Mendoza Commentary Essay

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Navigating the Positive and Negative Impacts of Social Media on Gen Z's

Mental Health

Submitted to :

Mr. Edison Joseph F. Gonzales

Submitted by :

Mark Vincent P. Mendoza


December 8, 2023
I. Introduction

Thesis statement we know that social media has a positive and negative impact on us, especially
for teen people, because young people use social media more, and it has a bad impact on them. It
can lead to bullying, suicide, depression, and anxiety, and lack of sleep that is bad for our health
and it's important to educate Gen Z to use social media properly. because social media is really
troublesome in a lot of ways. But somehow social media can help us, but not all the time because
it has bad effects. because, while increased time spent on social media has been associated with
depression and anxiety, the independent role of using multiple social media platforms is unclear.
Methods and based on the survey nationally representative sample of 1787 U.S. young adults ages
19–32. Depression and anxiety symptoms were measured using the Patient-Reported Outcomes
Measurement Information System. And by the age of 15, 86% of kids have smartphones,
according to Common Sense Media. and the US surgeon. And Genereal say 95% of teens 13 to 17
years old are using social media. There is a lot of positive impact, like communication with family
and friends, but we are talking about the very real risk of social media and it’s impact. Many people
have been reported to have died or committed suicide due to social media use because of its serious
impact on them. And I believe that social media is part of our lives, and billions of people use
Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to connect with family and friends and to stay updated on what
is happening in the world. While social media has many benefits, it also has significant
implications for the mental health of teens and society. Studies have linked social media use to
increased stress levels, anxiety, depression, and loneliness among teenage people. This is partly
due to the way that social media can create problems and unrealistic actions and promote bad
feelings in teenagers, and social media can also be used for cyberbullying and addictions. y. In this
commentary essay, it will explore the effects of social medias on Gen Z to highlight the issues
that is happening around the world. And recognizing the potential for both empowerment and harm
within the same digital venues makes it necessary to untangle the complex relationship between
Gen Z and social media. We hope to shed light on the complex dynamics that define the mental
health landscape for the generation that grew up in the age of likes, shares, and continual virtual
connection by navigating the good and bad effects.
II. Body Paragraph

1. The positive impacts of social media on Gen’z Mental health

acknowledging the positive aspects of social media like communication and staying updated is a
positive impacts on gen z mental health because teens may also establish social networks, engage
with others, and construct online personas by use of social media. These networks may provide
gen z a great deal of support, particularly to those who are marginalized, disabled, or suffer from
long-term diseases. Social media is another tool that teens utilize for self-expression and
amusement. Additionally, the platforms may teach kids about a range of topics, including healthy
habits, and expose them to current events. They can also facilitate cross-border interaction among
teens. Teens may even be able to prevent sadness with the assistance of lighthearted, diverting, or
significant connections to peers and a large social network on social media. Let's take a look at the
positive impact of social media on young people. One of the positive effects of social media on
young people is that they are able to be smart because it is important that they have knowledge of
the present to learn to keep up with the current situation they may face. Second are the expressions
of the young people because we have platforms such as Facebook, TikTok, and Youtube, and this
app allow them to express themselves through these platforms. They can use their creativity in
singing, dancing, photography, and so on. And since most of the teens are studying, social media
helps Gen Z with their opportunities for Education because social media is a great place to find
instructional information. Teens may improve their knowledge and skill development by
participating in learning groups, having access to educational resources, and forming relationships
with mentors. Social media sites provide chances for networking and exposure as well. By
connecting with experts, exploring job possibilities, and showcasing their talents, Gen Z might
potentially reduce stress associated with future goals. Today's teenagers seek to find new ways to
assist them attain their desired status and continue to search for ways to better their way of life.
They have a free platform to train and learn fresh skills because of social media. And the most
important is the boosting confidence of a person for introverts and non social Interactions person.
and conversations with people can actively boost the confidence of teenagers.That is why
psychologists recommend an urge to find a good company for a child’s positive behavior. Social
media can influence teenagers deeply. The informative chat rooms and educational pages are those
that can let the users share their own thoughts, and this boosts their confidence level.
2. The negative impacts of social media on Gen’z Mental health

