos-
COVID-19. pitalization for pneumonia is associated with a higher
MICROVASCULAR INJURY. Microthromboses and risk for atherosclerotic events (97). Influenza infec-
macrothromboses were observed in autopsy evalu- tion has been well studied and shown to have a
ations of 3 patients who died of SARS-CoV-1 (80). A temporal association with cardiovascular complica-
prominent finding of SARS-CoV-2 is disarray of the tions and ACS (98,99). Annual vaccination against
coagulation and fibrinolytic system, with >70% of seasonal influenza was associated with a 36% lower
nonsurvivors meeting criteria for disseminated rate of major adverse cardiovascular events in a meta-
intravascular coagulation (DIC) (81). It may be hy- analysis of clinical trials evaluating this question (98).
pothesized that myocardial injury is a result of Therefore, viral infection is associated with an
microthrombus formation in the myocardial vascu- increased risk for coronary events and prevention
lature in the setting of a hypercoagulable state with a reduction in this risk. Therefore, it is plausible
like DIC. that ACS will also be an important cause of acute
Infections and sepsis are a leading cause of DIC in cardiac injury in patients with COVID-19. Accord-
general (82). The exact mechanism of DIC in the ingly, international societies have devised pathways
setting of sepsis and ARDS is complex, but is gener- and protocols to effectively treat COVID-19 patients
ally thought to be related to an immune-mediated with ACS, including appropriate and timely use of
exhaustion of the coagulation and fibrinolytic sys- resources to ensure the best outcome for the patient
tems promoting bleeding and thrombosis in the same while also maintaining provider safety (100).
patient (83). Endothelial injury and inflammatory There are multiple pathophysiologic mechanisms
cytokines, such as IL-6 and tumor necrosis factor by which systemic viral infection (by influenza or
alpha (TNF- a ), upregulate tissue factor expression, SARS-CoV-2, for example) may lead to a higher risk
driving a prothrombotic state (84–87). Dysregulation of plaque destabilization and ACS (101). The role of
of antithrombin III, plasminogen activator inhibitor inflammation in the development and progression of
type 1 (PAI-1), and protein C in the setting of signifi- atherosclerosis is well established (102,103). The im-
cant inflammation and sepsis promote an anti- mune response to acute viral infection and the
coagulated state (88–90). Furthermore, platelet accompanying surge of cytokines and inflammatory
activation also ensues in the context of sepsis and mediators can lead to localized arterial inflammation
inflammation, further tipping the fine balance of the which is more pronounced within coronary plaques
coagulation system (91–94). In summary, the immune (61,104). Entry of viral products into the systemic
activation seen in severe COVID-19 infection is likely circulation, also known as pathogen-associated mo-
sufficient to trigger DIC, microvascular dysfunction, lecular patterns, can cause innate immune receptor
and myocardial injury. activation which can cascade into activation of im-
mune cells resident in pre-existing atheromata
driving plaque rupture (105). Viral pathogen-
(Takotsubo) cardiomyopathy in COVID-19 related
associated molecular patterns are also believed to
cardiac injury is not known, with no published re-
activate the inflammasome, resulting in conversion of
ports at this time, however, the authors have
proinflammatory cytokines into the biologically
personally observed several cases consistent with
active cytokines (106). In addition, dysregulation of
stress cardiomyopathy. However, several of the pro-
coronary vascular endothelial function by infection
posed mechanisms of COVID-19–related cardiac
and inflammation may lead to a more vasoconstricted
injury detailed in this review are also thought to be
coronary bed (107). All of these changes are putative
implicated in the pathophysiology of stress cardio-
mechanisms by which COVID-19 infection could lead
myopathy, particularly those of microvascular
to destabilization of pre-existing atherosclerotic pla-
dysfunction, cytokine storm, and sympathetic
que driving an acute coronary event.
surge (95).


