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06 Coastal Dynamics Lab

Fill in the blue boxes of this lab report as you complete the virtual lab on the last page of the lesson.
Carefully read all instructions and background information. This information can also be found in
Appendix A.

Student Name

Objective(s) (2 points)

In your own words, what is the purpose of this lab?

The goal is to test 2 animals abilities to thrive and live in extremely treacherous environments


In part one, use the quadrat sampling method to collect data on two species of snails, the periwinkle
and the green turban snail, at different points in a 24-hour period. In part two, choose one shell
adaptation to apply to the green turban snail and collect data to monitor the snail's population size.

Hypothesis (2 points)

Part One: Which species will survive better in an intertidal zone? Write your hypothesis here:

The periwinkle snail due to its ability to bind and clamp to rocks to resist tide

Part Two: Will a different type of shell aid the green turban snail's survival? Specify which adaptation
you chose and state your hypothesis here:

If the green turban had a bigger and harder shell that would increase its defensive viability allowing it
to have higher odds of survival

Data and Analysis (15 points)

Use the virtual lab on the last page of the lesson to collect your data. Complete the tables below or
provide screenshots of your data tables from the virtual lab.
To enter your data into the virtual lab, select the table icon at the top right:
If you are unable to run the virtual lab, collect data here: 3.06 Lab Data

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Part 1 - Who will survive?

Data Table 1A. Periwinkle Snail Population in the Intertidal Zone

Enter the number of periwinkle snails into the table below.

Time of Day and Description of Tide

Sample Area 0 hours 6 hours 12 hours 18 hours 24 hours

(high tide) (ebbing) (low tide) (flooding) (high tide)

Quadrat A: 31 26 26 27 26
High-Tide Zone

Quadrat B: 27 27 25 26 27
Mid-Tide Zone

Quadrat C: 28 31 29 28 28
Low-Tide Zone

Data Table 1B. Green Turban Snail Population in the Intertidal Zone
Enter the number of green turban snails into the table below.

Time of Day and Description of Tide

Sample Area 0 hours 6 hours 12 hours 18 hours 24 hours

(high tide) (ebbing) (low tide) (flooding) (high tide)

Quadrat X: 20 17 10 5 0
High-Tide Zone

Quadrat Y: 15 13 7 4 0
Mid-Tide Zone

Quadrat Z: 23 23 20 17 15
Low-Tide Zone

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Part 2: Design a Survivor
Select one adaptation (hinged shell, thicker shell or flexible shell) to test and record your data in the
table below.

Data Table 2. Population of Green Turban Snail with (thicker shell) in the
Intertidal Zone
Enter the number of green turban snails with the adaptation of your choice into the table

Time of Day and Description of Tide

Sample Area 0 hours 6 hours 12 hours 18 hours 24 hours

(high tide) (ebbing) (low tide) (flooding) (high tide)

Quadrat X: 28 25 20 19 16
High-Tide Zone

Quadrat Y: 19 17 14 10 9
Mid-Tide Zone

Quadrat Z: 21 20 20 18 17
Low-Tide Zone

Conclusion Questions (10 points)

Use complete sentences to answer the questions below.

1. Why is the quadrat method useful for estimating snail populations? Explain why the same
method would not be useful for counting fish populations.

The quadrat method proves valuable in areas where a consistent number of individuals
occupy a specific space. Utilizing fish for this method is feasible only if they are confined to
a defined location for study. Fish, due to their mobility, can freely move in and out of an
open quadrat zone in open waters, rendering this approach ineffective.

2. Why do researchers need a lot of data to monitor a species population? What trends can you
see in the data that you would have missed otherwise?

Examining a substantial population is vital for comprehending the factors influencing a

species. A larger sample size provides more data, aiding in drawing meaningful
conclusions. For instance, studying just one snail might yield information about its
disappearance, but this isolated incident cannot be extrapolated to the entire population,
emphasizing the importance of observing a larger pool of individuals.

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3. Which snail species had a higher population: the periwinkle or green turban snail? What
adaptations aided its survival?

The periwinkle snail outperformed other species in the entire experiment, possibly due to
its superior ability to firmly attach to surfaces and its smaller size. These traits likely made
it more challenging to access and remove the snails from the surfaces they were on.