Social media is a reflection of the world that already exists, meaning to say horrible. If it has a
positive impact on young people, it also has a negative impact on young people that is harmful to
mental health and well-being. Social media use can also negatively affect teens, distracting them,
disrupting their sleep, and exposing them to bullying, rumor spreading, unrealistic views of other
people's lives, and peer pressure. Let's take a look at the negative impact of social media on young
people. First is the fear of missing out in aspects of friendship because your mind is concerned or
focuses about missing a message, an inside joke, or other information that links you to your peers
when you see your friends and classmates on social media. And distractions can cause people to
put off tasks, retain less knowledge, and become more stressed. When you read posts of other
people having a wonderful time, you could also feel anxious, lonely, or excluded. Social media is
dangerous and you are not allowed to make mistakes because if you do, you will be judged by
your character. Yes not everyone is perfect but the eyes and voice of the people is in you, they are
saying hate comments and harsh words and that can lead to a depression and this case this is under
cyber bullying or harassment As a person, you can be a bully because of the negative effects of
social media because you are encouraged to do this by other people who do it, or you can be bullied
because of a wrong or unintentional mistake you make on social media. Because some of teen ager
experience cyberbullying Some teens are experiencing this case; they are being bullied because of
their posts on social media. There is no intention, but people make fun of their posts and say about
their appearance, so a person develops depression because they feel the harsh words in the words
of the judgmental people. And also the negative effects of social media is the addiction and disturb
sleep patterns. Some of the teens are addict using social media they spent more time on social
media than socialize in their own houses negative effects seem to be greatest for younger
generations, with particularly pronounced impacts for Gen Zers who spend more than two hours a
day on social media and Gen Zers with poor mental health. millennials are the most active social
media users Scrolling through endless feeds may be seductive, which increases screen time at the
price of getting enough sleep. According to research, those who use social media more often are
probably going to have greater sleep problems overall, including trouble falling and staying asleep
at night. Developing good digital habits and reducing screen time before bed can be essential for
enhancing general wellbeing and the quality of sleep.
3. Protect the negative impact of using social media for Gen Z

- There are steps you can take to encourage responsible use of social media and limit some
of its negative effects. Set limits for yourself and be productive don't let social media to get
in the way of your activities, food, sleep, or homework. Encourage yourself to avoid using
electronic media before bed, and don't allow them use tablets or cellphones in their beds.
Set a good example by abiding by these guidelines. Promoting digital literacy and
appropriate usage is essential to lessening Generation Z's exposure to social media's
detrimental effects. Promoting sensible internet practises like time limits and breaks can
help reduce the risk of addiction and insomnia. The detrimental social components can be
addressed by putting in place strict anti-cyberbullying policies and creating a positive
online community. Media literacy-focused educational programs can enable Generation Z
to assess internet content critically and lessen the spread of false information. Finally,
encouraging a good balance between online and offline connections helps mitigate the
negative consequences of excessive social media usage and promotes positive mental

III. Conclusion

- social media has both positive and negative impacts on young people, particularly those
who use it more frequently. While it can provide communication, support, and
opportunities for self-expression, it can also lead to negative consequences such as
bullying, rumor spreading, unrealistic views of other people's lives, and peer pressure. It is
crucial to educate Gen Z on the importance of using social media responsibly and to
navigate the complex dynamics that define the mental health landscape for the generation
that grew up in the age of likes, shares, and constant virtual connections. o protect Gen Z
from these negative effects, it is essential to encourage responsible use of social media, set
limits, and be productive. Avoid letting social media interfere with activities, food, sleep,
or homework. Encourage digital literacy and appropriate usage to lessen exposure to social
media's detrimental effects. Adopting sensible internet practices like time limits and breaks
can reduce the risk of addiction and insomnia. Implementing strict anti-cyberbullying
policies and creating a positive online community can also help. Media literacy-focused
educational programs can help Generation Z critically assess internet content and reduce
the spread of false information. Encouraging a balance between online and offline
connections can mitigate the negative consequences of excessive social media usage and
promote positive mental health.

IV. Reference

Brian A. (2017) Use of multiple social media platforms and symptoms of depression and
anxiety: A nationally-representative study among U.S. young adults
Use of multiple social media platforms and symptoms of depression and anxiety: A nationally-
representative study among U.S. Young adults. (

Summer A. (2019) Social media's growing impact on our lives Media psychology researchers
are beginning to tease apart the ways in which time spent on social media is, and is not,
impacting our day-to-day lives.
Social media’s growing impact on our lives (

Erica C. (2023) Gen Z mental health: The impact of tech and social media
Social media and mental health: The impact on Gen Z | McKinsey

Lucy W. (2023) Positive Effects of Social Media on Teenagers

7 Positive Effects of Social Media on Teenagers and Youngsters (

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