myocardial injury would be incomplete without SUPPLY AND DEMAND MISMATCH. Periods of severe
addressing the issue of acute coronary syndrome physiologic stress in the setting of sepsis and respi-
(ACS) and myocardial infarction (MI). A case series ratory failure can be associated with elevations in
from New York City found that 67% of patients with biomarkers of myocardial injury and strain in some
ST elevations had an obstructive epicardial coronary patients, an entity that confers poorer prognosis

COVID-19 for the Cardiologist MAY 2020:518–36

(108–110). The mechanism of such myocardial injury Prior studies have shown that cardiomyopathy in
is thought to be related to a mismatch between oxy- sepsis is partially mediated by inflammatory cyto-
gen supply and demand, without acute athero- kines such as TNF-a , IL-6, IL-1b, interferon gamma,
thrombotic plaque disruption, and consistent with a and IL-2 (73). Recombinant TNF-a resulted in an early
diagnosis of type 2 MI (101,111). Indeed, patients who and sustained left ventricular systolic dysfunction in
suffer from type 2 MI compared with type 1 MI have canines (118). Cultured rat cardiomyocytes demon-
higher mortality rates, which may in part be strated reduced contractility when exposed to IL-6
explained by a higher burden of acute and chronic (119). The mechanism may be through modulation of
comorbid conditions in the type 2 MI population (112). calcium-channel activity with resultant myocardial
Furthermore, type 2 MI on the background of coro- dysfunction (120–122). Additionally, nitric oxide is
nary artery disease (CAD) has a worse prognosis than believed to be a mediator of myocardial depression in
those patients without CAD. Given the age and co- hyperinflammatory states such as sepsis. Seminal
morbidity profile of patients hospitalized with severe studies found that medium from lipopolysaccharide-
COVID-19, it is reasonable to assume that this popu- activated macrophages suppressed myocyte contrac-
lation has a higher risk of underlying nonobstructive tility, a finding reversed with the nitric oxide syn-
CAD; therefore, the presence of type 2 MI in this thase inhibitor L-N-monomethyl arginine (123).
population is likely a marker of and contributor to the Finally, recent understanding of the key role of
poor outcomes of COVID-19 patients with troponin mitochondrial dysfunction in septic states has raised
elevations (56). questions about the role of this entity in sepsis
associated cardiomyopathy (124). Indeed, similar
SYSTEMIC HYPERINFLAMMATORY RESPONSE WITH mechanisms are thought to possibly underly the
RESULTING MYOCARDIAL INJURY. Perhaps 1 of the pathophysiology of stress (Takotsubo) cardiomyopa-
more intriguing mechanisms for cardiac injury in se- thy as well.
vere COVID-19 patients stems from the significant
systemic inflammatory response. Early reports have POTENTIAL TARGETED OR
demonstrated severely elevated levels of inflamma- DISEASE-MODIFYING TREATMENTS
tory biomarkers and cytokines, including IL-6, CRP, IN SARS-CoV-2
TNF- a , IL-2R, and ferritin (113). Higher levels of these
biomarkers are associated with more severe COVID-19 The preceding review of the viral physiology of SARS-
manifestations and worse outcomes. A proposed CoV-2 and the various potential mechanisms of injury
theoretical model of COVID-19 disease progression to the host serve as the basis for considering specific
divides the course into 3 overlapping yet distinct targeted treatment and prevention. The following
stages. In this staging framework, stage I represents section outlines several current candidate classes of
early viral infection with associated constitutional agents, including a brief discussion of vaccine
symptoms. In stage II, direct viral cytotoxicity of the development (Figure 1).
pulmonary system with associated inflammatory NUCLEOTIDE ANALOGS: INHIBITORS OF VIRAL
activation leads to prominent respiratory system GENOME REPLICATION. The antiviral mechanism of
compromise, associated with dyspnea and ultimately nucleotide analogs is to interfere with RdRp function
ARDS and hypoxia. With ACE2 receptors serving as an and viral genome replication and amplification
entry point for viral replication in type II pneumo- (Figure 1). There are no CoV-specific drugs available at
cytes, the pulmonary system becomes the maiden this time, and so ongoing efforts to employ this drug
organ of injury. If the host is unable to clear the virus class against SARS-CoV-2 are reliant on pre-existing
via a productive and protective immune response, agents designed for other viral illnesses (125).
