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Chapter 1:

- Daunis starts her day with a run, offering semaa (tobacco) at a tree, and begins her prayers.
- She seeks courage for a task she has been postponing for a week.
- Daunis goes on a five-mile run, engaging in a lengthy warm-up and anatomy review.
- She reflects on her family's history, the view of Sugar Island, and her connection to it.
- Daunis whispers the Anishinaabemowin name for Sugar Island, Ziisabaaka Minising.
- Daunis runs to EverCare, a long-term care facility, and announces her decision to defer
admission to U of M.
- Daunis encounters her grandmother, GrandMary, who had a stroke and is in a care facility.
- GrandMary blinks, signifying her alertness, and Daunis informs her about deferring college
- GrandMary understands and accepts Daunis's decision, bringing relief and joy to Daunis and
her mother.
- A bird hitting the window startles them, and Daunis reflects on the differences between her
- Daunis recalls her mother's cleaning frenzies and expresses concern for her well-being.
- Daunis decides to stay home, believing she can prevent a third bad thing from happening in
her family.
- She kisses her mother and GrandMary goodbye, then sprints home, collapsing under her
prayer tree, waiting for the new normal to begin.

Chapter 2
- Lily, Daunis's best friend, picks her up in a Jeep driven by Granny June.
- Lily and Daunis share a close friendship despite their physical differences.
- Daunis reflects on the societal pressures related to skin tone within the Anishinaabe
- Granny June accompanies them, offering humorous comments about their driving
- They discuss Daunis's decision to attend Lake Superior State University instead of the
University of Michigan.
- Granny June offers wisdom about different paths in life, likening them to boats for the river or
- They drop Granny June off at the Sault Senior Center, where she evaluates the lunch
- Lily teases Daunis about sharing her decision with her mother and grandmother.
- They drive past tourist attractions, and Daunis recalls her conflicting feelings about leaving
home for college.
- Gossip and rumors about Daunis's family history are mentioned as they pass billboards.
- Granny June shares a humorous take on tribal elections, and they laugh together.
- Lily and Daunis discuss Aunt Teddie's potential involvement in tribal politics and her past.
- Granny June reveals her own and Aunt Teddie's supposed skeletons in the closet.
- They arrive at Chi Mukwa Arena for the Tribal Council election, encountering tribal members
and campaign signs.
- Daunis and Lily, not enrolled members, feel a sense of belonging to the Tribe despite not
meeting enrollment criteria.
- They encounter some hostility from tribal members but remain resilient.
- Daunis and Lily part ways for their respective responsibilities but share a special handshake.

Chapter 3
- Daunis leads her group of kids to the locker room for open skate, turning it into an Ojibwe
language lesson.
- Levi, Daunis's brother and a hockey player, teases her during open skate with the Sault Ste.
Marie Superiors.
- Levi is part of the elite Junior A league team, known as the Supes, considered a finishing
school for hockey players.
- Daunis describes the physical differences between her and Levi and reflects on their family
- Levi and a new Supe named Jamie Johnson skate with younger kids, including Daunis's
six-year-old cousins.
- Daunis engages in a playful interaction with Levi and the kids, reminiscent of her father's
actions with her and Levi.
- Daunis performs a skating maneuver, creating ice shavings that surprise Levi and Jamie.
- Daunis checks on her cousins, and Jamie helps Pauline up after a fall.
- Lily gestures to Daunis, and they share a conversation about Jamie's popularity and physical
- Daunis informs Jamie about her change of plans regarding attending Lake State instead of the
University of Michigan.
- Levi is excited that Daunis is staying, and they plan a celebration.
- Daunis and Jamie discuss her uncle Ron taking over her late uncle David's teaching position.
- Daunis reveals the circumstances of Uncle David's death, expressing grief and anger.
- Jamie expresses condolences, and Daunis appreciates his concern.
- Aunt Teddie introduces herself to Jamie and asks about his tribal affiliation (Cherokee).
- Lily makes a lewd gesture about Jamie, and Daunis explains the cultural significance of owls in
Ojibwe culture.
- Daunis blocks an unwanted interaction between Lily and her ex-boyfriend, Travis Flint.
- Daunis intervenes and prevents Travis from talking to Lily, emphasizing the importance of him
getting healthy for himself.
- Daunis reflects on the complexity of the Lily and Travis Saga, expressing concern for Travis's
well-being and deciding to keep an eye on him.

