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English Speaking Skill

Language has been the target of studies by experts, scholars, researchers and writers in the
field of language to reveal various things related to it. One issue that has often been under the
highlight is language skills. As widely known, language skills are determined by two general
skills, namely receptive and productive skills. Receptive skills consist of listening and
reading, while productive skills consist of speaking and writing. Unfortunately, not all of the
suggested findings can help foreign language learners to master it completely. Therefore, this
study published in this report is the result of the implementation of Community Service
activities carried out during the Covid-19 pandemic by using Zoom. Based on the results of
this community service activity, this report recommends several strategies for improving
language skills. This study begins with reviewing existing theories provided by experts and
continued by exploring them through exploratory qualitative studies. The data in this study
were collected through a literature study of language theories and language skills and
strategies to improve them. The data were analyzed by sorting out theories about appropriate
strategies to improve language skills separately and to improve all language skills. The result
of the study shows that productive and receptive skills are better improved through routine
and repetitive exercises, including communicating with ourself and others. Listening to music
is an effective way to improve listening skills. Learners must be able to find a learning
stimulus through the use of various electronic and online media as well. To strengthen this,
teachers must combine various strategies in teaching one language skill so that students are
able understand learning easily.

In this global era, there will be more developments happening in this country. Starting from
free trade, there are more and more foreign companies standing in Indonesia so that the use of
international languages such as English is very widespread, of course for prospective
entrepreneurs and job seekers it has become a must to be able to master English in order to
keep up with the times in this era. this globalization.

What is the Influence of English in the International World?

English is the most widely spoken language in the world, it is the mother tongue of more than
400 million people worldwide. Every day, millions of people use English at work and in
social life. When heads of state meet each other in world-class conferences, English becomes
the language most often used. Likewise, when people from different nationalities meet each
other, English is the only language they use. If you are still in school or college, then you
have the opportunity to learn and master English. If you have graduated from school or
college, you should be ready to enter the world of work with the English skills required by
your workplace. For those who are already employees, English language skills can be
continuously improved. With good English skills, your career is likely to continue to climb. If
you work in a foreign company, the demand for English skills is even greater.
Communicating via e-mail or conference call with the central company or branch companies
in other countries is a daily job for those who work in foreign companies. All of them use
international languages: namely foreign languages.

According to research, English proficiency has a close relationship with the progress of a
country. Culture in a country can also change along with their openness to information, which
is obtained by the initiative of its citizens to obtain credible news sources, knowledge that
knows no boundaries to the tendency to share topics that are crucial. It does not stop there,
this relationship even affects economic conditions and total income. According to world bank
data in 2017, net income per capita has continuity with a country's English proficiency. The
better the ability, the higher the income earned. Income per capita in Indonesia is ranked very
low even though his English proficiency is one level above it. The high population rate in
Indonesia also contributes to the overall average.

GNI per capita and internet penetration in Indonesia are below the global average. This
implies that Indonesia has great potential in improving the quality of English for its human
resources. A massive approach and building awareness of the role of English as the most
widely used foreign language in the world is what is needed in an effort to improve the
quality of human resources in Indonesia Learning this language is no longer an obligation to
get good grades or rankings in school, but also as a defense in the face of increasingly
challenging globalization. English can open access to unlimited assets that people in
Indonesia need.

Improving English skills can be done in various ways. Today, with the ease of technology
and increasing competition in the commercial education sector, the nation's next generation
should have many opportunities to improve their respective qualities.

In selecting educational sources or prospective teachers, it is important to pay attention to the

most effective teaching methods for the self-development of students.Teachers who teach
must have the required competencies, so that the knowledge conveyed can be well
received.The way of teaching must also be adapted to the learning patterns of students in
Indonesia. With good curriculum analysis and design, it is hoped that this can lead to a
tendency for the nation's next generation to like English lessons.

The ability to master English is very necessary even though it feels so difficult for some
people. In the digital era, the pace of technological development is felt so fast. Synergy with
these developments, the ability to communicate well is very much needed. Moreover,
international scale communication. Proficiency in English is one of the benchmarks for
assessing one's self-quality. By having skills or abilities in English, at least someone has four
language skills, namely listening (listening), writing (writing), speaking (speaking) and
reading (reading). Having the ability to speak English is widely used as one of the
requirements such as continuing studies at home or abroad, promotion or promotion in a
company, graduation requirements or CPNS registration, and obtaining scholarships. Mastery
of English will make a person ready and confident to face global challenges that are getting
faster and always evolving with the latest innovations. English proficiency is an obligation
for everyone to be implemented in the world of work and society.

The need for the world of work for human resources who have the ability to speak English is
currently getting bigger. A person's 'selling point' in a professional sphere will certainly be
higher when someone can master English. The benefits of English in developing careers are
to enrich opportunities, both opportunities for networking, opportunities to learn, and
opportunities to gain experience. With good communication skills in English, you can get to
know anyone.