COVID-19 progresses to stage III—a hyper- The most widely applied agent in this class against
inflammatory state associated with profound eleva- SARS-CoV-2 has been remdesivir (126). Remdesivir
tions in inflammatory biomarkers. Patients who reach functions as a chain terminator of RNA replication,
stage III have severe COVID-19 manifestations with initially designed for use against Ebola (125). Addition
multiorgan dysfunction and cytokine storm, with of remdesivir to the growing RNA strand by RdRp
immune dysregulating akin to that seen in cytokine blocks the incorporation of additional nucleotides,
release syndrome associated with chimeric antigen thereby halting genome replication (127,128). The
receptor T cell therapy (113–117). This observation is agent has been shown to have in vitro activity against
basis for several investigational therapies in SARS-CoV2, leading to off-label and investigational
COVID-19, including steroids and anti-inflammatory use around the world (4,126). Multiple randomized
agents, as discussed subsequently. controlled trials are ongoing in China and the United
MAY 2020:518–36 COVID-19 for the Cardiologist

States for moderate, severe, and critical (137,138) (Figure 1). CQ prevented viral replication of
COVID-19 (NCT04292730, NCT04292899, NCT04252664, SARS-CoV-1 in vitro (139). A follow-up study demon-
NCT04252664). strated comparable efficacy of HCQ, a less toxic de-
Another nucleotide analog for the disruption of rivative, and suggested that the mechanism of
RdRp-dependent viral replication is favipiravir, impaired endosomal maturation indeed applied to
which has investigational approval in several coun- SARS-CoV-2 infection in vitro (140). Only poor-quality,
tries (129,130). Additional agents that are under study nonrandomized, unblinded data exist assessing the
include emtricitabine or tenofovir and ribavirin benefit of HCQ in COVID-19 (141). Although HCQ is
(129,131). being widely used with an Food and Drug Adminis-
PROTEASE INHIBITORS: INHIBITORS OF tration emergency authorization, more data are
NONSTRUCTURAL PROTEIN GENERATION. The needed to prove efficacy against SARS-CoV-2 in
antiviral mechanism of action of protease inhibitors is humans. Notably, CQ and HCQ prolong the QT in-
to block viral proteases that cleave the nonstructural terval and may induce arrhythmia; significant
proteins from the large, monomeric replicase as caution should be used in starting these agents in
detailed previously (Figure 1). As the maturation of patients with a QTc interval >500 ms. Concomitant
nonstructural proteins, such as RdRp, is necessary for use of other QT interval–prolonging agents is not
viral reproduction, the pharmacologic impairment of recommended.
the protease should be effective to stop C a m o s t a t . Camostat is a protease inhibitor approved
viral replication. for the treatment of chronic pancreatitis. Camostat
A randomized control trial of lopinavir-ritonavir, a appears to inhibit TMPRSS2 in proteomic and in vitro
combination protease inhibitor designed for human studies (7,142). A randomized, placebo-controlled
immunodeficiency virus treatment, in 199 patients trial is underway for this agent in COVID-19
with at least moderate COVID-19 did not significantly (NCT04321096) (Figure 1).
alter clinical improvement or viral clearance (132).
Although the results of this trial were met with
TEINS. Neutralizing antibodies are designed to bind
disappointment, this negative study should not
virions, preventing viral exposure or binding to host
forestall trials and drug development of protease in-
cells (Figure 1). Plasma from patients who have
hibitors as a therapeutic class, given that this drug
recovered from SARS-CoV-2 may contain anti-SARS-
was not specifically designed for SARS-CoV-2 (129).
