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Giving Advice

A: I think you should consider joining a gym.

B: You're right; I should. I've been feeling quite out of shape lately, and it's starting to
affect my energy levels.

A: You can start by doing some light exercises at home if you can't make it to the
gym right away. Maybe a short daily routine to get you started?

B: That sounds doable. I can't believe how much I've let my fitness slide. I appreciate
your support and advice, and maybe we can set some fitness goals together to keep
us motivated.

A: No problem at all. We can also look into some fitness classes together if you'd
like, to make it more fun and motivating. It's always easier when you have a workout
buddy to keep you accountable.

B: That's a great idea, and it's always more fun with a workout buddy. Thanks for
being so encouraging, and we should look for classes that fit our schedules.

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