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teonomie Sunvey (2021-22)

and Union Budgel(2022-23

A Componative "Analq sis
On Education and fmploument

h e L o n budet 2022-23 alloccted INR C,200
to tle L manstnu Sweald and any ueltane
ns been ineneased
has nea 1G 7 in

Conpanuson to INP 73,932e in Y 2026-21

dniuen by me neased alloca-tisn ts Centrnlly

ponso ned publie healt
seheneso continue
-to baild Sustainable heatheare__indrustnue
e and enSaJne 6ustem prepenedne ss t o

handle merreasiva ealtcane demands o

tenation In e
lne_dth te qouerents
Conttnaw ejonts on ouena health sustem
stnengthenung belo anndunces cene_ ade:

Fhadhan Mantr Saensthqa Sanaksha Yo jon Cuas

allocaed INR 10,000 en b Le department of
Henlh md fanily welfane , an inenease o f
13 % in companison to e labtyan budget.

ffamer nesences Jan hel and Medieal

Educo-tisn auas alocated INP7500 en an
Imenease o b6 pensentSrom la yeans
budae 4o Sandhen expand t e eods to
bnide e shotoge oheaHcane prafesionab
in the countny
*Aloeetion o IN 72 er totands stnentle
n os e NeDe branehes to auanent
diseaje Sarveillanee

Peacfion od TNP- 97000 enJorz Naional

tealh Mission ubieh has an mereae ot
1-29% pe thon previou) yeaa

AAlocatjon Jor AB-PMJAY stands t INPA12e

inenead by 02
Companeto last yeans
budaet (1400 en), however
evised estinate
2021-22-is at 3122ar
To stnerahen blood transjusion senvices,
a n e alloeatjon of 404 e n
Allocation o JNR 5156 e n oullau as pa

e mey announeed PM Aqas hman

Bhanat Heath rdnastune Mission in etoben
2021 to stnerthen health indrastuetune.

Pradhon Martni Guanib Kolyan Packaae,

aunehed in Oet 2021 fo provide insaranee
to healtheane wonkens
Sigkting QovID-19
uas allocated INR 2R6 en, a deelase oj
GruvimgJuher boostto eejuts to tLe
AtucashamonBhanat Diqital
'ussion , and enertino|
a mone modenn and inelu.sive
Dialta Tndid
allocationm Jor ACDIM CuDS
incneased to JNK
200 enSon deve
lo pina the Nattonal
Dgital t l Eeosystem
Depotnenl- of Hedlh Reseanck
The bodaet 2022-23 alloeate d 1NR
3201 e
t o e Deparne nt- o-llealth Reseanche, an
inereaxe o 20 pencent ahen Compared to the
budoet024-22-(INP 2,6C3en)
1mplueattons Jon ke seeton.ard outcomes
WH-le ahnouneemven o Nhhionol Diqital
tleatlh Ecossle m, lhe heal}hcane industny ull
utness developnmentt 6 a robt
onmanaqin digrtal neqistenies ohealtheane
pnovidegs cnd acilitie canaue helth inden
tte and
itiey nd uien sal acress lo health acities

while e
qovennen has Shou a n inter-
est-Toands puvafe seelon enopqemet
ea audancee on
ineentiesaaton of te
private secton in inJnastuetuye_deelop nent
medical ducatyon and healHhcane Seruice
deliveny has been conSldered. he
ne neased alocatton o b6 pereet anden
s expeeted t osten apanadbton
o dstnief hes prtas Cth
College s ond improve qualty at
educaton in
He coutnl).
he im pler-eretotjon s Pm-ABHIM sckene
launehed in Octoben 2021 h a n atayof
INP-CA120 en 1s a slep in te neght dinectón
to boost- keatheote_ mirastnuefure,tlsuever
PoingJoruand e saceess auould lie in
hothe_cmponers ondenLe sehee_ane
Launch othe 'Nationeteleertal healthN
Neulos eLenees be t e nodal center
and fT
Beaalone beng the-teehneal Suppor
is a Jinst
step Jorn betterr accesto
Tmenta heallh counsdling4
Panty sougk to be brogk betueen
Hetoo exemption neqines avatlable to
hon-pnofit onaanization) melading ehenitable
hospitals cnde Seefon JN23E) and 12 AB
Racjonalisation ot
complianees Jon chanttable
hospitals inclodig acammuation, paments
to speesjed penson)
re tinn jo/ngtoreS
On accenefed income5

Corrtnlbotions by an employes províded Jor

medica -Ineater jn neljon to Covib-19
shall not betnea-ted as preequsite
in-e hands 6 cmpoyae
Contndbu-tions bu employen ap to INR
1000 600 be otherr penson) on death oj an
mploee dueto Covid -19 shall net be
taxable in e hands od + h e a i l
loSomanise,t e ealheane secton
Gtnessed am ineneased pablie spend Cuth
oJoeas to Strategicaly inenease te patienti
access by deuelopino mone
by lounchey
diatal health a
meral ealth
inntattues,.amd provde employment-
Opporcttenetiey be ineneam e alloco-tion
Jon_ hur-an ftesottees

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