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Measures of Location/Measures of Central Tendency

1. The Arithmetic Mean

The Arithmetic Mean (cont’d)
2. Median
Median (Cont’d)
• The rational for these definitions is to ensure an equal number of sample points
on both sides of the sample median.
• The median is defined differently when n is even and odd because it is
impossible to achieve this goal with one uniform definition.
• For samples with an odd sample size, there is a unique central point; for
example, for sample of size 7, the fourth largest point is the central point in the
sense that 3 points are both smaller and larger than it.
• For samples with an even size, there is no unique central point and the middle 2
values must be averaged. Thus, for sample of size 8, the fourth and the fifth
largest points would be averaged to obtain the median, since neither is the
central point.
• Example: Compute the sample median for the birth weight data
• Solution: First arrange the sample in ascending order
2069, 2581, 2759, 2834, 2838, 2841, 3031, 3101, 3200, 3245, 3248, 3260, 3265,
3314, 3323, 3484, 3541, 3609, 3649, 4146
Since n=20 is even,
Median = average of the 10th and 11th largest observation =
(3245 + 3248)/2 = 3246.5 g
Example: Consider the following data, which consists of white blood counts taken
on admission of all patients entering a small hospital on a given day. Compute
the median white-blood count (×103 ). 7,35,5,9,8,3,10,12,8
Solution: First, order the sample as follows. 3,5,7,8,8,9,10,12,35.
Since n is odd, the sample median is given by the 5th, ((9+1)/2)th, largest point,
which is equal to 8.
The principal strength of the sample median is that it is insensitive to
very large or very small values.
Median (Cont’d)
In particular, if the second patient in the above data had a white blood count of 65,000
rather than 35,000, the sample median would remain unchanged, since the fifth
largest value is still 8,000. Conversely the arithmetic mean would increase dramatically
from 10,778 in the original sample to 14,111 in the new sample.
The principal weakness of the sample median is that it is determined mainly by the
middle points in a sample and is less sensitive to the actual numerical values of the
remaining data points.
3. Mode
This is the value of the observation that occurs with the greatest frequency.
A particular disadvantage is that, with a small number of observations, there may be
no mode.
In addition, sometimes, there may be more than one mode such as when dealing with
a bimodal (two-peaks) distribution.
It is even less amenable (responsive) to mathematical treatment than the median. The
mode is not often used in biological or medical data.
Find the modal values for the following data
a) 22, 66, 69, 70, 73 : no modal value
b) 1.8, 3.0, 3.3, 2.8, 2.9, 3.6, 3.0, 1.9, 3.2, 3.5 :modal value = 3.0 kg
This is a measure of the asymmetry of the probability distribution of a real-
valued random variable about its mean. The skewness can be positive, zero,
negative or undefined.
If extremely low or extremely high observations are present in a distribution,
then the mean tends to shift towards those scores. Based on the type of
skewness, distributions can be:
a) Negatively skewed distribution: occurs when majority of scores are at the
right end of the curve and a few small scores are scattered at the left end.
b) Positively skewed distribution: Occurs when the majority of scores are at
the left end of the curve and a few extreme large scores are scattered at the
right end.
c) Symmetrical distribution: It is neither positively nor negatively skewed. A
curve is symmetrical if one half of the curve is the mirror image of the other
Relationship between the mean and the median
• If the distribution is symmetric, then the mean is equal to the median and the
distribution has zero skewness. Note that the converse is not true in general
i.e. zero skewness does not imply that the mean is equal to the median.

• If the distribution is both symmetric and unimodal, then the

For the Median,
• If a distribution is symmetric, then the relative position of the points on each side
of the sample median is the same.
• An example of a distribution that is expected to be roughly symmetric is the
distribution of systolic blood-pressure measurements taken on all 30- to 39-year-old
factory workers in a given workplace (Figure 2.3a).
• If a distribution is positively skewed (skewed to the right), then points above the
median tend to be farther from the median in absolute value than points below the
• An example of a positively skewed distribution is that of the number of years of oral
contraceptive (OC) use among a group of women ages 20 to 29 years (Figure 2.3b).
• Similarly, if a distribution is negatively skewed (skewed to the left), then points below
the median tend to be farther from the median in absolute value than points above
the median.
• An example of a negatively skewed distribution is that of relative humidities observed
in a humid climate at the same time of day over a number of days. In this case, most
humidities are at or close to 100%, with a few very low humidities on dry days (Figure
Another example for positive skewness
Another example for negative skewness
Another example for zero skewness
• Other measures of location include the geometric and harmonic means et ce

• References
Degu, G. and Tessema, F. (2005). Biostatistics. Lecture Notes for Health
Science Students, University of Gondar. In Collaboration with the Ethiopia
Public Health Training Initiative, The Carter Center, the Ethiopian Ministry
of Health and the Ethiopia Ministry of Education.
Rosner, B. (2016). Fundamentals of Biostatistics. 8th Edition. CENGAGE
Learning. USA.

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