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Theme: Science and technology

Lesson 71: Carpooling

Carpooling – an arrangement between people to make a
regular journey in a single vehicle.
Positive Negative
Save money save money from petrol,
parking fee
Good for the fewer cars on the road
Less traffic driving will be smooth.

Less stress do not need to drive

car every day.
Good for health less air and noise
Enhance the life driving only few
of your vehicle kilometres on your own
Candidate A: What do you think are the benefits of carpool?
Candidate B: A lot. We can save money from paying for
petrol and parking fee if we are sharing the
same vehicle.
Candidate A Also, carpooling is good for the environment
since only fewer cars will be on the road.
Candidate B Moreover, driving will be smooth too.
Candidate A In addition, you will not feel so stressed since
you are not driving car every day.
Candidate B Besides that, carpooling will reduce noise and
air pollution which will good for our health.
Candidate A Last but not least, it also enhances the
condition of your vehicle where shared driving
puts fewer kilometres on your own car.

sharing Besides that, Moreover,

Fewer In addition, think

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