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Automated Plant Watering System: Enhancing Efficiency for Improved Plant Care

Name: (Optional)______________________________________ Year

Age: ___ Sex:_ M _F
Direction: Please indicate your level of agreement concerning the automated plant watering
system by completing the statement. Please choose the one that applies. Then, check the
appropriate box using the following scales.
1 – Strongly Disagree 2 – Disagree 3 – Neutral 4 – Agree 5 – Strongly Agree
Statements Options
1 2 3 4 5
1 The automated system accurately adjusts watering levels based on
plant needs.
2 The system optimizes water usage by providing the right amount
of water for plants.
3 The system minimizes water wastage compared to traditional
watering methods.
4 The system ensures consistent and reliable watering for different
plant varieties.
5 The automated system streamlines the process of plant care and
watering tasks.
1 The automated plant watering system is easy to use.
2 The system saves time and effort in watering plants compared to
manual watering.
3 The system allows for flexible scheduling of watering times.
4 The system is user-friendly and intuitive to operate.
5 The system provides convenience in monitoring and managing
plant watering needs.
1 The automated system effectively maintains plant hydration
2 The system contributes to healthier and more vibrant plant
3 The automated system helps in preventing both overwatering and
underwatering of plants.
4 The system offers a practical solution for individuals with busy
schedules to care for their plants.
5 The system enhances the overall effectiveness of plant care and

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