English is one of the important aspects possessed by students. Apart from being an
international language that will support communication with other people, especially now
there are many references to supporting lectures that use English. So students need to
improve their English language skills. This was conveyed by the President of Student English
Activity-University Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (SEA-UMY), Omi Ongge in a limited
discussion 'The Importance of English Language Skills' at the UMY Integrated Campus on
Saturday (20/11) afternoon.

According to him, English is not only used to communicate directly but also supports
students to improve their knowledge and lectures. “Currently, most of the latest references
are in English, both printed and online or on the internet. In addition, it is often held on
campus or invites guest lecturers from abroad as well as holding international seminars.
Where when holding international seminars, of course, they will use English, “he explained.
Therefore, students must improve their English language skills by doing various activities
related to it. “Activities by writing articles, participating in discussions, debates and speeches
in English. This will not only improve English language skills but also overall knowledge.
For example, a speech competition, besides having to be good at English, you also have to
master the theme, then dare to speak in public and so on,” he said.

This International Relations student of UMY International Class added that his English skills
can also be optimized by participating in an English debate competition. Debate competitions
can also provide motivation regarding the importance of English. “Whereas in the debate
competition, especially in English, participants in addition to having English language skills
must also be able to hone knowledge and think critically. He must also have the courage to
express his opinion and understand what has been conveyed,” he said. Meanwhile, according
to Muhammad Basuki, S.E, from the Career Development Center (CDC-UMY), said that
student organizations such as SEA can encourage a student's soft skills. These abilities
include the ability to speak, socialize with others, establish cooperation, build networks and
others. “Moreover, SEA is a student activity related to English. This is an added value for the
student. Which will definitely be useful when you have finished college. Because soft skills
are also needed to support the hard skills they have," he said.

In the current era of globalization, the development of the world is increasingly dynamic,
starting from the development of free trade, as well as the establishment of several foreign-
owned companies in Indonesia, which makes the use of international languages such as
English increasingly important for us to master. And especially for those of you who are
entrepreneurs and job seekers, it is definitely a must to be able to master a foreign language,
especially English, so that you can keep up with the increasingly strong current of
globalization, and do you know how the influence of English in the international world?

English is the most widely spoken language in the world, and is also the mother tongue used
by more than 400 million people spread all over the world, the use of English in the
international world is used in everyday environments and also when working in the world.
social life. And also English is used almost all over the world, especially with countries that
have bilateral relations, the only language used as a liaison language is English.

1.English is the language of the International Union and the most frequently used by foreign
language speakers all over the world. when people of different languages come together, they
generally use English to communicate with each other.

2. Mastering English can strengthen your value in the eyes of others and will also be more
appreciated in the international world of work.

3. Although China and the United States are among the leaders in business innovation, trade
and world economic development, English is still used in China and the United States in
these fields. handheld.

4. English is an international language that is used to communicate, especially in the world of

business and business, one example is communication in business where the teacher must use
English. Therefore, to enter a business / business and or economic activity, you will be highly
required to master English, especially for businesses that have activities in dealing with
foreign companies and companies from other countries.

5. English is very important because it is the language of science. And if a nation or

individual can master the language of science, you definitely need to master English.
6. English is the language used in several of Hollywood's major film industries. And with you
mastering the English language, it means that you are no longer dependent on the subtitles of
the film. So you just have to watch it coolly without reading which of course makes the
comfort less.

In the United States of America, speaking English opens up opportunities for an individual to
be free from social discrimination such as differences in ethnicity, skin color, background.
Even Religion

8. By mastering English, you will be able to teach and train your child's communication from
an early age with English. So that your child can know English from an early age and that
makes children smart.

9. All the latest gadgets and technology tools use English as the main language and provide
instructions for their users. If you master English, then you will be faster to understand the
technology of these gadgets. Even any new technology you will master it faster than ordinary
10. Many sources of learning materials both from books and internet media that use English.
By mastering English, you can increase your knowledge from these various sources. Of
course, you don't need to bother using a translator.

Susini, M. (2020). Strategi Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berbahasa Inggris. Linguistic

Community Services Journal, 1(2), 37-48.

Rintaningrum, R. (2009). Literacy: its importance and changes in the concept and
definition. TEFLIN, 20(1).

Rintaningrum, R. (2016). Maintaining English Speaking Skill in Their Homeland through

Technology: Personal Experience. Asian EFL Journal.

Mulyadi, D., & Mutmainnah, Y. (2015). Penggunaan Film Berbahasa Inggris dengan English
Subtitle dalam Meningkatkan Keterampilan Listening. In PROSIDING SEMINAR

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