Swift Training Corporate-Advisor 57528 v3

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SWIFT Training

SWIFT for Corporates Advisor

Understand the SWIFT for

Corporates offering and
gain the knowledge to make
suitable recommendations to
corporate customers

Learning objectives
SWIFT business solutions that banks can
Understand the different
corporate access models and
how they benefit corporates
offer to their corporate customers include
messaging services, service models and
List the different types
of SWIFT standards and connectivity options for when a corporate
messaging services along with
their scope and benefits connects to SWIFT. This course provides an
Explain SWIFT connectivity insightful overview of topics useful for banking
options available to corporates
and SWIFT’s interface staff and staff at corporates using SWIFT. It also
includes a certification exam named ‘SWIFT for
Understand SWIFT’s products
and services in SCORE and Corporates Advisor’.
their use cases to corporates
Today, given the increasingly global treasury efficiency and control, effective
nature of businesses, companies of decision-making and scalability over time.
all sizes have to work with multiple
banking partners across the globe to SWIFT provides a single and secure
Sales or advisory staff within meet their international cash, liquidity channel for corporates to communicate
the corporate client area of a
and risk management needs. with banks globally, regardless of
financial institution
current or future business size. This is a
This can often lead to a proliferation powerful way of achieving transparency
Staff at corporates using of different banking tools, fragmented and control over processes and
SWIFT processes and information, and decisions, meeting regulatory obligations
difficulties integrating with internal and defending an organisation
systems. It poses a major obstacle to against growing cyber threats.
The course covers the following The course is delivered by
topics: professional trainers and subject
matter experts using a multi-channel
—— Different corporate access models
learning approach. It combines
for connecting to SWIFT (SCORE,
practical advice and exercises with
theoretical modules to give you a
—— Overview of messaging services well-rounded understanding of the
and message standards available content.
for corporates
SWIFT Customer Certification
—— Overview of the SWIFT connectivity Programme
options for corporates This course is part of the recommended
—— Description of SWIFT products and training path to become a SWIFT
services available for corporates in Certified Expert - SWIFT for Corporates
SCORE Advisor. Please refer to the SWIFT
certification programme section on www.
—— SWIFT for Corporates Advisor swift.com for more details
Certification Exam (optional)

Practical information

This course typically takes one day to


SWIFT is a member-owned cooperative,

providing secure financial messaging
services to more than 11,000 organisations,
across the financial ecosystem, in almost
every country in the world. For nearly five
decades we have delivered certainty,
continuity and excellence by constantly
evolving in an everchanging landscape. In
today’s fast moving, increasingly connected
and challenging world, this approach has
never been more relevant.
57528 - July 2021

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