MUHIT KHAN Economics Assignment 01

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COnomie Surweq 2021-22

A erieal onalqeis on Soeial Ingrastn-

-uetuee and Employment in India

abmited by:
Muhit Khan
See CSE -21
Rol: 21051343
conome Sutvey 2021-22
A cnetieal analysis on Social Int
Tastructne ond Emploument in India

The inerteased expendi tune on ee socal senvice

secto aiumo he Stcial well-being in 2021-22.

The needJor a stmong and nesilient gdeial injnastrue
tore beea ne venj inpontont dolente eontinaou
COUID-19 pandeme Stuaton. In this Context
tle economie 6tuTvel021 -22 a s qIn by the

Union Minsrter at Finance Nimala Skthanaman-

tecondinAtotte negadihg Sunrey, expen ditye

On ocial sezvices
(health, edueation ond athen) by
genenal qouercnment ay a propothon of (eDp inene-
ASEd Snmom in 2014-15 o 67% in 2021-22.
Besides the Jenlilitw nate came docun-to 20 in
2019-20Jnom 2:2 in 2015-16: Jmpciovements in
intant mbntality nate is calso visible.
Unde n

e mottalty nerke and mstrtutisnal binths

h e mp loved I 2019-21 dver e a 2015-16,
Thene is anoter ven impontant Thingto
mention Jaol eevan Mission'. J]M aums to
enute a&Sured
dtap a t e n Supplg Recentle
Le minstne o
Te Jal Shaakh has deekaned
dnunkna auaten supply oRS.15,361.72 Cnore
Jon Madh Pradesh onden JJM. Under
83 distniet have becone Han
harJol dstnet
Tn e suve, t e also notice
hot the
ahatma Grandh tional Rutal
naanactee ehemeund has enployment
beem ineneased
to pneVde butjen Jar norane sed aboJ
nuna anea) duun - e
pam demte.In additn
o nochdnal eath mission, teon badqet
Q0-22, amoun eed ABHIM a new
Sponsoned Seheeto develap Capaeities
pumany a
secondary lentiany healthcane
Tdeser1be te healtkcatue seetion no
tmportant patct S enes ponsee to éovid-19
pandemue lene 15714 enone doses a Covid 17
VaeeineS administened as 16th anuary, 2022j

Cc.05 e n o e s secona
199 enonesSins dose nd
dose Besides India is pnoducing Coyid -19
Counhysinpt developed Covid-19 vaerine COvaxm
uS devebped b Bhanat Bioteeh Int. Linked in
Collabonation utth NIV o ICMP

lene the vaceine produetion and

Vaectnation should nsl be judqed as only
heath nesponse ndicah hut als a a

bole ananst eComomue disttuptions cauyed

by nepeate d petncenC
laco eCoomie neot-and sta dity
Suggects thatthe imdam econo mu 1S Cell

placed t o a k e on he ehallenes a
2022-23. Lastlq economic mpaet o heseeond
uuOS mueh Smallen that daninq Hhe Jall
loelecbwn pkase in 2620-21 -|koum e heal!.
Impoet wa mone seven
With revivo o le econom,emploqment
indicetons boonced back Ho pne-pandemie
levels duninnbe
dulin lat qancter of 2020-21

s pen-lhe quattenlu Pheniodie Laboou

ey (PFLS) d cop-Ho Mareh 2021,

employ met m uan ceeton alleeted

bu pandemi hos 1eeoened almoctto the

pne-pandenie level

teconsdina fo Empojees }hovidiert Fund

Onoanisation (EPFO deb, Jramalication o
Tohs Cotinued donyg e second Covid
uOve advente ipaet af Covid on
Jovzmalisation o robs muehlouer tat

duninge Sinst Covid wave

gnienltue, is a maror Souttee d- makina
emploupent he aquealtane seelor
cec erperien
busdo buoyan qnouth in past tuo
Yeas, aceoutingor a 18s4
(2021-22) is anoes Vale Added (aVA o te
COuntny neqistenu a qnoAT o 361 in
2020-21 and 39 im2021-22

polie is
Inmm suppont price (MSP
Oetng e d -lo pnomote Cnop
SOthat, mone people ae being engadgd
conueu tuereor onqen pentod. ls

mone emplo/n-esnda rens one odfhe the

araestJood homagen et pnoanamYmes 1

tLe onld 1kat hus nepeased lhe_emplou-
merts Oenthe past tuo gear

Baeklo e maenoetomDie sabittu

indictor Sumests thot he ind|an eoro pt
is eell panned -io hke Com ing ehrellenges
Combinaen hgh Jonelqh exohunge ltesens
Sustatned FDI tnd islng expont earninn
uull provide anodenate bater
agalnsf posilb-
gobel igndity-tanpening (

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