CoV-2 IgG antibodies. In a small, single-arm trial of
Indeed, the development of inhibitors specific to
convalescent plasma in COVID-19 patients with ARDS,
SARS-CoV-2 main protease is underway. A class of
all had clinical improvement, with 3 of 5 patients
agents identified using structure-based drug design,
weaning from the ventilator (143). Additional trials
a-ketonamide inhibitors, has demonstrated in vitro
are ongoing to better define the safety and efficacy of
efficacy and favorable pharmacokinetics (133). Other
this strategy.
candidate protease inhibitors for SARS-CoV-2 include
Isolation of SARS-CoV-2–specific neutralizing an-
danoprevir, a drug originally intended for hepatitis C
tibodies with clonal techniques is an appealing
virus therapy (134).
strategy to provide targeted therapy, potentially with
INHIBITORS OF MEMBRANE FUSION. In order for the lower risk of adverse events. Strategies currently
viral genome to gain access to cellular machinery for under investigation include antibodies cloned from
replication, a membrane fusion event must occur convalescent serum of individuals recovered from
between the viral and endosomal membranes, which SARS-CoV-2 or SARS-CoV-1 and synthetic antibodies.
are noncovalently bound by the interaction between It is unclear whether differences in the S proteins of
the S protein and ACE2. The exact mechanism of SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2 may limit the effec-
membrane fusion is unknown but appears to be tiveness of antibodies cloned from patients conva-
dependent on endosomal maturation and a lescent to SARS-CoV-1 (9). Synthetic antibodies
membrane-bound host protease, TMPRSS2 (7). represent an exciting, novel therapeutic avenue. One
C h l o r o q u i n e a n d h y d r o x y c h l o r o q u i n e . The anti- strategy being explored is to fuse ACE2 to fragment
viral properties of chloroquine (CQ) were previously crystallizable region immunoglobulin G, with the
observed in human immunodeficiency virus and other hypothesis that this synthetic antibody would serve
viruses (135,136). CQ and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) as a decoy receptor, preventing cellular binding of
are thought to inhibit endosomal maturation, a pro- the virion (144).
cess by which endosomes are translocated from the In a similar vein, studies are ongoing of decoy
perimembrane regions of the cell to central hubs proteins that are designed to act as viral “sinks.”

COVID-19 for the Cardiologist MAY 2020:518–36

There is preliminary success with this strategy using A z i t h r o m y c i n . Azithromycin, a macrolide antibiotic,
soluble human ACE2 (34) (Central Illustration). has long been touted for its anti-inflammatory effect
and has been used as adjunctive therapy in treatment
ANTI-INFLAMMATORY THERAPY. Advanced stages of community acquired pneumonia and chronic
of COVID-19 have been likened to cytokine storm obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbations (148).
syndromes with nonspecific widespread immune Limited data suggest that adjunctive azithromycin in
activation (115). Elevated levels of inflammatory bio- moderate-to-severe ARDS is associated with
markers, such as IL-6 and hsCRP, identify patients at improved outcomes (149). A small nonrandomized
high risk of progressing to severe disease and death study showed that combination azithromycin and
(53). Immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory HCQ was associated with more effective SARS-CoV-2
therapy have been used, despite limited data, in pa- clearance in COVID-19 patients compared with
tients with evidence of hyperinflammation in an either monotherapy with HCQ or standard of care;
effort to curb pathologic immune activation. however, numerous limitations of this study render
C o r t i c o s t e r o i d s . Corticosteroids have been used in the data uninterpretable (141). QT interval monitoring
several, severe viral respiratory infections including is prudent, especially when used in combination with
influenza, SARS-CoV, and MERS-CoV with limited HCQ. Several randomized clinical trials assessing the
benefit and, in some instances, evidence of delayed combination of HCQ and CQ with azithromycin across
viral clearance and increased rates of secondary the severity spectrum of COVID-19 are ongoing or
infection and mortality (145). A retrospective analysis about be launched (NCT04321278, NCT04322396,
of 84 patients with ARDS secondary to SARS-CoV-2 NCT04322123, NCT04324463).
