Speech Writing

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Question :
Imagine that you are captain of the
school. You are asked to deliver a
speech on the occasion of sprots day .
Draft a speech on 'sportsmanship'
using the following points . You may
add your own points .
Answer :
" Championing Sportsmanship:Beyond The
Playing Field"
Ladies and gentleman , teachers and all fellow
fatimites present here .Today I stand before
you as the captain of our school to address an
essential aspect of our lives that extendes far
beyond the boundaries of playing field -
Sportmanship .
Sportsmanship , the soul of every game ,
trancends mere competition. It embodies
values that define us . It's about respect ,
fairness ,integrity and camaradarie . In the
heat of competition the desire to win can be all
consuming , but we mustn't forget that our
character shines brightest in defeat . Our
oponents , like us , have strived and sacrificed
. A handshake , a word of encouragement ,a
smile - these gestures bridge gaps and build
bonds . Fair play is paramount , for it
maintains an equitable stage .It means abiding
by rules , showing respect , and accepting
decisions gracefully . It sets an example for all
. Integrity is the cornerstone . Honesty and
accountablity , on and off the field , form the
bedrock of sportsmanship . Teamwork too is
essential . We depend on our teammates .
Supporting and encouraging them within our
team is as vital as displaying sportsmanship to
our rivals . Sportsmanship weaves lifelong
relationships and cherished memories .It's not
just about the game ; it's about the values we
carry forever .
Thank You , and let's continue to uphold the
principles of sportsmanship both on and off the
field .

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