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ke, RGA sic education Py, 4) Department: KC Basic Education aw REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA SENIOR CERTIFICATE EXAMINATIONS/ NATIONAL SENIOR CERTIFICATE EXAMINATIONS MATHEMATICS P1 MAY/JUNE 2023 MARKS: 150 TIME: 3 hours This question paper consists of 8 pages and 1 information sheet. Copyright reserved Please turn over Mathematics/P 2 DBE/May/June 2023 SCINSC INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION Read the following instructions carefully before answering the questions. 2, 10. ‘This question paper consists of 10 questions Answer ALL the questions. Number the answers correctly according to the numbering system used in this question paper. Clearly show ALL calculations, diagrams, graphs, etc. that you have used in determining your answers. Answers only will NOT necessarily be awarded full marks. You may use an approved scientific calculator (non-programmable and non- graphical), unless stated otherwise. If necessary, round off answers to TWO decimal places, unless stated otherwise. Diagrams are NOT necessarily drawn to scale. An information sheet with formulae is included at the end of the question paper. Write neatly and legibly. Copyright reserved Please turn over Mathematics/P 3 SCINSC QUESTION 1 11 Solve forx: Lud x? -7x412=0 112 x@x+5) (correct to TWO decimal places) 113 x? <-2x415 ria 2x) =x-1 DBE/May/June 2023 1.2 Solve for x and y simultaneously: 3% =270 and x? ty? =17 13 Determine, without the use of a calculator, the value of: 1 1 1 1 QUESTION 2 24 Given the geometric series: 21.1 Is this a convergent geometric series? Justify your answer with the necessary calculations. 2.1.2 Calculate the sum to infinity of this series. 2.2 Anarithmetic and a geometric sequence are combined to form the pattern, which is L 1 iven by: P,=x;232x;4 33x33. given by: P= 339528553383 55 2.2.1 Write down the next TWO terms of the pattern. 2.2.2 Determine the general term (7,) for the odd terms of this pattern, Write down your answer in terms of x. 2.2.3 Calculate the value of P,,. 2.2.4 If )’P, =33,5, determine the value of x. Copyright reserved Please turn over @) @) 4) @) © G) [24] 2 @) @) Q) @) ©), 17) Mathematics/P 1 QUESTION 3 4 DBE/May/ June 2023 SCINSC A quadratic sequence has the following properties: © The second difference is 10. * The first two terms are equal, ie. 7; =7,, © T+T, +7, =28 3 Show that the general term of the sequence is 7, = Sn? —15n+16. 32 Is 216 aterm in this sequence? Justify your answer with the necessary calculations. QUESTION 4 4.1 Given the function p(x) = (3) : 42 Given: f(x)= 4.21 4.22 423 424 425 Copyright reserved Is p an increasing or decreasing function? Determine p”, the inverse of p, in the form y=... Write down the domain ofp”. Write down the equation of the asymptote of p(x)~5 Write down the equations of the asymptotes of Calculate the x-intercept of f. Sketch the graph of f, label all asymptotes and indicate the intercepts with the axes. Use your graph to determine the values of x for which —— > ~2 x Determine the equation of the axis of symmetry of f(x—2), that has a negative gradient. Please turn over (6) @) 9) a) Q) a a) @) Q) @) Q) @G) [18] Mathematics/P1 5 DBE/MayiJune 2023 SCINSC QUESTION 5 The graphs of the functions f(x)=—(x+3)?+4 and g(x)=x+5 are drawn below. The graphs intersect at A and B. 5.1 Write down the coordinates of the turning point of f. Q 5.2 Write down the range of f a 5.3 Show that the x-coordinates of A and B are ~5 and ~2 respectively. @ 5.4 Hence, determine the values of ¢ for which the equation ~(x+¢+3)? +4=(x+0)+5 has ONE negative and ONE positive root. @ 55 The maximum distance between f and g in the interval x, and P(AorB)=—. (A)=5, PB)=— and P(AorB)=—> 10.2.1 Areevents A and B mutually exclusive? Support your answer with the necessary calculations. @ 10.2.2 Determine P(only C), if itis further given that P(AorC)= a P(AandC)= 2 and 2P(BandC) = P(A and). @) 10.2.3 Determine the probability that events A, B or C do NOT take place. Q) 10.3 Seven friends (4 boys and 3 girls) want to stand in a straight line next to each other to take a photo. 10.3.1 Inhow many ways can the 3 girls stand next to each other in the photo? —(2) 10.3.2 In the next photo, determine the probability that Selwyn (a boy) and Lindiwe (a girl) will NOT stand next to each other in the photo. @) (17 TOTAL: — 150 Copyright reserved Mathematics/P1 DBE/May/June 2023 SCINSC INFORMATION SHEET —b+ Vb? —4ae 2a A= P(l+ni) A= P(-ni) A=Pl-, A=P(l+i)" T,=a+(n-Nd Sha+@—va] T,=ar"* sg -& gral _ afta’ -1 i pO) fim L22D=F@) no h d=(,-%) +02-¥)" ysmrte (ea) (ya) =? be inB sinc a’ =b’ +c? ~2bc.cos A In AABC: sin A area AABC = fabain c in(a + A)=sin a.cos B+cosa.sinp cos(a+ f)=cosa.cos f—sina.sinB ‘cos’ asin’ @ cos2a = <1-2sin’ a [2e0s? a-l Copyright reserved m=tand sin(a— f)=sine.cos B—cosa.sinB cos(a—f)=cosa.cos B+sina.sinB sin 2a = 2sina.cosa Lox n P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A and B)

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