4. Which shell adaptation did you choose for part two and why? Discuss the results and the
effectiveness of the adaptation.

I opted for a harder shell as it appeared to be a direct enhancement of the green turban
snail's existing specialization. While a more flexible shell might have been advantageous
for the green turban snail's preference for hiding in rock crevices, it could compromise its
defense when outside the rocks. The contrast between the harder shell and the original
green turban snail was evident. At the end of the 24 hours, the green turban snails were
nearly eradicated, whereas the harder shells survived in significant numbers.

5. The intertidal zone can be a difficult place to live. Looking at your data, how did the tide affect
each species of snail?

The periwinkle snails exhibited remarkable adaptability throughout the entire experiment.
Their population numbers remained relatively stable despite fluctuations in water levels. In
contrast, the green turban snails were severely affected when the water returned, and only
one snail remained by the end. The introduction of harder shells seemed to provide the
upgrade that the green turban snails needed to survive in double-digit numbers by the
conclusion of the 24-hour period.

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However, to obtain credit for this assignment, you must save this completed document to your
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Next Steps

After completing this document, please open your marine science “Assessments” tab and click on
“03.06 Coastal Dynamics” assignment. Please upload your .pdf and submit for assignment credit. Note
that a link to your Google Doc will not be accepted for credit.

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Appendix A

The intertidal zone is an inhospitable, ever-changing environment. High tides cover most of the area
with water, while low tides expose it to the air and elements above. Organisms that live here are
adapted to daily changes in moisture, temperature, turbulence from the water, and salinity.

When a field scientist wants to know the number of small

plants or animals present in a habitat, they use a smaller
representative part of the population, called a sample. This
can often be done using a sampling square called a
quadrat. Usually, researchers place a series of squares
(quadrats) of a set size randomly throughout a habitat of
interest and count and identify the species. The number of
organisms counted per quadrat and the size of the
quadrats are used to calculate the abundance of
organisms in the entire site.

Physical Factors of the Intertidal Zone

● Moisture: The middle intertidal zone is covered with salt water at high tides, and it is exposed to
the air at low tides. Organisms must be adapted to both very wet and very dry conditions.

● Water Movement: The turbulence of the water is another reason this area can be a very difficult
environment in which to survive. Rough waves can dislodge or carry away poorly adapted

● Salinity: Salt levels can vary in the intertidal zone. Salinity is often much higher here because
when salt water trapped in rock pools evaporates, it leaves behind salt deposits. However, tide
pools can have less salt than sea water because rainwater or runoff dilutes it. Only animals that
are adapted to high or low salinity can survive in these areas.

● Temperature: The temperature changes depending on the water coverage, ranging from the
moderate temperatures of the water to air temperatures that can be anywhere from below
freezing to scorching hot.


In this lab, you will investigate how a species' adaptations determine whether a population will flourish
or perish in this challenging environment. First, you will use quadrat sampling to compare two similar
species and their ability to survive these harsh conditions by tracking their population numbers. Then,
you will select adaptations to design your own species hybrid that you will put to test to see if it can
survive. You'll be collecting a lot of data…just like a real field scientist!

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Traits and adaptations of snail species

Part One: Who will survive?

● Periwinkle SnailPeriwinkle snails are very small and usually cluster tightly
together. They secrete mucus that hardens and covers the snail,
cementing it to rocks as needed. They eat by scraping diatoms and
microscopic algae off rocks.

● Green turban snails can grow quite large, with shells up to 18cm long.
Adult green turban snails stay in large holes and on shelves during the
daytime and emerge to feed on algae at night.

Part Two: Design a Survivor

The green turban snail is a tropical coral reef-dwelling species. They are not adapted for living in the
intertidal zone because they lose large amounts of water when exposed to air.

Imagine you are able to select one adaptation to apply to a turban snail to help it survive in the
intertidal zone:
● Hinged shell: some organisms in the intertidal zone are able to open and close their shells
● Thicker shell: some organisms in the intertidal zone have thick shells and tough outer coverings
● Flexible shell: some organisms in the intertidal zone have flexible shells.

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