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Weekly progress report

Week 1

Task assigned:

1. We filled out the key result area on the OCCCI bulletin board for year 2022-2023 (January-April).

2. We transferred the coins to a thicker plastic wrapper.

3. Collected bileco payments.

4. Arrangement of forms, specifically membership, kiddy-youth savings and alkansya.

5. Encoded Cashflow for May 18, 2023.

6. Remittance of bileco payments collection for May 18, 2023 and issuing of deposit slips.

7. Arranging the forms alphabetically in the steel vault.

8. Encoded Promissory Notes.

Week 2

Task assigned:

1. Filing of OCCCI member's files specifically, loan forms.

2. Collected bileco payments.

3. Naghelp pag arrange han mga files.

4. Encoded Transmittal Receipt of Promissory Notes for Notorial Purposes.

5. Leading of prayer, read the gospel of the day and the reflection.

6. Opening of new accounts, printing of Share Capital and Savings Passbook.

7. Transfered cash from vault to teller.

8. Remittance of bileco payments collection for May 25, 2023 and issuing of deposit slips.

9. Encoded proof sheets.

10. Encoding of Daily Collection Report (DCR).

Challenges encountered

During my deployment at the agency, I encountered several challenges. Firstly, I often felt a bit shy
when it came to asking questions, which hindered my ability to seek clarification or gather information.
Additionally, the agency's workplace was characterized by limited space, making it difficult to move
around or find suitable areas for tasks. Moreover, the agency heavily relied on computers for their
operations, but I struggled with my typing speed on the keyboard, which slowed down my productivity.
Furthermore, there was a lack of sufficient working equipment, particularly computers, which posed
further obstacles to completing tasks efficiently. Lastly, organizing files in alphabetical order proved to
be a challenge due to the limited shelf space available, making it challenging to find suitable storage for
the files.


When deciding on my career path, I conducted extensive research even before entering senior high
school to determine which strand to pursue. Due to my passion for business, I ultimately chose the
Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM) strand. However, I soon discovered that my interest in
numbers was lacking, as I often felt drowsy during accounting or finance classes. Furthermore, during
the period when we were assigned to an agency, I sensed that something didn't feel right, indicating a
misalignment with my chosen path. Over time, I came to a realization that my true calling lay in the
medical field, as I have always been deeply fascinated by human body, healthcare, and being passionate
about promoting health, preventing illness. Above all, it has been my dream since I was a kid. Initially, I
didn't take it seriously, as self-doubt clouded my judgment.

Summary of weekly activity

Week 1

Firstly, we filled out the key result area on the OCCCI bulletin board for the year 2022-2023. Additionally,
we were ordered for transferring coins into a more durable plastic wrapper. We also collected bileco
payments and arranged various forms, including membership, kiddy-youth savings, and alkansya.
Furthermore, I encoded the Cashflow for May 18, 2023, and ensured the remittance of bileco payments
collection for the same date, then issued deposit slips. To maintain organization, we arranged the forms
alphabetically in the shelf storage. Lastly, we encoded Promissory Notes.

Week 2

I engaged in various tasks. Firstly, I focused on organizing and managing the files of OCCCI members,
particularly loan forms. Additionally, I collected payments for Bileco, ensuring their proper
documentation. I also assisted in arranging files, ensuring easy accessibility and organization.
Furthermore, I encoded transmittal receipts of promissory notes for notarial purposes, ensuring
accuracy and legal compliance. In addition to administrative responsibilities, I led prayers and read the
gospel and reflections for the day, fostering a spiritual atmosphere. Moreover, I handled the opening of
new accounts, including the printing of Share Capital and Savings Passbooks for customers. As part of
my duties, I transferred cash from the vault to the teller, ensuring smooth financial operations.
Additionally, I was responsible for remitting the collected Bileco payments for May 25, 2023, and issuing
deposit slips as necessary. I also encoded proof sheets for record-keeping purposes. Lastly, I undertook
the task of encoding the Daily Collection Report (DCR), providing an accurate summary of the day's
financial transactions.

Personal development
Personal development is a continuous journey of growth and self-improvement. It involves developing
new skills, expanding knowledge, and cultivating a positive mindset. Throughout my life, I have
embraced the importance of personal development and its transformative impact. I have actively sought
opportunities to learn and acquire new skills, whether through formal education, professional training,
or self-directed learning. By stepping out of my comfort zone and embracing challenges, I have
discovered hidden strengths and capabilities that have fueled my personal growth. I have learned to set
meaningful goals, create action plans, and persistently work towards achieving them. Along this path, I
have cultivated resilience, adaptability, and a growth mindset, enabling me to overcome obstacles and
embrace change. Additionally, I have recognized the significance of self-reflection and introspection,
engaging in practices such as mindfulness and journaling to deepen my self-awareness and emotional
intelligence. Through personal development, I have become more confident, self-assured, and equipped
to navigate life's complexities. It has empowered me to embrace new opportunities, seize meaningful
experiences, and forge a purposeful and fulfilling life. I am committed to lifelong learning and personal
growth, as I believe that it is the key to unlocking my full potential and making a positive impact in both
my personal and professional spheres.

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