Chapter 4
- Daunis borrows her mom's car to drive her twin cousins home and plans to stay the night at
- The ferry ride to Sugar Island is meditative, and Daunis reflects on her ancestors' journeys.
- Daunis encounters Seeney Nimkee, an Elder and mentor, and feels uneasy about their past
- Daunis arrives at Auntie and Art's home, where they have a tree house game with the twins.
- Daunis helps with the girls' bedtime routine and folds laundry with Auntie.
- Auntie asks Daunis about her excitement for attending Lake State, and Daunis expresses
concerns about her schedule.
- Daunis reflects on occasional comments from her Firekeeper relatives that highlight her
Fontaine side.
- Auntie and Art's loving interaction contrasts with the complexities of Daunis's identity.
- Daunis receives a text from Jamie Johnson, who mentions an upcoming party and asks if it's
- Daunis reflects on her limited knowledge of Jamie and responds to his text.
- Daunis thinks about her encounter with Jamie earlier in the day and reviews what she knows
about him.
- Daunis contemplates Jamie's background, being Cherokee and frequently moving, and reflects
on her own sense of belonging.
- Daunis responds to Jamie's text, indicating that everything is cool.
- Daunis recalls Lily's idea of celebrating her decision to go to Lake State with a small gathering
at the big house.
- Daunis becomes suspicious of Levi's intentions in inviting Jamie to the party and sharing
Daunis's number.
- Daunis gets ready for bed, rereads Jamie's text, and contemplates her thoughts about him.
- Auntie's footsteps and urgent conversation on the phone wake Daunis, hinting at a potential
blanket party.
- Daunis pleads to accompany Auntie to the event, but Auntie strongly refuses, expressing
concern for Daunis's safety.
- Auntie's dismissal of Daunis is firm, and Daunis is left feeling hurt and rejected.
- Daunis recalls Auntie's fierce reputation from her fighting days and glimpses a serious and
scary side of her aunt.

Chapter 5
- Daunis wakes up on the sofa with Perry and Pauline, who request pancakes for breakfast.
- Auntie's car in the driveway eases Daunis's relief; she tries to push away the hurt from Auntie's
dismissal the night before.
- Daunis makes pancakes for Perry and Pauline, asking them about their dreams.
- Perry dreamt of being a jewel thief, and Pauline dreamt of a mysterious boy telling her she's a
- Daunis reflects on Auntie's words, "Live your nice life," while making bear-cub pancakes.
- Auntie and Art come downstairs; Daunis notices something happened the previous night but
doesn't bring it up.
- Auntie avoids eye contact, and Daunis wonders about the events of the blanket party.
- Auntie makes small talk until Daunis leaves; Daunis gets an unusually long hug from Auntie.
- The blanket party stays on Daunis's mind; Lily helps move valuables to the library at the big
- Daunis shares details about the blanket party with Lily; they anticipate the potential
- Levi arrives with beer, and Daunis and Lily set up for the party; Lily expresses frustration with
Levi's involvement.
- Daunis contemplates the dynamics with Levi and his friends, especially Jamie Johnson.
- The party begins, and Daunis offers grappa to Jamie; they embark on a tour of the big house.
- Daunis notices the anglerfish girl showing interest in Jamie; Daunis gives a brief tour and
returns to the staircase.
- Levi interrupts, asking Daunis to be Jamie's Supe ambassador; Daunis reluctantly agrees,
feeling it might be a setup.
- Levi assures Daunis she's a badass like Aunt Teddie, and Daunis becomes Jamie's

Chapter 6
- Jamie Johnson, a lean and muscular guy, shows up in the narrator's driveway for a morning
- The narrator observes Jamie's physique and compares it to her own, feeling an urge to prove
her strengths.
- They engage in a conversation during their run, sharing details about their families, siblings,
and hometowns.
- Jamie expresses curiosity about the narrator's indigenous heritage, leading to a brief
explanation about the Anishinaabeg people and their history.
- The narrator and Jamie exchange information about their lives, with the narrator revealing her
grandmother's stroke and Jamie sharing about his uncle and girlfriend.
- The two develop a routine of morning runs together and gradually open up to each other about
personal matters.
- The narrator speculates about Jamie's girlfriend and engages in playful banter with her friend
- They continue running together, even opting for indoor sessions during bad weather, and
gradually build a deeper connection.
- The narrator reflects on her family, tribal identity, and the impact of the casino on tribal
members' lives.
- Jamie shares more about his background, revealing Cherokee heritage, a divorced family, and
a transient childhood.
- The narrator realizes she's growing fond of Jamie but struggles with jealousy when he
mentions his girlfriend.
- The line between Hockey World and Regular World blurs as they continue spending time
together, culminating in an invitation for Jamie to meet the narrator's grandmother.
- Jamie surprises the narrator by speaking French to her grandmother, raising questions about
his identity and creating a sense of mystery.
Chapter 7
- Saturday morning excitement for powwow and early-morning practice
- Quick solo run before discussing plans with GrandMary
- Excitement about pricing textbooks with Lily
- Lily and the Daunis visit the campus bookstore
- Shock at the high prices of American Literature books
- Lunch, call with Mom, and decision to protect her from full disclosure
- Grandfather's negative reaction if Jamie is mentioned to Mom
- Jamie arrives to pick up the Daunis for the powwow
- Lily's text messages to the Daunis about Jamie and sex
- Jamie and the Daunis discuss the Sugar Island Ojibwe Tribe and casino
- Mention of per capita payments and how they affect people
- Daunis 's family history, including her father's challenges
- Arrival at the powwow grounds, conversation about languages
- Daunis 's father's tragic death and impact on her and Levi
- Encounter with tribal cop TJ Kewadin, Daunis 's negative history with him
- Discussion about border crossing and racism experienced by the Daunis 's family
- Jamie's sympathy and discussion about making a difference
- Daunis 's small acts of kindness and their impact
- Jamie's transient lifestyle and the lack of a sense of normalcy
- Interrupted by the startling sound of POP! POP! POP!