observed an association with improved survival in Other anti-inflammatory t h e r a p i e s . JAK-2 in-
patients who received solumedrol (51). In the absence hibitors inhibit receptor mediated-endocytosis, lead-
of robust evidence, major professional society ing to the hypothesis that it might prevent cellular
guidelines do not recommend routine use of cortico- entry of the SARS-CoV-2 (Figure 1). Additionally, this
steroids in treatment of COVID-19 but rather class of agents have anti-inflammatory effects by
restricting its use to patients with other indications inhibiting cytokine release (150). An agent in the
for steroids, such as refractory shock or advanced class, baricitinib, is being studied in an open-label
ARDS (41). Clinical trials are ongoing to examine the nonrandomized pilot study in patients with
safety and efficacy of corticosteroids in hospitalized COVID-19 (NCT04320277). Currently, a 3-arm ran-
non–critically ill COVID-19 patients (NCT04273321) domized control trial is being launched to compare
and in those with ARDS (NCT04323592). anakinra monotherapy, emapalumab monotherapy,
I L - 6 i n h i b i t o r s . Elevation of IL-6 in patients with and standard of care (NCT04324021). Anakinra is a
severe COVID-19 has prompted consideration of use recombinant monoclonal antibody that blocks IL-1
of IL-6 inhibitors (tocilizumab, siltuximab) extrapo- receptors. It has been used to treat autoimmune
lating from treatment of cytokine release syndrome conditions including juvenile idiopathic arthritis as
(146). Tociluzimab, a recombinant humanized well as recurrent pericarditis. Emapalumab is a fully
monoclonal antibody, and siltuximab, a chimeric human anti-interferon-gamma monoclonal antibody
monoclonal antibody, both bind soluble and mem- that has been approved by the Food and Drug
brane bound IL-6 receptors resulting in inhibition of Administration for treatment of primary hemopha-
IL-6-mediated signaling. In 1 preprint case series from gocytic lymphohistiocytosis, a disease reminiscent of
China, 21 patients with severe or critical COVID-19 the hyperinflammatory state seen in advanced
treated with tocilizumab experienced a salutary ef- COVID-19. Finally, colchicine, a microtubule poly-
fect with resolution of fever, improved oxygenation, merization inhibitor and anti-inflammatory drug, is
improvement in lung opacities on chest computed being tested in a large randomized clinical trial of
tomography, resolution of lymphopenia, and a ambulatory COVID-19 patients (NCT04322682).
reduction in CRP levels within a few days of therapy OTHER THERAPIES. A C E inhibitors and ARBs.
in the absence of any significant reported adverse ACE2 receptor–mediated endocytosis of SARS-CoV-2
events (147). In this preliminary report, 19 patients is central to the viral life cycle. Conflicting data
were discharged alive, and 2 remained hospitalized at exist regarding the effect of renin-angiotensin-
the time the case series was published. Several ran- aldosterone-inhibitors, including ACE inhibitors and
domized clinical trials of tocilizumab in treatment of ARB, on ACE2 activity and levels in various human
severe COVID-19 infection are ongoing tissues and the resultant susceptibility to infection
(NCT04317092, NCT04306705). with SARS-CoV-2 (18). The totality of the available
MAY 2020:518–36 COVID-19 for the Cardiologist

data is insufficient to recommend cessation of ACE DNA- or RNA-based vaccines (159). Live attenuated
inhibitors or ARBs in individuals with an existing viral vaccines are likely to induce significant immune
indication for life-prolonging therapy with these response but may carry risk of disease, particularly in
drugs, and major societies have strongly recom- immunosuppressed individuals. Inactivated “whole”
mended continuation of ACE inhibitor and ARB viral or subunit vaccines are relatively easy to
