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I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the student should be able to:
A. generate ideas and steps to maintain and sustain the operations of the
ICT project for social change; and
B. evaluate the progress and direction of an ICT project for social reforms.

II. Subject Matter

Title: Sustaining ICT Project for Social Change
Reference: Empowerment Technology – Grade 12
Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 2 – Module 8: Sustaining ICT Project for
Social Change
Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, T.V, Laptop, Internet
Values: cooperation and patience
III. Presentation
A. Daily Routine
a. Greetings.
b. Prayer.
c. Attendance.

B. Presentation
IV. Evaluation

Prepared by: Checked By:

Marion Russel D. Miron Harold F. Evangelista
LSB Teacher SHS Focal Person/O.IC H.T

Noted by:
Baby Zeny P. Tabag
Head Teacher

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