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Let’s consider the electronic circuit of Fig. 1

that contains an NPN transistor whose gain
is β 100 and V 0.7 V. R
60 Ω, I 100 mA, V 12 V.
1. What is the value of R ?
2. Determine the saturation value of I .
3. Compute V .
4. Compute the characteristics of the
operating point.


1. Compute the coordinates of the

operating point.
2. What are the values of the voltages
V ,V ,V ?
3. Draw the input and output static load
lines and place the operating points.
R 2 KΩ, R 430 KΩ, R 2 KΩ
V 0.7 V, V 15 V, β 100

In Fig. 3, the capacitor value is very high.
1. In the static regime, determine the
coordinates I , V , of the operating
point Q. What is the transistor’s regime ?
2. Determine I ,V ,V , V ,.

R 2.2 KΩ, R 10 KΩ, R 3.6 KΩ

R 700 Ω, R ! 300 Ω, V 10 V.
3. Draw the input and output load lines.

Figure 4 shows a direct bias of a JFET. R

2 KΩ, V 30 V. The manufacturer provides
the following dispersions : (i) maximum
dispersions : IDSS = 15 mA, VP = - 6 V, (ii) minimal
dispersions : IDSS = 5 mA, VP = - 2.5 V
1. Considering first the maximum dispersions,
determine R , I" , V"# in order to reach
the operating point Q1 for V$# %2 V.
2. Considering the minimal dispersions,
determine I" , V"# , V$# where Q2 is the
static operating point.
3. What are the dispersions ?
Dispersions give the differences at operating points for ID and VDS.
A second biasing of the transistor presented
in Fig. 5 is now considered. R 1 MΩ.
1. Setting the value of R to be thrice of that
in Fig. 4, calculate R , V$ , I"# , V"# in
order to have the operating point at V$#
%2 V for the maximal dispersions.
2. Compute I" , V"# , V$#
2. Compute the dispersions for
I" , V"# , V$# .
4. What is the best biasing choice ? Explain.

1. What is the type of biasing in Fig. 6 ? Add D, S
and G in Fig.6. I"## 16 mA, V$#'(( %8 V, .
2. Draw the curves I" *V$# +.
3. Determine the expression of V" and draw the
load line for the load R . Place the operating
point Q.
4. Compute the maximum drain current I"#,- and
compare it to the maximum current obtained in
the case where the gate is shorted.
Let’s consider now the biasing in Fig. 7.
1. What is the expression of the source voltage ?
2. What is the value of the gate voltage ?
3. Calculate the gate to source voltage.
4. What is the value of R3 at which the gate to
source voltage is half of the cutoff voltage?
R 1 MΩ, R 400 Ω, I"## 10 mA, V$#*'((+
%4 V, V"" .30 V

I. Let’s consider the transconductance curve in Fig.
8 along with the transistor bias of Fig. 7. R
1 MΩ, R 270 KΩ, R 1 KΩ, V"" .15 V.
1. Make the following replacement : R
200 KΩ, find the operating points.
2. Now, make the following replacement : R
800 Ω, find the operating points. Fig. 8

R 1 MΩ, R 2 KΩ, R 1 KΩ, R 2 MΩ,
V"" .30 V.
1. What are the source and gate voltages ?
2. Calculate the drain and drain to sources voltages.
3. Compute I"#*#,-+ , V"# , respectively.
4. Draw the load line.

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