therapy. An open label randomized trial is on the way develop but do not induce immediate or complete
to examine the effect of prophylactic ACE inhibitor immunity, typically requiring multiple doses to pro-
and ARB withdrawal in COVID-19–naive individuals mote humoral, but often not cellular, immunity. Im-
with essential hypertension as the sole indication for munity may also wane over time, requiring booster
treatment on the risk of infection and subsequent dosing. Viral vector–based vaccines would employ
complications (NCT04330300). Based on the preclin- other viruses, such as the vaccinia virus (a poxvirus
ical data described earlier in this review, 2 paired used for the smallpox vaccine) or adenovirus, to
trials are currently underway examining losartan display SARS-CoV-2 antigens. This strategy can pro-
therapy in patients with COVID-19 who are ambula- mote robust cytotoxic T cell responses but may fail in
tory (NCT04311177) and hospitalized (NCT04312009). the face of the pre-existing immunity to or toxicity of
S t a t i n s . The anti-inflammatory pleiotropic effects of the viral vector (160). Nucleic acid–based strategies,
statins have been cultivated in different pathologic which work through delivery of DNA or RNA that are
states. Statins have been shown in murine models of translated by host machinery to produce viral protein
acute lung injury and in humans to attenuate the antigens, are relatively simple to design but may be
inflammatory component of acute lung injury limited by toxicity or stability concerns. Of note, at
(151,152). A multicenter randomized trial of simva- this time, there are no approved DNA or RNA vaccines
statin in patients with various causes of ARDS showed for humans. Most approaches to SARS-CoV-2 are
no difference as compared with placebo in ventilator- in preclinical development, with several early
free days, multiorgan failure, and mortality (153). trials of RNA (NCT04283461) and viral vector
A subsequent study, subphenotyping the trial (NCT04299724, NCT04313127, NCT04276896) vaccine
population in to hyperinflammatory versus hypoin- strategies ongoing.
flammatory ARDS, found a statistically significant
improvement in survival with simvastatin in the
hyperinflammatory group (154). A post hoc analysis of
the JUPITER (Justification for the Use of Statins in
Estimates suggest that, as has happened in Italy and
Primary Prevention: An Intervention Trial Evaluating
Spain, the burden of COVID-19 will far outstrip the
Rosuvastatin) trial observed a reduction in incident
health care capacity in the United States and globally
pneumonia with rosuvastatin (155). The benefit of
with insufficient availability of hospital and ICU bed
statin therapy in the hyperinflammatory state in
capacity, health care providers, and specific thera-
advanced COVID-19 is unknown.
peutic or supportive interventions, such as mechan-
VACCINES AGAINST SARS-CoV-2. As discovery of a ical ventilation and renal replacement (161). For this
safe and efficacious vaccine again SARS-CoV-2 is reason, organizations, such as the Italian Society of
clearly the aspiration for preventative strategies, Anesthesia, Analgesia, Resuscitation and Intensive
intense efforts are ongoing employing numerous ap- Care and individual health care institutions are
proaches with accelerated testing. It is believed that developing guidance for allocation of resources in the
all 4 structural proteins (E, M, N, and S) may serve as event that adequate, additional resources cannot be
antigens for neutralizing antibody and CD4 þCD8þ T obtained (162). These efforts are building off of a set
cell responses (156). Based on the experience with of principles established in the wake of the 2009 H1N1
SARS-CoV-1 vaccine development, it seems that the pandemic.
