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*One of the primary causes of Ethiopia's new federally amended family code's

implementation is the 1960 civil code's disconnection from social norms and legal
requirements. the 1960 Civil Code. First introduced by the 1955 Revised
Constitution, which gave the family additional protection,and the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights, the Civil Code included many of the novelties that
were in existence at the time Articles 198-338 and 550-825 of the CIVIL CODE OF
THE EMPIRE OF ETHIOPIA, Proclamation No 165/1960, However, there has been
debate ever since regarding whether the Civil Code's contents represented
Ethiopian society at the time other academics contend that the code disregarded
a number of important cultural values because of the idea of "modernizing"
Ethiopia by westernizing or "modernizing" its laws and the drafter's lack of
knowledge with Ethiopian customs. However, the state's formal laws and the
unwritten community laws have been at odds with one another for years, trying
to get the upper hand.

*The second significant point for the break for revise the family law according to
1960 civil code was, family affairs were being dominated by customs opposing
clause in the official law. A gap between law and practice is expected given the
community's low literacy rate and lack of more powerful official apparatus to
brainwash the populace, paving the opportunity for customary rules to rule
interpersonal relationships and personal affairs THE REVISED FAMILY
CODEPROCLAMATION OF 2000“where as it has become essential to make the
existing Ethiopian family law in accordance with the socio-economic development
of the society and, above all, with the Constitution of the country, and, in
particular, realizing that marriage shall be based on the free consent of the
spouses, and that it is necessary to provide the legal basis which guarantees the
equality of the spouses-during the conclusion, duration “

* The third major starting point for updating family law in accordance with the
1960 Civil Code was, it is determined that family disputes must be arbitrated by a
qualified body in a fair and effective way; solution of marriage;’’

Civil Code formalized the traditional system and established the Council of
Under Arts 725 – 734 of the Civil Code

Family Arbitrators composed Family arbitrators were thought to take the

required obligations and patience to prevent misunderstandings and preserve the
conflict and assisting couples in integrating and coexisting during their marriage,
family arbitrators have first instance jurisdiction over a wide range of family
disputes, such as disagreements regarding betrothal, death-related divorce
dissolution, hearings and decisions regarding any type of divorce, determinations
regarding temporary measures like child support, maintenance, and joint
property, as well as financial and other consequences of divorce.

Nonetheless, the parties may file an appeal with a court on broader grounds, such
as the arbitrators' corruption, third-party fraud, Thus, reasons and others in
Articles 108-122 of RFC has described that it must restrict its authority, become
optional, and operate under the close supervision of a high court in the event of a
divorce. The family arbitrators may only be contacted to mediate a divorce
between the parties within a month of each other's separation.

* the final shift in to the new federally amended family code's departure it is
required to change the current legislation to prioritize children's protection, well-
being, and raising in compliance with Ethiopia's ratified international instruments
and constitution; The 1960 civil code did not place as much emphasis on the
protection, welfare, and upbringing of children as it does in the present. This is
because it must adapt to the changing times and keep up with the times.

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