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Our human nature not only enables us to recognize the SELF, it also enables us to recognize that the other human
beings also possess a

A. soul b. body c. SELF d. skills

2. In philosophy, (blank) is the relation or intersection between people's cognitive perspectives.

a. empathy b. sympathy c. pity d. INTERSUBJECTIVITY

3. it is a conversation between two or more people where they exchange ideas, thoughts, or information. It's a way
for individuals to communicate and express themselves through spoken or written words.

a. intersubjectivity b. DIALOGUE c. transcendence d. self-awareness

4. It is understanding and sharing the feelings of another person, putting yourself in their shoes. (feeling in)

a. sympathy b. EMPATHY c. pity d. intersubjectivity

5. your colleague is going through a tough time at work, you might feel sorry for them and wish them well, even if
you haven't experienced exactly what they're going through.

a. SYMPATHY b. empathy c. transcendence d. intersubjectivity

6. your friend is sad because they failed a test, you feel sad with them and understand how they're feeling.

a. sympathy b. EMPATHY c. transcendence d. intersubjectivity

7. it is a feeling compassion or pity for someone's situation without necessarily fully understanding their feelings.
(feeling with)

a. SYMPATHY b. empathy c. transcendence d. intersubjectivity

8. Observing from a distance, John noticed his friend Alex facing a challenging situation; understanding Alex's
emotions, John approached him with genuine support and comforting words. this showcasing

a. sympathy b. EMPATHY c. transcendence d. intersubjectivity

9. (blank) means how something looks or appears on the surface, even if it might be different underneath.

a. self to other b. other to self c. SEEMING d. seeing

10. The old house seemed spooky with its creaky floors and dim lights, but once inside, it turned out to be cozy and

a. self-to-other b. other to self c. SEEMING d. seeing

11. What best describes intersubjectivity?

a. it is a state of sharing of subjective states by two or more individuals.

b. intersubjectivity is about how humans treat plants.

c. we treat others as objects in intersubjective relationships.

d. it is about how we judge other people.

12. (TRUE OR FALSE) A deep and genuine relationship between persons is called dialogue

a. TRUE b. false

13. We are primarily aware of people as objects and not as person.

a. True b. FALSE
14. Which statement is incorrect about intersubjectivity?

a. love is an important aspect in intersubjective relationships.

b. we can put ourselves in the shoes of others.

c. I can disregard others as much as I want.

d. we cannot help but be sensitive with the existence of the other.

15. This is about the human person as a subject, a being different from things or from objects.

a. I-It b. I-You c. I-We d. I-THOU

16. This is the type of relationship that shows the treatment of people with the other is concentrated into the status
of an object.

a. “I-I” Relationship b. “I-IT” RELATIONSHIP c. “I-Thou” Relationship d. “I-We” Relationship

17. Refers to the accessibility and dependability of resources, services, or information.

a. Ethics and Care b. AVAILABILITY c. Alienation d. Empathy

18. Arises when a person ceases to view the other as a distinct and authentic person and merely considers the other
person as a mere object or a means to satisfy personal interests.

a. Empathy b. Ethics and Care c. Availability d. ALIENATION

19. It believes that people have a moral obligation to the needs of others, and encourage individuals to extend help
to people in need

a. ETHICS AND CARE b. Alienation c. Empathy d. Availability

20. She was an American author, political activist, and the first deaf-blind person to earn a bachelor's degree.

a. HELEN KELLER b. Nicholas James c. Roselle Ambubuyog d. Leon Valderama

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