Chapter 8
- Jamie saves the Daunis from firecrackers, causing a momentary panic
- Firecrackers were tossed by local boys, causing chaos
- Daunis suffers a bloody knee; Jamie apologizes and tends to the injury
- Daunis teases Jamie about thinking the noise was gunshots due to his past experiences
- Discussion about danger in various neighborhoods
- Arrival at the powwow grounds, encounter with the twins, and description of their regalia
- Auntie inspects the injury and suggests using antiseptic spray
- Change of clothes for Jamie and their seating for Grand Entry
- Daunis explains the significance of Grand Entry and the diversity of dancers
- Jamie is fascinated, and they share a moment of connection
- Grand Entry and the presentation of flags, veterans, and dancers
- Lily, Jamie, and the Daunis explore vendor booths and run into Granny June
- Granny June gives Jamie a hard time and questions his intentions with the Daunis
- Encounter with Travis, Lily's ex, and a tense moment
- Lily promises to talk to Travis later and rushes off
- Daunis expresses concern about Travis's drug use, revealing he is a meth addict
- Daunis checks on Lily through a text message
Chapter 9:
- The powwow emcee announces an intertribal dance, and Daunis suggests walking around
with Jamie to ease her tension about Travis and Lily.
- Daunis opens up to Jamie about Travis's struggles with meth and Lily catching him making it
over Christmas break.
- They go for a run together, and Daunis appreciates Jamie's kindness and support.
- Daunis shares more details about Travis's involvement with meth and the impact on the
- They browse vendor booths at the powwow, and Daunis recommends a book to Jamie.
- Daunis and Jamie try sweetgrass, enjoy fry bread, and discuss their families.
- Daunis has a conversation with Auntie about the blanket party, and Auntie expresses concern
about the challenges her daughters face.
- Daunis texts her mom about going to Sugar Island and assures her of her safety.
- Daunis and Jamie talk about Sugar Island and its lack of cellphone signal.
- Daunis shares historical information about Al Capone smuggling liquor across the border.
- Daunis and Jamie discuss personal nicknames, and Daunis learns about Jamie's experience
being teased in middle school.
- Daunis and Jamie arrive at the forty-niner party, and Daunis observes Macy dancing and Levi
teasing her.
- Levi talks to Jamie about Daunis, and Daunis avoids discussing her nickname.
- Daunis has an argument with Levi, feeling frustrated with his attitude towards relationships.
- Daunis leaves the party and encounters Lily and Travis arguing, leading to a tense moment
with Travis pointing a gun at Daunis.
- Lily reaches for the gun, and a gunshot changes everything.

Chapter 10
- Lily falls to the ground, motionless, after a gunshot, and time feels distorted.
- Travis shoots himself after looking at Daunis, leaving her in shock.
- Daunis struggles to believe it's real, thinking it might be a bad dream.
- Jamie, who appeared calm, checks Lily's pulse and confirms her death, behaving like a first
- Daunis notices inconsistencies: Lily's death, Jamie's scar, his reaction to firecrackers.
- Daunis concludes Jamie is a cop, and he confirms it when questioned.
- Daunis runs away from Jamie, who catches up and convinces her to get in the truck.
- Daunis demands answers, and Jamie discloses he's an undercover cop.
- Daunis receives missed calls and texts about Lily's death, including suspicions about Jamie.
- Jamie advises Daunis not to talk to anyone, and they encounter a tribal cop on the ferry.
- TJ, the tribal cop, questions Daunis, who remains silent about the events.
- Jamie escorts Daunis home, advising her not to disclose anything.
- Daunis reassures her worried mother and Jamie smooth-talks his way into her home.
- Daunis and Jamie exchange a knowing look, promising to be "smooth liars" together.
- Daunis is determined to find answers about Jamie's identity and his connection to Lily's death.

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