Test 17 - Statics Test 1 (26.11.2023)

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UPSC Mathematics Optional

Statics Test -1

Date: 26.11.2023 Day: Sunday

Time: 1 Hr (10 PM – 11 PM) Marks: 100

Q1. Given that

ˆ ˆ ˆ
a = 5i+2j-k
ˆ ˆ

(i) Find axb = ?

(ii) Find angle between these two vectors?

(iii) Find unit vector orthogonal to a and b ? [10]

Q2. The greatest possible resultant of two forces F1 and F2 is  times the least. Show
that the angle  between them when their resultant is half their sum is given by
 2 + 2 
 = cos −1  . [10]
 2( − 1) 

Q3. Weight W1 and W2 are fastened to a light inextensible string ABC at point B and C
and the end A being fixed. If a horizontal force F is applied at C and the system is
equilibrium where AB and BC are inclined at angle  and  to vertical, then
prove that ,
F = (W1 +W2 )tan =W2 tan  [15]

Q4.A weight of 5N hangs by a string from a fixed point. The string is drawn out of the
Vertical by applying a force of 2.5N to the weight. In what direction this force must
be applied in order to maintain its equilibrium while making maximum deflection of
string from the vertical? What is the amount of its greatest deflection? [15]

Q5.Two small smooth rings each of weight W1 are free to slide along a fixed circular
wire of radius R in vertical string of length 2a(2a<2R).On which slides a smooth
ring of weight W2. Prove that when system is in equilibrium with the rings on
opposite sides of the vertical diameter, the distance of the ring W2 from the center
of the wire must be equal to
 
W1 ( R 2 − a 2 )   2 
  [20]
 W1 + W2 

Q6.A rod of 8kg movable in a vertical plane about a hinge at one end is fastened a weight
Equal to half of the rod, this is fastened by a string of length l to a point at a height b
Above the hinge vertically. Obtain the tension in the string. [15]

Q7. A particle of mass M rests on a horizontal plane with which it has a coefficient of
Statics friction  s . It is desired to make the mass move by applying the minimum
Possible force F.
Find the magnitude of force F and direction at which it has to applied . [15]


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