most promising candidates target the S protein, At that time, the U.S. Department of Health and
which induces humoral and protective cellular im- Human Services commissioned the Institute of Med-
munity (8). Encouragingly, administration of full- icine to provide expert guidance on implementing
length or the ACE2 receptor–binding domain of the S alternative standards of health care in the setting of a
protein of SARS-CoV-1 induced highly potent disaster. In their report, the Institute of Medicine
neutralizing antibodies that conveyed protective im- defined the principles of “crisis standards of care,”
munity in animal models (157,158). defined as a substantial change in usual health care
Potential delivery strategies include inactivated or operations, including the level of care possible to
attenuated virus, subunit vaccines, viral vectors, and deliver, in the setting of a pervasive or catastrophic

COVID-19 for the Cardiologist MAY 2020:518–36

disaster (163). Notably, this framework recognizes be prioritized as that are unlikely to recovery in a
that “the formal declaration that crisis standards of time frame that would allow them to continue their
care are in operation enables specific legal/regula- professional responsibilities (164). Others argue that
tory powers and protection for health care providers granting priority recognizes the assumption of risk
in the necessary task of allocating and using scarce and also encourages ongoing participation in pa-
medical resources.” Appreciating the distress asso- tient care (161). Along the same line, an argument
ciated with allocation of scarce medical resources, has also been made to prioritize research partici-
the Institute of Medicine recommends that the pro- pation (161).
cess be guided by 7 ethical principles: fairness, duty The optimal tool for prognostication also remains
to care, duty to steward resources, transparency, elusive. The SOFA score has been suggested as
consistency, proportionality, and accountability quantitative assessment of acute illness severity;
(163). however, there is a recognition that this tool may not
Working with these principles, ethicists have come be well calibrated to all populations and could lead to
to a general consensus that the goal is to maximize inaccurate assessments of prognosis (166,167).
benefit while maintaining equity, objectivity, and The value of predetermination of this framework
transparency (161,164). Maximizing benefit ideally with community and provider engagement, estab-
involves preserving the most lives as well as the most lishment of legal authority, and logistic and opera-
life-years, acknowledging the importance of prog- tional preparedness is clear. Nevertheless,
nosis. Although the practical application of these acknowledging the prospect of large-scale rationing
principles is challenging, there appears to be general of health care is heartbreaking and foreign to
agreement across the literature on a number of con- most civilian health care providers in developed
cepts (161,164,165). Most recommend development of countries.
a triage or scoring system that accounts for acute and
premorbid prognosis in order to allocate scarce re-
sources to those who are most likely to benefit. The
In just a few short months, SARS-CoV-2 has spread
scoring system should utilize objective clinical in-
across the world with distressing speed, threatening
formation, in order to minimize the need for clinical
global economic and individual health and well-
judgment and the risk of introducing inconsistency
being. Many regional health care systems are over-
and bias. The use of the system—and the determina-
whelmed and under-resourced, forcing clinicians
tion that stems from it—should be transparent to
and administrators to make previously unthinkable
providers, patients, and families. Triage should be
decisions regarding allocation of medical care.
applied broadly to all patients requiring a particular
However, in the wake of this devastation, clinicians
resource, not just those suffering from the pandemic
and scientists have rallied together to rapidly evolve
disease (e.g., applies to decision to use venoarterial
our understanding of all aspects of SARS-CoV-2
extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in patients
infection, from the basic virology, to the human
with myocarditis due to COVID-19 and cardiogenic
manifestations to therapeutic and preventative
shock from a non–COVID-19 etiology). A random
strategies. This unprecedented collective effort will,
system (e.g., lottery) should be used to break “ties” in
without a doubt, advance our ability to prevent the
cases with a similar estimated prognosis, rather than
spread and optimally care for patients suffering from
a first come, first serve approach. Importantly, many
advocate that an independent triage physician make
the determination to remove the burden from the ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors acknowledge
bedside health care team. The triage physician may be Andrew Karaba, MD, PhD, for his review of the paper.
supported, as necessary, by a triage committee,
comprising experts in the area of ethics and relevant ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Dr. Erin A.
medical fields. Bohula, Cardiovascular Division, Brigham and
Areas of controversy include whether there Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, 350
should be priority allowed for health care pro- Longwood Avenue, First Office Floor, Boston, Mas-
viders. Some ethicists argue that they should not sachusetts 02115. E-mail:
MAY 2020:518–36 COVID-19 for the Cardiologist


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