Constitutional Law-I ASSIGNMENT 2

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Constitutional law I GROUP ASSIGNMENT


1. Sitty Teketel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LGE/7658/14
2. Tigist Yitayew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LGE/9849/14
3. Moa Lijalem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LGE/8246/14
4. Yabsira Getu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …LGE/1944/14
5. Tesfayesus Eshetu . . . . . . . . . . . . . LGE/3580/14

Submitted To- Instructor Capital Kibre

Submission date – December 2023
The 1931 Constitution of Ethiopia
Nature of Government: Absolute Monarchy under Emperor Haile Selassie.
Because the sole ruler responsible to himself alone and also ruler responsible to himself alone. And also we
can assure that the sole ruler as also executive member being subject to the operation which we can call it the
common law sate.Ethiopia was an absolute monarchy during this period, with the Emperor holding significant
power and authority.

State Structure: Unitary.

The country had a unitary form of government, with power concentrated at the central level means sole ruler
(the king) is legislature and he is head of all state and government.
Legislative: bicameral
Namely: the Chamber of the Senates (yehig Mewossegna Mikirbet) and the Chamber of Deputies (―Yehig
memria Mikirbet‖)
Judiciary: the prerogative state
Which the executive is under the protective shield of a special system of administrative law, the judiciary was
likely under the direct influence of the Emperor, reflecting a centralized system of governance.
Executive: Monosepalous
Executive structure that aimed to streamline governance his authority was absolute, with no checks and
balances on his power. The emperor had the final say in all matters, including legislation and appointments,
making him an autocratic ruler. Although the constitution did establish a bicameral legislature with elected
representatives who had some influence over decision-making processes.
Constitution: written and flexible
The 1931 constitution is a written and codified document that describes the rights and obligations of the
country, the emperor's powers and prerogatives, the throne's succession plan. It also considered as flexible
because the constitution doesn't contain any language allowing for amendment, much less making it
impossible to alter by stating and the constitution is more of an emperor's grant or a royal document
specifically tailored to protect the emperor's and the royal family's interests, giving the emperor the authority
to do everything he want desires since he is the last arbiter of law (Article 46 of the Constitution).

The 1955 Constitution of Ethiopia

Nature of Government: Absolute monarchy under Emperor Haile Selassie.
The 1955 Constitution maintained Ethiopia as a constitutional monarchy, establishing a legal framework for
the monarchy with defined powers and limitations.
State Structure: Unitary.
The state structure remained unitary, with centralized authority vested in the central government.
Legislative: Bicameral parliament.
The constitution established a bicameral parliament with two chambers, reflecting a more complex legislative
structure compared to the previous unicameral system.

Judiciary: Prerogative (with elements of codification)

Although the constitution likely provided for an independent judiciary, the Emperor retained significant
influence over the legal system.
Executive: Monosepalous
The executive authority continued to be centralized, with the Emperor serving as both the head of state and
Constitution: Written, but also influenced by customary law.
The 1955 Constitution was a written document that outlined the structure of the government and the rights of
citizens. However, like its predecessor, it might have been influenced by traditional and customary practices.


Nature of Government: republican
The 1987 PDRE constitution was a republican constitution based on it nature of government. Republican government
is where the head of state is a president, then that state is a republic. We can identify the 1987 constitution as
republican government based on chapter eleven (article.85) and also article.1 of the 1987 constitution.

State Structure: Unitary.

As a reason to this we can see article 59 of the PDRE constitution.
ARTICLE 59; The People's Democratic Republic of Ethiopia is a unitary state comprising administrative and
autonomous regions.
Legislation: unicameral
The only legislature was the national shengo which was a supreme organ of state power in the republic,
according to article 62 of the PDRE constitution.
Judiciary: prerogative.
We can determine the constitution of the PDRE as the executive being subject to the operation of the rule of
law and is unprotected according to chapter 14 article 100 sub.article2 of the PDRE constitution. As a matter
of fact the law that was practicable on the ground was the opposite.
Executive: mono cephalous
The nature of executive of the PDRE constitution was a mono cephalous which was only having one head of
executive as stated in article 85 and 104 of the PDRE constitution.
Constitution: The 1987 PDRE constitution was a written and codified constitution because it was reduced
into a form of a document having special sanctity. More or less we can identify the PDRE constitution as
rigid because it state preconditions for amendment in article 119 of the constitution.
Article 119; The Constitution of the People's Democratic Republic of Ethiopia may be amended only by a
three fourth majority decision of the members of the National Shengo.

The 1995 Constitution of Ethiopia

Nature of Government: parliamentary
Because, the executive branch (headed by the prime minister) derives its legitimacy and authority from the
legislative branch (parliament).
State Structure: Federal.
Ethiopia is organized into regional states and chartered cities, each with its own self-administration and
representation in the federal government.
Legislative: Bicameral parliament.
The constitution establishes a bicameral parliament consisting of the House of Peoples' Representatives
(lower house) and the House of Federation (upper house).
Judiciary: Independent judiciary or Rule of Law
The constitution provides for an independent judiciary to ensure the separation of powers and safeguard the
rule of law.
Executive: Bicephalous
The executive branch is organized at the federal and regional levels, with a President serving as the head of
state and a Prime Minister as the head of government.
Constitution: Written and considered rigid with provisions for amendments. The 1995 Constitution is a
written document that outlines the political structure, fundamental rights, and principles of governance. It is
considered as rigid, amendments require a significant and formal process.

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